Pan Xuan turned her head to look, and there was a pretty and lovely person in front of her, with a colorful wreath in her hand, which would definitely attract her attention in normal times.

"Thank you, Xiaoying." But I felt that the usual beautiful wreaths did not arouse my interest, so I took a look and turned my head again.

Looking at the clear brook, reflecting his haggard face, he lightly stroked it with his hand, ever since he heard that Gu Zheng was the enemy, people have laughed at him in his ears.

Said that he had no eyes but fell in love with an enemy, and he hadn't discovered the identity of the other party yet.

Although there are many people who say that he belongs to himself, it is just others who are slandering him, but he is missing now, and there is no way to prove that he is from his own.

This made many people who didn't know him subconsciously think that he was an enemy, and looked at him differently, causing him to suffer a lot of grievances.

Looking at the reflection in the stream, he suddenly changed into his appearance in a trance. The resolute face was looking at him vividly. Pan Xuan couldn't help reaching out to touch the opposite cheek.

But as soon as it touched the water surface, little water waves rose from it, turned into circles of ripples and scattered around, and when it returned to its original state for the first time, I found all my own illusions, and my face was still on the water surface.

"Oh." A soft sigh came from her mouth, and she hugged her knees and started to be dazed again, she didn't know what to do, even though she believed that he was not an enemy.

But those words still affected him, especially since he knew about You Xing's rebellion, and the rumors were spread by Ouyang Ping.

I don't know how to think about it. In my heart, even if the other party is an enemy, I still think about him. It seems that he has entered my heart in just a short time.

The woman behind her looked at her, and the garland in her hand slipped down silently. He was sent by the escort to comfort Pan Xuan, telling him not to harm himself like this.

But in the past few days, no matter what I do, she always looks like this, listless, and no one wants to talk to her.

I remember that when I first saw her, she was so strong and unyielding, and now I can feel her weakness, which makes people feel distressed.

"By the way, Miss Pan, I remember that the special envoy issued a conscription order. I remember that there is a mission to ask some people to go out to find out the news. You can go outside and ask those clan members who are alone if they have seen her." Xiaoying suddenly Said beside.

She didn't want to watch her haggard like this, so she might as well find something for him to do, remembering that this task didn't seem to be able to go too far, it was just right for her.

"That's right." Sure enough, after hearing these words, Pan Xuan's eyes came back into focus. After waiting for a while, Pan Xuan stood up and said in a firm tone.

"Let's go."

No matter what, I want to ask him personally, no matter what the result is, I will understand anyway.

At the same time, Gu Zheng also came out of the tavern and walked to the conscription point with a few others.

He had learned that the envoy would now need members of the patrol, inside along the border, to start guarding along the way, to see if the enemy had come earlier.

During the inquiry in the tavern, Gu Zheng met some like-minded partners, and just after drinking, they set off together to apply for the recruitment.

The special envoy also distributed some accurate information to everyone based on the information obtained from the tavern.

On the side of the valley, the rebel army has already joined, and the leader of the rebel army is a Da Luo peak. There are many warriors under his command, who are suspected of escaping from the seal of the ancestor.

Now they are all gathered together, and now the ancestor has gone out, we are here to defend, waiting for the opening of the teleportation array.

At that time, as soon as the reinforcements arrived, they would die. Now everyone is required to obey the special envoy's order, fighting is strictly prohibited, and everyone is not allowed to go out.

Hearing this, Gu Zheng knew what was going on, he didn't expect them to be together so much, and he also mentioned the traitor You Xing, so Mr. Xiong had already received the stone pagoda.

My efforts are not in vain, I just need to find a way to escape.

Soon the group of them came to the temporary recruitment office.

"My lord, we request a fight." A mighty man stepped out from among them and said to the leader.

"Are you a small team?" A few people are also very honest. If they come alone, they will be assigned here.

"Yes, we are together." He said respectfully, he himself is only a late Golden Immortal, and being in charge here is a peak.

"Please report your name and cultivation level one by one." The person in charge took out a piece of purple wooden plaque, holding a brush in his hand, and waited to register them.

"I am the temporary captain of this team, Gao Feng, late Jinxian." Gao Feng was the first to say his name.

I saw a purple crystal light shot out from the person in charge's pen, and he painted on it in a fluttering manner, and then handed it to Gao Feng.

