On the way Gu Zheng and Mei Luoyu were going back, Gu Zheng suddenly stopped in doubt and turned his gaze to the side.

"Lord Ancestral God, what's wrong? There's nothing there?"

Mei Luoyu followed Gu Zheng's gaze and found that there was still a piece of loess over there, and there was nothing unusual about it.

"Wait a minute, I'll go and have a look!"

Gu Zheng thought for a while, then ordered her to the side, then flew towards the far side, and disappeared in front of Me Luoyu in a blink of an eye.

The only dissatisfaction here is that there are too few forests. Basically, except for the islands, there are many forests. On the land, there is no green at all, and the sky is full of loess.

According to Ren Jie, it will be much better when you are in the middle of the main road. It is basically the same as the outside, with high mountains, huge forests, and creatures with many trees, so everyone thinks about going inside. After all, everyone likes a better life. environment.

After half a stick of incense, Gu Zheng stood on a slightly raised ground, and in front of him, there was a small figure struggling to dig a hole, which was now several feet deep.

But that figure is still digging down, like some treasure underneath, working tirelessly,

What puzzled Gu Zheng was that when he scanned it, there was not even a piece of garbage under it, let alone a treasure, because there was nothing under it, except loess, which was still loess.

Seeing that the other party can only throw up a little bit of soil every time, and pile up nearby, it has now formed a small hill. It seems that the working hours are really endless.

After all, the other party didn't have any tools, and only relied on those small hands to dig underground abruptly, which was also very persevering.

But what puzzled Gu Zheng was, what was he going to do?

This little figure didn't notice the arrival of Gu Zheng, and was still waving his little hand, throwing loess on it, but he had discovered that the opponent's physical strength seemed to be a little weak.

The panting sound like a cow is so obvious in the small pothole, but every movement of the opponent is much slower than before, as if the opponent has never rested.

Gu Zheng is still thinking about why this child, who is about ten years old, ran to this wilderness alone. Could it be that he was playing a game of digging holes by himself, but Gu Zheng also knew that within a radius of ten thousand miles, there is no A demon's stronghold, how did he get so far away.

Is it just to dig a big hole?

Of course, what attracts Gu Zheng is not the appearance of a demon child, but that there is a trace of this incense power in the opponent's body. Although it is very meager, it is so meager that if you stand in front of you and look carefully, you may not be able to find a trace.

Because the other party has perfectly fused with the demon power in his body, Gu Zheng found that the other party was actually thanks to the help of the demon grass. In this place, he can clearly sense the power of incense in the opponent's body through the demon grass. It is also noticeable even if it is faint.

But Gu Zheng clearly remembered that only the ancestor gods could grasp the power of incense.

It is because it is necessary to master and use the skills left by the quasi-sage. If it weren't for the help of the demon grass, the ancient battle would have planned not to use the power of this incense, and even resigned from the title of ancestor god.

After all, not everyone from outside wants to be an ancestor god.

Anyway, for those who worship him, their source is the remnants of the gathering power of the statues. As long as there are statues, their strength will increase, but the incense worship transformed by the statues is wasted.

But this little boy was a little strange. Gu Zheng looked at him repeatedly, but he didn't find any difference, and there was no magic weapon. His strength was still very low, it was impossible to be an ancestor god, and there was nothing in his body to help him. Like the demon grass in Gu Zheng's body.

When Gu Zheng was thinking, the little boy might not have achieved any results for such a long time, so he stopped what he was doing, and then jumped out of the pothole below in a few leaps.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the whole person became a little transparent. Although it was not perfect, it was more than enough to hide this little guy.

I saw that little boy coming up to a slightly higher soil slope, looking at the south with a pair of slightly resentful eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

However, this kind of little adult's contemplation didn't last long, a thunderous sound sounded from his stomach, and the little boy's face drooped with bitterness.

He rubbed his stomach, trying to calm it down for a while, but it was of no use at all. The intermittent thunder sounded now instead, and it became louder and louder.

The little boy bent over, and it looked like he hadn't eaten for a long time.

There was a look of determination in the little boy's eyes, and then he staggered to the side with a little weak footsteps, and the whole person began to search for something on the ground.

But in Gu Zheng's perception, there seems to be nothing there, which is not entirely true.

To be precise, there seemed to be only one abandoned food, a round cake as hard as a rock.

"It can't be that I'm really looking for it!"

In the midst of the ancient disputes and doubts, the other party searched and found that the round cake was really pulled out of the loess.

The little boy held it in his hands like a treasure, and his eyes showed excitement. It was the look of food appearing in front of his eyes after he hadn't eaten for three days and nights.

Seeing that he simply blew off the loess on the top, so that the piece in front of him didn't look so dirty, he couldn't wait to open his mouth and bite on it.


With a soft sound like a stone colliding, the little boy took the round cake out of his mouth, his eyes instantly became a little teary, and he looked at the small row of teeth marks on it speechlessly.

