"What's the matter, Captain Sun, I can guarantee that I will be absolutely loyal and will never betray." Gao Feng asked incredulously when he saw that the warrant was indeed genuine.

"I'm sorry, I can't answer your question right now. Please don't make unnecessary resistance and come with us. If there is a real misunderstanding, just test it once." Captain Sun said in a business-like tone.

"You guys wait for me for a while, I'll be back in a while, I want to see who is slandering me." Gao Feng arranged for the three of them.

If he didn't dare to resist, he would be killed on the spot as an enemy, and he would die unjustly.

I could only follow them away helplessly, thinking about who and why set me up.

This made everyone look at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what happened, and the atmosphere calmed down for a while. Others also discussed this after seeing it, which made everyone feel suffocated.

He obviously didn't do anything, and he didn't know who slandered his captain.

Just after going out for a while at the peak, another small group of members came here, looked at the hall, saw them who were a little silent, and one of them had a bright eye and deliberately came to them.

"Hey, what about your captain, I heard that something happened." A somewhat proud voice sounded from the side.

When everyone looked up, it turned out that Jia Ning and his team were in a small team.

"What are you talking about? Nothing will happen to our captain. I even suspect that it's your fault." The hot-tempered Qiu Ning saw that the captain had just left, and they came to provoke him. After careful consideration, he knew there was something tricky.

"I didn't do it, so don't slander me." Although he said so, his face and tone showed that it was his fault, but he couldn't admit it verbally.

Seeing the other party's proud eyes, Qiu Ning couldn't help it, and stood up directly, even the others stood up, looking at the other party with indignation.

"Hitting someone in the back is considered a hero, if you have the ability to attack someone head-on." Mo Xiaofan said bitterly.

"Okay, then let's have a competition. I won't bully you. There are three of you, and we will produce three of you. Don't worry, the cultivation bases are the same as yours."

Jia Ning seemed to be waiting for their words, and after hearing Mo Xiaofan finished speaking, he clapped his hands and agreed with the other party directly.

This time it was Mo Xiaofan's turn to be dumbfounded, he was only indignant for a moment, he didn't expect the other party to set him up here.

"Why don't you dare, it seems that without your captain, you are just a group of gerbils who dare not show their heads, you should hide in the ground, that's the place for you to stay." Jia Ning sneered.

The people behind him laughed and laughed at each other.

"Go back and be your gerbil."

"Parents who left without knowing anything."

"Bijibi, what's so scary, don't cry when you lose." Qiu Ning slapped the table and took it directly, ironically that the other party would only use the method of not being able to thank the stage.

Everyone has already seen the situation here, and seeing Qiu Ning's expression, they all applauded her.

"Don't show off your tongue, I'll wait for you next to the ring, and see if you dare to come." Seeing that everyone was looking at him wrongly, Jia Ning said harsh words, and led their people away.

"Don't go, they sent your captain away on purpose to make it look bad for you." A person next to him persuaded him, and he understood what happened from the beginning to the end.

Some people around persuaded them, but there were also people who were afraid of chaos in the world and bewitched them.

"What are you afraid of? This is just a competition. Besides, they didn't mean to send out people with equal cultivation levels to let them see how good you are."

"Sister Qiu, what should we do?" Now among the three of them, only Qiu Ning has a relatively high level of cultivation, Mo Xiaofan asked for help, wishing to tear his mouth apart, and fall into the opponent's tricks without thinking.

"It's okay, the other party came prepared, even if you endure it, they will find a way to make us submit." Qiu Ning instead comforted Mo Xiaofan, the other party chose this time on purpose.

"Longtian, Xiaofan, wait for a while, don't force it, even if you lose, it doesn't matter, the other party just wants to get back to the scene in the morning, but I didn't expect the other party to act so soon." Qiu Ning was afraid that they would be too competitive and hurt For yourself, if you can save your strength at this time, save more.

"Understood." Gu Zheng and Mo Xiaofan said in unison.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Ning, who looked rather savage, seemed very delicate in his heart.

