Lian Rong and the others took advantage of the time when Gu Zheng was under siege, gathered together again, and prepared to wait for others to come and besiege him.

The opponent's strength already made them feel a little scared, and what made Lianrong even more puzzled was that when they fought against him before, although he had peak strength, his aura was indeed in the late stage of the immortal.

Even when the opponent was saving Xiangxiang, the aura revealed was still in the late stage.

But when the opponent came out of the banner, the aura on his body had been raised to the peak state, and the opponent didn't look like some kind of secret method, but seemed to be at his own level.

Especially the unknown composition of the armor on the opposite side, although it looks harmless at all, it exudes an aura that makes him fear.

This is the first time she has seen such a weird thing, but she knows that she is frantically telling herself that she is not the opponent's opponent now, even if they are four, she still feels that she is not his opponent.

Gu Zheng stepped out from the formation flag. At this time, the demon grass in his body had shrunk so much that it shrank back again, but Gu Zheng didn't know it at all. He only felt that he had inexhaustible energy all over his body, and he desperately wanted to vent it.

Looking at the face facing the enemy, Gu Zheng smiled lightly, took a step forward, and disappeared in place in an instant.

"Where?" The four of them came up with an idea at the same time, looking around at the same time, trying to find Gu Zheng's figure, but they couldn't find each other.

"On the top of the head, everyone spread out." Sissy was more sensitive, and felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the top of the head. When she looked up, Gu Zheng was coming from the sky towards the middle of the four, and hurriedly warned.

When the others heard it, they fled in the direction of the front without saying a word, but the sissy thought that the four should unite together to block the opponent's attack.

How did they know that the three of them knew that Gu Zheng was terrible, so they didn't even think of resisting it.

When he found out that other people had left, he was slower to react and he had been locked by Gu Zheng.

Looking at the opponent's speed, even if he fled again, he couldn't escape, so he simply blocked it, as long as he could block the opponent's attack, others would come to support him.

A girl's handkerchief was taken out from her bosom by the sissy, and it was just embroidered with ordinary mandarin duck patterns, which looked similar to those used by secular girls.

There were bursts of golden light around the handkerchief, and it spun and enlarged on top of his head, trying to get injured again, preparing to block the opponent's blow.

At the same time, with the other hand on the back of the head, a green hairpin was taken out, and the long hair was scattered on the shoulders. With that charming face, it seemed that there was some feminine charm.

He rubbed it lightly in his hand, and the green light disappeared from his hand in a flash, shooting towards Gu Zheng's head.

The gloomy man next to him looked back, and immediately felt that this was a good opportunity. He stopped the flying figure, and faint phantoms rose in front of him one after another.

Gu Zheng looked at the green light approaching at a very high speed, without blinking his eyes, only the sissy under his eyes, watching the opposite's self-defeating behavior, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

He only heard the sound of the brocade being torn from the air, and with the help of the impact, Gu Zheng turned his fist into claws, instantly tore the handkerchief into pieces, and then clenching his claws into fists, under the fearful eyes of a sissy, he hit hard. On the bosom of a sissy.

"Puff..." Under this heavy punch, the sissy had no other means. The brocade handkerchief didn't buy him any time, and his whole body exploded into a cloud of blood.

With a flash of black light, a black primordial spirit suddenly appeared in the air before its body shattered, looked at Gu Zheng in confusion, and immediately turned into a look of panic, and then, a black mist appeared on his body, and he was about to flee.

He had fought against Gu Zheng once before, and he felt that he could still block it. After all, he had blocked the opponent once before, but he didn't expect that his attack power had suddenly increased by more than ten times, and he smashed his body into pieces in one fell swoop.

If he knew this, he would never have done such a foolish thing.

But his thoughts were shattered, Gu Zheng's other hand had already stretched out from the side, and he grabbed it immediately before the opponent fled away.

Feeling the other party's struggle in his hand and the pleading look on his face, Gu Zheng smiled cruelly, and with a slight movement in his heart, a burst of flame burst out from the palm of his hand. The black soul didn't even make a sound, and was caught Burned to fly ash.

Then Gu Zheng's head spun around strangely, seeing a ghost figure behind him had pounced on it quietly, and was about to attack him in the next moment.

Gu Zheng opened his mouth, a ray of golden light spewed out from his mouth, condensed into a long sword, pierced through the ghost in an instant, and the whole ghost burned directly, and a piercing sound sounded around Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng frowned and turned his body Turn back, clap your hands, and the whole world is clean.

The long sword remained undiminished, and continued to shoot forward, but it made a strange right-angle turn in mid-air, pierced through the gloomy man's head, and burst open like a watermelon. The headless body was stunned. Fall towards the front.

A flash of purple light flashed, and the gloomy man's primordial spirit expended a huge amount of vitality. After a few flashes, he moved away from his original position, with fear on his face, and tried his best to flash towards the direction of the mountain.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and turned, and the green hairpin that fell on the ground before was sucked into his hand instantly, and he wiped it a little, then flicked his wrist very quickly, disappeared in a flash, and shot towards the opponent's soul.