The little boy curled his mouth, stood up and waved his arms, and threw the round cake out again. The round cake drew a beautiful arc in the air, and smashed a small hole in the loess not far away.


But the little boy's belly didn't give him face, and he still kept protesting.

In just a few minutes, the little boy walked over there again with a sad face, because there was no food nearby at this time. If he didn't want to starve to death, he had to eat that dry and hard round cake.

Even this one, he picked it up from the road, or else he has nothing now.

"It's not fun at all, I want to go home! Don't you mean that if you are hungry, you can just dig in the ground to find food? I have dug so deep and there is nothing."

The little boy murmured in his heart, but in a blink of an eye, he thought of that prison-like island without even a playmate, and those who accompanied him were just perfunctory, and he didn't want to go back at all.

Although I am a bit stupid, I am not stupid.

"I will definitely find a place where people live, and then I will have something to eat!"

Immediately, the little boy thought firmly, and then looked at the round cake he found in his hand again, brushed off the loess on it, and closed his eyes, although there was still a lot of loess remaining in the gap, he couldn't take care of it anymore, so he wanted to take a closer look. Bite away.

But at the moment when he was about to enter his mouth, his movements suddenly froze, and his small nose kept moving, as if he smelled something delicious.

"It smells like roast chicken!"

His closed eyes opened in an instant, and not far from him, there was a steaming hot roast chicken, and the tempting aroma continued to emanate from it, making his saliva flow out unconsciously.

Compared with the delicious roast chicken, the round cake in his hand seemed to no longer exist. The aroma seemed to have a kind of magic power, which made him walk over subconsciously, and the round cake in his hand fell from his hand, but he Still don't know.

When he came in front of the roast chicken, his saliva had already rushed out of his mouth, and traces of crystal clear streams flowed down from the sides of his mouth.

At this time, the little boy's eyes were blurred, and his whole heart was constantly struggling, and there was a devil in his heart instigating him.

"I'm about to starve to death. It's obvious that there is an expert who couldn't bear to see you in this situation, so I specially left it for you. The intentional person has already left. Eat quickly, and you will have the strength to go on your way after eating."

"No, what if it is poisonous, besides, no one said it was for you to eat!"

Just as the devil's voice came out, another voice reappeared, as if it was the firm side of his heart.

"The other party is here without knowing it, and his strength is definitely far superior to yours. If he wants to deal with you, he still needs to poison him?"

"In case the other party has other intentions, didn't my father tell me to be careful when going out?"

At this moment, the little boy was caught in a dilemma, and he stretched out his hand unconsciously, retracting it, and stretching it out, but his eyes were full of longing.

In the end he couldn't take it anymore, he yelled to the sky, and then threw himself in front of the roast chicken.

"Thank you, senior, for your gift!"

He just stretched out his hands, tore off the chicken leg on it, put it in his mouth and began to bite, not even letting go of the remaining bones, he chewed it up and swallowed it whole.

In just a short while, after he wolfed it down, a whole roast chicken was eaten into his stomach like this, leaving nothing at all.


The satisfied little boy finally let out a satisfied sound, and sat on the ground, feeling himself alive again.

At this time, Gu Zheng also walked out from the side with a half-smile.

"Thank you senior for giving me food!"

Seeing a figure appearing in front of his eyes, the little boy immediately stood up and thanked Gu Zheng. He looked like a small adult and gave Gu Zheng a hand.

Gu Zheng didn't care, and said to the little boy in front of him.

"Why do you come out and run around alone, what about your family?"

"Oh, I just came out to play, my home is quite far away." The little boy may have left home directly because of Gu Zheng's smiling face, a look of kindness, and the food the other party gave him. The matter of leaving was exposed.

"Good guy, you dare to do this here. You don't know how big it is here. Since you dare to come out alone, you are not afraid of starving to death." Gu Zheng glanced at this little guy, who did not expect him to be so brave. Simply risk your life.

If Gu Zheng hadn't inadvertently sensed the difference in the opponent's body, within a thousand miles, there would not even be a single grass, let alone a person.

It can be said that with his footsteps, it is impossible to find any inhabited places on both sides of the starvation.

"I brought a lot of food before, but I've already eaten it all. I'm hungry quickly. I have to eat six meals a day. Just now I'm 30% full." The little boy said honestly, his eyes were even more eager Looking at Gu Zhan's hand, he hoped that the other party would give him something to eat.

"What's your name?" Gu Zheng understood the opponent's meaning through the eyes of the opponent, and stretched out his hand, a large piece of meat appeared in the air, and then a line of fire emerged from the wrist, burning under the piece of meat.

But in the blink of an eye a few times, an aroma of barbecue filled the air, which attracted the little boy's eyes again, and his Adam's apple kept wriggling. It was obvious that the aroma used had seduced his appetite.

"My name is Haiming, what's your name, senior?" Although his eyes were fixed on the barbecue, he still answered Gu Zheng's question.

