In the cave on the other side, Lao Sun and his group were waiting inside. Although the cave was shaking, there was always a faint glow above their heads, protecting them.

Opposite him was the old woman, holding a strong young man in her arms, with bloody scars all over her body, if it wasn't for the help of others to bring back his son, maybe the three of them would be left behind .

"Old Sun, do you think that Shi Lei can defeat monsters?" Taking advantage of a little calm, a person asked curiously.

"Sure, you don't know how powerful he is." Old Sun was full of confidence.

Although everyone asked several times, there were still inquiries from different people every once in a while, just to suppress the fear in his heart.

And Lao Sun also understood this, and took the trouble to explain to them that it was only when he looked at his unconscious son that there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

And above the sky, the mountain controlled by Gu Zheng collapsed after all. After all, the other side has continuous support, but Gu Zheng also knew this scene and did not feel lost.

Lan Xing snorted, "If you have any other skills, let's use them together."

As soon as the words fell, the two giant swords in front of them collided with each other, and there was a crisp 'clang'.

From the junction of the two, a black and white aura emerges from it, but this beam of light is only as thick as a finger, and there is no trace of yin and yang aura, but it is better than the large number.

At this time, he felt that the other party seemed to be an ordinary human monk, and he didn't have too good a magic weapon, nor did he have wonderful spells. A bold idea emerged in his heart, wanting to kill the other party.

Because under the gravel on that side, once a very weak breath emerged from it, his old friend was still below, of course he wanted to save him.

With the opponent's constant knocking, Gu Zheng kept dodging in the sky. Although the attack power was not strong, Gu Zheng thought of a better way. The opponent's degree of difficulty seems to be a bit high. Gu Zheng is not willing to get hurt. wasting time,

Especially when he heard that Xueer was arrested and Zhao Man was about to be in danger, he didn't want anything to happen to his friend.

The opponent just let the two huge swords shoot light beams back and forth, while he injected a little bit of black energy, which continuously condensed on the ancient mirror in front of him.

As the speed of Gu Zheng's figure slowed down, more and more beams of light hit Gu Zheng's body, rippling the entire shield like a sudden storm.

The sound of 'poof' kept ringing.

Lan Xing suddenly threw the precious mirror in his hand, and the precious mirror turned into a cloud of black mist in the sky, and rushed towards Gu Zheng at a very high speed. Surrounded by a cloud of black mist.

When all the black mist surrounded Gu Zheng, a purple-black circular shield suddenly appeared, enclosing Gu Zheng in it, and it was filled with an extremely strange purple mist.

"Bang bang" Gu Zheng punched the shield, but it didn't move at all, and it seemed extremely strong.

"Ha, you should die." Lan Xing laughed when he saw it. It turned out that the other party was just an imposing soft foot box, and he was a little nervous.

But he didn't expect that Bei Chen, who was more amazing than his defense, was beaten half to death by a punch. Why didn't he show much power in front of him, as if he was in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, and Gu Zheng was in the early stage of Golden Immortal, and the two fell apart. A flip.

Of course Lan Xing thought about it, but he thought that the other party was only physically stronger, and his magic weapon was even stronger, so he was beaten by him.

A glaring cyan light began to appear in his hand, and infinite power gathered in front of his chest, and a trace of lightning began to condense in it, which seemed to be one of his powerful killing moves.

"Who are you? Why haven't I heard of you here?" Gu Zheng suddenly said, covered in purple smoke.

"Of course you haven't heard of it, but I haven't walked for many years. Back then, my name as Blue Star was resounding all over the place, and I could stop babies from crying." Seeing that he was about to kill Gu Zheng, Blue Star also became excited, It seems that I haven't done anything in these years, and my skills still haven't dropped much.

"Oh, is that so?" Gu Zheng suddenly showed a strange smile, his whole body trembled, and the purple mist on his body disappeared completely, "Let me see what you are."

