Two women and one man stared dumbfounded at Elder Gu in front of him, with an expression of disbelief on his face, more like ordinary people seeing a ghost.

"I didn't expect you to be alive, Ma Zhu, Ma Lian, and You Hao." Elder Gu looked at the three people in front of him. Although they were not her subordinates, they were the ones who resisted the most at that time. How could they not know them.

"Elder Gu, I didn't expect you to be alive." Ma Zhu, who was beautiful with a tough face, said excitedly.

"All of us are dead, and there are only three of us left, dealing with an enemy here, waiting for the enemy to go out so that he can kill him." Ma Lian's eyes were already filled with tears, making the already soft She could barely hold back her tears.

"We noticed the battle just now, and we don't know what happened. In order to prevent someone from destroying this place, we just closed the gate, but it seems that we were overwhelmed." As the only high-strength You Hao, although equally excited, But he calmed down quickly, and said when he saw the black man lying on the side.

"Hey, you've worked hard." Elder Gu said sighingly, there are probably not many people who were alive at that time until now.

"For Master Heilong, everything is nothing!" The three said in unison.

"This time, I also need your help. Although Elder Li has already sacrificed, we still have to continue. Next, you will follow this young master to the Black Dragon Palace. Let him explain the details." Elder Gu Almost without saying anything, he pushed everything to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng was also helpless when he heard this, because he didn't know much, but seeing Elder Gu absorb the aura with all his strength again, he could only continue this task.

Seeing the three unsuspecting people approaching, Gu Zheng and the others briefly introduced each other, and they knew each other.

Of the two Ma sisters, Ma Zhu is the elder sister and Ma Lian is the younger sister, both of them have the cultivation base of the late Jinxian period.

And that You Hao has the cultivation base of the peak of Jinxian, and also leads them here as a temporary leader.

Their purpose here is to wipe out and destroy a small group of rebels here, but so far, except for the black man, everyone has been killed, and there are only three of them left on their side, and the others have also been killed.

It's not that they haven't fought this guy before, but the three of them couldn't beat each other, and there was so much aura here, after a few stalemates, the black guy hid.

And they also set a trap at the door, deliberately opening the door to make the other party want to go out, as long as they go out, the trap will be triggered, and there is no restriction on entering.

And this side also understands the reason for Gu Zheng's arrival, and Gu Zheng even talked about Ren Xue's matter, just because he is afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

Here I see that Elder Gu has no objection. Although they feel uncomfortable, they don't say anything.

In this way, after half a day passed, the two sides were considered together. As for the outside door, it was easy for them to open it.

Gu Zheng also learned about the previous events from the opponent's mouth, and he knew the general events after that time.

When the two parties were about to take a rest, the black man also woke up slowly, but the one who caught his eyes was Elder Gu who was absorbing the spiritual energy in the air, and then turned his head to look at the people next to him, as if he did not dare to accept the facts in front of him. He rolled his eyes and passed out again.

Gu Zheng didn't bother to pay attention to him. With You Hao and the others, the news in his mouth didn't matter anymore, but thinking about other things, Gu Zheng left his life for the time being.

In a flash of a day, after Elder Gu finished absorbing this time, he turned into a red key again and hung it on Gu Zheng's chest, and the flowers over there also withered and completely disappeared here.

Gu Zheng understands that the absorption has also been completed over there, and I am afraid that the strength has stabilized, but he is not there, and now that Elder Gu has opened the link, even if he can borrow her power from the outside, it will only last for too long.

But how long is this too long? Gu Zheng also asked specifically, if there is a problem within three days, and as long as it reaches the inner hall, it will be almost endless, so you can borrow it casually.

This greatly increased Gu Zheng's confidence. Three days was too long, even if he was given one day, he would not be so embarrassed. Even if that Ren Xue was not good, he was not afraid.

