A week passed quickly, and Kui Qiang had already left with her tribe, and the aftermath of the battle had faded away, and now the village has returned to a peaceful time.

And Gu Zheng also called Haiming to the backyard after some rest.

"Master? You are looking for me!"

There are still obvious water stains on Haiming's body that haven't dried out, and it seems that he is playing with his little brothers at the beach again. Although these children may be small, everyone has a solid foundation, at least don't worry about them. If they were drowned by the sea, let them go.

"Well, last time I came up with a way to make your current situation better." Gu Zheng signaled that the opponent was in the middle of the magic circle.

"Really? Master, am I completely healed, just like a normal person?" Hai Ming said excitedly, jumping up and down in front of Gu Zheng, not going in the middle to give him stay position.

"It won't be completely cured. I can only treat you slowly, but I am not very sure that you will be treated well, and this treatment plan has a serious consequence." Gu Zheng decided to give the last treatment. Tell him about the bad results.

"What bad result? No matter how bad it is, it can be worse than me. My father asked countless people for help before. It took thousands of years, but there was no way at all. So what can the master do? Just implement it directly. Just do it!"

Hearing this, Haiming immediately said that this situation had troubled him for many years, and it was a regret buried deep in his heart.

He also wants to be like a normal person, not like a patient, being carefully served at any time, for fear that something will happen accidentally, and he doesn't like it at all.

He likes such an unfettered life,

"It's very likely that the talent horn on your head will fall off, and it's very likely that it won't recover, and you will just become an ordinary monster." Gu Zheng said solemnly, after all, this is the talent of the other party's race. Under normal circumstances, as the strength increases, it will not only enhance its own strength, but also grant some special manipulation or spells, which can be regarded as a symbol of the strength of his race.

You must know that the monster race values ​​their own ecstasy the most, even humans are the same.

"If there is nothing, then there will be nothing. My father once said that if he is willing to use all methods to cure his illness, I am also willing to exchange for my condition to get better." Haiming, who always had a hippie smile on his face, rarely became serious.

He also knows how difficult his illness is to treat, and how many experts have seen it for him, but he also cannot cure it under the condition of ensuring his own safety. At this time, it is just a horn, so why not give up.

In the face of important choices, he also knows how to choose.

"Well, without further ado, you stand in the middle of the formation." Since Haiming agreed, Gu Zheng said to him without hesitation.

Because it is me, I will agree, a strong man cuts his wrist, it is a matter of life and death, you can tell which is more important at a glance.

Even though Haiming is a child, he is still a child who has lived for such a long time. He is still living as a child. The growth period of the monster race is long. Who knows how many years he lived before.

Gu Zheng didn't ask him who he was before. From the beginning to the end, Gu Zheng treated him as a real child, even if his thoughts were still at the naive age of twelve, even if he would find it sooner or later, but at this time, he It's really just an ordinary naughty child.

In fact, if his father hadn't brought him here, and some incense power attached to the horn, his situation might have been worse, but it seemed that none of their group had noticed the abnormality on the horn.

However, Gu Zheng also needs this unicorn. Perhaps it is a win-win situation if there is a trace of aura on this unicorn to help him.

And here Haiming is already sitting in the seat specially reserved for him in the middle, there is also a cushion opposite him, and Gu Zheng is also sitting opposite him at this time.

"Are you ready?" Gu Zheng looked into Haiming's eyes, stretched out his hands, and confirmed it for the last time.

"I'm ready." Haiming nodded, stretched out his hands, pressed them against Gu Zheng's, said the same, and then closed his eyes.

A little golden light emerged from Gu Zheng's body, and rushed out in all directions, and Hai Ming's body was also covered with a layer of golden light. He lost consciousness in the blink of an eye and fell into a coma, but his body had been given by Gu Zheng. Takes over, and then he'll just sleep in and be fine.

