"It's not that simple." The black-faced man sighed, shook his head and said, with a look of helplessness on his face, he picked up the jug and poured it into his own cup, and took another sip of the dull wine.

"Brother, why can't it work? Isn't the Snow Mountain resolute in cracking down on evil spirits and crooked ways, especially vicious people like them, who even kill their own people. I don't know how many people are taken advantage of by them."

The problem with saying this is the woman in white at the side, and her face is not resigned,

"That's right, Xueshan disciples are known as heroes, and I have met them before, don't you also admire each other?" Another woman in red also interjected.

The other two younger men looked at each other. Seeing the fierce words of the two girls, they also shook their heads helplessly, with a wry smile on the corner of their mouths. It seemed that they also knew the reason and their concerns.

The black-faced man looked around for a while, and his subordinates shot out again to stabilize the somewhat unstable shield again, and then he said to them.

"Actually, even if we ask the snow mountain for help, we probably won't make much progress, and even put our lives in danger." The big man sighed again and said, as if there was an infinite sulk in his heart, and he couldn't vent it.

"Yeah, big brother is right. I guess you are the only ones who haven't seen it through, or you wouldn't have said that."

"What's going on, third brother and fourth brother, did we say something wrong?" The blue-clothed man asked puzzledly, and the two girls also looked at the two men.

"Third Brother, Fourth Brother, just tell me what's going on? We're almost dying of anxiety. I haven't slept well since that time." The girl in red said anxiously.

"Fifth Sister, don't worry, let the eldest brother explain it to you, after all, he was the one who discovered it first."

"Brother? Don't just drink and get bored, explain to us quickly." The woman in white also said anxiously

"Okay, second brother and sixth sister, listen, you still remember that when we were first invited out of the city to meet the lord, two mysterious people came, right?" the black-faced man said slowly, seeing everyone Nodding, he continued.

"Although the other party was wearing a mask, and immediately subdued us and forced us to take poison, I also discovered a detail. When we were traveling in the Beisi Mountains, didn't we meet people from the snow-capped mountains by chance? As a result I found an astonishing discovery, and I quietly told the third and fourth brothers, but they both gave me the same judgment, that the bronze-masked man standing behind the silver-masked man is Xueshan's disciple."


The other three people all gasped when they heard that, no wonder the eldest brother didn't let them go to the people from Xueshan, they were originally persecuted and the people from Xueshan were behind them.

"Even if that Xueshan disciple is not from here, even if we succeeded in transmitting the disappearance to Xueshan's ears, you can see the other party's energy. Maybe those Xueshan disciples will not be able to break through here and return to the snow mountain. Let me borrow it, you all know how powerful that shady man is, he subdued us almost effortlessly, and the same sentence, how can the Xueshan disciples here rush out, is it up to us to use our lives to cover? I am afraid that in the end It’s also an anomaly for nothing.”

The more the black-faced old man spoke, the more he frowned, and he became discouraged even as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, big brother. I'm the one who got involved. I didn't expect this to happen. It was clearly not the case at the time." Hong Yi said sadly.

"It doesn't matter about you, you told everyone about that, and everyone agrees. We can only say that we are to blame, and we are blinded by the greed in front of us." The black-faced brother comforted.

"Are we really going to help the evildoers?" The youngest Sixth Sister's face turned pale, obviously very unwilling to do things for them.

"Sixth Sister, just like what Big Brother said at the beginning, now we can only take one step at a time. Fortunately, the other party has not given us any major tasks these days. Maybe we can find an opportunity to get rid of their troubles sooner rather than later." Control." Another thinner man said.

"Third brother, I hope you're right. These days, I haven't thought of any way, and I can't even notice the toxins being planted in my body." Another slightly chunky man said.

But several people know that they haven't thought of a solution for so long. Could it be that there will be a turnaround after a while? That's just to comfort myself.

After saying these words, the few of them remained silent again, with sad faces on their faces, and they returned to their most open appearances.

When Gu Zheng heard this, he already understood a little bit. No wonder the other party was a little weird. It turned out that he had contact with the people from the snow mountain, but Gu Zheng was sure that the blood curse on the other party must be the ghost of the monster clan.

It’s not even good to say that the snow mountain stronghold here may have been infiltrated by the monster race, completely blocking their chances of being discovered, and you can also know who has doubts about them through there. Gu Zheng should have thought of it earlier at this point.

But now I know it’s not too late. Originally, Gu Zheng was planning to go there in the afternoon to have a look, so now I still plan to go there later to save time and wait for the right opportunity to go and have a look.

Gu Zheng's thoughts changed a few times, and he thought about everything clearly, but these four people, don't ask for the time being, even Gu Zheng didn't leave a mark on each other, as long as he is sure that the Yaozu is in this city, then he will naturally have If you find a way to find him, such as the location of the snow mountain, you will probably be rewarded.

On the other side, Xu Wei had already eaten almost all of his meals quickly, and didn't take much rest, standing behind Gu Zheng, looking loyal.

