Chicken shredded noodle soup, this is Tiexian's culinary art. Now Gu Zheng has the immortal art of fire control and water control. The two immortal arts can make the food taste better, and he also has ordinary-grade ingredients It is not difficult for Xianji to conquer those judges.

Gu Zheng believed that the shredded chicken noodle soup he made must be the best noodle dish they had ever eaten.

In this way, this task is indeed much simpler, it is like giving away for nothing, so Gu Zheng rarely praised Qi Ling, saying that it has a conscience, and this time it did not embarrass itself.

Gu Zheng was praising in his heart, but his expression froze suddenly.

"Test requirements. First, the grade of ingredients used in this test is above ordinary, including ordinary. Second, you must not deliberately inform the people who are going to be conquered by the food. You must let them do so without knowing it. Third, the test The time is one month!"

Qi Ling's voice came slowly, damn Qi Ling, he didn't finish what he said before, the real big hole is here.

There are still requirements in the test, which are equivalent to restrictions, and there are not only one, but three.

Not to mention the time limit, the ingredient limit has also been upgraded. The previous test ingredients were only limited to second-class ingredients, and ingredients above the second-class level were fine. OK.

Not to mention the ingredients restrictions, the worst thing is that he is not allowed to inform the ten judges. The content of this test is to conquer the ten judges, that is, nine people including Gao Lao from the Food Association last time, plus the food channel director Mr. Wu has a total of ten people, and if he is not allowed to notify, he doesn't even know the names of those ten people, how can he let them eat the delicious food he made?

This is no longer an ordinary big hole, but a top-quality big hole. Let alone the ingredients, even if the ingredients are enough, how can he complete the test? Could it be that he made it at home and waited there, and the ten judges agreed with him, so they took the initiative to come to eat?

This kind of thing can't happen, and if it really happened, it was also in a dream, and it is absolutely impossible in reality.

It is true that Gu Zheng is an immortal cultivator, but he is not a real immortal, nor does he have the ability to manipulate others.

"Qi Ling, are you serious?"

After a while, Gu Zheng asked tremblingly in his heart, he just praised Qi Ling, why this guy couldn't help boasting so much, he was given such a big restriction just after boasting.

"Of course it's true. When did Ben Qiling play a joke on you?"

Qi Ling spoke naturally, and then continued: "This test cannot be refused. There are generous rewards for completing the test. If you fail to complete the test, you will be punished with a hundred lashes. Since the successor of Tiexian has already received part of the rewards in advance, if you fail this task, the punishment will be doubled." Times!"

The muscles on Gu Zheng's face trembled suddenly, and he was whipped again. If he couldn't finish it, he would have to double it. It was equivalent to saying that if he couldn't finish it, he would be punished with two hundred lashes, which would be his life.

This weapon spirit is not cute at all, and I will never praise it in the future.

"Qi Ling, you have given me so many restrictions, and you always tell me how to complete it. Is it possible that I will inquire about the homes of ten judges in the future, and then go to their door to set up a stall and let them eat noodles?"

Gu Zheng complained in his heart, there were too many restrictions on Qi Ling, if he was not allowed to notify, he really didn't know how to let the ten judges eat the food he made.

"This is not under my control. You can do whatever you want, but you must not notify them in any way to eat it. Once this tool spirit judges that you are suspected of cheating, it will immediately announce that you have failed the test!"

Qi Ling replied very irresponsibly, and Gu Zheng felt sad again. Damn Qi Ling, if there is a problem, he will ignore it. Most shameful?

"Friendly reminder, you can check the recent itineraries of these ten people. Most of them are members of the Food Association. Are there any activities to participate in? If so, you can sign up to participate. This is not within the limit!"

Gu Zheng was cursing Qi Ling in his heart, when Qi Ling said something suddenly, Gu Zheng was slightly taken aback, his eyes suddenly brightened a lot.

Qi Ling is right. Elder Gao and the others are all members of the Gastronomy Association. What does the Gourmet Association do? I eat every day, and many places will invite them to any event, not only food competitions, but also many restaurant openings, food tasting, and other things, and they will invite their people to participate.

If there is any event, all the judges from the nine food associations will go, and it would be best for Mr. Wu to also participate. He only needs to participate once to complete the test and completely conquer their taste buds.

Qi Ling seemed to have changed his nature, and actually gave him a good suggestion.

"Chicken shredded noodle soup needs four ingredients in total, chicken, water, salt and flour. Now I have ordinary ingredients for chicken and water, only two. I remember you said that as long as I reach the first In the second realm, five ingredients can be upgraded in the prehistoric space, isn't that true?"

Gu Zheng asked in his heart. He didn't mention the ingredients before, just thinking about this. Fortunately, the chicken shredded noodle soup does not need many ingredients, only four kinds. If there is another one, he really doesn't know what to do.

"Theoretically yes!" Qi Ling replied directly.

"That's good. I now have four Immortal Essence Pills, each of which can increase my current celestial power by 10%. Maybe only three are needed, and my celestial power can reach the peak of the first realm!"

Gu Zheng said slowly, his Xianyuan Pill is indeed enough for him to reach the peak of the first realm. Qi Ling told him before that the first realm of Tiexian Xianjue breaks through to the second realm. Break through directly, with these few immortal pills, it is enough for him to break through to the second level.

As long as he can reach the second level, he has the qualification to upgrade five kinds of ingredients in the red exchange space. Now he has used up three kinds and there are two left, so even if he can't find ordinary-grade flour and salt, as long as With inferior grade flour and table salt, he can raise it to normal grade.

For these two kinds of ingredients, there is no certainty in finding the ordinary grade Gu Zheng, but the second grade is still possible. There is wheat grown in the crop research institute. According to Gu Zheng's understanding, their wheat is likely to reach the second grade. , then just grind the wheat into flour.

In this way, the problem of ingredients will be solved.

The food problem was solved, and Qi Ling gave him a good suggestion. Gu Zheng's mood is not so depressed. Looking at it now, this test is not impossible. It is true that it is difficult and troublesome, but as long as it can be completed.

Whoever asked him to overdraw the fairy art from Qi Ling before, now he must accept the test of Qi Ling.

"Ben Qiling suggests that it is best not to use Xianyuan Pill now. You can first look for a common grade auxiliary material and combine it with rice marrow. Rice marrow will improve your physique. After improving your physique, Xianyuan Pill can be more Good absorption, based on your current physical condition, the absorption capacity will be at least three times different between taking Xianyuan Dan now and taking it after improving your physique!"

Qi Ling gave Gu Zheng another suggestion, and Gu Zheng was stunned there. After taking rice marrow, there are still such benefits. According to Qi Ling, doesn't it mean that after taking rice marrow, one immortal yuan Dan is equal to the current three?

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