In the small courtyard that was originally quiet, there was a sudden sound, like the sound of glass marbles falling to the ground, and it became more and more dense, and at the peak of the final sound, there was a sudden silence.

Immediately afterwards, golden beams of light suddenly rose up around the courtyard, which happened to be on the courtyard, and then they were connected together to form a golden light shield, protecting the small courtyard inside.

This is not over yet, streaks of cyan energy continuously intertwined and loomed in the air, and finally floated under the golden shield, providing a second layer of defense.

At the same time, a burst of yellow weapons suddenly emerged from the statue standing in the middle, and swept into a whirlwind in the air, whizzing towards the back mountain.

Everyone noticed such a big movement and looked back curiously, but they couldn't see anything.

"Patriarch Ren, do you know what Master Zushen is doing?" A villager came out and saw Ren Jie passing by, and couldn't help asking.

"How would I know." Ren Jie said without turning his head, he was going to stand guard for Gu Zheng, and he couldn't let anyone disturb him.

He was also very puzzled, what was the reason for such a big commotion? Could it be cultivation?

"Xia Qi, hurry up and take a few people to guard the intersection, Ren Ceng, you arrange a few people to guard near the statue, please let me know if there is any movement."

Ren Jie gave instructions to the crowd who heard the news.


Of course, Gu Zheng didn't know the commotion he caused at this time, which made the whole village into a mess, and they all guessed what he was doing. Because of such a big commotion, the statue was still rolling towards him. Come.

At this time, Gu Zheng's small courtyard was already surrounded by yellow clouds and mist. Although the yellow mist was sucked in every moment, it was replenished faster.

In the open space of the small courtyard, all the previously described formations have been activated, and countless shining patterns are intertwined on the ground, forming complex patterns, and there are even flashing light spots on the surrounding walls. Strands of yellow sprayed out from the wall.

The entire small courtyard was already invisible, and was almost completely surrounded by the power of yellow incense. Countless desolation rolled around Gu Zheng and was sucked into Gu Zheng's body, rushing towards Hai Ming's body through his body little by little.

However, the other party's body is too fragile, Gu Zheng must carefully explore the past bit by bit, and there should be no surprises during the next round.

At this time, the yellow progress has just passed the opponent's finger, and it is still early to reach the top of the opponent's head.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry, and just pushed forward little by little.

Three days passed quickly again, and now the small courtyard of Guzheng has filled the surroundings with yellow mist as if it were real, and the statue has regained its calm again, and it is not sending yellow mist here.

While Gu Zheng controlled the power of the incense, it continuously absorbed it into the demon grass from the outside world, and then transformed it through his body, rushing towards Haiming.

At this time, the power of the incense controlled by Gu Zheng was already close to the single horn. With a thought, the mana in his body slowly extended outwards, and was instantly activated in the auxiliary magic circle that had been drawn.

On the ground, veins of silvery threads suddenly lit up, mixed in the gaps of the previous veins, and slowly moved on the ground, circling around the edge of the magic circle, and the yellow mist beside it also After quietly blending in, a unique breath emanated from these light threads, and the final gathering place was still under Gu Zheng's body.

Those silver threads had already entered Gu Zheng's body, and they rushed towards Haiming's body along the meridians. With the power of incense, they fought along the way and arrived at the final destination in a blink of an eye. next to the corner.

If you look outside, you can find a silver line on Gu Zheng's body shining on the surface of his body, linking with Haiming.

And this silver thread is the reason why Gu Zheng was able to pry the opponent's unicorn, because it added a trace of green powder into it, and evolved it with the help of a special method.

Soon those silvers wrapped around the corners one after another, and in front of them was a grid-like protection composed of yellow mist, entangled on the horn, and fused with the power of incense on it.

At this time, Gu Zheng had a thought, those silver threads flashed slightly, and the thin silver threads from the north were once again less than one-tenth of the size of Philadelphia, poking in through the gap of the yellow mist, and then hooked up Embedded in the flesh and blood next to the unicorn.


