Far away from Sifeng Island, there is a very luxurious ship resting on the sea.

The hull of the boat is more than ten feet long, and there are three floors in total. The jade railings carved from golden phoenix wood, birds and animals are carved on the edge of the boat, exquisite and beautiful decorations, and there are some beautiful maids entering and going back and forth around. A sentry soldier was always staring at a certain place.

Suddenly, a soldier on guard turned serious and looked over there carefully, making sure that he saw that he was right, and hurried inside.

In an equally luxurious hall on the ground floor, Kui Qiang was lying comfortably on the rattan chair with his face closed, enjoying the massage from the maid beside him.

I didn't expect that I could be regarded as a wrong person, and I had done a good thing. Otherwise, how could I enjoy it here? Thinking of my position in Neptune's heart is one step closer, and the envious eyes of those colleagues, it makes him feel happy and comfortable He picked up a fruit next to him, threw it into his mouth, and started to eat it.

Originally, I was a hard job, but I was really uncomfortable at first. Although it was still the same ship, my state of mind at that time was completely different from what it is now.

At that time, I looked at the island in front of me with an expression of indignation all day long, and wished that he would sink it directly, and let all the people on it die, especially the one I hated. Unload eight pieces.

But in less than two months, his face changed from indignation to bewilderment, and a shocked expression appeared in the depths of his eyes. After thinking about it carefully, he unexpectedly came up with a wonderful idea.

He sent one of his subordinates to rush into Xifeng Island with a huge amount of supplies. After being caught by the other party, he only asked to let him go back, and all these things were given to them.

For such a good thing, the people on the island accepted it without hesitation. Although they don't know why the other party came here, it is really worthless to inquire about their dilapidated village. These things are like pies from the sky.

At that time, Gu Zheng was still in seclusion. After discussing these things, they sent the other party away directly, and even asked the other party for a ransom. The things he gave were worth hundreds of times more than him.

What surprised Ren Jie and the others was that this enemy, who was not afraid of death, automatically delivered them to their door soon after, as if he had specially delivered supplies to them.

Although the other party refused to tell the truth, they didn't bother to ask him and sent him away again.

These things of his at least let them not live in a tight life.

And after three times of inquiring here, Kui Qiang finally confirmed the change of His Royal Highness, which made him ecstatic, and hurried back to tell the priest the good news. Needless to say, the master priest contacted Lord Haiwang .

The king of the sea suddenly became happy when he was originally angry. He praised Kui Qiang on the spot, and repeatedly warned that he must treat Xifeng Island well, especially his new master. Anyone who dares to bully him is their common enemy. , all of them will protect them.

And he happened to have something to do, so he won't go back for the time being, and contact him in time if there is any progress.

But now Kui Qiang's task has changed, from the original surveillance to protecting Xifeng Island and warning others to come to their attention.

You must know that this is not their family, and they have already had conflicts and fights with two other monster races and a human race because of this matter.

However, Xifeng Island is still defending here, and it will not give an inch.

Every few years, a batch of supplies will be sent here on purpose, mainly to see the changes in His Royal Highness.

Now the whole island is full of joy, and they are not worried about how to get out, because when Neptune and the others came in, they prepared a teleportation stone for this, which was enough to teleport all their trunks out, and the rest of the little monsters were all here. There is no need to take it out for recruitment.

"Master Kui, there is movement from the other party's Xifeng Island."

The soldier who had observed different things before came to Kui Qiang, and hurriedly told Kui Qiang what he had found.

"You mean, you saw the other party gathering the boat and putting some things on it, as if they were going to leave here?" Kui Qiang also stood up with a serious face.

"Yes, before that, a man in a black robe went in and then came out, and then they started like this!" The soldier said truthfully.

"Oops, it's a relocation order!"

Kui Qiang was not stupid, he thought of the problem in a blink of an eye, because the number of people in this small tribe was too small, the isolated island must be in danger, and it must meet the conditions for relocation. It seems that they will leave here.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still any longer, and quickly got up and walked out of the boat, soared into the sky, and looked towards Xifeng Island.

Sure enough, some people on the side of the island are already busy, carrying some small things that are suspected of being at home onto the boat.

At this time, two figures rose from the island and headed towards the land.

With a thought in his mind, Kui Qiang quickly chased after him.

"What are you doing here? Do you still want to fight?" Gu Zheng looked at Kui Qiang who was standing in front of him, and said with a solemn face. He didn't know the changes on the island during this period, and Ren Jie hadn't had time to tell him.

"No, don't get me wrong." Don't look at Gu Zheng giving him a cold face, Kui Qiang was on the contrary, waved his hands again and again, with a smile on his face, indicating that he was not here to find fault.

"Then what do you want to do? We still have things to do, so we don't have time to talk to you, so get out of the way quickly." Gu Zheng said impatiently, wanting to go around from the side.

