Just when Gu Zheng was still marveling at the hardness of the ice wall, suddenly, a sudden change occurred!

The white light that was originally covering the ice wall gathered together quickly, turning into a white light and shooting towards Gu Zheng.

A ball of flames just sprang out from Gu Zheng's body, covering his whole body, and that white light has already turned into a ball of white air and surrounded Gu Zheng in it.

In an instant, when the white light dissipated, a lifelike ice sculpture appeared in front of everyone. Together with the flames on Gu Zheng's body, they were all frozen on Gu Zheng's body at this time, giving him a strange sense of beauty.

"Ancient struggle!"

Here, Bo Xu and the others turned pale with fright, and subconsciously wanted to rush over, but after only a few steps, they bumped their heads into the flaming red shield outside.

However, before they could destroy the protective shield in front of them, they saw Gu Zheng's body flashing again with golden light. With the sound of explosion, countless golden lights pierced out from the white ice sculpture trapped in Gu Zheng.


Cracks sounded from the outside of Gu Zheng, and then the entire ice layer collapsed in an instant, and Gu Zheng escaped in an instant.

"Don't move. I didn't expect that the other party would have a way to use the water of the blue lake. It's really beyond my expectation. These things are not harmful to me, but they still hurt you. Protect yourself and don't waste your energy here." Gu Zheng looked at them and calmed down their emotions.

They don't know how powerful the water of the blue lake is. At the moment when Gu Zheng was frozen, even the mana in Gu Zheng's body stagnated for a moment. In an attempt to directly freeze Gu Zheng to death.

If it is placed on a person in the early stage of Golden Immortal, it is estimated that the other party will not even have a chance to resist, and will be directly frozen into ice slag. Even if they are caught off guard, even if they are prepared to get rid of it in time, they will suffer serious injuries.

But for Gu Zheng, this doesn't count, so let them take a rest and do some warm-up activities by themselves!

Just as Gu Zheng was talking to Bo Xu and the others, there was a dense "cuckling" sound from outside again, and strange fluctuations began to appear on the ice wall.

The low trembling sound of "Weng Weng" continued to sound, and the entire ice cover began to shake slightly.

At the same time, a large piece of blue light began to flow on the ice wall, especially the ice thorns hanging upside down on it, which shone even more, looking extremely gorgeous.

As soon as Gu Zheng spoke to them, the countless ice thorns on it broke away from the ice cover and attacked all of them from all directions.


Countless ice thorns of different sizes cut through the air, and the sharp end came to Gu Zheng in an instant.

Gu Zheng's expression froze, and he raised his fist directly, dense fist shadows appeared in front of him, collided with those ice thorns, and those ice thorns were smashed into powder as soon as they met.

On the other side of Bo Xu, Lan Xing and his sisters waved their hands, and sword qi rose in the air outside. Instead of rushing towards the ice spikes, they criss-crossed back and forth around them, forming a dense white sword net. , completely enveloping them.

After those ice thorns hit, they were almost cut into dozens of pieces. Even if there were occasional omissions, they were blocked by Bo Xu who was on the side. There was also no danger for them.

But they were not happy for a long time. After the ice thorns all over the sky disappeared, circles of strange patterns appeared on the ice wall, and ice spears like spears pierced out from inside, their strength doubled in an instant, making them They are stressed.

However, with the shield given to them by Gu Zheng, even if there are some omissions, they will be blocked by the shield and will not endanger them at all.

But here, Gu Zheng still waved his fist shadows all over the sky, crushing the attacking ice spears one by one, and his body kept moving towards the edge of the ice cover.

When he walked to an edge area, his eyes suddenly lit up. After feeling the aura of another snow monster in front of him, a strong aura erupted from Bu Zai Hesi, shattering all the surrounding attacks.

And the shadow of the fist in the sky shrank instantly, and a fist that was even bigger than before smashed fiercely in front of him again.