Even though he was in a coma, he still couldn't help the pain and groaned subconsciously.

But Gu Zheng acted as if he didn't hear him, he was forcibly moving the opponent's horn, how could there be no pain.

However, the unicorn seemed to feel the danger, and with a flash of light, a trace of aura hidden in it turned into crystal starlight appeared around the unicorn, instinctively attacking the surrounding magic weapons.

"It's you who's waiting."

Gu Zheng sensed that the other party came out, and immediately among those silver lights, green light spots also flew out, quickly covering the periphery of the unicorn, and faint green lines connected between them, connecting those Starlight is besieged.

Xingdian, who was about to move just now, immediately quieted down.

Seeing this Gu Zheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the following tasks are still arduous, and he can't be careless in the slightest.

Under the cover of the power of incense and blocked by the green light, Xingguang did not find the silver light hidden in the shadow, and began to push the horn little by little, protruding outward a little bit.

At this time, Haiming's face was completely wrinkled, and layers of cold sweat suddenly appeared all over his body, which wet his clothes.

The slightly protruding horn on the top of the head had pierced through the forehead at this time, and began to drill out very slowly and firmly.

When Gu Zheng saw it, he was overjoyed that his method really worked.

Because the most unstable thing on the unicorn is the essence of comprehension hidden in it. Because it is in the immature stage, it is very irritable at this time, and it will explode if it is slightly wrong. This is also the reason why it dare not do it.

Once again, Gu Zheng was not absolutely sure before, so he could only give it a try. Now, it seems that with the help of the power of incense wrapped around the unicorn, let himself be entangled with him, and continue to appease the tyrannical power on the unicorn, Then, with the cover of the green spar, he secretly used the silver wire he specially made to act, which seemed very successful.

In addition, countless yellow mist crazily wrapped around Haiming's forehead outside, relieving his pain, and continuing to appease the emotions of the spiritual essence inside.

At this time, the extremely dense yellow mist also disappeared visible to the naked eye.

In order to maintain the passage of the silver line, a large amount of yellow mist,

The only thing that remains unchanged is the surrounding magic circle, which is still flickering non-stop, and countless auras of heaven and earth poured out of Gu Zheng's body to replenish his physical strength.

Half a day passed quickly, the originally static fluorescence suddenly trembled, and the body began to shake slightly around, Gu Zheng saw that the power of incense absorbed by the unicorn before had disappeared, and the power of his own incense had disappeared. Power cannot be replaced at all.

Although most of it was consumed by myself before, the consumption was unavoidable on the unicorn. Without it, the power of my own incense was as if it came from outside, and the starlight could see through it at a glance.

Now Xingguang has begun to want to get out of his control,

But don't panic at this time, the original silver thread quickly receded towards the way back, and the yellow mist here also began to recede slowly, and all the green light spots at the end were suicidal towards the road. Starlight rushed over.

In the middle of the journey, under the final control of Gu Zheng's mind, these green lights split into green blades in an instant, and hit the star light fiercely.

And Xingguang flashed backhand, countless star threads emerged from his body to tightly wrap the green knife, and then shrunk in fiercely, twisting the green knife into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, after controlling Gu Zheng to attack, Gu Zheng pulled back his spiritual consciousness, otherwise he would have to be damaged.

As the yellow fog was pulled back, Haiming now had no external energy. Under Gu Zheng's subtle perception, the last starlight rushed into the horn again, shattering the power of the incense outside, and hiding it in the in.

At this time, Haiming's unicorn was already dim compared to before, and a dangerous aura came from it, but inside the unicorn, it could still be controlled, as long as it was not subjected to violent shocks, everything would be fine.

At this time, the unicorn also naturally began to absorb the power of incense in the air, but it couldn't absorb and transform those with Gu Zheng's mark, and Gu Zheng couldn't give it to him either, so he could only let him slowly absorb it by himself.