"It's fine to print your spiritual sense, mainly to prevent it from being used by others, and I don't know if there are any spies planted by the enemy here." The person in charge asked Gao Feng to pay attention, and explained the function of the wooden sign by the way.

"Especially the puppets who surrendered before, you should be more careful. If the emissary hadn't stopped everyone, then everyone would have died. In this way, a few unlucky ghosts died."

After Gao Feng took the token, he imprinted his divine consciousness on the plain wooden token, and saw a burst of purple light from the token, turning slightly, and then retreating to the side

"Qiu Ning, the late stage of the Golden Immortal." A female Shura walked up boldly, also took the wooden sign and stepped back.

"Ma Pingqing, the middle stage of the Golden Immortal."

"Mu Xiaofan, middle-stage Golden Immortal."

"Long Tian, ​​the middle stage of the Golden Immortal."

When it was his turn, Gu Zheng reported the fake name he used, and his aura was also disguised as Jinxian Zhongqi.

Because the things that the two brothers smeared on themselves can not only change their breath, but also control him at any time to cover up their cultivation.

This thing is simply a treasure. If they clearly say that they don't have it anymore, Gu Zheng must ask for some.

Not to mention robbing houses, at least pretending to be an enemy at critical moments, or for example turning into a Shura, adding his aura, no one can tell, so you can find the right time and go out directly.

He was imprinting his own spiritual consciousness on the wooden sign in a decent manner, but also stepped aside.

"Okay, you go back and wait for the notification, if there is any news, it will be passed on directly." The person in charge took out a black wooden runner again and handed it to Gao Feng.

"Okay, my lord, then we will leave first." Gao Feng went back directly with Gu Zheng, and they will wait at the tavern, waiting for the assignment of tasks from above.

Just five minutes after they left, the two figures also arrived, and the person in charge saw that his face was full of smiles, although he couldn't go out to greet them because of his duty.

But when they saw them coming, they still greeted them from afar:

"Miss Pan, Miss Xiaoying, are you here to see what's going on here?"

"No, Ms. Pan is in a bad mood. Come here to see if there is anything you can do. You won't refuse." Xiaoying spoke for her directly. Her own strength is not enough, so she can only stay behind. In fact, she has been doing it all the time. Live in the rear.

"Where is there, it's too late to welcome, we just need an expert like Miss Pan." The person in charge hurriedly apologized with a smile.

"She, Miss Pan, wants to go out on a mission, even if the distance is short, it shouldn't be difficult." Xiaoying deliberately raised this question, for fear that he would find an easy and easy thing to do.

"How can it be? A master like Ms. Pan is exactly where she needs to be." The person in charge really thought so, and he could just lead the previous team to patrol, but hearing what Xiaoying said, of course he couldn't do that.

"Let me take a look." The person in charge quickly took out a jade butterfly and searched for it, "Yes, there is a mission that meets your requirements, requiring a single person to patrol the border on this day, the minimum required strength is the peak of Jinxian. "

"How about this one? I'll give it to you if you need it." The person in charge looked at them, and now there is only this one left outside, and the others have been allocated, but this one is also the most dangerous. Xuan took over.

He also knows the gossip outside and what she thinks.

"That's it, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and continue." Pan Xuan said directly.

The cold voice gave the person in charge a chill. He quickly took out an orange jade card, entered some information on it, and handed it to Pan Xuan carefully.

"You just need to input your own consciousness, and then you can go to the school field behind, where someone will receive you."

Pan Xuan directly activated the jade tablet, and then walked away from the side without looking back.

"Thank you, she has been in a bad temper these days, please forgive me." Xiaoying quickly apologized to the person in charge, and chased after her.

The person in charge didn't care. After a few waves of people, it should be almost enough. Now most of them have been mobilized, so the number is still a little small.

At this time, in the central tower, the left and right guardians were sitting opposite each other, their palms pressed against each other, and layers of smoke came out from the body of the left guardian.

The two of them received their energy at the same time, and the left guard exhaled slowly.

That tone directly turned into a piece of blue ice in the air, and was firmly grasped by the left guard in the hand, and when the hand opened, it had already disappeared.

"Is it better?" The right guard looked tired, seeing that the blue glow on the left guard's face had disappeared, and felt that the cold poison had almost been eliminated.