The fist, which seemed to have no momentum, erupted with a powerful vibration the moment it hit the ice wall.


The deafening sound kept ringing, and a large hole with a diameter of one foot had been opened in front of Gu Zheng. Around the big hole, there was still a lot of blue blood and minced meat that was still steaming.

The snow monster hidden on the ice cover was directly blasted to pieces by Gu Zheng.

These snow monsters are not standing still on it, but swimming back and forth at random. Although they move without the slightest movement, coupled with the cover of the ice cover, it can be said that they are isolated to the greatest extent so that they can be found, but the unique breath is in the air. There is no way to hide in front of Gu Zheng, even if Gu Zheng can only feel a trace of breath, he can still catch the opponent's figure.

Through this hole, Gu Zheng's figure quickly flew upwards, ready to go out and kill these disgusting snow monsters.

But as soon as the figure moved, they heard their roaring again, and a snow monster suddenly appeared in the sky, blocking the entrance of the cave.

The layer of ice crystal armor on his body fell off instantly, forming a shield that just stuck to the hole, dotted with hexagonal blue snowflakes, and shot towards Gu Zheng like a dart.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

Gu Zheng's figure fell down from the top in some embarrassment, and the clothes on his body were still slightly damaged, with blood stains protruding from above, as if being scratched by something sharp.

Looking at the snow monster above, the whole body has begun to transform into black, and the whole body has begun to blend into the ice cover. Straits of black are like black threads of veins, spreading rapidly on the ice wall.

Not only this mutation in front of him, it seems to be stimulated by the death of his companion, but also black veins began to appear in other places. From Gu Zheng's point of view, within a few breaths, half of the ice wall was dyed black. You can only see a bit of dark blue through it in the depths.

At this time, the ice spears all over the sky had disappeared, but countless black arms protruded from the ice cover, stretching continuously, and the swarthy black nails were constantly shining with black light, grabbing downwards.

Gu Zheng was really angry this time. He didn't expect that he wanted to save his strength, but was killed by these little guys.

Countless white flames shot out of Gu Zheng's body, and a phantom like a bird happily hovered above Gu Zheng's head. As the flames on Gu Zheng's body became higher and higher, he blew loudly, and the whole figure burst into the sky. In the flames below.

There was only a loud bang.

A flame storm erupted from Gu Zheng's body, and a large piece of flame roared and rushed towards the surroundings, and the roar of the giant dragon continued to resound in the ice cover.

Those dense black long hands were burnt to a mass of ashes in this violent flame storm.

On the other side, Bo Xu was on the side. Although he had a protective shield, it would not hurt them, but looking at the past, he was already surrounded by the raging flames, and he couldn't see anything clearly outside.

Feeling the violence in it made them a little terrified.

The overwhelmed shattering sounds continued to resound, and a large black smoke rose from the surrounding ice cover, and the original ice cover, under the violent flames, was constantly shaking, and the snow monster cried out in pain. Hissing sounded continuously in the air, as if he was suffering from pain.

After all the space was filled with flames, five extremely white lights suddenly lit up in the middle, and then all the flames quickly retracted.

Five fire dragons with white flames soared into the air and rushed towards the surrounding ice walls.


Almost at the same time, five large holes were instantly exposed above. This time, the ice wall was powerless to stop the fire dragon's collision, allowing them to see the outside scene again.

The entire ice wall began to collapse and collapse. Gu Zheng brought Bo Xu and the three of them to the open space outside.

At this time, the scene outside has changed drastically, especially the surrounding mountain protection array, which was originally almost transparent in color, but now it has all turned blood-colored, as if there are countless blood flowing inside, reflecting the Daxue Mountain is also red, as if Came to hell.

The thick bloody smell was very pungent, causing Lan Xing and the others to frown, and they felt better only after they stopped breathing.

And at the farthest distance from them, only eight shrunken snow monsters remained, crawling feebly on the ground.