As he said that, Gu Zheng took out a handbook like a collection of poems, opened it gently, raised his hand, and a brush appeared in his hand.

"Lan Xing, the Ancient Heavenly Court is directly under the demon master Kunpeng." Speaking of this, Gu Zheng raised his head and glanced at the other party in surprise. He didn't expect that the other party was also an ancient figure, and his status seemed not low, no wonder he was so powerful.

"That's it?" Lan Xing looked at the things in Gu Zheng's hands in amazement, and a feeling of imminent disaster appeared in his heart. Although he had never seen it before, he heard people say, could it be true?

Gu Zheng just glanced at him and didn't pay attention. No matter what the other party's status was, he would be under his own judgment. He raised the judge's pen and ticked it up.

When Lan Xing saw the light appearing on the judge's pen, he knew that what he guessed in his heart was correct. He didn't expect that he would make such an important mistake by carelessness. When he turned around, a huge bird appeared in the air .

Two three feet long wings, black and yellow characters all over the body, there are seven sharp claws under the body, a thin head, and now it is crying crazily, layers of huge sound waves are constantly rippling in the air , the two giant swords in front of him instantly joined together, and began to spin slowly, a black and white vortex appeared in it.

And Gu Zheng's first stroke over there has already begun to be drawn, only to hear the shield outside Gu Zheng crack and shatter, and the shield turned into an ancient mirror again, falling to pieces on the ground.

And Blue Star over there knew that his baby would not be able to play much role in the face of this situation, and he even faced a human book, even if it was just a fairy, he couldn't defeat the opponent.

However, my precious mirror still gave him that ray of life. A pocket bird flew out of his body and shot straight into the vortex in front of him. Before he had time to hook it, the vortex formed by the two giant swords disappeared here.


The body that lost any vitality fell heavily from the sky, and Lan Xing himself escaped using a similar meta-mystery method, but the price was very heavy, which is why he didn't have any fear at first.

"It's a good thing that he used to be a member of the demon court." Gu Zheng thought to himself and put away all his things. Even if Gu Zheng knew that the other party was going to run away, he couldn't stop the other party.

Those two giant swords looked extraordinary, and they were able to escape from this place with Lan Xing, even if the restrictions he had placed before could not stop him.

There is no breath under the mountain, as if it is dead.

Gu Zheng didn't care either. After scanning around, he found that there were a few little demons left, among them was the guy who instigated him. As for the tiger demon and the rabbit demon that he had only seen once, two of them were gone.

He casually dealt with those badly injured little demons. Gu Zheng also found a few humans who hadn't escaped in time. They hid in a hidden corner and thought they were very smart, but they didn't expect the sound of fighting to kill them too. It was shocked to death.

After making sure that there was no threat outside, Gu Zheng walked to a corner on the side.

The people hiding inside, after hearing a scream of panic, there was no sound outside, only the heavy breathing of a group of them.

"Did Shi Lei wipe out the other party?" After a while of silence, a junior from the same village as Lao Sun finally couldn't hold back, and asked Lao Sun at the side.

"I guess I should have won. You didn't hear that monster's cry in the end, how scared you were." Old Sun smiled wryly in his heart, how could he know, but he still said so.

As soon as these words were said, there was a clear burst of excitement on everyone's faces, and they discussed in low voices. One person even came to Lao Sun quietly, wanting to worship Gu Zheng as his teacher, and asked Lao Sun to pass a sentence, let Lao Sun speak Rejected.

What is my identity, I still have self-knowledge. Even if I didn't save him at the time, it probably didn't matter, but I helped myself a lot.

"Old man, look at Feng'er, what's the matter with him?" At this moment, his wife's anxious cry came from beside him.

At this moment, Sun Feng's face was flushed, but his whole body was extremely cold, but half of his body was hot and the other half was cold. His wife had already put him on the ground, one palm was covered with blisters, and the other was frozen into a ball of frost, but there seemed to be nothing. Sensation, like not knowing the pain, looking at him anxiously.

