Gu Zheng thought for a while, and quickly smoothed out the general course of the matter. First of all, even if he was unconscious, he killed Hualong. It should be the last one who killed the fairy gourd.

Then it may be the opponent's final counterattack, which was protected by the water drop necklace given to him by the elder. As a result, the necklace disappeared, and the necklace that concealed the breath may have been damaged and lost during the fight. It was so intense at the time, and I was concentrating on thinking He tried to fight against Hualong, maybe he didn't pay attention.

Then he fell into a near-death state, and some of the feelings of the previous near-death state were still vivid in his memory. It can be imagined that if Pan Xuan did not choose to save himself in the end, then he would definitely die.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng patted his chest, he almost died like this, he was really terrified, now that the disguise necklace has been destroyed, he can pretend to be a Shura, and when he meets his own people, he can use the method of giving it to him by the bug Come hide, it's too good to be true.

Now that he was seriously injured and in urgent need of treatment, now that Pan Xuan regarded him as a group, it was impossible for him to drag his seriously injured body and leave alone. He just happened to follow her and waited until the injury healed.

Pan Xuan looked at Gu Zheng with a thoughtful face, and her heart was pounding. There are very few handsome young men in the Shura tribe. This is the real face, not a cover-up. He is a master of illusion and can be seen at a glance.

Especially for being so young and outstanding, although Mr. Feng is also qualified, but he is really insidious and cunning, Pan Xuan doesn't like him from the bottom of his heart.

Thinking of why Gu Zheng wore a mask before, he also gave his own reasons. He was afraid that his acquaintances would recognize him. Such a handsome man must be a young man who just came back from the outside, no wonder he had never seen it before.

There was confusion in Pan Xuan's eyes, her eyes were even more watery, and her cheeks were also bright red. If the other party had a good temper, she would actually be quite suitable for her.

Pan Xuan was frightened by her own thoughts. This is me. Why can't I control myself when I see him? What if the other party looks down on me and dislikes me for not being young? This is the first time Pan Xuan complains to herself Although I am very confident in my body and appearance, my age is a flaw, I am no longer young, what if the other party likes young girls.

But thinking about the other party's life experience, and the look in his eyes, Pan Xuan shuddered unconsciously again. Although her own background is good, it is also possible that the other party is even better. What if the other party already has a partner? Xuan blamed herself on the sidelines.

Shaking his head, he drove these messy thoughts out of his mind, let's talk about it later.

"Thank you, thanks to you saving my life." Gu Zheng's eyes cleared up, no matter how the other party saved his life, even if it was an enemy who didn't know his true identity, Gu Zheng would be grateful.

"Hehe, it should be. Is your identity exposed? Do you want to go back in the future?" Pan Xuan asked.

"Probably not, but it's not ruled out." Gu Zheng pondered for a while, and gave an ambiguous answer.

"Well, where are you going next?"

"I'm mainly recovering from my injuries now, and I don't have any other plans." Gu Zheng said what was in his heart

"That couldn't be better." Pan Xuan blurted out

"What, what's the matter?" This time it was Gu Zheng's turn to look puzzled.

"Um, this one, I just happened to be going to deliver something, you can go with me." Pan Xuan thought of her mission in a blink of an eye. Originally, she happened to go there to find a partner, but now she has an even more powerful ancient dispute. Next, then there is no need, but I still have something to send over, so I can't give up halfway.

"No problem, it's just my injury." Gu Zheng wondered, he could go anywhere at this stage.

"It's okay, the place to go is far away, at worst, walk slowly." Anyway, the other party's mission is not very urgent, it is mainly a batch of supplies, and find a partner by the way, it doesn't matter if it is late.

"That's fine." Gu Zheng readily agreed, and this matter is completely fine.

"It's broken." Gu Zheng's face suddenly changed, and he searched repeatedly on his body. His judge's pen and gourd were gone, and he didn't know where they went.

