At this time, the vibration that Gu Zheng felt became more and more intense, and a startled sound rose outside, and the huge city wall through the light could not see what happened at all.

Gu Zheng saw that everyone was busy, so he followed a pair of guards who had just arrived, and sneaked into the city wall. It happened that this group of people were old acquaintances from yesterday. Give him a spear of his own.

Following behind them, they soon came to the city wall.

"Village chief, who is that newcomer? Why doesn't he know the rules? I'll ask someone to call him down. Don't destroy our formation." One of the elders, Zhang, who hadn't seen Gu Zheng yesterday, said to the village chief.

"It's okay, he is the one who killed the Qilin beast yesterday, don't ask him, by the way, is Xi'er here?" The village chief said with a wave of his hand.

"I'll take a look." After the elder finished speaking, he hurried to the back.

At this time, Gu Zheng also saw clearly what was going on outside, and took a deep breath.

More than a dozen giant beast creatures with a height of more than ten feet are walking towards this side with slow steps, and every step will crush the stones under their feet.

At a glance, it looks like an enlarged version of an elephant. It also has a long nose. There is a long crack on the long nose, and it is full of jagged teeth, which looks very sharp.

But there was indeed only one eye, one nostril, and a huge mouth that occupied half of the head. At this moment, the eye was red, blood leaked out, and it was full of endless killing intent, and it rushed towards the village fiercely.

Such a huge monster, Gu Zheng looked at the toothpick-like spear in his hand in front of the opponent, and felt that he could not hurt the opponent.

"At this time, the giant elephant, quickly take out the longbow." At this time, the people around shouted one after another. At this time, the attack distance of the spear was not enough, and some people hurried down to get the longbow behind.

Soon a group of old and weak women and children each took a few longbows, came to the city wall to give them, and then came down from the city wall in a panic.

The longbow seemed to be made of unknown wood, made of the bones and tendons of some monsters, and looked quite powerful.

At this time, the giant elephant was less than a hundred feet away from the city wall. Standing on the city wall, Gu Zheng felt his feet tremble constantly. He was afraid that the city wall under his feet would collapse before the opponent arrived.

But looking at the people around who were not worried, Gu Zheng felt relieved.

"Master Chang is here." A burst of cheers came from behind, and I saw Chang Xi holding a green spar in his hand, and at the same time there were many men behind him holding a basin of green water.

When these appeared, the water basin was sent up, and everyone put the spears and feathered arrows into the water one after another. Gu Zheng was curious to follow the same action.

I saw the original white bones were dyed into a mass of green, and a strange fluctuation came from above, which should have strengthened the aggressiveness.

Soon a basin of water was used up, they hurriedly took it down, changed another basin and brought it up again, while Chang Xi, who was below, kept mumbling something, putting the green crystal in his hand into the water basin in his heart, and it was very long. Soon a basin of water turned dark green again.

"Young Master Gu, you are here too." At this time, a familiar voice rang in Gu Zheng's ears. Gu Zheng looked back and found that it was the former Captain Qian. This area was almost all guarded by his team members. Of course he would come. Command here.

Gu Zheng smiled and was about to say something when someone suddenly shouted.


Gu Zheng quickly turned around to look, and saw that the giant elephant stretched out its long trunk and swept the ground. The sharp teeth in the middle clamped irregular stones and slammed it towards the city wall.


Immediately dozens of hundreds of stones flew from a distance, like sharp arrows, with such a fast speed that they flew to the edge of the city wall in a blink of an eye.

Gu Zheng was startled suddenly. Just as he was about to climb down to avoid it, a green light curtain suddenly rose up and directly blocked the front of the city wall. When those stones hit the light curtain, they were instantly shattered, but a green light was shattered. Inhaled in, the light curtain was not damaged at all.

But those giant elephants still swept the stones on the ground, throwing them forward continuously, not caring whether it worked or not.

"After every thunder catastrophe, there are always some creatures going crazy and attacking all the villages." Captain Qian said to the stunned Gu Zheng, "And this defense is transformed by the power of darkness. Thanks to them, we can stand safely it's here."

Captain Qian's tone was full of pride, but Gu Zheng keenly grasped the words inside.

The power of darkness!

Gu Zheng subconsciously looked up at the high platform in the middle of the village. At some point, four figures were sitting on it, looking like they were casting spells. Their figures were hidden in the green mist, and their age and gender could not be seen.

I saw the gesture inside changed again, and only heard a few "buzzing" sounds coming from my ears. Gu Zheng turned his head quickly, but found that nothing happened.

The giant elephant on the other side was still approaching the distance, but the sound was still ringing, and the sound was getting louder. Gu Zheng looked at the people around him who were ready to attack, and was wondering, a bowl below The beam of green light that came out of the mouth hit the giant elephant in the front with lightning speed.

Regardless of the comparison between the green pillar and the giant elephant, it is not much bigger than a toothpick, but when it was shot, it suddenly fell forward uncontrollably and rolled into a ball on the ground.