"Let me take a look." Before Lao Sun could answer, a voice suddenly sounded from outside, and everyone saw a completely strange man walking towards the inside.

"Shi Lei, you wiped out the monster? Are you alright?" Lao Sun raised his head and saw that it was Shi Lei who had rescued back then.

"It's okay, everyone is safe." Gu Zheng said, and he came in front of Sun Feng. With a glance, he knew that it was just some evil spirits entering his body and scurrying around in his body. Gu Zheng tapped him twice on his chest. After a while, Sun Feng spit out a mouthful of slightly dark blood, and the symptoms on his body quickly subsided.

"That's great, whoops!" The old woman breathed a sigh of relief and her face became more relaxed. Only then did she realize the unbearable pain in her hand, and she couldn't help crying out in pain.

With a flick of Gu Zheng's finger, two blue lights hit her hand, helping her to heal. Seeing that everyone looked exhausted, some even had bloody wounds, which were left by some little demons who abused them. scars.

They just kept on doing nothing, and a blue light exploded above their heads, turning into little rain from the sky and melting into everyone's bodies.

Everyone was surprised to find that their bodies were recovering visibly with the naked eye, and even their spirits had returned to the peak state, as if they had slept for several days and nights, feeling very refreshed.

"Thank you Immortal Shi Lei." Everyone thanked one after another.

"Why is Feng'er still awake? Is there another problem?" Granny Sun shouted anxiously from the side.

"It's okay, he's just seriously injured, he'll be fine after going home and sleeping for a few days." Gu Zheng comforted her, and she was relieved.

"Okay, let's go quickly, I'll send you back." Gu Zheng felt that he had been out for a few days, and Village Chief Xuan became anxious, so he interrupted their discussion.

A few young people came up to carry Sun Feng carefully, and outside, Gu Zheng had prepared tools to help them get out from here.

Some of them were travelers from the past, and some were people from the city. They put them by the lake. With their thanks, Gu Zheng took Mr. Sun and the others back to the village.

In the village, Village Chief Xuan and a few people have been guarding the door. After these few days of cleaning up, at least the bright side is much better than before, but a few days have passed, and Gu Zheng and the others have not returned, which makes them feel nervous stand up.

When the group of fish in the distance began to show up, Village Chief Xuan stood up abruptly, especially when he saw that the big head was Lao Sun and his party, he was even more excited, and hurriedly called everyone to come out to greet him.

Almost all the people in the village came out, and the whole scene was very touching. None of the captives in their village were lost, and all of them came back safe and sound.

"By the way, Shi Lei, why didn't I see him?" After Village Chief Xuan calmed down a little, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and suddenly thought that he didn't seem to see him.

"You were still here just now. Could it be that the other party has already left?" Lao Sun looked around for a week, but he did not find Gu Zheng's figure, so he said suspiciously.

"I'm afraid he's already gone. Even though you all came back safely, there's no time for him to stay here. After all, he still has his own things to do." Village Chief Xuan looked at the sky and murmured to himself.

"Village Chief, Village Chief, Lord Shi Lei secretly gave it to me on the road and asked me to pass it on to you, but I forgot it when I got excited." At this moment, a young man ran up from behind and said, and at the same time handed over a small package.

Village Chief Xuan opened it, and there was only one jade bottle inside, and a few crisp sounds came from it when it was shaken lightly, and at the same time, a clear fragrance came from the bottle.

"Thank you!" Village Chief Xuan said softly towards the distance.

"What did you say, village head?" The young man thought he was talking to himself, so he couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, you should hurry up and reunite with your family." Village head Xuan watched as everyone started to go home, and cheerful laughter echoed throughout the village.

After all, the people have returned and the monsters have been wiped out, and good days are still waiting for them.

And in that cave, it was very quiet at this moment. On a pile of small hillsides, suddenly a piece of gravel unsteadily rolled down from the hillside, which was especially harsh in this empty environment.