"It's still a little short, just come here twice." The left guard shook his head and said as he felt the situation in his body.

"That bear is so powerful, it can make you so embarrassed." The right guard couldn't figure it out, and asked while recovering.

"If you only count the cultivation base, realm, even the magic weapon, I am almost the same as her, but the opponent's strength is too terrifying. Once the opponent breaks out, I don't think the two of us have a chance of winning together." The left guard said with a sigh , a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Is it that scary?" The right guard knew that he would not lie to himself, but he still couldn't believe it.

"I'll tell you about the process, so you don't suffer too much." The left guard thought he could rest for a while and wait for treatment.

Except when the guardian formation is activated, the right guardian is healing him at other times, which is really curious.

When I went there, I was confident, I knew it, and I felt that it was easy to grasp, but in the end, I was directly hit by the top of the tower after a while, and opened the big array of guardians.

Seeing that embarrassing look, my heart trembled for a while, and I thought he was besieged by the opponent with a knife, but what he said made me even more frightened.

"If it weren't for the other party's scruples, I would almost not be able to come back."

It turned out that when You Xing entered Xuanfeng, the left guardian could not sense the exact location of the stone tower.

This surprised him. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to see who was plotting these things behind. When those Shura people came back, he felt that there was a black hand behind the scenes, and Da Luo was definitely behind it.

Originally, they suspected Elder Qin and his wife, but when they thought about it, they didn't have the guts either, part of their minds were imprisoned here, unless they wanted to die, they wouldn't even dare to give them a few guts.

The left protector felt that he went over to have a look, and he already had a red glove here, so it would be fine for him to go out for a while.

After discussing with the right guard, I will leave everything to him and leave here secretly.

In a few days, I have arrived at the place where the stone pagoda disappeared last. Seeing nothing unusual around me, I can still smell the breath of the stone pagoda from the air.

Moreover, the stone pagoda was actually destroyed by his magic weapon. Could it be that the other party did this on purpose, but what was the purpose?

The left guardian looked around, and he only felt something was wrong, as if someone was watching him, but there was no one around.

Here, I have no so-called restrictions, and I have what my ancestors gave me, so I can completely ignore the constraints of this space.

"Since you don't come out, then I will force you to come out." Zuo Hushi believed in his intuition, which meant that someone was spying on him, and he had a lot of strength.

The left guard erupted a wave of air from his body, forming a bloody circle, and shot towards the surroundings. When he encountered the tall tree, he directly penetrated it without causing any damage.

A feeling emerged in my heart, but before I had time to grasp it, it disappeared in a flash.

Now that he had discovered something, more circles began to emerge on the left guardian, and all of them rushed to the surroundings one by one, like a stone thrown into a lake, causing circles of ripples.

But the feeling that something was wrong was caught by him.

"Look where you are hiding." The left guard looked at the place not far ahead. It seemed to him that it was just an ordinary tree, but the place that touched him was here.

He took out a blood fork directly from his hand, and rushed towards the tree with the two prongs glowing with blood.

Just as the blood fork was about to approach, a round hole was opened in the tree, and a palm stretched out from it, and with a slap, the blood fork flew away, and fell to the side.

Immediately afterwards, the round hole expanded again, knowing that a figure came out of it, and then quickly closed the upper body and back, and recovered as if coming out.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, the left guardian has already taken this opportunity to glance around inside.

The shock in my heart was incomparable. A huge mountain was covered by an even bigger formation, blocking my prying eyes.

A stone pagoda head is also on the mountainside, no wonder it can't be sensed, it turned out to be hidden in it.

Elder Qin and You Xing were all inside, and it was confirmed that they had betrayed them. Originally, I wanted to directly order them to commit suicide, but there was also a barrier on the mountain.

It does not block the consciousness, but it will filter the information carried in it.

Wait until the hole is completely closed, then look out, I want to see who dares to fight us.

"It turned out to be you. I thought that the ancestors got rid of you. It turns out that you are hiding here, and you dare to come out to fight us." The left guard grinned. I looked down on them then, and I still look down on them now.

He was dressed in a white fleece, his cold face was tense, his body exuded the aura of a giant thousands of miles away, faint smoke lingered around him, his blue eyes stared lifelessly at the left guardian, like staring at a dead man Same.

