In front of the stronghold in the snow mountain, Gu Zheng walked out with a relaxed expression.

In fact, it only took half an hour for him to go in and come out, and Gu Zheng knew this place, and there was no one watching him at all, so he swaggered in and out.

Then, after Gu Zheng wandered here aimlessly for a while, he ran to another block, continued to feel the prosperity of Fengcheng, and waited until it was dark before turning back in the direction of Xu's mansion.

And not long after Gu Zheng left, all the people from Xueshan also came out. After closing and locking the gate that had never been closed for tens of thousands of years, the group hurried towards the west gate.

When Gu Zheng returned to Xu's Mansion, it was already late at night, and the gate of the mansion was closed. Gu Zheng didn't bother to disturb others, so he just dodged into Xu's Mansion and walked towards his yard.

But when approaching, Gu Zheng suddenly found a figure kneeling outside the gate of his courtyard, with his upper body upright, staring directly at the gate.

Gu Zheng recognized at a glance that this is Luo Wei who lives not far away, but why is he kneeling here?

He knew a little about Luo Wei. When Cao Fei left without saying goodbye, Luo Wei fell into a trance. It is said that he had been drinking heavily in the house without seeing anyone.

But looking at it now, apart from a little red eyes, a little tired look, and a neatly dressed body, there is no sense of decadence.

However, Gu Zheng didn't go forward, but turned around and jumped, and went directly over the wall from the side to enter. As soon as he entered, he found that Shuang'er himself was still in the middle of the courtyard, looking at the courtyard door with a tangled expression.

"What's wrong?" Gu Zheng asked aloud from the side.

"Ah, Mr. Gu, you're back?" Shuang'er jumped, and when she saw that it was Gu Zheng, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see you have been staring at the door. Could it be that kid Lowe is doing something? Why is he kneeling outside the door, begging for forgiveness?" Gu Zheng sat down beside him and asked curiously.

"No!" Shuang'er quickly shook her head and said, "You should know that Luo Wei's master is missing, right?"

Seeing Gu Zheng nodded, Shuang'er continued with a troubled expression.

"That's right. After you left today, Luo Wei appeared at the gate of our yard. He even wanted me to be his master, but I didn't know what I knew. I immediately rejected him, but the other party said You have to worship me as your teacher, or else just keep kneeling down."

"What do you think?" Gu Zheng got a cup of tea by himself, and the temperature was just right.

"I don't know anything, how can I teach him? I said let him be your teacher, but the other party has recognized me and insists on handing it over to her, what can I do?" Shuang'er twisted her hands together, looking around in confusion watch.

In fact, Luo Wei has some aptitude, perhaps because he eats a lot of good food, otherwise Cao Fei would not have chosen him from the beginning, but in Gu Zheng's view, his aptitude is a bit low. But to say nothing, if the opponent is lucky, maybe he can reach the late stage of the Celestial Immortal.

But if there is really no big chance, then he will stop here.

"Gu Gongzi, don't say anything, give me a reference!" Shuang'er looked at Gu Zheng, held the tea there, and asked involuntarily.

"That depends on whether you want to accept this big disciple!" Gu Zheng put down the teacup in his hand and said.

"Actually, I don't really think much about it, but seeing the other party's pitiful appearance, I feel a little unbearable." Of course, Shuang'er would not say it, because seeing Gu Zheng accepting two apprentices on the road made her feel a little envious, Also a little itchy.

It's a pity that the exercises I practice are not suitable for him at all, and I don't know other exercises, even if I know, I don't know how to teach others.

Gu Zheng looked at Shuang'er's expression, smiled lightly, and then said to Shuang'er, "If you really want, I will provide you with exercises, just like Ah Shao and the others, all the most basic ones are in it. You just give him common sense."

"Okay, it's just whether this thing is precious or not." Shuang'er said subconsciously when she heard this, but she blushed and quickly explained.

"It's okay, but when it takes a few days, you can accept him first, and then give it to him when the time comes."

"That's great!" Shuang'er said happily at first, and then whispered to herself, "I didn't expect that I could also be a master, hehe!"

"Go, don't let the other party kneel for too long, don't talk about me, just treat it as a treasure you got by chance." Gu Zheng said to her.

Seeing Shuang'er open the door with some ease, Gu Zheng knew that he would be a little busy these two days, because he was recovering from meditation two days ago, and he didn't give Yutian and his family's exercises, and she has already finished her exercises, so she just waited. Help her practice again.

However, the other party did not hurry to urge Gu Zheng, even if this time Gu Zheng really broke his promise, then Yutian would really be useless in the future, and he would not be able to practice any skills.

So in the early morning of the next day, Gu Zheng started to get busy. First of all, of course, he gave Yu Tian first, made his family's exercises, and then made Luo Wei's exercises.

His skills are simple, and he can directly choose a weaker skill from among them. Even if he is weak, in Gu Zheng's view, if he is really blessed, he can still practice in the Golden Immortal Stage, but he doesn't know how long it will take. ensure.

Because Tianxian is very simple compared to now, as for Jinxian, it really depends on chance.