The five fire dragons in the air merged with each other in the air, forming a long river of flames, with endless flames, roaring and sweeping towards them again.

Seeing this, the eight snow monsters reluctantly opened their mouths wide, and suddenly spit out a large piece of blue cold air again, condensing into an ice wall in the air, and facing the river of flames.


With the reluctant support of the snow monster, the river of flames was blocked in front of them for the time being, and countless mist steamed up again.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng sneered in his heart. If this stalemate continues, they will not have the strength to resist in a while, but Gu Zheng can't wait that long, and the anger in his heart has already risen.

With a flick of his hand, a ball of flame rushed out from between his fingers again, and entered the bloody river.

Changhe, who was originally violent, became even more violent in an instant. The entire flame burst out from above, and the ice wall in front of them was instantly melted into a big hole.

All the flames took the opportunity to rush out from the big hole in the middle, instantly submerging the eight snow monsters.

Followed by a few voices before death, the river of flames passed by and flew into the sky again, and the eight snow monsters had no bones left, so dead that they couldn't die anymore.

At this time, the entire halfway up the mountain was full of potholes, almost all the houses had collapsed, and there were messy ruins everywhere.

Gu Zheng stretched out his right hand, and the flame in the air flew back towards Gu Zheng's wrist in an instant, and all of them were taken back by Li Huan.

"Young Master Gu? Why didn't the enemy take advantage of the good opportunity just now to ambush us?" Bo Xu, who was standing by, looked at all this, and they were almost just making soy sauce just now.

"I don't know! Maybe the other party has other ideas." Gu Zheng looked up, as if seeing the situation inside through the mountain peak, and shook his head when he heard Bo Xu's words.

In fact, this is also where he was puzzled. He didn't expect to meet the two of them as soon as he came in, as if they were waiting here specially for him.

Originally, Gu Zheng wanted to fight hard, thinking that the other party wanted to eradicate himself directly, but after a few harsh words without end, he just left here, leaving a few soldiers and crabs to stop them.

Judging from their attacks, their power is not a chess piece that can be discarded casually. Even a one-time flag can play a very important role, and it is possible to turn the tide of the battle at a critical moment.

But throwing it to them like this, as if letting them die, made Gu Zheng puzzled.

However, since the other party is so self-destructive, Gu Zheng is also willing to relieve a little pressure on their side and accept their big gift.

"I don't know what's going on with their actions over there?" Lan Xing said worriedly. He didn't expect the Yaozu to give them a head-on blow at the first time. If there was no Gu Zheng here, they would need to spend a lot of money to break through this point. A lot of time, and there will definitely be serious injuries.

Although Bo Xu and Gu Zheng seem to have the same aura now, they both have the cultivation base of Jinxian in the later stage, but Gu Zheng probably can beat him five times alone, the gap is really too big.

"If all goes well, they probably have already sneaked in. You must know that we slowed down on purpose. They must be faster than us. Don't worry about them. Let's go up and see what tricks they are doing, and attract them by the way. Pay attention!" Gu Zheng thought about it and said to the three of them.

Stepping on the ground full of blue blood, Gu Zheng led them towards the only hall that went up.

And when Gu Zheng had just set foot on the mountainside and met the Great Elder and the others, on a vertical cliff behind the Daxue Mountain, five people had already sneaked through the guardian array and started to climb up the mountain.

Their speed is not fast, not because of the steepness of the mountain, in fact, for them, this nearly vertical path is as smooth as the usual road.

The main reason is that they are worried that they will attract the attention of the Yaozu, so they climb up a little bit.

"How do you use this thing?" Qi Xiang, the leader, took out a small white ball. It was ordinary when outside, but when it passed through the guardian array and came in, it began to glow faintly, as if Sensing something.

"I remember Mr. Gu telling you how to use it? Didn't the so-called Yuan Li come to us?" A female team member behind said in surprise.

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot!" Qi Xiang said awkwardly, but in fact he was just not sure.

