Looking at the white bear who was only a head taller than him, the green and fierce eyes stared at him, and his powerful muscles were tense, ready to attack at any time.

Gu Zheng is sure that as long as he takes a step forward, the other party will definitely come over and tear him apart without hesitation.

"Hello." Gu Zheng leaked a smile, trying to communicate with words.

It's a pity that what responded to him was a threatening roar. Looking at its crazy eyes, Gu Zheng also knew that the plan of civilization exchange had failed.

To be on the safe side, Gu Zheng sacrificed the gourd and left it where it was.

Although Bai Xiong's instinctive feeling from the gourd was a little dangerous, his eyes tightened, and his body took precautions, but he didn't know what would happen, so he just stared at Gu Zheng.

Seeing that Gu Zheng wanted to come in, Bai Xiong roared loudly to warn Gu Zheng on the opposite side.

Gu Zheng had observed it carefully just now, and the white bear seemed to have lost its sanity just like the boa constrictor outside, leaving only instinct.

Perhaps it was arranged to guard something here, ordering it to attack as soon as it entered a certain range.

Gu Zheng guessed that this was indeed the case. Gu Zheng took a small step forward, and the white bear turned from protesting to standing upright to threaten.

Gu Zheng shrank back, and immediately turned his four corners to the ground, loudly demonstrating and roaring.

What a stupid arrangement it takes to be able to do this, as long as it is exhausted like this, sooner or later this stupid bear will die of exhaustion.

Considering that this stupid bear seemed to have Da Luo's initial cultivation base, he thought that the other party would be fine if he was exhausted, so he gave up this stupid idea.

It's not that Gu Zheng didn't consider killing the white bear directly with the Flying Sword, just like Gu Zheng didn't use the Flying Sword to kill the giant python.

Later, Gu Zheng was able to kill the boa constrictor with one blow when he was prepared, but when he considered that he stole the opponent's treasure first, he made the opponent go crazy and chase him.

It was Gu Zheng who found out that when he threw out the first fruit, the opponent didn't have such a strong killing intent the second time, and besides, he also got a treasure that contained the breath of life, so he just let it go.

And if this white bear is killed, will it attract the attention of the owner of the palace? You must know that although this white bear is unconscious, it must have been captured when it was conscious, otherwise it would not have fallen into this state .

Even Da Luo didn't run away, and he didn't blew himself up yet. Gu Zheng didn't think he would be able to escape now.

And you can't see such a stupid big Luo outside, what should you do if you grab the other side and blow it up for you, and you will die together.

Gu Zheng also wanted to see if he could use some means to sneak in this kind of opportunity.

After the preparations were completed, Gu Zheng ran quickly towards the palace gate.

The white bear saw the hair blowing and chased after Gu Zheng aggressively.


In the process of running, there was a terrible loud noise, which was the vibration of his legs landing, and a terrifying body rushed up.

Gu Zheng looked at the aura that filled the sky, and it was really bluffing, but a lot of monster energy has been wasted, really wasted.

If this bear is at the same level as me, I can pick ten of them without getting hurt. This kind of bear knows what you're going to do next, isn't it a fool.

Ice Bear doesn't care what Gu Zheng thinks, the order of his head is to kill all creatures that enter the territory, and ignore everything else.

A big mouth full of ferocious fangs, calculated the direction, and rushed directly to Gu Zheng, wanting to bite him to death.

According to Bai Xiong's thinking, with his pounce, he will just press down on Gu Zheng in front, and then lower his head to bite, everything will be fine.

Unexpectedly, Gu Zheng's body that was running forward froze for an instant, and when he lay back, he saw the white bear flying past in a graceful arc.

A bright white light appeared on the sharp fairy sword in Gu Zheng's hand, and there was a chilling atmosphere in the air.

Facing the belly that the white bear sent to the door, Gu Zheng accepted it with a smile, and the fairy sword, which was harder and sharper than the meteorite from the sky, stabbed fiercely at the softest belly of the white bear.

An astonishing toughness made Gu Zheng frown, that seemingly white and tender abdomen, as if it could be easily pierced with a little force, time contained amazing toughness.