Moreover, Gu Zheng also made one of them live in this land, and made his exercises, and he will find someone to send them there when the right opportunity arises.

There are only two people here and there, and they seem to know each other, but I have asked Yu Zhen, and they are not very clear, after all, it has been too long.

If it hadn't been for the emergence of Gu Zheng, it would have been completely gone in two generations, because Yutian had no talent for cultivation at all, and it was beyond his expectation that he could reach the present.

With the assistance of the seven-star array, it will be a matter of time before they rely on the power of their blood to reach the fifth level. More importantly, they will all have hope in the future.

On the next day, after Gu Zheng crossed Yutian safely, Yu Zhen burst into tears. If Gu Zheng hadn't arranged for him to stop him, he would have knelt down for Gu Zheng.

However, Gu Zheng still asked the other party to live in Xu's residence. After a year and a half, when the outside situation cleared up, Yu Zhen readily agreed.

On the other side, Shuang'er also officially accepted her first disciple, and moved here in a legitimate way. But after receiving it, seeing Luo Wei absorbing the inheritance, she handed it over to Ah Shuai Xiaolan and the others to take care of her. Only give pointers when you think about it.

Otherwise, the bit of ink in her stomach would be gone in a few strokes, and she herself didn't want to expose her shortcomings.

Regardless of which side Luo Wei, who was extremely happy, Gu Zheng was not ready to go out.

Two days passed in a flash, thanks to Xu Jing's order at the beginning, at least no one irrelevant dared to disturb them.

Early this morning, when Gu Zheng was continuing to flirt in the room, a loud shout came from outside.

"Master Gu, the master asked me to call you! He is already waiting for you outside."

After shouting three times in a row, the voice subsided.

Gu Zheng had already opened his eyes when the other party had just opened his mouth. Now that his body had reached its peak, he wanted to see if there were any monsters hidden in the palace.

Gu Zheng glanced at it worriedly. At this time, the huge golden dragon was still sleeping, and its seemingly huge body was still shining with golden light, majestic and unyielding.

But Gu Zheng knew that there were already many holes in the opponent's interior, and now there was only a flowery shelf left, which might be scattered all over the place at any time and dissipate completely.

In the same way, under Feng Chengzi's own eyes, almost except for the imperial city, there is only a slight amount of suppression. It has not been many days since he came here, and the whole place was destroyed by the monster clan to look like this.

However, there seems to be a kind of power in the dark, protecting the golden dragon, otherwise he would not be dormant like this, but if he does not make any changes, it will dissipate sooner or later.

This time, Gu Zheng must pull out the power that hides the other party so deeply. Only in this way can the Yaozu's plan fail and be exposed actively, otherwise he will have nowhere to look for Xue'er.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng raised his spirits, opened the door and walked out.

But when they opened it, they found that everyone was already in the yard, and when they saw him coming out, several pairs of eyes looked at him.

Gu Zheng took a quick look and knew that Shuang'er had accidentally slipped away.

Looking at the worried eyes of everyone, he understood everyone's intentions and said to them with a smile.

"Don't worry, this is not a parting of life and death. Besides, I have gone through many storms and waves. There is absolutely no problem with this mortal matter."

"I know, but I'm still a little worried." Shuang'er looked at Gu Zheng and said worriedly.

Because Gu Zheng had already told Shuang'er his purpose, knowing that it was for Xue'er, that's why he did this.

But how could the other party break the game so easily after such a long time of arrangement, I am afraid that the trap has already been set up inside, and they are just waiting for Gu Zheng to fall into the trap.

"Trust me, no one can stop me! You just do what I said before."

Gu Zheng said confidently to them, the most powerful silver-masked men here have been killed by him, what danger could there be, if it weren't for the special features of the palace, he would not be able to wander in casually at all, so he would have killed them directly.

After comforting them, Gu Zheng walked out of the courtyard directly and said to Xu Wei in front of him.

"Let's go!"

Xu Jing, who had been waiting for a long time, was relieved when he saw Gu Zheng. He immediately came over with a smile on his face and said to Gu Zheng.

"Young Master Gu, the carriage has already been prepared! Please come on!"

At this time, beside him, there were two carriages that looked ordinary, and the grooms turned out to be two fifth-level cultivators from the Xu family.

Gu Zheng nodded, without saying a word, he pushed aside the one behind him and went straight up.

A total of four of them walked slowly towards the palace.

It was very early at this time, and there were almost no pedestrians on the road. As the carriage continued to move forward, several carriages soon joined in, and by the time they were halfway through, those carriages had already formed a mighty scale.

But all of them were behind Xu Jing, and Gu Zheng also felt the aura of more than a dozen fifth-order immortal cultivators, and it was also those people who brought him to protect him.

Except for the occasional sound made by the horses, no one spoke quietly. They had already made arrangements, and now they were about to face the final moment.

When there was still a while before the gate of the imperial palace, everyone got out of the car with a tacit understanding, and walked towards the main gate of the imperial palace, which was not much smaller than the gate of the outer city.