Zuo Hushi's heart felt numb after being watched, just as he was about to take action.

Old Xiong spoke suddenly.

"I remember you, you appeared quietly ten thousand years ago." The still desolate look made Zuo Hushi furious in his heart.

Although I didn't expect her to be the messenger behind the scenes, both of them were the peak of Da Luo, when had he been so ignored.

"Hmph, you sent someone to steal the stone towers, but I didn't expect that I would have already left behind a trick, and I would find you directly. Let me tell you, your good days are over." The left guard looked at her with gloomy eyes.

"I will kill you, go in and kill everyone, let you know what will happen if you disobey the order of the ancestors, I will leave your corpses here forever, and let those who dare to rebel end."

"You're done talking, then get out, I don't want to do anything now." Xiong Lao slightly raised the corner of his eyes, squinted at the left guard, and his tone was very impatient, as if dismissing a bug.

"You" Zuo Hushi can't remember how many years, he hasn't been insulted like this, since he was promoted to the top of Da Luo, whoever sees himself is not respectful.

But soon he controlled his emotions, Xiong Lao looked at the clown.

"Okay, then I'll show you your master's tricks and see what you have." The left guard smiled angrily, the other party knew it was locked in tens of thousands of years ago, and the aura here has been gone for nearly ten thousand years. suit them.

He still doesn't believe that after so many years of wear and tear, she can still maintain her peak combat power.

Both hands were shaking extremely fast, and dozens of blood mist poured out from the cuffs. Fighting here, the right time and place are on your side, which will strengthen the power of all spells.

Fighting at the same level, sometimes a little advantage is enough to transform into victory.

Dozens of blood mist moved back and forth flexibly in the air, rushing directly at Old Xiong.

From Gu Zheng's point of view, each of these is no less than the long sword that once galloped, even the left guard now believes that the person who stole the stone pagoda behind his back is Mr. Xiong.

"Whoosh..." a icy needle appeared in front of Mr. Xiong, it seemed to be the size of an ordinary finger, phantoms jumped out of him, and appeared in the air in the next second.

But when the tip of the needle pointed at the left guardian, the left guardian felt his brows turn cold, even though she was so absent, Daqi was still very vigilant in his heart.

Those who just stole the stone pagoda knew that someone would come to the door, because of the aura inside, good wine was a delicious meal for people like them, knowing that there was a trap, they still swallowed it in one go.

Hundreds of dense phantom ice needles appeared in the air, floating side by side, and the light and shadow suddenly increased ten times in thickness, and they also accelerated to rush over.

Those fire snakes all over the sky spit out more powerful fireballs in the air, connecting them in a straight line, but only a spark splashed when they hit the ice needles, and each ice needle can withstand at least a few fireballs without damage.

Each needle tip shone with a cold light, and nailed it towards the fire snake. Although the fire snake tried its best to twist its body, but there were too many opponents, some of them dodged in front, but more were still behind.

Dozens of brilliant fireworks exploded in the air, forming dozens of beautiful fireworks.

Amidst the dazzling shadows of fireworks, one after another of cold needles broke through.

Long before the fiery snake collapsed, the left guardian opened his mouth, and a blood-green flame spewed out from it. The green flame surged to a height of more than ten feet in the wind, and turned into a mighty beast.

The forehead is engraved with the character of king, the eyes are as big as lamps, six claws and two wings, and the blood-colored scales are shining brightly. Every feather on the wings can be seen clearly, and it is unknown what kind of beast it has transformed into.

As soon as the strange beast landed on the ground, it spread its wings and flew straight into the air. Blue and white flames were brewing from its mouth, and a beam of flame light as thick as a thigh rushed directly towards the cold needle.

The momentum is so great that it seems that everything in front of it can be destroyed.

A piercing sound resounded in the air, and all the ice needles quickly merged into one when they saw the situation. The ice needles that were originally whitish turned into sky blue, and rushed towards the flame without fear.

As if going upstream, the flame was directly split into two pieces.

But the flames continued, the speed of the ice needles was getting slower and slower, and the tip of the ice was not as sharp as it was at the beginning. It gradually couldn't resist the erosion of the flames. When it was a few feet away from the opponent, it finally turned into vaporization. It's spotless.