"The captain's old problem has been committed again." Seeing the suddenly realized expression, the team members behind him muttered inwardly.

Normally speaking, if you have cultivated to such a level, you will never forget it, but such an important thing has been almost forgotten after only a few days. A slight mistake caused his memory to be not very good, but at least it was just a little bad. There was only a vague impression of what happened a few days ago, and the absolutely important things can still be firmly remembered.

"Hurry up, maybe we can find Yuanli in a short time. With the leadership of the local snake, then we will be much more relaxed. Remember, we must rescue Gu Zheng's sister safely, do you know!" Looking at the expressions of his team members, Qi Xiang didn't know what they were thinking, and he didn't care, he just arranged again.

Although they didn't know what Xue'er looked like, Gu Zheng gave her one of her supplies to let them remember Xue'er's breath. Anyway, they are all underwater creatures, and they are also very good at finding by smell.

"Understood the captain!" The team members behind whispered, and continued to climb up.

Soon, they had already climbed halfway up the mountain. At this time, the light in Qi Xiang's hands was flickering even more fiercely, and it was a little hot to the touch, so he had to wrap it with immortal energy to isolate it, so that he could hold it firmly.

"It seems that they are nearby, but here are all cliffs, how can there be a place for Tibetans?" Qi Xiang said to himself.

Every time he took a step forward, he carefully scanned the surrounding area to prevent any accidents, and he focused on the inside of the rock wall. In case the other party got hot-headed and sent someone to guard behind, it was not impossible.

Because the environment of Daxue Mountain is actually beneficial to them, they all turned into white to reduce the chance of being discovered.

Suddenly, the whole ground trembled suddenly, as if it was a movement from the front mountain.

Let their whole team stop.

"Could it be that they have handed over?" Qi Xiang said in surprise, according to the plan, Gu Zheng and the others delayed as long as possible, but at this time, the other party should have just set foot on the mountainside, which is about the same as their progress.

"Hurry up!" Thinking of this, Qi Xiang said to the team members behind him, they must hurry up, they can't waste time here.

"Captain, look, the magic circle outside is changing, it's different from before."

"Don't worry about it so much, be careful not to touch it, and protect yourself!"

"Who are you? How did you come here?" Qi Xiang had just finished giving the order, when the sudden voice startled him, the weapon in his hand was instantly in his hand, and the other protruded into the wall, half-hanging in the air, staring at him Look in the direction the sound is coming from.

At this time, a strange person was on the slightly raised rock above their heads, holding a crystal clear ice sword tightly in his hand, looking down vigilantly.

"Are you Yuan Zongzhu, Yuan Li? We are friends of Mr. Gu, and he asked us to come to you." Qi Xiang saw that the face on the other side looked similar to what Gu Zheng described to him, and immediately whispered, and at the same time He took out the thing in his hand.

If it was an enemy, how could he ask about his identity as soon as he opened his mouth. ,

Seeing a suction force coming from his hand, Qi Xiang immediately let go of his palm, and saw it fly directly into the hand of the person above, and the brilliance flashed, and disappeared directly in front of him.

This made Qi Xiang overjoyed, because Gu Zheng told him that only Yuan Li could take back his things. Originally, he thought that it would take a while before the other party would find him. I did a lot of work on myself.

Sure enough, the other party glanced at the five people below and said.

"I'm Yuan Li, take out your token and let me have a look." Yuan Li was sure that the thing in his hand was indeed given to Gu Zheng, but he still spoke.

"A token? Isn't that thing a token?" Qi Xiang was taken aback, looked at Yuan Li and said unconfidently, but he remembered it clearly, Mr. Gu said that giving him this thing in this way would prove his identity.

Yuan Li didn't speak, but he had already grasped the ice sword in his hand, and the slightest murderous intent leaked from his eyes.

This is his territory, even if the opponent's strength far surpasses him, he is not afraid. If the opponent is really sent by the monster clan, then he must teach them a lesson.

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