Many people who are not reconciled will join the official team. The official team has more green liquid guarantees. Although there are many dangers, the benefits are also great. This is why Wu Xiaofeng needs to come out to earn contributions, although he is powerful. You can receive a lot, but it is only enough for your own use. For your subordinates, if you want to continue to progress, you need to accumulate green liquid.

"I know the captain." Sable sat down next to the captain, squinted his eyes and began to adjust the breath in his body. In fact, he was exhausted.

For a while, there was no sound except the nervous panting of the two brothers.

Not far behind the team, a figure looked at them quietly, the excitement in his eyes couldn't be hidden, he managed to catch a group of people, although he couldn't eat it by himself, but he hadn't encountered an enemy for several years Yes, this time I finally encountered it, so I am not willing to give up.

You know, if you defeat or kill the opponent, the spoils on them will be your own. If you can catch them and turn them into puppets, even if you sell them to the arena, it will be a very objective wealth. Beasts, powerful human beings, go up to control the other party by themselves, make it obey their orders not to resist, and earn more wealth.

It's a pity that the figure greedily looked at the team in front of him. He couldn't eat it by himself, so he had to ask the people nearby to come together. If he said that, he wouldn't get much.

However, I have not opened for several years. Over the years, I have been too wasteful. If I have no money, I will be kicked out, and I will pay extra money to pay again before I can come in.

For me, that is a huge fortune, and it hurts when I think about it.

But they were coming soon, and he had already sent out the signal. The figure stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, imagining the blood boiling feeling when the other party was defeated by him.

A figure appeared silently not far away, looking at the bloodthirsty Liao Wen, he couldn't help but chuckled, "Liao Wen, are you getting more and more worried, what did you find out, and you took it out in such a hurry? I called over, you have to know, I just discovered a puppet that has just been successfully transformed, and I am about to take it back to receive the reward."

Liao Wen didn't care about the sarcasm of the question next to him, he knew it when he came, "Che, if you catch the puppet, you will come here again, and you have gone back a long time ago, but this time you counted By the way, Xi Shaoyuan, let me tell you, this is a big fish that is not strong enough to feed us."

"Really, why didn't I see it, you won't deceive me." Xi Shaoyuan looked into the distance with a face, didn't see anything, and didn't dare to send out his spiritual sense detection, for fear of disturbing the other party.

Liao Wen looked at Xi Shaoyuan looking around, and explained, "There is a distance away, don't look at it, you can't see it, otherwise the other party would have been scared away if we talked so carelessly."

"Hmph, I hope so. If you know you lied to me, maybe the two of us will have to settle an old debt first." Xi Shaoyuan snorted.

"Of course I won't lie to you, but we still have to wait. There is still one person who hasn't arrived. We can be sure when we are together." Liao Wen continued.

"What, you called someone else, so how do we divide this time? If it's too little, I won't quit, and you have to compensate me for the loss." Xi Shaoyuan leaned against the tree leisurely and stood up straight.

"Don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you. If you are in a hurry, you will not suffer at all." Liao Wen saw that the other party was almost annoyed, and quickly continued, "There are mainly eight people in the other party, and the two who came in are In the middle stage of Golden Immortal, the other side is a six-member team."

"One late-stage Golden Immortal leads the team, three mid-stage Golden Immortals, and two early-stage Golden Immortals. How about it? Is it a big fish?"

Liao Wen quickly told the other party some of his discoveries, and also told Xi Shaoyuan the type and general strength of the other party.

"It's really good, but we can't swallow even one of us. You must know that the strength of the two of us is almost the same. The captain of the opponent may be able to block the two of us alone. Even if we support one of us, the others will not be able to deal with it. Don't fall accidentally."

Now Xi Shaoyuan's eyes are bright, but although the strength of the two of them is also the cultivation base of Jinxian in the later stage, people like them came in to make a fortune first, and training is second, and their strength is slightly weaker than those captains.

You must know that the official team leader must be a Jinxian late-stage leader to come to Central Sensen, otherwise you should not go out of the western Senmian area, and you will die if you go out.

"Don't tell me to come to someone who is similar to us, or we will fall there if we are not careful." Xi Shaoyuan shook his head and told the other party the seriousness of the matter again. If the other party can't say something satisfactory, such a dangerous thing , I will not take risks.

"Hey, don't worry, guess who I met a while ago this time?" Liao Wen said mysteriously.

"Who, hurry up, don't let it go." Xi Shaoyuan's curiosity was also aroused, could this person be the third person?

"Master Hei Jin, I will inform him this time, don't worry, we will start when they come." Liao Wen smiled at the other party's curious face.

"It turned out to be Master Heijin." Xi Shaoyuan took a breath, "You mean that Heijin who has been the ringleader on the fifth floor for a whole year, no one dares to challenge again?" Xi Shaoyuan asked hopefully, then How could such a powerful person make friends with him.

"Of course, otherwise, how could I be so sure? It's not because we have a good relationship, and we have called you here too." Liao Wen's face was full of complacency.