"What's the matter?" Pan Xuan asked strangely, watching Gu Zheng's hands constantly reaching out to find something.

"My magic weapons are all gone. When you rescued me, can you see that one is in the shape of a gourd, and the other is in the shape of a brush."

Gu Zheng's face is full of anxiety, although the magic weapon is connected with him, but now his body is empty, and he can't feel it anyway, if someone else picks it up and puts it in the space, it will be miserable.

If that's the case, the judge's pen can't be sensed by himself, unless the other party takes it out to refine it, but the gourd is easy to say, it is Lu Ya's magic weapon, as long as you really want to find it, you can find it no matter where you are, but you can't lose yourself. Easy to explain.

Besides, it is currently in his own hands, and it can be regarded as the strongest combat power. Even Da Luo's Hualong's head was chopped off and died in the hands of the gourd.

"Yes, yes, I put this away." Pan Xuan looked at the anxious look of the other party, and felt that the two magic weapons must be very important to him, so she quickly took out the writing brush from it, still looking dusty.

"Where's the gourd?" Gu Zheng felt relieved, but suddenly tightened again, wondering if the other party saw it.

"That gourd, I seem to have an impression." Pan Xuan dragged her chin to think for a while, clapped her hands, and said to Gu Zheng, "When I was taking you away, I seemed to have dropped it halfway. I thought it was something unimportant. , I didn’t pick it up, that thing is very important to you.”

Pan Xuan said embarrassingly, that thing looked so inconspicuous, I picked it up if I knew it.

"It's really important, so can we go back and look for it?" Gu Zheng looked at Pan Xuan with hope, hoping that she could take him back, and she would cry if she was picked up by others.

"I forgot where I was." Pan Xuan's voice became lower and lower, "When I was walking, I sometimes lost my way, and it took me a long time to look at the wrong direction, and the route had already changed."

Pan Xuan can't remember the route, the big trees all look the same, and she is a bit of a road idiot, and the place where she fell is not a place with obvious characteristics, let alone her, if she goes wrong, Gu Zheng can't remember live.

"It's okay, I'll look for it when I recover." Gu Zheng looked at the guilty Pan Xuan, and didn't blame her in his heart. At least the other party saved him, so he can only hope that no one will find it.

"Oh, then this is for you." Pan Xuan lowered her head and handed it to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng didn't even look at it. Feeling depressed, he stretched out his hand subconsciously, wanting to take it back, but accidentally grabbed Pan Xuan's palm.

As soon as he touched it, Gu Zheng felt that the skin was delicate and smooth, with some warmth, which made people feel refreshed and happy, and wished to touch it a few more times.

Of course, Gu Zheng quickly let go, retreating a little before pulling out the pen from that soft and boneless hand, and taking it over, he also felt a little embarrassed, feeling that he wanted to take advantage of her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Gu Zheng still explained.

If other people dared to do this, Pan Xuan would have slapped him long ago and told him how to behave, but this time surprisingly he didn't make any other moves, and just replied indifferently.

"It's okay, I was not careful." If other people knew about this tone, a lot of jaws would definitely fall off. When did she talk so easily.

But Gu Zheng felt that she was quite forthright, and she didn't have the feeling of being fussy like other people.

Next, Gu Zheng and Pan Xuan stopped for two days, mainly because Gu Zheng had to recuperate his body. In the middle, Gu Zheng took out the green liquid that Ji Yi had given him, and drank it all.

But this time the injury is too serious. Although the external injuries have all healed, Gu Zheng probably drank all the green liquid, and the progress of the injury would not be accelerated. The main reason is that the internal injury is too serious, which is worse than the good medicine last time. many.

Don't look at the normal appearance of Gu Zheng now, the aura given to people now is the peak of Jinxian, but in fact, Gu Zheng in the Golden Immortal period will not be able to beat it, it's just a bluff.

It was normal for Pan Xuan to take out the green liquid from Gu Zheng. After waiting patiently for two days, the two set off together.

