Gu Zheng was in the sea of ​​blood, and he felt a weight of gravity pressing on him, as if he was carrying an invisible mountain on his back. His gestures were full of stagnation and courage, and it took nearly ten times more energy than usual.

The ubiquitous undercurrent, full of corrosiveness, rushes up from everywhere turbulently, bringing vortices of different sizes around, constantly tearing Gu Zheng's figure.

A golden light flashed on the surface of Gu Zheng's body, his feet were firmly planted in place, his figure stabilized after only a slight sway, countless blood needles the size of needlepoints were hidden in the sea of ​​blood, thousands of blood The needle stuck in Gu Zheng's body.

But under Gu Zheng's incomparably hard body, he can only stay on the surface of his body, and no further results can be achieved.

Of course, Feng Yi outside was not surprised. This was just an appetizer. The corrosiveness of this sea of ​​blood gradually strengthened with time. Theoretically speaking, as long as there is enough time, even a fairy in the Golden Immortal Stage will be corroded into a skeleton.

The fun has only just begun!

Feng Yi began to drive into the crystal from the outside, punching one after another magic arts, and the entire sky was already pulled by this magic circle, and gusts of evil wind began to rise.

On the black pillar inside, the dense black mist on the outer layer was about to be compressed into a liquid. Suddenly, drops of black liquid began to appear on the tops of all the spikes, dripping down from mid-air, and on the way down Turn into pieces of black fire lotus.

The fire lotus has an elegant shape, swaying and spinning in the air, and the lotus flowers are constantly blooming in the air, elegant and mysterious.

With a graceful figure, he flew into the sea of ​​flames below, and when he encountered the sea of ​​blood, he was even dyed a reddish shadow, as if it was part of the sea of ​​blood itself, ignoring the various traps below , lightly heading towards Gu Zheng's figure.

Before that Hei Lian could get close to Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng could feel the heat wave emanating from his body, and even the blood started to bubble up, and the steaming air wave completely covered Gu Zheng's sight, which made people tremble with fear The sense of touch emerges from the bottom of my heart.

Before the black lotus flower approached Gu Zheng, black clouds and thunder rolled in the sky, and a black lightning as thick as a person's embrace exploded out of thin air, instantly illuminating the somewhat dim world for a moment, through the shield, Slash directly into the sea of ​​blood.

That flash of lightning seemed to kick off the prelude, and then countless lightnings fell from the sky, and nothing could be seen in the entire world except the figure of lightning, and even the people of the Star Alliance who were watching outside were caught by this The sudden eruption of the power of heaven and earth frightened me.

However, under the instructions above, there is still not much movement. All of them have assembled, and even the leader is ready to set off at any time. He will break through the opponent's formation in one fell swoop after the opponent's core is damaged.

And under the sea of ​​blood, when Gu Zheng was struck by the first thunderbolt, his body was suddenly numb and unable to move. Immediately after countless thunderbolts were struck, his body could no longer respond. It was as if everything was numb, and even his thinking was a little dull.

He could only watch helplessly as the black lotus slowly floated over, attached to his body, and then suddenly printed a burning black lotus on his skin, as if he was born and grew there.

A trace of pain came from the covered place. Gu Zheng felt that his body had become the nourishment of the other party, feeding it little by little.

Although it only absorbs a small amount each time, in just a blink of an eye, dozens of flowers bloom and fall, and the cycle is even more terrifying. Gu Zheng's body is densely covered, and every tiny gap will be drilled. A black lotus came in, layered on top of each other, and countless lotus flowers bloomed and fell all over the body.

With so many lotus flowers absorbed at the same time, Gu Zheng could obviously feel that his body was starting to become a little weaker, and with the influx of lotus flowers behind him, the extent of the absorption was getting bigger and bigger.

Originally, this large formation was used in conjunction with the magic formation to deal with the people of the Star Alliance outside. Now all the power is concentrated on Gu Zheng. Although it is a bit of a big talent, but the effect is very significant. From the very beginning, Gu Zheng fell into a passive state. In the midst of it, even a little resistance could not be made.