"Gu Taoist friend, I just want to ask, and I'll leave after I finish the question. Are you getting a relocation order and are you ready to leave here?" Kui Qiang still asked with a smile on his face, while blocking Gu Zheng's way sideways.

"Of course, do you still want to do something?" Gu Zheng looked at the other party blocking himself with a dead face, and hummed.

In fact, when Gu Zheng received the relocation order, during the two years of relocation, no one could attack them, wishing that the other party would keep harassing them.

"Of course not. Where are you going to migrate? Is it far away?" Hearing that it was exactly as he thought, he asked quickly.

"What's the matter, you still want to chase after him? Let me tell you, unless Haiming wants to leave, none of you can take him away!" If you accept it, you can't let others take it away forcibly, unless he agrees.

"You misunderstood, and later we contacted Haiming, Haiwang criticized us all, since the little highness is already your apprentice, how can we force him to leave your side, not to say that you will be a teacher for a day, and be a teacher for life. Father, His Royal Highness Hai Wang also said that he will invite you to get acquainted with him after he comes back, you must know that you are the first teacher of His Highness, and he doesn't want any of the ones he found for him before."

Hearing Gu Zheng's sarcasm, Kui Qiang said with a righteous face, as if what they did before was wrong, and now they have thought about it, as if they were thinking of him.

"Really?" Gu Zheng saw it suspiciously, but he didn't see whether what the other party said was true or not, anyway, it didn't matter.

"I'm going far away, and it will take a year on the road. I advise you, no matter what you think, you'd better not annoy me, or you will regret it!" Gu Zheng gave the other party an angry look, then walked around the other party, fly away from here.

After Ren Jie gave him a strange look, he also followed Gu Zheng and left here.

Here Kui Qiang watched the other party disappear in his eyes, and then went back to his island without looking back.

He wanted to tell the priest the news as soon as possible so that he could make some decisions.

On the way, Gu Zheng and Ren Jie were flying at high speed in the open sky, Gu Zheng asked abruptly.

"Did your Xifeng Village have a large scale before?"

"Senior Gu, why would you ask such a question?" Ren Jie was taken aback and couldn't help asking.

"That green ball, when I was looking at it with my spiritual sense, a picture actually appeared in my mind. It was a very bustling place. Before I looked carefully, a divine sense rushed over and squeezed me. He went out and asked me to return the things in my hand, and then I fought with the opponent and knocked him back."

Gu Zheng said indifferently, the risk is actually greater, because that person is actually at the peak of Jinxian, if he hadn't had a strong spiritual sense, his spiritual sense would be damaged if he was not careful, and the other party even passed this slight connection, Using the power of incense to injure himself, but still cut off the other party's link in time.

"I don't know much about this. After all, we have lived here as long as I can remember, but we were in other places before, and part of our tribe was scattered, and we didn't come back. Then my father and the new An ancestor god led us to that island until you arrived." Ren Jie's eyes were a little confused, and he said everything he knew.

"Then who put this thing in the Zushen Pavilion?" Gu Zheng took out the red spar and said to Ren Jie.

"My father released it himself, but he died in another battle later, and then I took over the position of patriarch." Ren Jie said affirmatively.

"Didn't your father leave any words for you? I always feel that this thing is quite unusual!" Gu Zheng threw the spar in his hand, but he didn't want to investigate it for the time being, and it was only natural to provoke that person. looking for trouble.

"My father died on the battlefield. Even if I wanted to stay, I had no chance. And when I went back to collect my father's belongings afterwards, I didn't find anything worth noting. Maybe it would be better for you to ask Director Feng." Ren Jie gave a comparison It's a good suggestion, because he didn't know, he just thought it was something enshrined by the ancestor gods.

"Alright!" Seeing that Ren Jie didn't know what to ask, Gu Zheng didn't ask any more questions. Judging by his appearance, he probably didn't know anything.

Afterwards, both of them stopped talking and hurried on their way, and soon saw the outline of Nanshui City.

When Gu Zheng came to Nanshui City again, those two soldiers were still standing at the door, but this time there was no one else here, so they met Chief Feng soon.

He was still sitting there, and the map on the table still showed the territory to the south.

But this time, Gu Zheng paid attention to it. This map is centered on Nanshui City, which spreads out in an arc. There are two blacked out areas on the edge of the table, which seem to be other places.

"Let's look for our new location." Gu Zheng took out the token that Mr. Cheng gave to him, and handed it over.

"Relocation order? Well, it seems that you should really leave that place. Let me see where you are?" Director Feng took the token in surprise, and praised him.

Director Feng put the token in the middle of the map, and the token stayed in the air on the table, as if it was supported by an invisible force.

I saw Master Feng's movements changed, and a cyan energy shot directly into the token, wrapping a green group around the token.