The three of them got up and went out, followed by a large group of people watching the fun.

Go out and turn left and go straight, and soon a relatively large open space appears in front of you, with a gleaming arena in the middle, and there is no one on it now.

And Jianing, who had already arrived, stood below. Seeing the three of them coming, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect the three of them to dare to come.

"How about it, I didn't expect us to dare to come here." Qiu Ning took the lead and shouted at Jia Ning.

"Since you are rushing to be humiliated, I have no choice but to let you experience it." Jia Ning sneered, "It's still too late for you to repent, no one will say that you are timid."

At this time, there are already a lot of people around, waiting for them to see how to solve it.

"But since you are here, I will be magnanimous. You can decide the order and your opponents. It's easy to say that I will target you." Jia Ning then said loudly, telling the people around him that he is not a bully.

My own team members are all carefully selected by myself, and their strength is at the same level, they are all stronger, and they are not afraid of the opponent at all.

"Okay." For this kind of advantage that is not considered an advantage, Sister Qiu agreed without hesitation.

"Sister Qiu, let me do the first round." Hearing what the other party said, Mo Xiaofan begged directly.

As he said, he took a step forward and looked like two of the opponents, because only two of the opponent's five were in the middle stage, and the other three, including Jia Ning, were all in the late Jinxian stage.

"Mo Xiaofan, please give me your advice." Mo Xiaofan came to a blue-robed young man to face him, looked him in the eyes, and said solemnly.

The young man in the blue robe looked at the opponent's eyes full of fighting spirit, and didn't take it seriously. He was not as aggressive as Jia Ning, and he only came here temporarily, and said with a smile:

"Mo bandit, please give me more advice."

After the two finished speaking, they set off at the same time, and the two of them stood on the side of the ring in a tacit understanding at the same time.

"Come on, Xiaofan." Gu Zheng raised his fist at Mo Xiaofan, encouraging him.

Mo Xiaofan smiled shyly at Gu Zheng, then his face tensed, he was not paying attention to the sidelines.

A layer of clear white light appeared from above the arena, covering the entire arena and isolating all outside sounds.

This arena was specially set up. The entire arena is tens of feet long and wide, with enough space, and it is located in the outermost part of the town.

As long as the two sides stand on the ring, and the divine sense of the two people touches a bead next to it together, the protection will be activated to prevent the two people's spells from splashing outside.

If one party's breath falls below the second floor, it will be sent out directly, and it can be sent out at any time with a thought.

Although there is no final Jedi counterattack, it also avoids unnecessary casualties in case of being unstoppable. If you don't like it, you can move to Puppet Town. The arena there does not have such a high limit, and there is a stone tower with more space.

Mo Bandit, who looked amicable, came up to his waist, and three red smoke rolled out of it, circling in the air, and when he landed again, he had turned into three ferocious ghosts, constantly rushing towards Mo Xiaofan roared.

Each one is many feet tall, and each one has the cultivation base of the early stage of Jinxian.

In fact, since the protective cover was opened, it was a battle, but although Mo Bandit recruited evil spirits, he still didn't directly attack the opponent, but said politely:

"Careful, I'm about to start."

Because Mo Xiaofan was closing his eyes at this time, and he didn't know if he was ready.

Such a graceful behavior will at least win the favor of most people, because this is not a battle of life and death, nor is it a fight for something, at most it is just a gain or loss of face.

This at least won another point of impression for Jia Ning. Jia Ning nodded in satisfaction. There are so few gentlemen in Shura, and there is no way in such a big environment.

"I'm ready, I can start at any time." A gleam flashed in Mo Xiaofan's eyes. Although he was always on guard, he couldn't deny that he had a good impression of him.

It's just a good impression of being a human being. It seems that I have chosen a very good opponent, and I can make friends with him if I have the opportunity.

As soon as Mo Xiaofan finished speaking, he saw bandit Mo yell, and directly controlled the three evil spirits to charge up.