Then the strange beast closed its mouth, and a pair of green vertical sticks kept looking at the old man, and roared at the old man. On the sharp teeth, drops of green liquid dripped into the ground, and along with the smoke, corroded Small pits.

The claws under the feet continuously scratched out traces on the ground, ready to attack at any time.

"Zha." The left guard pointed his hand and spit out a resounding sound from his mouth. A line of blood shot out from his hand, and as soon as it touched the forehead of the strange beast, it turned into a bloody light and began to surround the strange beast.

The strange beast roared suddenly, and its figure continued to grow in size. In a short period of time, its body had doubled in size and continued to grow.

When it came to a complete stop, a huge strange beast floated in the air, and Xiong Lao was the size of an ant in front of him.

At this time, the image of the alien beast was more realistic, and blood-red veins could be seen even in some exposed places, and several feet high flames grew on it like hair.

The giant beast looked down at Old Xiong, and directly crushed towards Old Xiong with its coldly glowing fingers.

A huge pressure fell from the sky, and the surrounding trees, under this pressure, the straight and thick trunks were slightly bent, trembling constantly,

Old Xiong raised his head and looked up with his unwavering eyes, the hair on his head was blown by the wind pressure.

Zhijian Xiong Lao slowly raised a finger, and also extended a finger to the sky.

Old Xiong could clearly see the sharp red awns flowing continuously on the nails, and the red auras were launched one after another.

Unexpectedly, such a scene, a blue light rose outside Mr. Xiong, blocking the energy, but he couldn't stretch out his hand to block it.

The strange beast smiled, but it looked terrifying.

The finger that was originally a single finger turned into a palm in an instant, and pressed down hard on the old Xiong below.

With a loud "boom", a large pit appeared in that area, and the surrounding trees disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed, and the sky was covered with dust.

Half of Xuanfeng's body behind him leaked out, this blow knocked

"Haha." Zuo Hushi laughed comfortably, seeing the other party's bland expression made him feel upset, feeling that the other party was a hermit, who was caught here by the ancestors, and still looked aloof.

I saw with my own eyes that the other party's defense had been broken, so I will suffer a lot.

Suddenly, the dust in the sky was blown away by a hurricane, and Xiong Laopi floated on the top of the huge pit, his whole face was as cold as ice, and traces of murderous aura leaked from his eyes.

Although I didn't hurt myself this time, the other party really annoyed me thoroughly,

The mouth was slightly opened, and a ray of cold air emerged from it, and quickly rose slowly.

With a touch of the jade hand on the waist, several small balls exuding cold air were projected directly into the sky, forming a zigzag shape and exploding in the air, forming a sky filled with ice, which just surrounded the ball of cold air.

The left protector was still looking at the opponent without any trace of injury, surprised that the opponent's defense was so strong, and saw that the ice crystals all over the sky had begun to merge into one, and he had no time to stop it.

Soon a giant ape covered in blue ice crystals appeared in the air. Its body shape was almost the same as that of its own beast. As soon as it appeared, it immediately took out a huge fist and rushed towards the beast.

It was as fast as the wind, even though the giant ape's body was so big, its speed was not slow.

Facing the dodge of the alien beast, he accelerated directly, punched a big hole in his wing, and flew out of his whole body with one hand.

In midair, a pink mist fell from the sky and fell directly into the wound. When the beast stabilized its figure, the wound on the wing had recovered.

"Roar." With a roar, the strange beast spread its wings, raised its figure again, and flew directly into the clouds.

The giant ape also wanted to fly up, but only halfway through the flight, the invisible pressure made it difficult to move forward, and the rules of the world were suppressing it.

When the alien beast reappeared, it had already come behind the giant ape, and its brilliance was even more dazzling.

With a slight flap of the wings above, the flame feathers of the wings on the body shot out, surrounded by flames, and when they spread out, they formed a small blood-colored sword several inches long, and shot towards the giant ape .

Between the giant ape's hands below, some white cold lights surged, and as the hands stretched out, it directly raised a huge two-handed ice shield, several feet thick, standing on top of its head.


The blood-colored fairy swords were fully inserted on the ice shield, until the scabbard was missing, and they were densely piled on top, all of which were blocked by the ice shield.

The bloody little sword began to glow violently on the ice shield, and the scorching heat radiated from the hair, and the appearance of the giant shield began to melt.