"That is, if you don't say anything else, I will help. Our friendship is stable, and this little thing will help."

Xi Shaoyuan patted his chest and said, in a blink of an eye he forgot what he said just now, with Master Hei Jin this time he will be stable, and then Xi Shaoyuan is not in a hurry, and calms down and waits for Master Hei Jin to arrive.

Who is Hei Jin? No one knows what his original name is. He only knows that he calls himself Hei Jin to the outside world. His strong cultivation can be said to be invincible in the later stage. Some people even say that he has already reached the peak level. not up.

The most glorious record is standing on the fifth floor of the ring tower for a year as the ring master, no one dared to challenge him, or he gave up the ring master voluntarily, so others dared to continue to challenge.

Unlike them, Hei Jin signed a life and death order to come in, and didn't need to spend a penny. In fact, this place was prepared for those who had no hope of breaking through.

Here, you can either break through the Golden Immortal Stage and reach the Great Luo Realm to go out, or you can wait a hundred thousand years before you can go out, and once you go out, you will never come in again. If your lifespan is not enough, I'm sorry, you just die of old age here, no People will pity you.

Of course, this place of trial has only been established for ten thousand years, although this space has existed for tens of thousands of years.

"Let's go." The captain who was resting over there felt that the time was almost up, shook his body, and ordered.

Everyone in the middle got up quickly when they heard it, and slowly moved forward behind the captain. After walking slowly for two kilometers, the third and fifth children came out of their respective hiding places, gathered together, and hurried to the The captain assembled, and then everyone accelerated forward again.

Here, one must be so cautious, otherwise one will pay a painful lesson if one is not careful, these are the experiences exchanged by blood and tears.

In this case, without the team's knowledge, the two Shuras followed behind, and under Liao Wen's weird probing spell, those secret sentries for warning and hiding were useless, and their respective states could be seen at a glance. known by the other party,

A few days later, when the two of them continued to follow the team, an oppressive aura came quickly from behind, and Liao Wen and Xi Shaoyuan looked over in surprise.

A man with muscles exploding all over his body moved quickly behind him, and in the blink of an eye, he had already come to the two of them side by side, advancing side by side.

"Master Heijin." The two said respectfully.

The three of them were moving forward at a constant speed. Hei Jin had no expression on his face. If Liao Wen hadn't promised to give him something he needed after returning home, he would not have made a move. Although the thing was not very valuable, most people would still I really don’t know how to carry it, but this is exactly what black gold lacks here, so I can’t buy it even if I have money.

"Did you say they are not far ahead?" Hei Jin asked, this world is equal to everyone, and Hei Jin can't explore the situation five kilometers away.

So sometimes you are very close to him, but the other party is careful in his actions and just doesn’t make a sound. If you can’t see him, you really missed him, even if it’s only more than 5,000 meters away.

"Yes, Lord Heijin, they are still running away, and they may have found us behind us." Liao Wen looked embarrassed. Although this was normal, he felt that it was not easy to do things in front of Lord Heijin.

"However, according to their journey, they will rest again soon. I can guarantee that the other party must know that I am alone at most, maybe two people, otherwise they would not dare to stop and go like this. Every time they stop, they will leave. It is very close, and sent a secret sentry to avoid being attacked by others."

Seeing Lord Heijin's eyes resting on him, Liao Wen shuddered, and hurriedly continued talking, and told Lord Heijin all the news.

"That's good, wait for them to stop and surround them, and fight for none of them." Hei Jin is not talking, the opposite lineup is not worth being together for them, they don't need anything, just a surprise attack, but in order to prevent the other party from escaping , or wait until it is too slow to stop and surround them.

It seemed impossible for three people to surround eight people, but Hei Jin had the confidence. Liao Wen and Xi Shaoyuan also had no objection, and had sufficient trust in Mr. Hei Jin.

Indeed, after nearly a day, the pangolin captain had to stop the team, because it could be seen that everyone's breath was a little disturbed.

This time it was the turn of the two humans, a man and a woman, to guard. Without waiting for the captain to arrange, they consciously climbed up the tree. No one was in charge of a slope, which happened to cover most of the area behind. Can't stop scanning, using two prongs to detect the enemy to the greatest extent.

The group of them once again took advantage of this time to rest, and the pair of senior brothers were not as panicked as they were at first, they had gotten used to it, and now they were resting quietly.

"Good opportunity." Liao Wen's eyes lit up, and he finally waited for a good time, and hurriedly said to his companion.

"Now they are about 7,000 meters southwest of us. The two early-stage Golden Immortals should be at the police post on the tree, and the others should be surrounded in the middle. Act according to the plan. Then, Mr. Heijin, everything is up to you."

Liao Wen said to Hei Jin flatteringly, then moved his lips, Hei Jin looked at Liao Wen in surprise, and nodded, "Try it."

Then he spared himself from the periphery, trying to stand in front of them so that some people would not run away.