A roar appeared from the city wall, and all the captains ordered their members to shoot towards the giant elephant in front of them.


The skin that seemed to be extremely hard now seemed to have turned into cotton. In just one breath, the whole body was filled with feather arrows, only a small part fell to the side, and it was hardly too far away.

Before the giant elephant screamed, its whole body was suddenly eroded by a layer of green light, and within a very short period of time, it melted into a mass of flesh and blood, but the feathered arrows on it were not damaged at all.

The giant elephant didn't stop at all because of the death of its companion, and continued to rush towards it without hesitation.

Soon they passed the dead giant elephant, but Qiancunzi was not ready for the next round of feather arrow attack, but the opponent was close enough, and under the order of their respective captains, each of them pulled out their own arrows. spear, ready to attack again.

"Is this size very common?" Gu Zheng quietly asked Captain Qian who was beside him. Although the other party only had a dozen or so, the aura they brought was different, like a thousand troops.

"This time there are indeed a lot of people. In the past, groups of threes and fives came over." Captain Qian looked a little dignified, and at the same time raised the spear in his hand.

Rows of green lights lined up in the air, and even Gu Zheng picked up the spear in his hand, refreshed and ready to do his part.


Almost at the same time, the password sounded again, and instantly the spears rained down on the giant beasts in front, covering them completely on top of their heads.

The giant beasts saw what happened to their companions before, and they raised their heads in an instant when they were prepared, and a layer of blue light appeared on their noses.

A strange roar emerged from the opponent's mouth, and a layer of blue whirlwind mixed with some ice slag rushed out from the gap opened by the opponent, forming gusts of wind in the air, whistling in the air and rolling forward.

The spears flying towards them were blown by the whirlwind, and they kept staggering, lost their aim in the air, and were covered with a layer of crystal blue frost. They barely flew forward for a certain distance, and then fell one after another. , basically all of them did not attack the body of the giant beast.

But there was a spear, its body was already covered with frost, and it was covered with a layer of ice several layers thicker than the spear, but its speed remained unabated, turning into a beautiful arc in the air, exactly Hit the one eye of a mammoth.

In an instant, the little flower with one eye that wanted to bloom, the flying sword released a somewhat turbid liquid, and half of the spear had been torn into it deeply, causing heavy damage to the opponent.

The figure of the giant elephant tilted to the side even more, bringing down the running companion together, and howling in pain incessantly.

"It's too powerful, Mr. Gu." Captain Qian said excitedly. Of course he knew that this spear was thrown by Gu Zheng next to him, but everyone's attack failed except him.

But even their attack was not without achievements. When they threw the opponent again, this time the opponent was not releasing that kind of spell, but just used the proboscis in his hand to push away the more threatening spear. Protector's own head.

The other spears pierced the huge body of the giant elephant, but only caused a little bit of skin trauma, and it was best to pierce a small hole, covered with a green, which had little effect. Shape speed is not affected at all.

Gu Zheng smiled and didn't speak, but took out another spear from the side, squinted a little, and threw it out of his hand again when he found the right time.

The spear rotated in a slight arc in the air, like a bolt of lightning, just avoided the opponent's long nose, pierced into the opponent's eyes again, directly injured the opponent, and made the opponent lose his fighting power again.

This change caught everyone's attention. After finding out that it was a newcomer, not only were there a lot of discussions, but unexpectedly, this newcomer seemed to be a bit powerful, completely different from what he knew.

The newcomers below, including Han Xiu who arrived later, watched Gu Zheng show off his power, and it was definitely nothing more than that, and they also invited to fight one after another, wanting to show off and increase their status.

But their actions were even worse, and their performance was even worse than that of the soldiers next to them.

At this time, a ball of green light appeared under the city wall again, shooting at the giant elephant in front, and the giant elephant also fell limply to the ground, and was shot into a hedgehog by the spear, feather and arrow that came next, and turned into a giant elephant again. beach green blood.

But at this time, the giant elephant was already close to half the distance, and everyone could clearly see the huge size of the other party, which was even more shocking, and some people's breathing became a lot thicker.

The death of the companion stimulated the rest of the giant beast. On the originally smooth fur, a burst of blue light flashed across the body, and the originally soft hair instantly stood up, exuding a blue light.

Seeing this scene, Gu Zheng had some bad thoughts in his heart, but before he could say anything, a green shield appeared in front of everyone again.


The giant elephant flashed again, and the hair on its body instantly separated from its body surface, turning into sharp blue lights, attacking here, almost blocking half of the sky.

"bang bang bang"

Intensive noises rang out from the green screen in front, and the entire green screen was hit by countless hairs as hard as steel, and countless waves were constantly set off, making the entire green screen tremble.

Under everyone's terrified eyes, this wave of attacks was finally blocked, but through the green screen that had just returned to calm, the opponent's second attack struck again.

It was just the attacks from the front ones, and the rear ones also stepped into their attack range at this time. The same familiar scene struck again from the sky.