At this time, the gloomy man was rushing out along the ground, and in just a few breaths, he had already escaped from the plain here, and now he was continuing to fly over the undulating mountains.

All the obstacles in front of the green hairpin were pierced through a small hole, and the gloomy man only felt that there was a danger chasing towards him from behind, but his speed had already reached the limit, and he couldn't speed up again at all.

In the end, the gloomy man only saw a flash of green light behind him, and then he lost consciousness again, and the whole soul exploded, leaving no residue left.

But here, Lianrong and Miss Yan had just stopped walking, turned half of their bodies, and found that the sissy died on the spot, and the soul of the gloomy man also escaped from here.

The two were dumbfounded. They didn't know what happened just now. At this moment, there was a violent explosion in the distance, and the gloomy man's breath disappeared.

All this seems complicated, but in fact it only happened in a few short breaths.

The explosion woke them both up instantly.

Lian Rong didn't care about Lord Bai's arrangement at this time, her sleeves fluttered automatically, trying to escape from here, but she was swept away by Gu Zheng's gaze, and she was horrified, she unexpectedly released the wrong spell, and her whole body froze for a while There, unable to move.

At this time, Lian Rong wanted to slap herself a few times, and such a tragedy happened at a critical moment.

She was not the only one who had the same thought. The moment Miss Yan came to her senses, she immediately used her secret technique to flee in the direction of Lord Bai. In her opinion, only Lord Bai can save herself now.

She crossed her hands and used her sharp nails to draw terrifying bloodstains on both sides of her ribs. Densely packed red bugs the size of rice grains crawled out from both sides continuously, forming bloody wings on both sides, wheezing and flickering quickly stand up.

With the help of the bug and its own speed, it instantly turned into a rainbow, and fled towards the distance at an incredible speed.

Seeing the scene where Lianrong failed to cast the spell because of her anxiety, Miss Yan changed her mind, instead of running away in the direction of Master Bai, she rushed up to the sky and ran towards the mountain peak, because at this time she had already felt a crowd The human breath is flying towards him.

And Mr. Bai may not have appeared for some reason, or else he would have come out long ago, how could Gu Zheng be so arrogant.

That breath is very familiar, and the leader is Feng Yi and a group of Tianxian Peak and others, who are now heading here at full speed.

Gu Zheng didn't ask Lian Rong, and looked at the girl Yan who was about to disappear, her arms waved slightly, and a long pale golden hair suddenly appeared

In the palm of his hand, he squinted his eyes, raised his arms sharply, took a step forward, and threw it out vigorously.

I saw the golden light of the spear flashing, and it grew from the height of a person to the size of three feet on the way. At the tip of the spear, the golden light rippled in the air, and shot towards the back of Yan girl bravely. .

Girl Yan felt the terrifying force sweeping from behind, turned her head to look, and couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion in her heart.

A golden spear was twice as fast as him, approaching him quickly, and the distance was doubled in such a dazed effort.

Several precious magic weapons appeared from the hands of the smoke girl, and they were immediately activated and thrown towards the spear behind, trying to slow down the opponent's speed.

However, whether it is a mountain peak tens of feet high, a flying sword exuding a fierce aura, or even an unusually rare treasure garment, the moment it touches the spear, they are all shattered by the force added by the golden spear, turning them into pieces. Debris fell from the sky all over the sky.

After such a delay, the golden spear approached the girl Yan like a lightning bolt.

At the very moment, Miss Yan uttered an angry blush, her eyes suddenly turned blood red, and the left wing instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist, which was attached to the arm, and the whole arm swelled up like inflated.

Then a cold light flashed, and she saw that her entire arm was severed from her shoulders, neatly, without muddling at all, and she rushed towards the spear behind her.

There was a loud bang.

Just when that arm was close to the golden spear, it turned into a huge mass of bloody light, and the huge explosion left waves of bloody air in the air.

The golden spear driving at high speed was affected by the air wave, and its angle was slightly tilted. Although it was only a little bit seemingly insignificant, but at such a fast speed, it was lost by thousands of miles. It rushed to the side of the girl wiping the cigarette In the past, only one hurricane was left in place.

Yan girl resisted raising her head, stretched out her hand and threw out the blue sac, a giant blue bird flew out of it, carrying her with its broad back.

That's not counting, Miss Yan spat out another drop of heart blood from her mouth, and the golden blood covered Da Bird's body, and a hazy layer of blood appeared outside.

The two huge wings of the big bird are astonishingly large. Under the blessing of the blood light here, with a slight flap, the whole body quickly flies towards the distance, three points faster than before.

At this time, Miss Yan breathed a sigh of relief, after such a delay, she was already far enough away from that killing spirit, and he had no chance to attack her.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help showing a wry smile at the corner of her mouth. In order to escape for her life, she couldn't help but lose her vitality and lost countless spiritual objects and treasures. Even now, she feels her heart cramping and distressing.

However, compared with my own life, I can still abandon it at any time. At most, I will retreat in the next tens of thousands of years. It is a pity that the three companions have already lost their souls. If I knew that the other party was so powerful, I would not even offend Master Bai coming.

