Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 118 The Story of Rice Cake

After queuing for ten minutes, Gu Zheng arrived at the window.

"Stir-fried rice cakes, steamed rice cakes, and rice cake strips, one each!"

When queuing up, Gu Zheng noticed that although this rice cake shop has many varieties, the most people order these three kinds, and the ones that order the most are usually the best things in the shop. After Gu Zheng finished speaking, inside The person in charge quickly made three servings for him, all of which were prepared in advance, and then brought over for sale.

There is no dine-in place in this store, so you can only buy and take away.


Just like before, Gu Zheng found a small shop casually, ordered something, and sat there to taste the rice cakes he bought. He ate fried rice cakes first, and his eyes lit up a lot after he took a bite.

This fried rice cake tastes really good, it is very chewy, and it doesn't have the sweet and greasy feeling like other rice cakes. When you eat it, it is very sweet, and you can't help but swallow it.

In terms of taste alone, Gu Zheng should give them at least 85 points.

85 points is already a lot. Gu Zheng has never scored a score of 90 points in terms of food taste. A score of 85 points can be said to be the highest score in his career for more than a year.

Except for the food that Gu Zheng made himself, he never gave a score to the food he made.

"Glutinous rice flour, an inferior ingredient!"

Qi Ling suddenly said something, and Gu Zheng was a little stunned. The ingredients used in this shop are actually inferior. No wonder the taste is so good. Craftsmanship, the rice cakes made by this store are so attractive, there are so many people queuing in front of the store.

"Overall 80 points!"

Gu Zheng ate a piece of each rice cake, nodded secretly, and finally gave an overall evaluation of 80 points, an overall score of 80 points, this score is also very high, only a few times Gu Zheng gave such a score.

Another point is that Gu Zheng gave 80 points before, but at that time, Gu Zheng didn't know the classification of ingredients. Now that he knows the classification system of ingredients, and he has Tiexian cooking skills, Gu Zheng's mouth is even more open. Now It is even more difficult to get him 80 points. This rice cake can have such a score, which is basically Gu Zheng's highest evaluation =.

If it weren't for the water and sugar in the rice cakes, which are low-grade ingredients, Gu Zheng would definitely give them 85 points, and the two low-grade ingredients slightly lowered the taste.

Gu Zheng ate a few more rice cakes, packed the rest and went back to the rice cake shop.

The rice cake shop became busier, and Gu Zheng finally revealed his identity before he found a person and asked some simple information.

The rice cakes sold in this rice cake shop are all prepared by themselves. Their hometown is in Hubei, and there is a large paddy field in Hubei. They grow a kind of rice with a very good taste. They don’t use chemical fertilizers or pesticides for this rice. They even import water. The mountain spring water usually has insects that are manually removed, so the yield is very low.

The output is low, but the price is high. This kind of glutinous rice is very popular. They have their own kind of glutinous rice, and they usually make rice cakes at home. They eat them by themselves, and they are very delicious.

Later, there was a couple whose daughter went to Shanghai for college entrance examination. The couple had only one child and a daughter. First, they were worried about their daughter's life in the city, and second, they were reluctant to part with each other, so they also came to the city where their daughter was studying. While working part-time, I can take care of my daughter by the way.

As a result, the two were old and it was hard to find a job. They did not find a suitable job after several times of searching. They finally decided to start a small business by themselves. They knew nothing else. They often made rice cakes and liked to eat them. Rice cake shop.

Unexpectedly, it became popular after opening. Their rice cakes are very popular, because they use the raw materials from their hometown, and they are sold out early every day. Later, they charged a high price for the glutinous rice produced in their hometown, and opened it again in Shencheng. After opening several branches, the business is getting better and bigger, and the couple also bought a house in Shanghai.

After inquiring about this, Gu Zheng was even more satisfied. This is good material, and it can be written into the article.

Gu Zheng didn't want to delay other people's business, so he left first. Now it's noon, and there are more people queuing up in this store. Basically, it takes at least half an hour to buy a rice cake.

Gu Zheng ate two kinds of food today, one is barrel chicken, and the other is rice cake. Although rice cake is vegetarian, it tastes much better than barrel chicken. The final score of barrel chicken is 50 points, failing, but rice cake is 80 points. point.

There were two manuscript materials in one day, and Gu Zheng was very satisfied, so he didn't go out to explore the store, and left directly to go home.

The two manuscripts were written very quickly by Gu Zheng, one in an hour, and finished in two hours. The two manuscripts add up to more than 4,000 words, more rice cakes, more than 2,000 words, and the bucket of chicken is more than 1,000 words. Ziji was criticized, the selection of raw materials was not good, and some food additives were added in the production process. Gu Zheng directly gave a negative review.

Gu Zheng is on the food channel, but he has a reputation for being a poisonous tongue, and he is never polite to bad things.

Rice Cake Guzheng praised it, but also pointed out that the water source and sugar content are not good, and the ratio is not a special match, but it is much better than others, and the taste is also very good. You will definitely not regret it after eating it.

The two manuscripts were all sent to Mu Mu, and more than half of the tasks of the three manuscripts were completed at once, and Gu Zheng felt a lot easier in an instant.

Don't worry about the other article, he will go to Hangzhou to participate in a food competition in a few days anyway, and then go to taste the food when he arrives in Hangzhou. This article is about the food in Hangzhou. He hasn't commented on foreign food for a long time Yes, this time I can make up for it.

The next day, Gu Zheng didn't get up until ten o'clock.

Last night, Du Yang had a treat, and he was still not satisfied after the meal. Several people went to sing again, and then went to the bar after singing. It was four o'clock in the morning when they got home, and Du Yang was very drunk.

No way, he was too excited, anyway, he didn't go to work the next day, so he had a good indulgence.

A vice president of the group specifically talked to him and told him clearly that he will be promoted when he comes back from this training class, so that he will be prepared, learn more during the training, and improve his ability. When he comes back from training, he will immediately Assuming a new position, his new position is the vice president of the marketing department.

There are three vice presidents in the marketing department, and each vice president is in charge of three to four departments. When Du Yang is promoted, one of the vice presidents will be transferred away. At that time, the departments in the hands of the vice president will all belong to him. manage.

In one month, from a small ordinary employee to a middle-level manager, this change is too great, no wonder Du Yang wants to indulge in this once, he always feels that it is not real.

He didn't know which parts he was going to take over yet, and during the meal he said that it would be better for him to take over the part he was in before, so that he could take revenge and treat the old hag well.

He has heard that when he went to the training by himself this time, the old hag was so jealous that she even spoke ill of him behind his back, saying that he must have used the back door to drag the relationship, maybe he used the beauty trick, so he would be like a rocket be promoted.

When Du Yang said this, Gu Zheng just smiled and didn't tell him the reason.

Gu Zheng knows that his good partner is also a person with strong self-esteem. If he is told that these improvements are due to him, he will be very uncomfortable and will not be so happy.

That being the case, it's better not to say anything, and let good friends think that it's really a good time to turn around, so that it won't affect their feelings.

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