The fairy sword in his hand has been bent in half, and now Gu Zheng is worried that the fairy sword will break and accidentally injure himself.

The sharp sword in his hand was completely covered by the soft fur, and as the white bear flew past, only a few white hairs fluttered in the air.

It seems to be laughing at Gu Zheng's overreach.

This is the case again, Gu Zheng wondered if all the beasts here are so thick-skinned and invulnerable, how can they be beaten.

The white bear's paws grabbed the ground, stopped its forward body, and rushed towards Gu Zheng again. This time, it learned how to be smart, and instead of foolishly jumping at Gu Zheng from the air, it launched an attack from the ground.

Gu Zheng really doesn't believe in evil, he makes himself miserable everywhere, and he has to save some face no matter what.

He is a Tiexian himself, although he is not a complete Tiexian, Gu Zheng was really angry.

In an instant, a very special power-generating technique, under the urging of Xianli, was instantly used by Gu Zheng.


Although the name is very common, but its effect is good.

He stepped out against the air on the side, and then stepped out again with his strength. The speed and strength were superimposed again. With the force this time, he was facing the side of the white bear.

A punch hit the white bear's neck, as fast as lightning, and it appeared on the side of the white bear's head almost in the blink of an eye. This seemingly ordinary fist touched the originally tough fur of the white bear, and it accelerated again instantly, causing a wave to rise on the white bear's fur. Waves.

Without a sound, the high-speed white bear was kicked off course abruptly.

From the mouth full of fangs, there was a painful scream.

The heavy body fell heavily on the ground. For a while, Polar Bear struggled and did not get up. After taking a few breaths, he finally got rid of the dizziness.

Ice Bear stood up and shook his head, as if he was fine.

In Gu Zheng's heart, he gave up completely this time. He couldn't even fight against the opponent in this way, so why fight with it? Hurry up and leave.

Although Gu Zheng didn't hurt Bai Xiong just now, the long-lost pain rushed into Bai Xiong's heart, and those green eyes turned red.

A bluish-white light flickered in the white bear's mouth, and in the next second, with a roar, a cloud of blue energy spit out from the white bear's mouth.

When Gu Zheng saw the prelude, he knew that he was about to make a big move. As for the hand-to-hand combat, Gu Zheng immediately accelerated his retreat and almost turned into a white light.

However, this white bear is not a vegetarian, Gu Zheng's speed is very fast, and the speed of the white bear is not satisfied.

That cyan breath, carrying the terrifying chill of ultra-low temperature, closely followed Gu Zheng.

Even the floor tiles that were not damaged by the tossing just now are now covered with a layer of frost.

Gu Zheng's right foot only scratched a little bit, and it was immediately wrapped in ice, and he lost his intuition.

Gu Zheng was about to use the Immortal-Cut Flying Saber subconsciously. Fortunately, although the green light was very powerful, its endurance was poor, and it was only this little achievement, and it disappeared into this world immediately.

Gu Zheng finally entered the palace after rolling and crawling, and the precious gourd also turned into a stream of light and returned to Gu Zheng's hands.

The white bear didn't see the enemy, and howled for a long time by itself, celebrating its victory, then returned to its lazy state, lying on its previous position, and dozed off.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous." Gu Zheng continued to melt the piece of ice with immortal energy, and the cold air had already spread along his feet to his thighs, with a layer of white snow and frost floating on it, and it took a long time for his right foot to return to normal .

This white bear came up with a unique move, so he didn't follow the routine.

After tidying up, Gu Zheng had the opportunity to look at the hall. The walls of the magnificent hall are carved with many strange patterns, and there is a kind of magic that attracts the eyes.

There is a line of clear water in the middle, which flows out in mid-air and flows into the pool below. It is completely unknown where the source is, as if it appeared out of thin air.

There is a door at the end, I don't know where it leads.

The entire hall was empty, not even a single column.

Gu Zheng first came to this door and wanted to open it. The antique door was very ordinary, but he couldn't open it no matter what, so he had no choice but to give up.