The thing that is easy to catch has fallen to such a point now, four people face one person, and they are killed without even defending for a few rounds. The opponent's strength is too heaven-defying.

"Be careful." Suddenly, a familiar warning came from a distance, as if she was paying attention to something. Miss Yan raised her head and saw the golden spear that flew out before turning back again, not far in front of her.

"Om..." Miss Yan was instantly covered with a blood-colored armor, and upon closer inspection, it was all composed of tiny bugs, because she was too late and unable to react in any other way, and could only expect a miracle to happen.

Just after finishing all this, the golden spear had already slammed into it fiercely.

The big bird under her feet couldn't bear the force before the golden spear approached her. With a wail, the whole body burst open and turned into countless blood mist.

And Miss Yan was pierced through the chest by the golden spear, and a strange force locked her firmly in the middle of the golden spear, leading her to continue flying.

And the blood-colored armor on her body was broken at the moment of contact, leaving only a breath in her heart, and passed out, but after flying a certain distance, the entire golden spear exploded in the air, and her body also slammed, It turned into countless pieces of meat and fell from the sky.


Only then did Lianrong regain control over her body. Seeing this scene, she trembled all over her body. Seeing that Gu Zheng's body had turned towards her, Fulin's heart came to her at this moment, and she screamed subconsciously:

"Your sister is not dead."

As soon as the words fell, he found a long sword standing in front of him. If he took a step at night, he might step into the footsteps of a gloomy man.

"Your sister is not dead, I know where she has gone." Seeing Gu Zheng's scarlet eyes fixed on her, and the long sword trembling in front of her, Lian Rong couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of spit, and said hastily , I am afraid that if I say too late, I will be killed by the other party.

The other party's state resembled a violent rage situation, and his mood was unstable.

"Where is it?" The expressionless words spit out from Gu Zheng's mouth coldly. Although the long sword was still in front of Lian Rong, Lian Rong felt a little relieved because she noticed the scarlet color in the opposite eyes. Back off a little.

But I also know that I can't say it well, and the next moment is when I die.

"She was taken away by the leader, and this trap is aimed at you temporarily." Lianrong said simply and clearly, but she was smart and did not say where she was taken. This is her only advantage, otherwise she would If you say it, you will die in the next second.

Gu Zheng frowned, retracted the long sword in front of him in an instant, raised his hand, and pointed at Lianrong in front of him.

A ray of blue light flew out, and disappeared into Lianrong's body in a flash.

Lianrong felt that she was trapped by a blue chain, sealing all her cultivation, knowing that her life was saved for the time being, but when she looked up, her face paled, and she immediately ran to the side rolling and crawling.

Because in the sky in the distance, at some point, dozens of black spots appeared, and hundreds of sharp sword lights rushed towards this side from a distance.

At the same time, the four escaped lights instantly accelerated, separated from the crowd, and flew towards Gu Zheng at top speed.

Gu Zheng turned sideways and left the place, and the sky filled with sword light fell on the original position, and a violent explosion flooded hundreds of meters.

The four figures landed on the ground one after another, one of them waved his hand, and a gust of wind was born out of nothing, sweeping away all the dust in front of him, revealing the potholes on the ground, but Gu Zheng's figure was gone.

One of the dark-skinned burly men frowned, and his consciousness surged out towards the surroundings again, trying to find him, but he didn't find anything, only the man lying on the ground hiding in the distance

"Where did he go, Mo Bandit has already escaped?"

"I don't think so. This area is already under our surveillance. He can't run out quietly." Said a man next to him with a face similar to his. They were a pair of twin brothers.

"Wait a minute, I sent my little pet to have a look. They dared to kill my sister." A woman dressed in red said, with a plump body, her delicate face was covered by a red gauze, only the mole at the corner of her eye was eye-catching .

As she spoke, she stretched out her slender arms, and a spider no bigger than a palm crawled out. The woman in red squatted down carefully and put it down. The little spider rolled over and disappeared on the ground.

"Everyone has seen that guy is not easy to deal with, you better be careful." The last gray-haired old man said, at this moment, the people behind him had already stayed in the sky above, and under the protection of Feng Yi, they were watching here.

Feng Yi, on the other hand, was ready to step forward as soon as something went wrong. In the farther horizon, some dark shadows had already begun to appear, which were the members who had rushed over from various places.

"Are you looking for me?" A wicked smile came from above them, and the four of them quickly looked up, only to see that Gu Zheng was looking at them from a thick and long tree not far in front of him.

A handsome face, combined with black pupils full of spirituality, gives people the feeling of an extraterrestrial master.

But when they saw it, the four of them had a good understanding and immediately dispersed into a diamond-shaped position. Next to each of them, there would be two people who would support them in time, and then they took out their magic weapon and attacked Gu Zheng.

The two brothers were the fastest. Dozens of sword qi emerged from behind them and shot towards Gu Zheng. In mid-air, the two sword qi unexpectedly began to merge together. Appeared in the air and slashed towards Gu Zheng.

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