Some tiny cracks appeared in the middle, the giant ape turned pale with fright, and quickly spit out a stream of ice air trying to freeze all the little sword.

On the top, the recovered hand raised his hand and shot feathers again, although not as many as last time, but he retracted his wings, swooped down towards a sharp arrow, and followed the little sword.

The twelve glittering claws are ready to go, waiting for the opportunity to inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

Xiong Lao frowned below, the opponent's recovery was too fast, and he had to find a way to directly inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

Xing Lao raised his hands, and an ice sword rushed upwards, and it kept getting bigger and bigger as it went up, but judging by the speed, it was too late.

At the same time, ice swords appeared from the side and shot towards the left guard.

The left guard smiled, and a red blood mist formed outside, blocking the opponent's attack directly in front of him, while he controlled the giant beast to spit out fireballs again, bombarding the ice shield, making the ice shield look more broken.

In this situation, the ice shield was no longer able to block the next attack. In desperation, the giant ape threw the giant shield upwards, directly detonated it, and shattered it together with the small sword on it.

The ice slag all over the sky forms a protection here, but this protection looks like a thin layer of paper, which can be broken if poked, like a phantom.

Even if the giant ape tried its best to send out streams of cold air below, to strengthen this layer of defense.

However, after losing half of the small swords, this defense has been broken.

Xiaojian rushed up first, although the giant ape was waving two pairs of huge hands, trying to hit down halfway, but under Xiaojian's nimble dodge, it was still a little clumsy.

Only a few were blown away by the giant ape, and all the rest found the right gaps and were inserted all over the body.

Big holes were left in the giant ape's body, and the small sword could pass through it, but it still stayed in the giant ape's body.

There are many red marks on the legs, arms, and even the chest, and they are shining red.

The strange beast was overjoyed when he saw this, and his figure accelerated again.

A blue light burst out from the palm of the giant ape's hand, watching the trajectory of the alien beast, he slapped it directly at the alien beast.

If the shot is real, this shot can turn the other party into a puddle of meat.

How could the strange beast be hit by the opponent, so it turned around flexibly and turned directly from the side.

The two sharp claws grabbed the giant ape's shoulder directly from the side, and took away a large piece of ice from the fan, revealing a hole in which blue mist leaked out.

There was another loud noise. It turned out that the alien beast also left two streaks of red energy in its grasp, which exploded at the wound. This blow almost broke the giant ape's shoulder.

The giant palm that did not focus on the beast did not stop, but continued to slap. When the two palms were closed, a blue light burst out instantly, forming a shield directly.

Ever since seeing the strange beast ascend to the sky, he knew that if he persisted in such a stalemate, it would be far from good for him, so he had already figured out a way, otherwise he would just get rid of the little sword in his body.

This supernatural power is really useless outside, but here, with the blessing of the environment, I would rather die with his supernatural power, and earn it myself.

The strange beast was about to fly away from the side, and came around again, when suddenly a blue shield appeared in the sky.

"Bang bang bang" the alien beast's several attacks were all blocked by this, and it was only when he turned his head that he realized that it was the work of the giant ape.

But an ice sword flew in from the outside without a sound, and was held by the giant ape in an instant, turning into a wave of ice and cold around it.

Originally, he could run out of here smoothly, but now he was blocked. Originally, the giant ape didn't expect to stop him, but for this moment.

In his frightened eyes, the giant ape had already raised the ice sword, the terrifying aura had already locked him, and a little bit of blizzard had begun to appear inside the shield, and he had nowhere to hide, no way to escape.

The dense snowflakes were blown back by the strong wind from the ice sword, and I already felt the biting cold, my body felt my brain froze, and the flames on my body were already a little bit weak, and they no longer had the power they had just now.

The giant ape had already turned around, and in the next second, he aimed at the strange beast and slashed at it. Suddenly, the small swords in various parts of the body suddenly lit up red light at an extreme speed, and one by one began to explode.

The body of the giant ape was directly blasted to be riddled with holes, and one leg was even broken, and it had the most small swords inlaid on it.

But he was stiff just now, which made him a beat slower, and the ice sword was already moving towards his body.

A cloud of mist appeared on his body, the flames all over his body had been extinguished, all of them were poured into it, and blocked in front of him, in order to block the opponent's damage to the maximum extent.

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