Due to the ancient dispute, the speed of the two people was much slower, but there was no need to worry about it. This place was already close to the middle of the central forest, and because of the retreat of the Shura people, they hadn't met a single person for a month.

As Gu Zheng's injury gradually improved, their speed became faster and faster, but even so, they only walked a third of the distance.

Because the final destination is in the northeast, the journey is very far away.

When he was free, Pan Xuan asked about Gu Zheng's past, why he came back, who was in his family, and where he used to live.

Gu Zheng directly moved out of the place where he originally lived. As for the elders and the like, they all said that the elders were not allowed to talk about it. A series of weird questions almost collapsed by Gu Zheng.

Not only that, Pan Xuan also talked with Gu Zheng about some cultivation matters, some trivial matters of daily life, etc., he was very talkative, and Gu Zheng only fooled him.

But I don't know that Pan Xuan is more and more satisfied with him. He talks well, has a lot of knowledge, and his temper is not as domineering as his peers. In comparison, he is even a little gentle. He is simply the perfect embodiment of a man.

When she learned that Gu Zheng was alone now, Pan Xuan almost couldn't hold back and asked him if he liked her. Thinking that she had only been in contact with him for a few months, she was a bit abrupt, so she forcibly suppressed her.

Even though Shura women are generally so bold, they are still a little reserved when they speak.

As a result, Pan Xuan usually looks at Gu Zheng with different eyes, gentle and watery, with a hint of charm, but Gu Zheng is used to the temptation she inadvertently reveals, and doesn't notice anything wrong.

No matter Pan Xuan is the kind of person who seduces people with every move, no matter how gentle your eyes are, few people will be able to notice, which makes Pan Xuan a little impatient.

After three months of walking and stopping, Gu Zheng's injury was only half healed, but the relationship between the two of them improved by leaps and bounds. Gu Zheng also knew a lot about her, but he didn't mean anything else.

Among them, Pan Xuan also contributed a lot of rare pills, and Gu Zheng accepted them all with a smile, which made Pan Xuan very happy.

What Gu Zheng thought was that he owed her a life anyway, and it didn't matter if he owed a little more, and he would find a chance to pay her back in the future, at least better than the elixir he had prepared.

Walking all the way along a slanted line, they finally reached the northernmost boundary. This place has already hibernated in the central forest, and it can basically be said to be the territory of the Shura people.

Although there was Pan Xuan's company along the way, Gu Zheng still felt a little tired. Looking at this place, it was all piles of stones, no different from other borders.

"Where is it?" Gu Zheng looked around, is it the same place as last time, digging some blood diamonds.

"What's the rush?" Pan Xuan rolled his eyes at him, randomly took out something like a whistle from his hand, put it on his mouth and began to blow.

An invisible wave came from the whistle, and soon there was a slanting hole in the ground in front of Gu Zheng, which looked exactly the same as the one Gu Zheng had seen before.

It can't be such a coincidence, I just copied their location some time ago, they probably don't know that I did it.

Feeling uneasy, follower Pan Xuan walked in together.

It was also a narrow and dark corridor, but it got wider and wider as you walked in. After walking for a while, Pan Xuan even walked side by side with Gu Zheng. This place was much deeper than the one last time.

A tall hall was finally displayed in front of him, occupying a very large area, a square with four squares, some puppets kept beating on the wall, rattling continuously, there were dozens of them, even Gu Zheng doubted The opposite side may have been dug to the point where it can no longer be dug north.

Because the northernmost wall was also shining red, and there were quite a few, but the puppets were all on the left and right, and none of them were working there. What's more, there was no blood diamond found in it, but a blood-red crystal. stone.

Curiously, Gu Zheng picked up a lost spar on the ground. There are many impurities on it. At first glance, it looks like an enlarged version of a blood diamond. In fact, the things contained in it are completely different.