Nothing happened until the stone fell to the ground.

After a while, the hillside began to shake, and countless gravels began to fall from it.

With a soft 'bang', a figure rushed up from inside, looking at a huge corpse in the distance, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Although I escaped the catastrophe by feigning death before, I could hear the movement outside clearly. From the mouths of those rescued humans, I learned that I had captured some humans, and it turned out that a fairy happened to catch one of them. The grace of human beings, when I passed by here and looked at others, I happened to encounter this incident.

Anyway, my own people also caught that person back, and finally attracted that person, and even sneaked into his own cave, taking advantage of him. He seriously injured himself with one blow.

Who would have thought that a mid-Golden Immortal would do such a sneak attack, and the injury this time was not a loss.

If he knew that he was attracting such a person, he would not entertain him at all. Sure enough, nothing good happened when he came, and he even got involved in it.

At this time, half of his body was still unhealed, and his arm seemed to be falling off, tightly attached to a layer of flesh, but there was only a ball of light blue light on it, or it would fall off.

Bei Chen also had no intention of cleaning up the dead body of his old friend, and he wanted to escape here as soon as the other party left. As for the revival of the monster clan, or gathering together to find a safe place, he didn't want to participate.

After all, this time is not once the world of the monster clan. It was in the glorious past, but it has just passed. I still keep my tail between my legs and continue to wait for the opportunity.

Otherwise, go back to the deep mountains to cultivate and leave the world to compete. Although the opportunities are infinitely good, the dangers are equally numerous.

After throwing a few more pills in his mouth, Bei Chen flew towards the dark river without turning his head. There is nothing here that is worthy of his nostalgia, even if it is a place where he has lived for tens of thousands of years.

When he silently fell into the river, he saw a layer of golden light suddenly appearing on the surface of the water, Bei Chen stopped abruptly and almost touched it.

"Where do you want to go?" A faint tone came from behind, but it made Bei Chen's heart feel cold.

Because, the evil star didn't leave, and has been guarding himself here.

In fact, it was just a monitoring spell left by Gu Zheng here. After discovering unusual movements, he left the celebrating crowd and came here quickly.

"I'm just thinking about it, just thinking about it for a while." Bell turned around with difficulty, and even Blue Star fell into the opponent's hands. .

"I think you don't have to go, how about it, are you interested in having a drink or two?" Gu Zheng stood on it with interest, and he really wanted to know what happened, especially how Xue'er and the others provoked such a big problem trouble.

"Of course I don't want to." Before Bei Chen finished speaking, a blue light flashed all over his body, and a shell the size of a head suddenly burrowed downward.

The golden light on the water surface was broken in an instant, but Gu Zheng didn't make any other moves. Instead, Zhenge landed on the ground with a lazy smile on his face, not worried at all that the other party would run away.

Soon, faint water waves floated on the surface of the water again, and Bei Chen, who had escaped just now, rushed up again, flashed all over, changed into the previous appearance again, and said to Gu Zheng dejectedly.

"Okay, where did you say."

Gu Zheng chuckled, pointed to the somewhat damaged hall, and flew over by himself.

Bei Chen also had no choice but to fly over, there was no other way, at the only passage below, a layer of golden light blocked it here, especially behind a pen and a book, the pen continued to draw streaks of golden light in the water , the display is impressively his own name.

He finally understood why Lan Xing also died at the hands of the other party. Those humans must have known his name and revealed it to him.

As long as I can't leave his sufficient range for an instant, then the next second is my own death.

The hall is now in a mess, Gu Zheng didn't care, he pulled a chair and sat on it, looking straight at Bei Chen.

"Okay, what do you want to know, I can't tell you everything I know, I swear on my soul." Bei Chen also sat on the same chair and said helplessly.

Now that the other party spared his life, he had nothing else to do except to ask some questions, because he must be interested in what they were talking about.

"Go ahead and tell me all you have to say about the matter."

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