"Hai Ming, what a good name, just call me Senior Gu." Gu Zheng praised, then took out a little salt and sprinkled it on it, and then a cold wind rose out of thin air, reducing the temperature of the barbecue to just what he could accept You must know that the roast chicken just scalded him quite badly.

"Thank you, Senior Gu." Haiming couldn't wait to receive the roasted meat, and took a big bite, swallowing hard while thanking Gu Zheng.

And Gu Zheng waited quietly for the other party to finish eating, but when he saw the slight bulge on the other party's forehead, his heart moved, and he asked when the other party was about to finish eating.

"Where are you going next? If I drop you by the way, go home quickly, don't run outside like a child."

"Senior Gu, I still have to go north. I want to see the most luxurious city here. I don't want to be trapped on the island without any freedom." Hearing all kinds of questions, Haiming tried hard to swallow the last bite of barbecue, Hurry back.

"That's a pity, the direction we go back is also the island side, and it's not the same way, but if you want to enter the middle city, you won't be able to make it even if you are exhausted." Gu Zheng shook his head and said to him.

"Impossible, those followers of mine said, our place is very close to the city, how could they lie to me." Heming said suspiciously, but this did not prevent him from throwing the last bone into his mouth, ga The sound of bang bang resounded in the air.

"What did I lie to you for? If you really want to go to the nearest big city, I'll count you out. If you don't have a few decades of work, you don't want to get there. This is because you are driving at full speed day and night without stopping. .” After a little calculation, Gu Zheng came up with an approximate distance.

Moreover, the distance calculated by Gu Zheng was the nearest city that he knew. Although he only had a glimpse of the map on Mr. Feng's desktop at that time, he still remembered it. Even with his footsteps, it would take a lot of time, let alone A little guy who can walk on the road on his legs.


Hearing Gu Zheng's words, Haiming's face was a little stunned. He didn't know how it was so far away. He had worked so hard all the way to get here, only then did he realize that he was almost standing still.

"Then how far am I from the sea now?"

With a trace of fantasy in his heart, he asked Gu Zheng.

"For me, it's probably less than a day's journey." Gu Zheng shrugged, telling him this ruthless reality.


Hearing this news, Haiming fell flat on the ground, his eyes full of helplessness, and Gu Zheng could only hear his muttering to himself.

"I have worked so hard for a whole month to avoid people who are looking for me, and finally I have traveled such a small distance!"

"That's the way it is, so my suggestion is that you don't want to go to the city anymore. It's better to wait until your cultivation level is higher." Gu Zheng told the truth, but seeing the frustrated expression on the other party's face, he added said a word.

"Maybe you should prepare supplies for decades, maybe you might be able to get there."

"Yes, I can definitely prepare more things next time." Hearing Gu Zheng's words, Hai Ming's eyes lit up, and he said to himself, but his expression calmed down in a blink of an eye, and the stimulant disappeared. live.

"They are all guarding against my little thoughts. I have saved these foods for several years."

"How about it, how about I take you home, or do you follow me first? At least make sure you can eat enough. If you are willing to do something extra, maybe I will give you enough supplies to let you go by yourself In the past, maybe one day when I feel better, I can bring you there."

Gu Zheng stood aside, speaking to him in a tempting language.

It's nothing more than Gu Zheng caring so much, because after he successfully completed the succession of the ancestor god, he discovered that the aura that hit his body before also contained a trace of incense power.

It was because of the power of the incense that the strange black mist in his body disappeared so much.

But on the way back, Gu Zheng had already experimented, and the power of incense in his body could not have any effect on the remaining black energy at all, and had no effect at all.

But when Gu Zheng inspected Haiming's body just now, he suddenly noticed another unusual change in the black energy in his body. It seemed that after washing before, he became much more sensitive to the power of incense that could threaten him.

From this subtle change, Gu Zheng knew that the other party seemed to be afraid of something.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, the unknown power of incense in this little boy makes him feel a little afraid.

Of course, Gu Zheng wanted to get rid of the black energy in his body, so he wanted to find a way from Haiming.

If Haiming wants to go home, he will also help the other party.

He won't force the other party to follow him. If the other party really doesn't want to go back with him, he will find another way at worst. After all, the black mist is a dead thing, and there is always a way to eliminate it from his body.

After all, this is just a cloud of black mist. In my body, it is only a drag on myself, so that my strength cannot be fully utilized, and it is not serious enough that I have to kidnap others.

"Okay, I won't go home, but if I want to leave and go home, you can take me away at any time." Haiming just thought about it and made up his mind, but he still said his opinion to Gu Zheng .

"no problem."

Waiting here for Me Luoyu, who was a little anxious, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Gu Zheng flying back from a distance, but he was also surprised when he saw that there was a child behind him.

But she was clever and didn't say much, but followed Gu Zheng and headed towards Xifeng Island again.

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