Gu Zheng knew that the extremely complex energy in the blood diamond seemed to still have life. If he didn't have gloves, he wouldn't be able to hold it in his hands. Even if he had gloves, he would almost win the bid and fall.

The appearance of Gu Zheng and Pan Xuan quickly attracted other attention. A tall Shura man walked over from a distance and came directly in front of them.

"What's the matter with you guys here? I'm the person in charge here." The breath is very stable, and the strength is also very good. This is also a golden fairy guarding here.

"Come here to dispatch someone in the name of a special envoy." Pan Xuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly threw a token in his hand.

After the strong man finished the thing in his hand, he seemed to be reading the contents inside, and gave Pan Xuan a weird look, and walked directly to a corner without saying anything.

"Hey, where is this place? I don't know why." Gu Zheng asked Pan Xuan who was beside him. There are many Shura supervisors here, mainly responsible for directing the puppets to dig.

"Here, here is a mine. The red spar inside is a special product of this world, the Dragon Flame Stone. This belongs to the mine of Puppet Town. Everyone here is sent from somewhere."

Pan Xuan pointed here, "Actually, this is my first time here. If someone hadn't entrusted me to find something, I would have left this world long ago."

Fortunately, you didn't leave, otherwise I would really be dead, Gu Zheng thought to himself, but this is the Dragon Flame Stone, and Gu Zheng took out another Dragon Flame Stone covered in rocks, it doesn't feel like it at all.

"Where did you get such inferior raw ore, I guess it was seized from the opponent." At this time, the big man brought a man over, looking at the two stones in Gu Zheng's hand and said.

"These things are the outermost raw ores, and the energy they contain is mixed and chaotic. It seems that there are two in the east, but they don't know that there are better raw ores inside. They only know to dig outside, and they can't dig them in a lifetime. go inside."

A trace of disdain flashed across the big man's face. To be honest, he didn't want that thing, even the puppets didn't eat it, for fear of indigestion.

"It turns out that this place is where the Dragon Flame Stone is produced. I thought it was somewhere." Pan Xuan sighed in surprise, this thing is good, it is the most valuable here, the purer it is, the more valuable it is.

"By the way, this is the puppet given to you by the special envoy, and it is handed over to you now." The big man pulled a puppet behind him, and it turned out to be a puppet at the peak of a golden immortal. The big man could see their doubts, "Don't worry, he It has been completely turned into a puppet, otherwise it would not have been delivered to you."

"By the way, you bring this thing back to Puppet Town and give it to Mayor Zhuang. This is what the special envoy told you."

Waiting for Pan Xuan to accept it, then the big man handed over the separate control method to Pan Xuan, and then said goodbye, "I still have something to do, please feel free to visit, to be honest, there is really nothing to see here, these spars are out Nothing."

Because the envoys of the other party were sent here, it is not easy for the big man to drive them away directly. Anyway, they are all their own people, so let them toss around.

"Wow, it's really good." Pan Xuan was manipulating the puppet with great interest. It looked very unfamiliar at first, but with practice, she almost controlled the puppet soon, but it still takes a lot of practice to completely do whatever she wants. manipulation.

"Do you want to try it?"

Gu Zheng looked at this unknown human being, shook his head, and rejected Pan Xuan.

I also have some indignation in my heart, but I have no way to reverse the other party's state. In fact, he has died, leaving only a shell, and at most there are some instinctive memories left.

Although I can't save him or let him rest in peace, I must not insult this senior who resisted.

This kind of puppet technique is very similar to the corpse control technique that I have heard about in later generations, but the latter one is too harmful, even more cruel than the Shura people.

Seeing Gu Zheng's refusal, Pan Xuan didn't take it seriously, and continued to get familiar with the puppet in his hand. At this time, the special envoy specially defended himself. He was good at long-distance, and just needed a human shield to help him.

Gu Zheng looked at the huge caves around him. How long did it take to dig, and could it never be exhausted?

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