In Mo Xiaofan's hand, he made a quick early-stage spell, and a long sword flew out from behind, and charged straight up. In mid-air, it suddenly turned into two long swords, one blue and one red, each transformed into two colored tigers and charged up.

The red tiger clawed at the eyes, and the blood-colored thick fog surrounding the evil ghost was torn into pieces and dissipated, revealing the body of red tendons.

The blue tiger made an emergency stop, avoiding the opponent's attack, then turned around suddenly, and with a scream, the tail behind him was drawn by lightning, and the evil spirit flew back and rolled on the ground After a few laps, the blue fox rushed forward without hesitation.

The last evil ghost took advantage of Mo Xiaofan's control of the long sword, came to the side of Mo Xiaofan after a few ups and downs, opened its big, foul-smelling mouth, and a few green bone needles flew out of it, directly towards the opponent's face shoot.

Mo Xiaofan didn't dodge or dodge, he directly punched the bone needles, the bone needles scattered away, his figure accelerated instantly, and punched towards the face of the opponent's evil spirit.

Mo Bandit didn't expect that the opponent would be head-to-head, and wanted to urge the evil spirit to get out of the way, but it hadn't been long, so he could only make up his mind and let the evil spirit directly exchange injuries for injuries, and flashed a fierce light at the opponent's chest.

Mo Bandit's face darkened, and with a wave of his own hand, a red spear flew out of his cuff, burning with flames all over his body, and rushed towards the side of the opponent's blue sword like lightning.

There was a loud bang, before the evil ghost's hand touched Mo Xiaofan, it was directly blasted out, passed through the half court, and landed on the ground with a big hole in its chest, it was impossible to survive.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, a flash of fire flashed in the void, Mo Xiaofan's small blue sword had already hit the side, and fell to the ground with a soft sound, most of the blue light on his body faded away.

And the evil spirit that was entangled with it rushed up with blue frost.

Mo Xiaofan immediately picked up Fa Jue, and saw that the blue long sword directly turned into a swirling sea wave, knocking the evil spirit away.

"If I'm not mistaken, the two long swords are rare fire and water aura sets. One long sword has two attributes, and it can be separated into two long swords with independent attributes. The power will not be reduced at all." Outside, a People wondered.

"Then what if the injuries are together." The person next to him asked curiously.

"Then the injuries will be halved, and the two long swords together can exert stronger power." The man said frankly.

"However, this sword is only suitable for women who take the light and agile route. If men want to use it, the effect will be much lower." Of course, this sentence was just muttered in my heart, but I didn't say it out.

After the blue sword was damaged, its power was greatly reduced, and the red spear attacked again, trying to destroy it directly.

Mo Xiaofan had no choice but to control the blue sword to turn into a blue light and merge into the red long sword. He sprayed it from his mouth, and a big black seal sprayed out from his mouth. It grew up against the wind and turned into a hill, directly pressing down on the opponent's evil spirit.

But the long sword was entangled with the long spear, the two weapons flew up and down, entangled back and forth, and the air was full of the sound of metal and iron clashing.

Two intact evil spirits stood together, their eyes glowed red, the thick fog outside had dissipated, only to see that the whole body was propped up again, and the arms were twice as thick as before.

The thick muscles were raised high, and the four palms directly supported the hill falling from the sky.

A huge wave of air burst out, and the two evil ghosts bent their feet, forcibly resisting each other's attack.

With a smile on his face, Mo Xiaofan stretched out his hand to point in the void, and the hill transformed by the big seal directly turned into a black chain again, and quickly circled from the top several times in an instant, tying the two evil spirits together from the beginning to the end. Together.

Then the rope was locked suddenly, and the two evil spirits huddled together, trapped to death. The evil spirits roared wildly and struggled desperately, but they could not break free.

Dots of black mist began to float on the black chain, closing all the gaps in the middle, almost covering the parts except the head.

