"My lord, they are so arrogant, they don't even explain this little problem." Luo Xin behind them said secretly after they moved away.

"Yeah, when the mirror shined on me, I felt like I couldn't move, it scared me to death!" Ying Shao said dissatisfied.

"Okay, you guys be quiet, I didn't hear the other party say that monsters are fighting, if it weren't for your low cultivation, maybe you were arrested, think about the eyes of others before." Gu Zheng said to the two of them.

When the two of them thought about it, their faces turned pale, and they looked at each other without speaking, and moved closer to Gu Zheng's side.

"Don't worry, don't leave my side for anything, unless I allow, let's go!" Gu Zheng casually looked at the ring on his hand.

Just now when I was talking about the battle between monsters and monsters, the ring flashed for a moment, but Gu Zheng didn't understand what it meant.

How does this ring help me, is it a key point that I said just now, let me check it out.

I don't know these things, but Gu Zheng knew that he had to figure out where he was and where he was teleported to.

Gu Zheng pinned the blue badge on his chest. Most people have this thing on their chests. Red is the most common, followed by blue. There is also a gray badge, which is different from others.

This village looks relatively big from above, and when you enter, you can feel that there are people everywhere, but most of them are ordinary residents, but they don't have any badges on their chests, it seems that only those with a certain level of cultivation There will be talents.

In the reception next to it, it is not much different from other human cities, except that the buildings are not as luxurious. The further you go, the fewer people around you, and the more people with cultivation.

At the same time, guards wearing different colors began to appear around him, but most of them were gray, occasionally a blue one, and none of the red ones could be seen, standing at the door as if to distinguish their status.

But those guards are just ordinary people with a few levels of body.

Passing by the place where a family of gray guards was standing, there was a noisy sound from inside, and there was a faint smell of alcohol, it looked like a tavern or something.

And the blue ancient dispute smelled a scent of medicinal materials before it passed, it seems that it should be a place selling medicinal pills.

Not far away, I discovered that there is almost no gray, and there is a relatively large amount of blue, occasionally mixed with a red.

But there are still very few in general, and there are more courtyards that look a little more luxurious around. Compared with the old gate in front, there are at least decorative carved animals in front of the gate at this time, but there are no such mighty phoenix unicorns. It is a very ordinary beast.


As he was walking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and heard a few calls. Gu Zheng turned his head and saw Ying Shao was rubbing his belly. Seeing Gu Zheng looking over, his cheeks were reddish and he said with embarrassment.

"Young master, I'm a little hungry."

"During the days when you were in a coma, Ying Shao didn't eat anything." Luo Xin explained from the side.

But looking at her appearance, I am afraid she is also the same as Ying Shao.

Gu Zheng forgot that they still can't cut off the food, unlike himself, let alone a few days, even if they don't eat for ten thousand years, it's not a problem.

There happened to be a restaurant on the side, and outside the door was a man dressed as a blue boy, but he was not in charge of attracting people, standing there like a sign.

"Let's go, let's go eat something, I just inquired about something." Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and led them towards the side.

The child just subconsciously glanced at Gu Zheng's chest and didn't pay attention.

Gu Zheng walked in and saw that there were not many people inside, and he didn't pay much attention to anything. He found a clean table at random, and asked the waiter serving there to serve a table of side dishes.

"Eat first, I'll go to the door to ask for information." After the table was slowly filled with dishes, Gu Zheng just took a bite and said to the two of them.

Seeing the two of them nodding, Gu Zheng got up and walked towards the door.

"Does your lord need anything?" The little second outside said with some surprise when he saw Gu Zheng approaching.

"I want to know what's going on now." Gu Zheng asked directly without talking nonsense.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, Lord Black Dragon came back from a serious injury and never showed up. Many people guessed that he had passed away and wanted to rush into Lord's lair to find something. As a result, some people completely disagreed. After thousands of years of evolution, it is even more Completely separated." After hearing this, Xiao Er said without thinking.

"Headed by the human race, accompanied by many demon races, who disagreed with disturbing Lord Black Dragon, and confronted with the overwhelming majority of tree monster races and a small number of them. Now most of us humans are guarding the way of human inheritance, while the other demon race The clan and some humans are guarding the inheritance of the monster clan."

"Then is the majority of the opponent's main force also facing us?" Gu Zheng felt a turbulent wave in his heart. When he was teleported, he suppressed his puzzlement and continued to ask.

"Yes! Because in order to enter the back place, you must enter the inheritance place of the two races, and turn on the switch inside at the same time to open a road leading to the inside. Otherwise, if you go forward, you will encounter Master Black Dragon. No one can pass through the restriction, this is the emergency passage left by Master Black Dragon, in case there is any urgent matter to find him while it is sleeping." The little two nodded and said sadly.

"By the way, is there still black energy?" Gu Zheng said casually.