Gu Zheng didn't care either, and while paying attention to that side with his divine sense, he leisurely ate the food in front of him.

It's a pity that since they finished talking, they seemed to be dumb all the time. They didn't discuss this matter at all. They talked about other things without pain or itching. They couldn't provide new information to Gu Zheng. They basically kept silent. After eating the food, after waiting for a while, they walked down with gloomy faces.

Looking at the dejected looks of the two women behind, it seems that they are also in a difficult situation. The appearance that they can only be forced to accept is very sympathetic.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng also quickly finished his lunch, and took out the money for Xu Wei to pay the bill.

Soon the two set off again, but this time Gu Zheng did not advance on foot, because Xu Wei's body obviously could support it for a while, and the lunch time could not allow him to rest, so he simply called a carriage and simply walked around Go around and get a little familiar with the nearby terrain.

When it was dark, Gu Zhengcai and Xu Wei rushed back to Xu's residence together.

Before he went in, Wang Gui rushed up with a flattering face, flattering Gu Zheng, with a look of hospitality.

When Gu Zheng showed that he was not troubled, he said in a dazed manner, "The master ordered, when you come back, go to the living room, the master has something to tell you."

Seeing this, Gu Zheng asked Xu Wei to go back to the courtyard to tell Shuang'er and the others, while he headed towards the living room alone, not knowing what Xu Jing wanted from him.

When I arrived at the living room, Xu Jing hadn't come yet, so Gu Zheng had to wait for him here.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng was not made to wait for long, and within less than a stick of incense, Xu Jing came over with his eyes a little red, and his face even looked haggard.

Gu Zheng was taken aback. After not seeing him for just a day, he seemed to be a few years older, and even had a lot of gray hair between his temples.

"Master Xu, what's going on." Gu Zheng stood up and asked.

"Don't mention it, now I finally understand what the Ye family meant, and it turned out to be the fault of the following, but even if I told it to others, they would not believe it." Xu Jing said in a tired tone, sitting on the seat beside him.

"Really? It turned out to be like this. Isn't he afraid of making the world furious?" Gu Zheng said in surprise. In fact, he knew in his heart that the Yaozu had been planning for so many years, and now it has progressed to this point. And they hide behind.

If it really succeeds, as long as they hide well and are not discovered by others, no one can do anything to them, and they can enjoy it safely. Even at that time, no matter what other people do, they will not be able to dare to kill the superior Ye family, unless This starts a war.

Even so, it will take thousands of years, because this catastrophe will kill an unknown number of people, and they will not be able to recover their vitality at all.

But now the opponent has not succeeded, everything still has a chance.

They don't know the seriousness of the matter at all, and they don't know what the so-called human protection organization is doing. Gu Zheng has slandered him several times in his heart.

"But now there is a prince, in order to celebrate his son's recovery from a serious illness, he is now hosting a banquet for us, but he also invited the Xu family and others. He is also a key figure, and the Ye family on the opposite side is also trying to win him over. I I wanted to take you there, didn't you say you wanted to find someone and let me show you more?" Xu Jing explained at this time.

"Oh, yes, when will we set off, and then we will go together." Gu Zheng remembered what he said, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. Although he already had some news about Zhao Man, he heard the prince After seeing the importance of it, I still definitely have to take a look. If I have more strength on my side, I will have more hope in the end.

Those armies have already arrived, and I can't go on the field in person. The only thing I can do is to wipe out the monsters behind them, and for those who are still resisting humans, break down the obstacles that hinder them, and let them win .

"The night after tomorrow, don't forget, we have to leave early, and I will bring some juniors with me, because it is said that the prince especially worships immortals, and specially favors a powerful immortal cultivator to be his son and master, and that immortal The master also wants to recruit some apprentices, so there will be a lot of people." Xu Jing said briefly, his eyebrows frowned because of the headache.

"Okay, I won't go out these two days. I'm not in a hurry anyway. By the way, Patriarch Xu, this is a elixir. Take it, it will be good for you." Gu Zheng directly agreed, and took out one Medicinal pills, these are leftovers from Shuang'er's refining of medicinal materials. I bought a lot and prepared them for ordinary people.

"Thank you." Xu Jing knew that the other party would not cheat him, so he swallowed it without any hesitation.

A hot current emerged from the middle of the abdomen, and slowly flowed towards all parts of the body, and Zhenge's body immediately became warm.

Xu Jing suddenly found that his head had been suffering from headaches due to too many troubles, although after wearing the pearl on his body, it relieved a lot, but now it's gone.

Moreover, my tired body felt full of vitality now, and as the warm current disappeared, I could still feel the residual medicinal power repairing myself.

"I haven't had a good night's sleep these days. Thanks to you, I can finally have a good rest this time." Xu Jing thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

"Patriarch Xu, no matter what, you have to take good care of your body. If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Gu Zheng cupped his hands and left here.

Back in his courtyard, he didn't expect that all three of them were still waiting for them in the courtyard, which moved Gu Zheng for a while.