It means that Gu Zheng is fighting against everyone on the other side, and an extremely powerful formation is added. Even in Gu Zheng's state, he cannot fight against so many people alone.

Just when Feng Yi was full of confidence and wanted to launch the next attack, suddenly in the distance, an earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the power could be felt from such a distance, and the whole ground began to shake .

Feng Yi hurriedly looked back, and found that the tall and majestic city walls around the city, like fragile tofu, were collapsing section by section, and countless thick dust was also emerging from the city.

Feng Yi's heart sank, those little mice on the other side had such a keen sense of smell, they broke the restriction of the city gate so quickly.

Why couldn't the Great Elder see such a spectacular sign? He, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately ordered everyone to attack together.

And this time, the lord will go to battle in person to ensure everyone's safety, so as not to be attacked by the other lord.

All of a sudden, above the sky, colorful rays of light surged towards the shield, such a huge wave of spiritual power made the surrounding air a bit distorted and blurred, and all the creatures within a thousand miles around escaped without thinking. , far away from here, the inadvertently scattered wind made the sky clear.

Under such a dense attack, the previous very strict protection, a little bit of ripples continued to rise, and then gradually expanded to the whole, the obvious protection power has dropped a lot.

At this time, the inside was still covered by black mist, and the Great Elder didn't know what happened inside, but he still looked at the previous city gate.

Because he had already received a report from Elder Mu, and learned that his son had also sneaked in. If it wasn't for him, he might not be able to break through the city gate so quickly this time, and he actually played such an important role inside. , Let the Great Elder have mixed feelings in his heart.

Under the city gate, three figures galloped out of it. Although they managed to destroy the core of the city gate, Ye Sique remained there forever.

What they have to do now is to hide first, and then wait until the army arrives to avenge their sacrificed companions.

At this time, Gu Zheng in the sea of ​​blood is still trying to resist these black lotus and blood mist. If anyone sees Gu Zheng's appearance, he will find that Gu Zheng's whole body is covered with blood crystals. Pricking needles, as the strength of the body decreases, these silver needles can finally drill a little into the skin that fixed Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng tried almost all methods, but he still had no choice but to hold these black lotuses.

At this moment, Hei Lian, who was just sticking on the surface of Gu Zheng's right wrist, saw more and more strength on his side, finally threw away all the instinctive fear in his heart, and put it on quietly.

Before, these black lotuses seemed to be attached to it, but in fact there was still a faint gap, but even Gu Zheng didn't notice this gap.

When the first piece of black lotus was released from the red line, Gu Zheng felt that the immortal energy in his body was sucked into his right wrist. In the blink of an eye, half of his immortal energy disappeared. Disappeared suddenly, as if it had never appeared.

Gu Zheng saw in astonishment that an abnormally bright white flame emerged from his right wrist. Although the phantom was very faint and a little erratic, it seemed that it would be extinguished in the next second.

But the moment it appeared, Gu Zheng felt his body warm up, and all the black lotus turned into clouds of black mist and evaporated directly from the surface of his body.

"Liu Li Jing Huo."

Gu Zheng shouted, he didn't know, but with his current strength, even if he sucked himself dry, he couldn't be summoned.

But why it jumped out of his wrist suddenly, Gu Zheng looked over in doubt.

It was found that the Jinghuo, which was slightly bright like a candle, had slowly floated up, and the light was slowly spreading outside, no matter whether it was the sea of ​​blood or the black mist, it was all evaporated.

And the evaporated blood mist was supplemented by Jinghuo, and continued to expand outward, as if a small enchantment was protecting Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng understood what was going on when he thought about it.

Attracted by the evil aura, Li Huan finally attracted Li Huan's attention, because Li Huan itself contained a trace of Liuli Jinghuo's aura, which is the pure fire that purifies the world, so of course he would not tolerate this evil covering himself.