After seeing that everything was fine, Gu Zheng took the rest of them out of here, while Xiao Ye grabbed the black man. Anyway, with its strength, no matter how it grabbed it, it couldn't hurt him.

And that long sword was unsealed and thrown back by Gu Zheng when he left.

As soon as the long sword was freed from its shackles, it swayed with it, almost hundreds of clones appeared on the altar, and hundreds of other weapons appeared at the same time, the entire air weapon danced wildly, and tyrannical waves emanated from above, as if it had become a world of weapons .

It's just a pity that these appearances can only be seen by the air, Gu Zheng and the others left here without looking back, and let this weapon continue to guard here.

After waiting for a long time, all the weapons, including the long sword, dissipated from the air into a ball of white light without a sound, and the entire spiritual altar returned to calm again.

And when Gu Zheng brought them to the hall here, You Hao and the others stopped here. They knew where Gu Zheng was going, but they didn't want to go and waited for Gu Zheng here.

And those spiritual pets here also flew over together, and now everything is safe, and let the other party fly outside, because I have the strength to protect them.

Soon Gu Zheng crossed the pile of corpses again and came to the main hall.

At this time, Ren Xue was standing on the ground with a ruddy face, and she was also wearing some fancy clothes. She was full of energy, and even tied a few bright wreaths in her hair. It seemed that she had already got her own relic.

And there is a flower ball taller than a person standing beside it, and the body of Ziyi can be vaguely seen wrapped in it, but now I can feel the vitality.

"Little friend is really fast. I solved the Seven Spirit Formation so quickly. It's your blessing. I barely recovered 30% of my strength now, and I don't have much left. As for your friend, you have seen it too. Wait until the other party When I woke up, I was completely healed, and it cost me a very precious thing."

Here, Ren Xue saw Gu Zheng coming back, and immediately said with a smile.

"My lord, save me, Lord Ren!" Before Gu Zheng could speak, the black man who was put on the ground by Xiao Ye suddenly spoke.

There was an expression on his face that he had survived the catastrophe. He did not expect that Ren Xue was not dead, and he sent these people out. In this way, his life was saved.

"Who are you?" Here Ren Xue frowned and looked at the black man, but she had no impression at all.

"My lord, have you forgotten? I am Black Scorpion, a member of the Spider Squad, and I was sent there by you to destroy the Seven Spirit Formation and attract their attention." The black man hurriedly shouted, rolling on the ground towards Ren Xue closer.

"I seem to have some impressions, but now you are the only one left?" Ren Xue softened her temples with her fingers, as if rummaging through her memory.

"The others have already sacrificed, and I am the only one. I didn't expect that I would see you, my lord, so let me continue to fight with you." The black scorpion here immediately said sincerely.

"Hehe!" Here Ren Xue smiled brightly, pointed her hand towards him, a pink light emerged from her fingertips, and a petal formed from the air, flying towards the black scorpion.

"Thank you, my lord!" Hei Xie said happily, it seems that Ren Xue helped him break the restriction on him.

Gu Zheng on the side didn't stop him, but just watched all this with cold eyes.

However, the petal spun in the air, and when it was approaching the black scorpion, it suddenly accelerated, and it was originally full of physical restraints, and it flew towards the opponent's head.

The black scorpion didn't expect this, and he was still in the sealed state, and he didn't even react. There was still a hint of a smile on his face, and the next moment his head exploded, and instantly exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Before he died, he was still thinking about getting out of trouble.

Not to mention him, everyone didn't react. Gu Zheng looked at the other side in surprise, as if he didn't understand why the other party did this.

"I know the purpose of your taking him, but in my memory he was already a traitor, that's why he was sent there at that time. The Seven Spirit Formation with manned garrison is ten times more powerful than it is now, so just let them Just die." Here Ren Xue didn't seem to care, and gave Gu Zheng a reason to be unconvinced.

However, the other party is already dead, but Gu Zheng's face is still gloomy. The other party kills as soon as he says, even if he doesn't care, but he is his captive after all, and he didn't even ask himself one thing. It is clear that he sees himself clearly. Annoyed of course.