"What black energy? Are you talking about the other party's dark power?" The second child also asked suspiciously, not understanding what Gu Zheng was talking about.

"How is the war going now?" Gu Zheng thought for a moment, and then asked a crucial question.

"Now our first Misty Mountain Range has been pushed halfway by the opponent. We are now behind the black wood, and we have set up four death canyons in front. We should be able to block the opponent again. Otherwise, the rear two fields are not suitable for defense. We can retreat to the last line of defense, so this is where we will finally fight."

Xiao Er talked slowly, because everyone knew this information. After thousands of years of fighting, everyone knew the process of the battle, and every once in a while, someone would announce the above information.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

When Gu Zheng was about to ask other questions, suddenly Ying Shao's scream came from inside, Gu Zheng's expression changed, and he hurriedly said to Xiaoer


Then he walked into the restaurant and found that there were three people standing beside Ying Shao, looking at them maliciously, and there were still a few people talking anxiously beside her.

"Young master!"

As soon as Gu Zheng came out, Luo Xin shouted quickly, and the three people next to him looked at Gu Zheng.

"What are you going to do?" Gu Zheng walked towards the opposite side with anger on his face.

"Nothing? Your servant?" The leader is a middle-aged man who looks a little young. He looks like he is in his twenties. He has a rough face, but it matches his fair face. , which makes people feel a little nondescript.

"It's my family." Gu Zheng stepped forward and pulled Ying Shao and Luo Xin behind him, and slapped them unceremoniously.

"Whether it's your family or a servant, I'm going to take these two little demons away now." The man also said unceremoniously.

"The beauty you think of, if you say take it away, take it away, who do you think you are!"

Just when the two of them were saying something, they were full of anger.

"Young Master Pu, let's leave, Elder Gu is still waiting for us." At this time, one of the humans behind him stepped forward and said to this man.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, I'm going to make a deal with these two little monsters, and you will naturally send them up obediently later." That Mr. Pu glanced at Gu Zheng, said a word coldly, and then walked outside go.

The people behind looked at Gu Zheng and sneered before following him out.

"Isn't that Brother Xingba?" Ying Shao, who was secretly watching them from behind, suddenly said.

A human walking behind the team, upon hearing what Ying Shao said, paused a little, looked at them with some doubts, left without saying anything.

"That's not your brother Xingba, it just looks a bit like that." Looking at the face that was almost 70% similar to Xingba, he said to Ying Shao after the other party left.

But if he knew that Xingba was made an elder brother by Ying Shao, would he be embarrassed to death.

"You are not full yet, we are ordering a table." Gu Zheng glanced at the previous table, the two of them didn't eat much at all.

Not allowing the two of them to refuse, Gu Zheng found a new place again and asked for a table of food again.

Seeing the two of them start eating again, Gu Zheng also fell into deep thought.

From Xiaoer's mouth, Gu Zheng only now found out that he had come to unknown tens of thousands of years ago, and at this time, it should be not long after the black dragon fell, because at this time, there was not even black energy.

He even saw Xingba's father. From this point of time, Xingba had just been born.

Gu Zheng looked at the things in his hand while he was dying, and it was the same as before, nothing was missing. Could it be that he was sent here by that mysterious phantom realm? Once he died, he would really die completely .

Is that place so powerful that it can make people go back to the past.

In other words, this place is still a very special place, a place created by the illusion itself, both real and illusory, but the body itself is in it, once you die, you will really die.

Everything on me is still there, nothing is missing, even some secret things are still there.

Turning a pen casually in his hand, looking at the judge's pen in his hand, he could still feel the power from it.

"Young master, where is this place? When can we go back?"

Here Gu Zheng was thinking about it, and Ying Shao who was next to him suddenly spoke with a little fear.

"You have to trust me, I will be able to take you back safely."

Looking at Ying Shao who was already full, Gu Zheng's face was full of confidence, not only talking to her, but also to himself.

After eating, Gu Zheng took the two of them and continued to walk forward. He wanted to see what was going on here, and he couldn't just sit still.

After a while, Gu Zheng saw rows of elite fighters guarding the street ahead, and behind them was the center that Gu Zheng saw above.

Gu Zheng was about to go over to have a look at Zhiji, when one of them saw Gu Zheng approaching, and said directly a step ahead.

"A red badge is not allowed to enter, and if it is not an emergency, it is not allowed to enter."

"It's so strict, why don't we go and have a look?" Ying Shao whispered from the side.

However, although her voice was small, the other party could already hear it very clearly, and the gaze she looked at Ying Shao immediately became unkind, and she was immediately frightened and hid behind Gu Zheng.

"Let's go, excuse me!"