With the movement of his hand pulling again, the token slowly shrunk, and finally became the size of a grain of rice. Under the cover of the blue light, it was almost invisible.

Gu Zheng and Ren Jie watched the inventory intently, and estimated that they would go to the map below to find its location.

Sure enough, with the trembling of the map below, a weak fluctuation was connected with the green dot, causing the green dot to tremble slightly, trembling and slowly falling towards the bottom.

And as the blue dots moved across the map, a faint watermark also appeared on it.

However, the direction in which the blue dot fell was obviously very oblique, and it flew towards the edge.

Under their watchful eyes, it flew out of the range of the map, just landed on the black and white part of the missing corner, stayed there and slowly landed on it.

"Mr. Feng, who is this?" Gu Zheng looked puzzled, since the other party arranged for him, how could he fly out of the range of the map.

However, Director Feng's face did not change at all, and he said to Gu Zheng in a deep voice.

"Don't be impatient, I'll tell you later!"

Gu Zheng had no choice but to swallow the rest of his words, and stared there just like Mr. Feng.

After the count fell on the black area, like duckweed in the sea, it kept shaking with the waves like ripples, and traces of green air continued to spread outward from the green spot.

It was like a drop of ink was dripped on black paper, and it was stained towards the surrounding area.

Director Feng swiped his palm across the table, a flash of light flashed, and the entire table became pitch black, except for the middle.

The blue dot is extremely clear when it is enlarged dozens of times.

I saw that the token was constantly rotating under the stimulation of the external blue light, and the black traces around it continuously turned into strands of black threads pouring into the token, and within a short time, some loess shapes appeared around, a trace of green Meaning is also shown on the map.

It wasn't until this time that Director Feng showed a slight smile.

"You guys are really lucky this time. This should be a newly opened place. It was ready to be implemented tens of thousands of years ago. I didn't expect it to be opened so soon."

But Gu Zheng and the others knew that they were not the only ones involved, so Gu Zheng asked instead.

"So are there other forces stationed around here?"

"There is no such way, because the open space is unstable, and even if there is, they will be forcibly moved out!" Director Feng's words made Gu Zheng heave a sigh of relief. If there are strong enemies outside and chaos inside, then their situation is not good. is not good.

As the cyan token was finally dyed black, a place with a good view was displayed on the map, fully occupying one-twentieth of the entire black area.

A plain area, with a stream passing by the side, can be said to be quite good.

"Hey, why is there still half of the land in the west? It's really strange!" At this time, Chief Feng said something strange, which attracted Gu Zheng's attention. Seeing his strange and thoughtful expression, he hurriedly asked.

"Boss Feng, what's going on?"

"Look here, is there a green line?" Director Feng said, pointing to the edge, without hiding it.

"You mean here?" Gu Zheng looked over carefully, and there was a very, very light green dotted line hidden in it. If it wasn't for Chief Feng's body shape, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Perhaps because it wasn't obvious, Chief Feng waved his hand again, and the entire table became the displayed area.

This time, even Ren Jie, who couldn't see it just now, can see it.

The dotted line is just hidden at the edge, and only a section is exposed. In addition, the surrounding black fog is constantly shaking, so it is easy to miss it.

"You mean to say that the area beyond the green line already belongs to the west and is no longer under your jurisdiction?" Ren Jie said subconsciously when he saw this scene.

"Yes, your luck is really bad!" Director Feng shook his head and said with emotion.

Gu Zheng heard that there seemed to be something in the other party's words, and thought that there were at least fifteen tribes on his side. In this way, there must be different races in it.

"I have an unfeeling request. Can Mr. Feng tell me how many human tribes are there?" Gu Zheng immediately cupped his hands to the other party, Mr. Feng.

Since he was the place where everyone moved here, he must also know how many people went there.

"Well, if you don't tell me, I will tell you that you are the last one to come here, and the message I received is for the six ethnic groups, but I really didn't know that this place was on the dividing line before again. "

Director Feng said regretfully that Gu Zheng thought it was because of his own situation, but in fact it was a pity that Director Feng couldn't put this area under his hands.

"Okay, you see, this is the path you used in the past. You can just walk along the seaside, and it is very easy to remember. When you get there, this token will naturally guide you to your residence." Director Feng just felt a little emotional , and waved his hand again, the pattern on the desktop changed again, and a golden path appeared on it.

After the inventory was recorded along the path, it flew out of the pattern on its own, and was held by Chief Feng in his hand.

"Give you this, you can go, I hope you are all safe!"

Starting from their location on Xifeng Island, they first went ashore, and then followed the shore across most of the south to get there.

"Thank you, Master Feng." Seeing this, Gu Zheng also knew that he should go, took the token, Gu Zheng thanked him, and left here with Ren Jie.

It's just a pity that the other party didn't tell me what I wanted to know.

But even so, Gu Zheng at least knows something, it's not a blind eye, he has to make some preparations.

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