The most eye-catching is of course the huge pool in the middle, a puddle of purple-red liquid is constantly tumbling in it, and silent bubbles are constantly exploding.

Gu Zheng could feel the infinite energy contained in the pool, to be precise, it was stronger than Da Luo.

But all of them were firmly imprisoned in this pool, without the slightest leak.

The ring in his hand was already brightly lit when he entered, and now it is even brighter and purple.

Gu Zheng didn't dare to stretch his hand in, so much casually made himself overwhelmed.

What should I do then, Gu Zheng is a little worried, he finally came here.

There is also this bright ring, which is still shining, which makes Gu Zheng helpless.

Fortunately, there is no such hot temperature in the wrist.

There is a way to go back by myself, and this place is only the palace, and there is a thatched cottage behind the white bear. I don't know why it is used, it is really against harmony.

I won't just be stuck here.

Gu Zheng, who was worrying, didn't see that the door of the palace that was opened before was slowly closing.

And the door that couldn't be opened just now was slowly opening silently.

When Gu Zheng was researching, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing. Hell, how could there be wind in this place.

Before that Gu Zheng could react, one second there was still a gentle breeze blowing, thinking of his mother's comfort, the next second it turned into a violent storm.

Caught off guard, Gu Zheng was blown into the sky by the strong wind and flew towards the gate behind him.

"Wow." The dancing Gu Zheng tried hard to maintain his balance, but he couldn't.

Just when Gu Zheng was desperate, one hand scratched in the air and directly grabbed the door frame of the back door.

There is no unparalleled road, Gu Zheng felt ecstasy in his heart, and put the other one on the door frame, trying to maintain himself.

Veins popped out of both hands. Fortunately, the door frame was not made of ordinary material, so there was no need to worry about damage, otherwise Gu Zheng would have cried.

Gu Zheng couldn't open his eyes because of the strong wind blowing on his face, and he didn't know where the wind came from and where it went. It suddenly appeared like a wind blowing from the ground.

Guzheng is like a flag fluttering in the wind, and the door frame is the flagpole.

And there is a terrifying suction force behind him that is constantly pulling him, just like a whale swallowing food, Gu Zheng felt that he was the little fish that was about to be swallowed.

The strong wind is still raging, this is not a pure wind, every gust of wind hangs on the body is like a sharp knife cuts on the body, as a last resort, Gu Zheng had to cover his body all over his body.

In this way, the consumption is relatively small, but fortunately, the wind power has not been increasing.

This also allowed Gu Zheng to always support him.

Gu Zheng didn't notice that with the raging wind, some water droplets were blowing away from the small water flow above the pool.

These water droplets are blown away little by little, and they will be blown into white mist by the strong wind in an instant, flying towards the back of the door along the direction of the wind.

As the water droplets are stripped more and more, the fog in the air is also bigger, just like layers of white clouds floating in the sky.

Gu Zheng, who was trying to fight the hurricane with his eyes closed, would not know that he was slowly surrounded by the white clouds.

Each layer of white mist passed through Gu Zheng's body, and then drifted backward.

Gu Zheng felt that the immortal power was consumed too much before, but when the white mist drifted over, Gu Zheng instinctively absorbed that pure energy.

Because this is a drop of water decomposing countless water mist, and countless water mist gathers into a cloud-like appearance.

Although there is still a huge amount of energy in it, it can be slowly absorbed by Gu Zheng.

In this way, Gu Zheng gradually felt that the consumption of immortal power became less, and when the clouds and mists came over, the consumption and absorption in Gu Zheng's body reached a perfect balance.

Gu Zheng only needs to endure the oppressive force brought by the hurricane. Gu Zheng propped up the defense of the human book, and the immortal power of his physical strength fell down, feeling that the wind is specially restraining the defense of the magic weapon.

The frightened Gu Zheng quickly retracted it within a few seconds, feeling that his physical strength and immortal power were also slowly increasing, so Gu Zheng felt relieved.

In the few seconds just now, Gu Zheng looked around at the white mist and couldn't see anything clearly. Next, whenever his body was full of immortal power, Gu Zheng would take the opportunity to open the defense of Renshu to observe the surroundings .