"Master, you are finally back." Xiao Lan ran towards Gu Zheng, and said to Gu Zheng Gao Zhuang, "Sister Shuang'er said she must wait for you to come back, and that little boy also stayed here all afternoon ,annoying."

"Shuang'er, don't be so late in the future, maybe it's normal for me to go out for a few days and not come back." Gu Zheng patted Xiaolan on the head, indicating that he knew.

"Understood my son, it's not that you asked Xu Wei to come back and tell us. Anyway, I have nothing else to do, so I'm just waiting for you." Shuang'er nodded softly and said softly.

"By the way, son, you haven't eaten yet. I still have some food in the room, which should be still hot. I'll bring it to you. You can eat." Shuang'er is like a good wife and mother, Rambling said.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, just looked at each other, turned and sat outside.

In the following time, Gu Zheng did not go out, but continued to guide them to practice at home, waiting to go to the prince's house.

And when Luo Wei saw that Gu Zheng was at home, he lived here with the cheek, even though Xiaolan and Ah Shuan looked at him with contempt, he stayed here all afternoon with the cheek of the latter.

At noon the next day, just after lunch, Xu Jing sent someone over and asked Gu Zheng to gather in the living room after a while.

After a brief explanation, Gu Zheng hurried to the living room, he didn't need to prepare anything, just follow along.

But relatively speaking, he went a bit late. In the living room, there were already a few elites in there. When they saw Gu Zheng coming in, with an unconscious look on his face, he knew that he was going to follow.

The prince who invited everyone to post this time is also well-known in Fengcheng. He is called "Weiwang".

Whether it's the Ye family or the Xu family, he is willing to get acquainted with everyone, even if it is a wealthy businessman, he is also willing to know, even some immortal cultivators walking in the rivers and lakes, he has many friends.

It can be said that he is a typical neutral faction, and there are many people following him. For the Xu family and the Ye family, as long as he is on one side, he can bring huge advantages to the other party.

Of course, he is only a member of the government. In order to avoid suspicion, he hardly makes friends with any military officers.

When everyone gathered, Xu Jingcai came late from the outside. To Gu Zheng's surprise, Wei Shao was also in the team. You must know that he is not from the Xu family just like Gu Zheng. Five young men followed behind.

But this time Xu Jing also brought a guard of his own, he should be the strongest among the four, it seems that he wants to take him to meet the world, and see if there is a chance by the way.

The palace is not in the imperial city, and they also live in the northern district. They drove a few carriages for a full two hours and arrived at the northern district. They were equivalent to sparing half of Fengcheng.

The buildings here are obviously different, and all the buildings are mostly the same. They look powerful, very imposing, with an official feeling, very formal.

Because the residences here are all built by Languo, and they are strictly divided according to the rank of official positions. The higher the rank, the more luxurious the houses they live in.

And no one cares about any expansion, otherwise the official hat will be cut off directly.

As King Wei is a relative of the emperor, his mansion is naturally very large, and it can be said to be one of the best in the North District.

When Gu Zheng came to Wei Wang's gate, he found out how much energy the opponent had.

They still came early, and it was still some time before the sky was dark, but now the door of the prince's house was already full of traffic, like a market, and there was a queue ready to enter.

But considering Xu Jing's distinguished status, of course he didn't need to queue up. The sharp-eyed housekeeper trotted over with a smile and led the way for them in person.

"Master Xu came so early, the prince mentioned you to me just now."

Their carriage passed through the crowd and came to the prince's door. Gu Zheng praised the other party's outer door in his heart.

The gate of this mansion is about five feet high, and the width is enough for seven or eight carriages to enter side by side. It is wrapped with an unknown iron sheet that looks like brass, and there are dozens of small luminous pearls inlaid on it. On the top, it is very luxurious and gorgeous.

Anyway, no one dares to steal it here, not to mention the patrolling army all the time, if anyone really dares to pry it away, they will be caught within an hour.

On both sides of the steps, there is also a ferocious bronze stone statue, which looks like a tiger but not a tiger, lifelike and extremely powerful.

Of course, these are all superficial, and there are dozens of soldiers in heavy armor maintaining order outside, looking at the outside with murderous intent, which makes some wealthy families feel frightened, giving them the illusion that the next moment the other party Just rush up and kill them.

Gu Zheng looked through the window and saw many well-dressed people greeting each other outside. Everyone seemed to be of high status, and when they entered, they even discussed the Xu family in a low voice.

And inside the other carriages, Gu Zheng also found many young children, and even immortal cultivators with different levels of cultivation. It seems that everyone wants to try it out to see if they have the chance to have a relationship with the prince. .

But more people came to congratulate the prince's son on his recovery from a serious illness.

The butler had already graciously led Xu Jing and the others to get off the car, and the others followed suit. As for the gifts, the servants of the palace naturally took notes and put them away.

Although Gu Zheng didn't know the official positions of other people, it was obvious that everyone smiled respectfully at Xu Jing, and it was obvious that he had the highest status here.

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