Gu Zheng rubbed the cold sweat on his head. This time, a careless operation caused the horn to explode. It is estimated that the entire island will be destroyed, and even he may be seriously injured. If it is serious, he can die on the spot.

If there is no spontaneous absorption of incense on the unicorn, this confidence will be at least 40% lower, and Gu Zheng may not have used this method.

However, Gu Zheng believes in his operation, as long as there are no accidents, there will never be any problems, and with the help of the power of incense, he is at least 90% sure, so Gu Zheng dares to do it, otherwise Gu Zheng would not dare to go It's too dangerous to start.

In fact, the result was similar to what Gu Zheng expected, but it lasted too long. Originally, Gu Zheng wanted to use two or three times to force the opponent out of his forehead, but now it seems that it may take a few more times.

Gu Zheng slowly retracted his hand, and Hai Ming, who had no support, also leaned forward, but a pair of hands grabbed him in time, and let him lie slowly on the ground for the time being.

At this time, the surrounding area was still filled with yellow light, Gu Zheng frowned, and took a deep breath, the yellow mist was sucked into Gu Zheng's mouth like a long whale sucking water, swallowed it, and entered the demon grass in Gu Zheng's body.

In a blink of an eye, all the surrounding yellow fog disappeared, and under the control of Gu Zheng, the surrounding formation gradually faded away, and even the protection in the sky was closed.

Soon the small courtyard returned to the previous situation again, no longer the previous abnormal state.

Gu Zheng shouted lightly towards the outside.

"Go get some boy's clothes."

He didn't need to sense to know that there must be someone guarding outside.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud sound from outside.

"Yes, Lord Ancestral God!"

Gu Zheng then picked up Haiming who was on the ground and put him on the bed in the back room, while he continued to go outside and began to see if there were any defects in the surrounding magic circle.

Because these are all carved on ordinary rocks, although I have nourished them with spiritual energy, the base material itself is too poor, and I will use it next time, so it is best to check it out.

After checking it once, Gu Zheng repaired it a little bit, and you're done. Next time you use it once or twice, basically you don't have to worry about whether there is any problem.

At this time, there was also a respectful voice from outside.

"Master Zushen, the clothes you asked for have been brought over."

As soon as his voice fell, the clothes in his hand rose into the air and flew towards the yard by himself.

"Go down, there is no need to stay here."


Hearing Gu Zheng's arrangement, the person who was arranged here by Ren Jie left without hesitation.

At this time, Gu Zheng returned to the courtyard and began to recover quietly.

This time the consumption of mana is not a lot, but the power of incense is still relatively large, basically only about 10% of the previous one.

Even if Haiming's was not exhausted, he probably wouldn't be able to last much.

Gu Zheng reckoned in his heart that if he wanted to recover such a little incense power, he might not be able to recover within a year.

You must know that when Gu Zheng was cleaning up before, if Gu Zheng hadn't subconsciously withheld a little bit, even this point would not have been enough.

In a word, the power of the incense in Gu Zheng's body is enough to consume him with one blow, and the power is estimated to be invincible even in the immortal stage, which is really pitiful.

And the replenishment is so slow, there is no way anyone can make Xifeng Island have too few people, and there is only so much that can be provided, which makes Gu Zheng even want to experience the power of incense.

But thinking that Haiming's unicorn absorbs slowly, it doesn't make sense for me to be so fast. I have to wait for the unicorn to recover to a certain level of incense power before continuing.

This time, Haiming's unicorn broke through a little bit, which put less pressure on the body, causing the body to rise up for no reason. Now it looks like a boy who is at least fourteen or fifteen years old, and his face is obviously out of the childishness of a child.

This is also the reason why Gu Zheng asked people to get the clothes. The clothes that originally fit had shrunk a lot and were completely inappropriate.

Moreover, the cultivation base in his body has inexplicably increased, and now he can be said to be a small master. Unlike before, he may not be able to beat anyone, at least he is already invincible among children.

Already considered a little adult.

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