"Since that's the case, your injury has healed, so let's say goodbye." Gu Zheng put the purple-clothed flowers in front of him into the tripod tower, and said expressionlessly.

"Don't be so stingy, it's not your person." Ren Xue said disapprovingly, but looked at Gu Zheng and turned away, and said quickly.

"Don't leave, without your Magic Orb, there is no way for me to leave here."

She had already explored briefly before, and found that the outside door was still closed, and she also knew how Gu Zheng got in.

"Let me tell you, there are some friends of mine outside. If you dare to do something, don't blame me for turning your back on me." Gu Zheng stopped and turned around, and said coldly.

After speaking, he slightly stimulated the aura of the red-patterned key, causing Gu Zheng's aura to change in a flash. I believe the other party will never be wrong about the frightening Gu Zheng.

"Don't worry, I naturally know how to measure." Feeling that aura, Ren Xue was also surprised. The aura was obviously stronger than her current self, but now the other party was obviously still at the previous level.

And when Ziyi made his moves a few times ago, she also knew that at this moment, she was a little confused about this ancient dispute that she thought she understood thoroughly.

A group of people hurried to the hall again. Ren Xue looked at the people in the hall and understood why Gu Zheng said that.

"Okay, we can go out now, wait for your attention, there is an enemy from the early stage of Da Luo outside, ambushing us." Gu Zheng said to everyone.

"Leave it to me, and I will definitely not let the other party hurt a person or spiritual pet here." Ren Xue promised from the side.

Although her cultivation had not fully recovered at this time, she was confident enough.

Gu Zheng didn't say anything, took out the Magic Orb, and then sprayed a stream of blood from his mouth, pouring it directly on it.

The blood was strangely absorbed by the Magic Orb, and it seemed to start to flicker, as if it had been activated.

And everyone here is crowded together, as for Xiaoye and the others, they are temporarily sucked into the Ding Pagoda.

"Get ready, we are going out." Gu Zheng took a deep breath and said slowly, he was also ready to borrow Elder Gu's strength.


Just as the ancient battle was about to be triggered, suddenly, the ground trembled, and without the slightest thought of stopping, the amplitude became larger and larger, and even the bodies of the people followed the main hall and began to shake.

The originally peaceful door in front of it also quickly became chaotic, with dazzling lights flickering on it at an extremely high speed.

Obviously, it is impossible to use the Magic Orb to travel through the past again now, and it must wait until everything subsides.

"What's going on here?" Gu Zheng asked puzzledly as he stabilized his figure amidst the shaking.

"The Black Dragon Palace is open!" Ren Xue's face became serious, and she turned her head to look at the void, as if she was looking there through that position.

"Black Dragon Palace!" Here, You Hao and the Ma sisters looked at each other and shouted in surprise, their eyes full of worry.

Have people outside already opened the Black Dragon Palace?

At this moment, everyone on the periphery of the Black Dragon Hall became excited. The original periphery was rapidly fading away. With the trembling sound of the ground, they could clearly feel that the Black Dragon Hall was slowly appearing in front of them.

Half a day later, as the vibration disappeared again, everyone glanced at it together and rushed inside at top speed.

That look, as if there is a beautiful and delicious treasure in front of it.

But it's true, most of them didn't confiscate things outside, they just rummaged through the places they passed by.

On the one hand, there are basically no good things outside, and it requires too much energy. On the other hand, it is concentrated in this place, the treasure of the Black Dragon Outer Hall, which everyone knows.

Although the outside is full of gadgets that the black dragon doesn't like, and they are all rewards, but in the eyes of these people, they are all very precious things, and their goal is the periphery.

At this time, after a few days of discussion outside, a tacit understanding has been formed. On the periphery of the Black Dragon Palace, whoever gets close to the range of the treasure first will be put away first by default. Only when there is no way to collect it, others can intervene.