Spontaneously, an afterimage condensed from it, and then absorbed the energy of those black lotus and blood sea for its own use.

It's just that Gu Zheng soon discovered that he couldn't control the Jinghuo at all, it just counterattacked spontaneously. You must know that the thunder light in the sky is still chopping at him, but Jinghuo doesn't care about it, leaving Gu Zheng a little speechless .

Fortunately, this Lei Guang itself is not known for its power, otherwise Gu Zheng's small body would have been turned into ashes long ago.

When Feng Yi looked back again, he was surprised to find that Gu Zheng had already used some kind of spell to escape, and the situation was developing towards his situation.

Now Feng Yi is faced with two choices, one is to continue mobilizing the formation, you must know that the formation only mobilizes the third layer, and there are different killing formations left behind, each of which is stronger than the last.

But no matter how strong Gu Zheng is, he will definitely die under the formation. He alone is equivalent to fighting hundreds of people, and there is only one way to die.

Of course, except for the two single spells, all the others are group formations. This is their last confidence. He was ready to hand it over to others before leaving, although the power will decrease. But it will still deal a heavy blow to the Star Alliance.

It's a pity that under the leadership of the Black God, this stronghold will be abandoned, because the Lord Hei God will lead them to leave this place that doesn't shit, and look for a better place.

But if he chooses to kill Gu Zheng, then Feng Yi will be 100% unable to escape, maybe today will be his memorial day next year.

Because the formation was out of his control, he already felt that the formation above couldn't hold on for too long, because the opponent's leader had already made a move.

The second option is to leave and go back by yourself. This time is enough to go back and activate the teleportation array. Anyway, I have to give up here before, and before I leave, I can expand the range of the shield so that they can continue to hold on for a while. time.

It can also be regarded as attracting the attention of the enemy for them.

At this time, Master Bai disappeared as soon as the city wall collapsed, and he didn't know where the other party went. If the other party forcibly activated the teleportation array, then Feng Yi might not be able to catch up no matter how hesitant he was.

These thoughts were all thought of by him in the blink of an eye, and soon he activated the power of the magic circle, suddenly expanded a circle outward, and put all the people here, and then a part of himself had already imitated Good black crystals are reserved for the one next to you.

He knew what his fate was, and he was willing to give everything for Feng Yi.

Soon several figures shot up into the sky again, fleeing towards the distant mountain.

Soon, Gu Zheng, who was waiting below, discovered something different. The frequency of the thunderbolt above had been reduced a lot, and the sea of ​​blood was not as turbulent as it was at the beginning.

Gu Zheng immediately put up the ancient mirror to block himself at the moment when the opponent weakened, ignoring that the ancient mirror was overwhelmed and he took the opportunity to quickly heal some of the remaining scars in his body.

At this time, Gu Zheng's body was already in a mess, and he felt that half of his body was about to be scorched, and even half of his shoulder was unconscious.

Just when Feng Yi was about to rush to the mountain peak, there was a sudden silence between the sky and the earth, as if there was no time in the whole world, but then the sound of breaking glass sounded in the sky.

Everyone in the city had a thought in their minds. The protective array had been breached. Countless urban residents hid in their homes tremblingly. Any one of them can wipe them all out.

Countless shouts came from above, and the Great Elder was the first to bear the brunt. He broke through the black mist at the first, and other people came out after the advancement.

But as soon as they entered, they found that there was basically no enemy in front of them that could be called an opponent. Looking around, there were ruins everywhere, and there were many injured civilians, as if they had experienced a major earthquake.

What attracted them the most was a dark magic circle in the distance. I don't know what the enemy is up to. Is it necessary to make a final resistance there?

It was confusing, but without the order of the Great Elder, all of them had to stay in the air, guarding the vicinity.

At this time, three people flew up from below, it was Elder Mu and the three of them.