Although the white mist made him unable to see clearly every time, Gu Zheng still insisted on doing so, and of course he didn't notice the change in his wrist.

At this time, the ring in Gu Zheng's hand was also flashing, and every time it flashed, a trace of mist was pulled over.

It was directly absorbed by the ring, time passed little by little, and Gu Zheng was also working hard to persevere.

The ring is also tearing at the passing white mist little by little. At first the ring was purple in color, and as the white mist absorbed, it turned into pink, blue, green, black, and finally white.

When the color of the ring turns white, the flashing frequency becomes lower. It used to flash once a few seconds, but now it flashes every ten minutes.

Moreover, every time it flashes, it will directly absorb a piece of mist next to it, and the white cloud-like mist will be empty. The original six halos have not changed color once, and the number of rings will be reduced by one out of thin air.

In the end, it slowly changed into one color, and finally it slowly hid and disappeared on Gu Zheng's arm.

Of course I don't know about all these ancient disputes, but there will be an end in the hurricane, and I don't know how long it will be.

The hurricane all over the sky suddenly disappeared, but Gu Zheng still kept the posture of the flag and hung it horizontally on the door frame.

It was finally over, Gu Zheng came out of the door frame all of a sudden, turned around and looked behind him, what was there.

The back door was also closing silently, Gu Zheng took advantage of the gap to take a look while the door was still open.

An abrupt black hole stands behind, and a stream of water bends towards the black hole from below.

When the door was completely closed, Gu Zheng also saw that there were other things.

Gu Zheng couldn't figure it out a little bit. He thought that there were no geniuses and treasures to be mentioned later, and it would look like a lot of institutions or grandeur.

Just a ball in the shape of a big black hole and a stream of water are too few.

The color of the water flow was the same as that of the pool in the hall. Gu Zheng guessed that it might be the water in the pool, which flowed from other places.

Looking at the still boiling pool, Gu Zheng didn't dare to go down to find out.

The black hole looked harmless through the door, but Gu Zheng remembered that the terrible suction must be the black hole pulling him just now, and the white clouds he saw were all sucked in by the black hole.

Although he couldn't feel the power inside at this time, he couldn't tear open this space even with a single blow with all his strength.

Gu Zheng decided to give up thinking about these things. Originally, he really hoped that there would be an escape route behind him, but he didn't expect that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Gu Zheng forgot who said this, do you know what real despair is? Despair means hope is right in front of you, but the moment you touch hope, it will immediately turn into despair.

Gu Zheng felt that this was indeed the case. At this time, the door of the main hall had already been opened, and from here, the silly bear was still sound asleep, not worried about his situation at all.

But thinking that this silly bear has no sanity now, only instinct is left.

I can't go out here, and I am a lonely bear again. Oh, now I have two living creatures, although I don't have food or drink.

According to its physique, it doesn't matter if it sleeps for hundreds of thousands of years.

I can survive for a long time without eating or drinking. The boring Gu Zheng began to study this hall. Although I was very knowledgeable, I didn't know what the patterns in the hall were.

Is Gu Zheng going to go out to see if there are any clues outside? He can't stay here all the time, and he has to do something.

Gu Zheng kicked out of the entrance of the hall. The silly bear who was still snoring in the last class opened his eyes and looked at Gu Zheng in the next second.

With both feet out of the door, the silly bear stood up directly from the lying position.

Taking a light step forward, the familiar roar came again.

I wanted to see this silly bear sleeping, and I wanted to sneak out to have a look, but I didn't expect this silly bear to be so alert.

Gu Zheng swore that he had already used the lightest, lightest steps, and even used a few spells to assist him just in case.

One step forward?

"Roar" the white bear protested

Take it back, um, stop calling, and take a step forward


Hmm, so cute.

Gu Zheng just stepped out and closed his feet like this, enjoying himself for a while.

Seeing that silly bear keep barking, he doesn't dislike tiredness at all, but Gu Zheng himself is half dead from exhaustion.

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