"Quickly get down." When Gu Zheng saw it, he immediately yelled loudly, and Captain Qian who was next to him heard it, and immediately got up from the shock, and subconsciously yelled loudly.

"Get down quickly, quickly!"

Although he felt that the opponent's attack would be the same as last time, unable to break through the defense of the green screen, but for some reason, he heard all kinds of shouts, and he also shouted according to the feeling in his heart, as if he had no idea of ​​his own Same.

It wasn't until he finished shouting that he realized what he was like. On second thought, maybe it was the attitude of him facing the Qilin beast alone that made him believe him unconsciously.

It seems that Captain Qian's prestige is still not small. As soon as he finished speaking, the shouts of each other's captains could be heard from almost other places.

Many people subconsciously squatted down and hid their figures under the wall, without showing a trace of their bodies outside. For a while, only a few disapproving people were still standing, with disdainful smiles on their faces. Watching the ancient battle that was the first to speak out.

As a rookie who killed the Qilin beast alone yesterday, his reputation has spread throughout the village. When he killed a giant elephant for the first time, he had already been recognized by everyone.

"It's just a coward." The standing people thought contemptuously that this kind of monster attack happened almost every year after the thunder disaster, and none of them could break through the green light curtain.

So they still stood in place confidently, waited until the opponent's attack passed, and launched an attack at the first moment. In this way, their performance would definitely enter the eyes of some people and let them know their bravery.

One looked back, and there was no one behind, and they were already hiding in the house, because they had nothing to do next.

But they forgot that compared with this time, the previous scale was just a little trouble. With a slight cracking sound appearing in everyone's ears, the green shield in front of them burst instantly, and those people suddenly appeared in front of them. It was pitch black, and before he realized what was going on in his mind, he lost consciousness in an instant.

Gu Zheng looked at those people who were covered with small holes. Because the city wall was relatively high, those burrs pierced through them and continued to fly into the sky, and finally landed on the roof and ground behind. Fortunately, there was no one outside. Apart from them, there were no casualties.

Everyone felt fortunate to see this scene in their hearts, even Chang Xi was no exception. At this time, he was on the other side of the city wall. He also felt that something was wrong before, but he was not sure.

The shattering of the green screen caused everyone who cast spells behind to vomit blood. It seems that they have lost their effect in this battle.

Everyone stood up one after another, and no one mourned for those who died, because there was still a battle waiting for them.

I saw that the blood monster was less than thirty feet away from them, but the good news was that the opponent's hair was gone, and as the distance increased, the lethality of the spears in everyone's hands became even greater.

After a set fire, the giant elephants in front were filled with spears and lay on the ground. Although they did not lose their lives for the time being, they could only bleed to death slowly on the ground without any threat.

And that Chang Xi did not dare to lag behind, holding up the green spar in his hand, as the spar gradually brightened, in the last day only a thin line the size of a thumb shot out from above, directly penetrating the eyes of a giant elephant, killing the opponent on the spot Hit and kill.

After seeing this scene, everyone cheered endlessly, their morale was even higher, and they kept throwing spears and feather arrows in their hands. It's freezing cold, but the movements in everyone's hands still don't stop.

After waiting for a while, Chang Xi emitted a green light again, knocked down the opponent again without any suspense, and was soon killed by everyone again.

Gu Zheng glanced at Chang Xi, and found that the spar looked much dimmer, and Chang Xi's face was also a little pale, which seemed to consume a lot.

Soon all the giant elephants in front had been killed or lost their combat effectiveness and fell to the ground, only the giant elephant at the back was still slowly walking towards here.

Gu Zheng found something wrong with it from the very beginning, because the eyes of other giant elephants are blood-red, only the blue eyes in its eyes look very different, but when you look closely, there are also many red bloodshots in the depths of the eyes that continue to spread. It seems to be struggling constantly, but it seems that it is almost waking up.

And as the giant elephant in front of him gradually died, half of the blue eyes had been suppressed, and they were all bloody, and finally fell into a frenzy.

The size of this giant elephant is obviously much larger than the others, and it seems to be the leader of this small group of giant elephants. Before that, it was just walking slowly without feeling anything.

Such a charge and running felt like experiencing an abnormal earthquake. Every step could almost shake the people on the city wall. Fortunately, it seems that all the stones on the city wall are made of that kind of green spar, so there is no need to worry about collapsing. On the contrary, several houses in the village could not help shaking, and several collapsed with a 'crash'.

Fortunately, there were no people living inside, so there were no casualties.

Without the green pillar, even if it was soaked in green, the feather arrows only knocked off a few hairs when shot at the opponent's body, and even the regular attack once again stimulated the green light. Unfortunately, the omnipotent ray didn't work this time.

Because the other party's eyes also shot out a blue ray, which happened to collide with it impartially in mid-air, and they both died together.

The opponent's charge is getting stronger and stronger. If there is no way to stop it, it is really possible to break through the city wall and come to the village to massacre.

At this moment, a pleasant chirping sound suddenly came from the village, just like the lark's chirping, clear and moving.

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