Maybe the gatekeepers were notified when they were there, and usually the palace would not let people in, but this time they did not stop them.

The huge palace is like a sleeping giant beast, and this gate is the mouth of the giant beast. When everyone entered, with the sound of "creak" and "creak", the gate slowly closed again, allowing them to I feel like I'm going nowhere.

Although everyone's heart is heavy, Gu Zheng really didn't feel it at all, and he was still looking at the layout of the royal family with relish, but it was the first city of the human race, with white jade bricks under the feet, but it was only produced in the depths of the Beisi Mountains. It's very hard to find. I didn't expect that the ground here is almost like this.

To tell the truth, Gu Zheng has never entered such a magnificent palace. Looking at the unusually majestic buildings, one after another, they are magnificent and exquisite.

They walked towards the main hall at the far side, and it would take them a whole stick of incense just to walk the distance, and there were still some colleagues waiting for them there.

"Master Xu, you are finally here!" By the time they arrived at this huge palace, Miracle Doctor Xia and his colleagues had already been waiting there.

At this time, there were only less than thirty of them in this palace, and the guards agreed to stay outside except for Gu Zheng.

"Well, what about those people from the Ye family?" Xu Jing said to Miracle Doctor Xia, cupping his hands to his colleagues around him.

"They have already passed and told us the location."

"Hmph, I don't know what the hell they are doing? There is no news from our people." Xu Jing said with a cold snort, looking at the people around him who kept talking.

Just like him, there are people of his own in the Ye family camp, and there are people from them in his own team. Only a few of them know the core content, such as the existence of Gu Zheng.

It doesn't hurt to let them know about other news, but it's really strange that one of my own people didn't send me a message.

"Then let's go, don't waste time here." Xu Jing said decisively, pulled the young master who was looking at him, and left here.

Gu Zheng seemed to be looking at this exquisite building, but he was actually looking for any traces of monster aura here, but since he came in, he didn't find any traces of monster race.

This is the place where the most important ministers usually go to court, but there are still no clues. This made Gu Zheng realize that the demon clan on the other side must be hiding very deeply. Maybe the demon spirit has been eliminated from his body, just like ordinary people, then if It is difficult to find them quietly.

A group of talents came here, and under the leadership of Miracle Doctor Xia and Xu Jing, they walked towards the interior of the imperial city.

In the hall with great views inside the imperial city, this place used to hold banquets, the space is large enough, but no one knows that this place has been demolished once, and then the same hall was rebuilt.

However, there are a lot of things mixed in, including some ground patterns, and the positions of some pillars have been slightly changed, but there are some things that no one will pay attention to here except those craftsmen.

As for those craftsmen, they have already evaporated.

At this time, in the middle, there is an equally huge dragon bed, surrounded by screens with flower and bird patterns, rosewood hollowed-out and carved bedspread, yellow and purple bed, majestic, yet simple and profound, if It's a real pleasure to be on top.

But now, this bed is placed alone in the middle, and a pale, thin person wearing a dragon robe is lying on it. Unfortunately, he is unconscious now, and there is a painful expression on his face.

This is the current Holy Master of Fengcheng, who is only in his thirties this year, an upright man in his prime, but now, there is no one around to serve him, which is very desolate.

On the side of the entrance, there were already many people gathered there at this moment, all of them were followers of the Ye family. At this time, most of them were smiling happily and did not even look at the Holy Majesty next to them.

Occasionally, their eyes flicked there, showing contempt and disdain. The person who once made them look up, has now been reduced to such a status.

It can be said that most of the palace is now under the control of the Ye family, so that Mr. Xi on the side can not be proud. Although this process was not handled by him alone, it was also caused by his little help under the hands of the second elder, including him. Many credits.

"Crack!" He fiercely picked up the long whip in his hand, and lashed hard at the man who was tied up in front of him, leaving a bloodstain on the opponent's shoulder.

The mouth of the person on the opposite side was blocked by a ball of rags, and he could only scream in pain, but he had no other choice, and he couldn't even move, because he was tied to a stone pillar at this time, and his body was already dead. There were bloodstains for more than ten days, and bits of blood continued to flow from his body.

"What's your name, let you be a traitor, but we don't know that we already knew about your existence, I'm afraid you don't know, your favorite three concubines have already been bribed by us, we know what you do, this time we will teach you a lesson " Mr. Xi looked at him and screamed, and when he heard it was extremely harsh, he frowned again and gave him another whip.

Thinking of the plan I had worked so hard to set up myself, of arranging a hidden weapon on Wei Wang, and thinking that when the other party was hopeless, I would go to rescue the little prince on my side, and let him hand over the palace in the imperial city as a condition. Part of the military power.

But everything was destroyed by that goddamn immortal who came out of nowhere, and now King Wei might have controlled his cronies in the imperial city and was about to fight with him, which made him more passive.

However, as long as one's own side proceeds properly, if the other party is unable to save the Holy One, then everything will happen naturally, and the entire empire will be handed over to them without any damage.

Even if they rebelled, it would be harmless, justice is on their side, and with this little power, the army outside their own is enough to drown these rebels.

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