"Mrs. Banmeng, why do you still see Lord Black Dragon!" Halfway through, Xingba asked towards Mrs. Banmeng who was not far away while advancing at full speed.

The Black Dragon Palace has already been opened, but it is really strange that they have not seen the other party's shadow until now, is it true that they are not afraid of any problems.

"You don't have to worry about this. My husband has already gone in, but he has other things to do, which don't conflict with our route. Maybe we won't see him even if we leave." Although Mrs. Banmeng didn't want to reply, she still answered Xingba's doubts.

Xingba felt the other party's indifference, knowing that the other party didn't want to talk more now, so he swallowed the rest of the words, but his heart became more and more strange, but the most important thing now was to go around the inner hall to get what he needed.

In a short plain, with almost a dozen breaths, the crowd of huge people has already approached here, and the door of the main hall, which is several tens of feet in length, has been opened, enough for all of them to enter at the same time.

Everyone can clearly feel the majesty of the Black Dragon Palace, like a small city, not only that, there is room for expansion inside, in fact, the area inside is more than ten times larger than the outside, after all, the size of the Black Dragon, even if it is shrunk inside It also seemed cramped.

But all of a sudden, there was a burst of light at the entrance of the main hall, and when everyone was about to approach, a layer of transparent water waves covered the entrance, like a water curtain, blocking everyone's way.

"what happened?"

"Who is making trouble!"

Everyone stopped at the door one after another, talking and asking each other, but everyone was the same and no one knew what was going on, so they looked at the leaders of their respective teams, hoping they could explain.

But to their disappointment, they don't know what's going on.

"It seems that the guy over there has also gone in." Only Mrs. Banmeng said while looking at the water curtain in front of her thoughtfully.

The others paid attention to Mrs. Banmeng's whispers, and surrounded her too.

However, the leader who came to the Yaozu side came first, and the disguise on the other party had already been removed, whether it was General Zuo or someone else, in view of the relationship between the two, he just stood silently beside him.

Xingba glanced at him, and didn't look for trouble. This is not the time to pursue those grievances. Besides, the two are at the same level. Maybe neither can do anything to the other. The only thing that worries him is the lives of his daughters.

But that Qi Yun was very knowledgeable, knowing that Xing Ba hated him to the bone, he simply led his people in another direction, anyway, as long as Ban Meng spoke, he could hear it from his side.

The old woman here was not polite when she came here. Seeing that the people around her were too embarrassed to speak, she simply spoke directly.

"Mrs. Banmeng, I have known you for a long time, I don't know why this happened?"

The protection in front of us is not terrible, what is terrible is that if someone inside knows some traps, after they go in, they are afraid of misfortune.

In the residence of a quasi-sage, even if they are expensive, if the other party sets a trap, they dare not say that they will retreat unscathed, not to mention the many golden immortals behind them.

"Don't worry everyone, I know what everyone is worried about, but I can tell you clearly that there may be some restrictions in places where things are hidden, but there are no other places, and most of them are of low intensity, so just be careful." Half Mrs. Meng looked around and smiled.

"But what's the matter with this defense? Is there someone who opposes it?" Old Man Mo asked from the side.

"Hehe, everyone should know about this issue. Some dark people are making trouble secretly. Some terrain traps before were also the masterpieces of the other party. If it weren't for the other party's troubles, we would have gone in." Mrs. Banmeng looked at this strange human being, and she didn't know what to do. Conceal it, say it bluntly.

"The other party will never master other organs, because everyone has seen the gate, the strength is not very strong, the other party just used some mechanisms of the Black Dragon Palace, and no one knows what is inside, because everyone who used to know has disappeared gone."

"Madam's help, so that everyone can go in. I am very grateful to you. I will keep my kindness in my heart. Then I will test this defense first."

Old man Mo smiled slightly, then walked to the front of the line, looked at the water curtain in front of him, and took a closer look.

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