"Elder Mu, thank you for your hard work. Why are you the only ones left? Where are the others?" The first elder asked first. He also saw his son among them, and glared at him fiercely. He dared to sneak away. Come out, but now is not the time to teach him a lesson.

"As you can see, maybe there are only a few of us left now." Elder Mu said with a sad expression. When he came out, he also saw the lightning that filled the sky. Although it was only a weakened lightning, he still felt that Gu Zheng was impossible. Can survive in it.

"Hey." The Great Elder sighed and didn't say anything. Although he knew that there would be casualties before, he didn't expect such a heavy loss. The loss of four people inside was really heartbreaking.

However, their sacrifices definitely have more advantages than disadvantages for the entire Star Alliance. It can be said that each of them is equivalent to saving a dozen lives.

However, the Great Elder was still full of guilt, because the two brothers and sisters of Gu Zheng died here, especially Sun Cheng repeatedly asked him to take care of Gu Zheng when he came, and never let him do stupid things.

Elder Mu quickly described what happened during the period, and finally said emphatically, "If it wasn't for that brother who created such conditions for us, we would not have found such a good opportunity so quickly."

Elder Mu really didn't know Gu Zheng's specific name at this time.

"Grand Elder, what should we do next?" At this time, a person hurriedly came to the side of the Great Elder and asked, now everyone is gathered together, only a few vanguard teams go down to start looking for some hidden enemies, the leader has already gone to pursue the other party The leader did not follow it alone.

Just when the Great Elder was about to answer, suddenly a strong aura erupted from the distant mountain peak, and the Great Elder sensed a strong spatial fluctuation from that aura.

"They ran away." The elder murmured, and then immediately said to the side, "Everyone is heading towards the direction of the black shield."

The transfer formation definitely can't send everyone away. It seems that some of the high-level people who brought the other party have already prepared for the bad situation and have already fled.

Everyone started to move, even Elder Mu and the others followed behind, rushing over there in a mighty manner.

On the other side of Lianrong, she was wiping her face with cold sweat, the surrounding space seemed extremely dark and cold, but there were only a few people beside her, no one cared, but everyone looked happy, Even Feng Yi is the same.

Thankfully they escaped from there.

It should be said that when Feng Yi returned to the preparation cave, he happened to meet Lianrong on the road, so he brought her back together. Dozens of people from before were also waiting for them outside, but Lord Bai was not among them.

And Lian Rong wanted to leave here a long time ago, and she didn't talk nonsense with other people, ignored other people's concern for her, and stood directly on the teleportation formation, and she was still a little frightened.

And next to her hand is a raised stone platform, with a black crystal ball on it, and the one who activates the teleportation array seems to just pay attention to the energy.

On her body are fine and dense engraved talismans, which are transformed by the avatar of Lord Black God. How can other people understand such high-end technology? Countless collected crystals of various colors almost occupy the small space below. Mosaic full.

When Feng Yi and others were still chatting with some people in front, and he was still considering whether to wait for Lord Bai, a terrifying spiritual pressure swept over everyone in an instant.

A chill appeared in my heart, and at the same time, the teleportation array had turned on to a dim light, which was a sign of the imminent teleportation.

Without saying a word, Feng Yi slid towards the direction of the teleportation formation, and at the same time, a few quick-response people also chose to do the same. When they had just entered the range of the teleportation formation, a strange figure suddenly appeared in the cave.

A glaring cold light hit Feng Yi's side, trying to interrupt the work of the teleportation array, but before it hit, a huge array erupted from the teleportation array, setting off a large piece of dazzling light, and the others who were caught off guard People were shocked and couldn't stand still, and fell to the ground one after another.

When the light dissipated, there was no one on the teleportation array, and the cold light arrived long afterward, smashing the dim crystal above in one fell swoop.

The rest of the people were dumbfounded, the teleportation array was completely useless, but under the pressure of that person, no one dared to move.

Lord of the Star Alliance, she has come!

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