Gu Zheng hurriedly protected them and took two steps back. Seeing the other party retreating into the queue, Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ying Shao, be careful here, if you talk nonsense, you will bring trouble to the young master!" Here Luo Xin told Ying Shao cautiously.

"Understood!" Looking at Gu Zheng's serious face, Ying Shao also knew that something was wrong, and quickly responded in a low voice.

Gu Zheng was about to say something to her, but when he saw that Luo Xin had said it for him, he didn't open his mouth either.

This place is different from other places, so you have to be careful.

Gu Zheng took them back and hurried back, and now he felt a bit of a headache. I'm afraid those people outside know only the superficial things, and they probably don't know if they go a little deeper.

At this time, Gu Zheng suddenly remembered what he said to the captain, his level can still be improved, maybe this is a new way out.

Thinking of this, he quickly found a person in blue, and after taking a look in the lobby, Gu Zheng and his group walked in another direction.

After half a stick of incense, Gu Zheng and the others came to the gate of an apparently large courtyard, where a blue and a red two celestial masters guarded the place, while other places were ordinary people.

And from the outside, most of the buildings inside have been demolished, as if the place has been temporarily remodeled.

While Gu Zheng was watching, people kept coming and going from here, it was very lively.

Observing a little bit, Gu Zheng seemed to be walking in, but when he approached, the blue guard suddenly spoke.

"Senior, it is not allowed to bring other people in, especially any monster race."

"Why? Then they can't stay with me, it's too unsafe." Gu Zheng was startled, then shook his head and said.

"Senior, this is everyone's rule, everyone must abide by it, but there is a temporary place next to it, also considering your situation, you can put it there temporarily." The blue guard said, still neither humble nor overbearing .

Gu Zheng turned his head and saw that there was also a courtyard over there, but there were no guards there, no one would have thought of it.

"My lord, let's go and stay there, no one should bully us here!" Luo Xin said carefully behind her.

"Okay!" Although Gu Zheng looked at the other party's reluctance, but now that he urgently needs some information, he can only wrong them, and he can still tell which is more important.

He turned around and led them to the front of the yard. At this time, the door was ajar, and one of the figures was sitting at the door.

Gu Zheng pushed the door open, and there happened to be some monster races in the yard, sitting scattered in the yard. When Gu Zheng came in, after taking a look, he found that he was not his own, and continued to stay.

Human form, or a few monsters without form, but their cultivation bases are all very low, and none of them have reached heaven.

Thinking about it, if you have such a high level of cultivation, even staying outside is better than coming in and suffering.

And that figure also stood up at the same time, and immediately smiled when he saw the two people behind Gu Zheng.

"Welcome, do you want them to be here?"

Contrary to Gu Zheng's expectations, this man was sitting on the ground. Gu Zheng thought that the fairy wanted to get rich, but it turned out to be a late Jinxian, with the expression of a philistine, which made him a businessman.

But the other party seemed to think it was very good, seeing Gu Zheng looking at it, he continued.

"We have everything we need here, and after I personally protect it, and I have a little noodle, you can rest assured."

The other party looked at Gu Zheng with smiling eyes, as if seeing a big customer.

"Is this the only yard you have here?" Gu Zheng frowned, the whole yard is actually quite clean, but sitting here, on that ordinary stool, is indeed rather tiring.

"We have long-term and short-term, usually in the yard, are here temporarily, a little longer in the back room, but the price is more expensive." The man still said with a smile.

"Then give me a room, how can I pay for it!" Gu Zheng waved his big hand, curiously huge, although he had to put them here, he couldn't wrong them, but when he was about to talk, he thought of himself It is not yet known what currency the transaction will be in.

"We can do anything here, pills or some other gadgets, anyway, it doesn't take much effort, just give it as you see it." The man rolled his eyes and didn't say any specific reward at all.

"This bottle of elixir is for you, find them a clean room, and then prepare some meals for me." Gu Zheng glanced at him lightly, without saying anything, flipped his hand and took out a bottle of elixir After that, he threw it directly.

"Enough is enough, how generous an adult is!" The man looked at the elixir in his hand, immediately burst into laughter, and even changed his address.

"Miss, please immediately!" That word made a gesture of invitation to Ying Shao and the others, as if he was really a servant leading the way.

Gu Zheng gave them a reassuring look, watched them walk in, and then left here.

He left a mark on Ying Shao's body, and if there was anything wrong, he would form a defense, and the short distance was enough to rush over by himself.

But since it was introduced by a guard, under normal circumstances, there shouldn't be any problems.

Thinking here, Gu Zheng walked over there again, this time the guard didn't stop him, and soon he walked in directly.

After passing through a thin layer of water waves at the door, there was a sudden noise. Many people were standing and chatting in the yard, as if they were discussing something.

Looking inside, the small courtyard was actually divided into two halves. One of the blue badges was hung high, and Gu Zheng walked in there without hesitation.

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