Mo Xiaofan made a violent pull with both hands, and the connected black chain directly squeezed in, the bodies of the two evil spirits shrunk to a third, and there was an unpleasant sound of "creaking" in the air, and the two heads directly Fall from the sky.

With the loosening of the black chain, countless red mist rushed out, covering the ground with a layer, and the evil spirit was crushed into a prototype,

And the red spear in the sky has turned into a fire dragon, and Mo Xiaofan's long sword has formed two different shapes, one blue and one red, two thick whirlwinds, and they are stalemate with each other.

The red flames and the blue water polo rolled wildly towards the surroundings, while Ranglong continuously sprayed out streaks of red and collided with each other.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the blue beam of light is obviously a little weak. If it goes on like this, it will definitely not be able to hold on, and it will collapse first.

Of course Mo Xiaofan also knew that he controlled Heisuo to transform into a flood dragon and charged upwards, baring his teeth and claws, he plunged in, a black cloud appeared there, and now the three parties began to fight.

At this time, the middle of the two of them was filled with red, blue and black energy, and countless energies sputtered out all over the sky. Except for the two people on both sides, no one could clearly see what it was like inside.

Qiu Ning walked back and forth outside, his face full of tension.

Now the expressions of the two people are the same, and they are constantly playing magic spells in their hands, trying to defeat each other in one fell swoop, and no one can tell who has the advantage and who is the disadvantage.

"Sister Qiu, it's okay. Otherwise, I'll go first in the next game. If you are too nervous, it will affect your performance." Gu Zheng grabbed Qiu Ning and said deliberately.

The two of them had discussed just now that Qiu Ning would play in the next round, because she couldn't wait to beat Jia Ning, and now seeing that face made her sick.

"Okay, I know." Even though Qiu Ning said this, he couldn't help looking up.

"Sister Qiu, you should meditate for a while, or wait a while to play like this, unless you want to lose to the opponent." Gu Zheng smiled wryly, and persuaded her when he saw her like this.

This time Qiu Ning listened to it, and thinking of how she lost to the other party, Qiu sister's heart became angry.

"Long Tian, ​​take this, and when it's over, break and call me." Qiu Ning heard, how could such a thing happen, and immediately handed Gu Zheng a water polo.

I hurriedly walked to the side, set up a sound-proof enchantment on the side, enveloped myself, and sat down on the spot, which was really fast.

Gu Zheng shook his head, turned around and looked up.

Now the expressions of the two are already very tense. It seems that the scuffle in the middle is about to decide the outcome.

Although no sound could be heard from the outside, one could still see a sudden explosion in the middle, and all kinds of energy flew towards the surroundings, causing ripples on the surrounding protection.

Gu Zheng saw a look of joy on Mo Xiaofan's face, it seemed that he should have won the middle victory, but Gu Zheng found that the face of the opposite person was not depressed, it seemed that the battle was not over yet.

A long spear fell down from the sky. Everyone saw it and thought that the battle was about to end. Some people had already started to look away.

But Jia Ning and the others are very confident, because they don't think that such a collision failure will completely lose their combat effectiveness.

Both of them were a little pale, but Mo Bandit's was even paler.

A dragon with two horns missing, and two pillars of light, red and blue, flew out from the middle and shot directly at Mo Bandit.

But Mo Bandit went unhurriedly, quickly shot a red glow in his hand, and flew towards the opponent at a faster speed.

Then he took out a yellow bead again, stretched out his hand to wipe it, and a layer of golden quicksand appeared in the air, firmly guarding him.

But this layer of protection seems to Mo Xiaofan, it's not very strong, like the end of a light crossbow, it doesn't need much force to pierce through.

Mo Xiaofan let out a sneer in his heart, the power of that red line can't even break through his own defense, is it impossible to scare himself, make him focus on defense and give up attacking.

However, due to the previous damage, the power of the magic weapon has been weakened a lot. In order to defeat the opponent's defense, Mo Xiaofan even increased the input of immortal power.

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