"Then please trouble me." Liao Wen rubbed his hands together in surprise, unexpectedly the other party agreed to him.

"Why are you so happy?" Xi Shaoyuan looked at the other party in wonder, because Master Hei Jin wanted to go around a little farther, so as not to overwhelm the enemy and let them run away desperately in advance, so he had to wait two minutes to attack together and hit the other party one by one. Otherwise, I have to be a bait myself.

"Master Heijin promised me just now that he would try not to kill those people, and at most make them seriously injured and lose their combat effectiveness." Liao Wen said, "Don't worry, your share is indispensable."

"That's really great. I didn't expect Mr. Hei Jin to be so kind. It seems that the rumors that he is fierce and cruel are not accurate." Xi Shaoyuan was also happy, so that he could share an extra sum of money.

After waiting for two minutes, Liao Wen signaled that it was time to set off. Xi Shaoyuan was impatient for a long time, and the two rushed over at the fastest speed, while trying to hide their own breath, to see if the vigilance of the other side had dropped, and they couldn't find it. Own.

"Enemy attack." After entering the warning range of the opponent, the man was spotted instantly, and the man opened his mouth and quickly jumped from the tree. Unfortunately, a figure came over in midair and hit the man's abdomen heavily. The man directly Lying on the ground spraying blood, unconscious.

Although there is a big tree in the way, it can't buy much time for the other party. From the time the other party found it to opening his mouth, he came down from the tree. Liao Wen and the others had already crossed the short five kilometers. The human in mid-air punched the opponent in the abdomen, directly causing the opponent to lose combat effectiveness.

If it weren't for thinking about transforming them, they could sell them for better money, and with this punch, the opponent would be dead.

However, he also bought a certain amount of time for everyone. In a short time, everyone gathered together as if they were facing a big enemy, to guard against possible enemies.

The captain looked at the two figures coming from the woods, and narrowed his eyes. It turned out to be two late-stage golden immortals. He watched the two Shura people walking over without any concealment. One of them was the breath he had felt at first.

"You two, do you need anything? Maybe I can help." The pangolin captain said solemnly. The other party made the two of them look not weak, but why did they appear aboveboard? You must know that there are so many of them, and they are not vegetarians. .

"Indeed, why don't you leave your life behind?" Liao Wen said with a smile. He already felt that Master Hei Jin had already ambushed him, and the other party hadn't found out yet, so he just had to distract the other party's attention.

The captain's face sank, knowing that this battle was inevitable, he signaled his teammates with his eyes, and he would attack with him later, he was not afraid of the opponent now, he entangled one, the other couldn't survive under the siege of so many people .

I don’t want to go outside here. Everyone doesn’t have such a powerful magic weapon. Those who have such a powerful magic weapon have all gone out to travel. The harvest in the wild is much more than this, and the other party is here to hone it. If there is no difficulty, why come here to hone it? practice.

Seeing that his teammates were all ready, and he didn't talk nonsense with the other party, he directly rushed towards Liao Wen, the sharp claws in his hand shone with sharp light, and grabbed at the other party, he put pressure on himself is the largest.

The moment he did it, all the members rushed forward, and even the two senior brothers knew that they were really waiting to die without any effort, so they quickly used their own spells, blasting each other one after another.

Liao Wen and Liao Wen separated in an instant. Lian Wen slashed at the team leader, but was blocked by the opponent's back. A stream of sparks splashed out from above, and Liao Wen's hands trembled for a while. It was really tough.

Xi Shaoyuan over there was much more relaxed. Although the opponent's attacks surrounded him, he backed away and dodged them all, dodged the big cat's pounce, and knocked out the flying big bird.

The pangolin captain was pleasantly surprised to find that the opponent was so weak. It was unbelievable that the opponent could not even break through his own defense. How could he have the guts to show up and launch a backstab directly from his body, stabbing at the opponent, and then turned around and rushed past.

No matter how you want to fight quickly, but just as I turned around and rushed towards them, suddenly a brutal aura appeared behind me, and another Shura was ambushing behind me and came straight towards me. Unable to do other actions, the opponent caught a good time.

He could only shrink himself back, erect the thorns on his body, feel the berserk breath, and defend with all his strength, hoping to block the opponent's sneak attack with his own defense.

The captain is very confident, because his greatest ability is his claws and defense. Most people really can't break through his own defense, but cruel things told him that the reason for his inability to break through is that the opponent is not strong enough.

Hei Jin appeared from a distance behind the captain, his fist was wrapped in a strong light, with the power that had been accumulated, looking at the spikes in front of him, he smashed down to the ground without fear.

"Captain." The others exclaimed, Hei Jin appeared too fast to react at all, and the third and the others were still chasing another enemy, they didn't expect that there was another person hiding beside them.

As soon as he touched it, a surge of force passed from his back into his body, and the unstoppable force directly pushed him down, "boom" a big pit several meters appeared on the ground, and a cloud of dust was thrown up.

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