Wuxiang's cultivation base itself is in the early stage of Daluo, and the strength of that inner demon is as big as Wuxiang, so he doesn't believe that the other party can suddenly become a quasi-sage. Ten of them are no match for him, it's just a joke.

These thoughts had already been thought out the moment Gu Zheng started, and Wuxiang's collar was also regarded as Wuxiang wanting to leave by himself, so don't drag yourself into the water, get involved in this matter, so as not to be hurt.

Looking at the inner demon that was holding him up over there, a golden light flashed in Gu Zheng's hand, and he quickly struck towards the opponent's chest.

However, seeing Gu Zheng's attack, the heart demon didn't care at all, and just stretched out his fist slowly, blocking the only way that Gu Zheng must pass.

A stern look flashed in Gu Zheng's eyes, and the strength in his hand became even stronger, and the next moment the two fists touched together.

There was a loud "boom".

The figure of the heart demon disappeared in place in an instant, and he didn't know where he flew.

"Master Wuxiang, the other party is just showing off, so there is no need to be afraid, I will help you eliminate him." Gu Zheng felt relieved, turned his head and said to Wuxiang.

But seeing Wuxiang's face flushed and a pool of blood on the ground, Gu Zheng was a little surprised, and turned back quickly to ask.

"Master Wuxiang, what's wrong with you?"

"Haha, thanks to your punch, I didn't know that we were connected as one, and the other party would suffer 70% of my damage. If I didn't die, the other party would be dead." He sneered at the ancient dispute.

Gu Zheng turned his head and saw that the opponent didn't seem to have suffered any injuries at all, but his momentum was even stronger than before.

"Since you don't do anything, then it's up to me." The heart demon chuckled, and suddenly opened his mouth, a large ball of fist-sized green balls emitting green light spewed out. Burning up, the front of Gu Zheng was instantly sealed to death.

Here, Gu Zheng's face changed, and he quickly left Wu Xiang's side, and those green flames also turned in Gu Zheng's direction, locking him to death.

A golden sword immediately emerged from Gu Zheng's body, and with a flick of his hand, the golden light above it flourished, and the sound of sword whistles suddenly rose, and dense sword shadows emerged in front of Gu Zheng.

Streaks of golden lines left strangely in the air, and dozens of golden lotuses appeared in the air in the blink of an eye. As soon as those golden lotuses appeared, they rushed towards the green balls with fierce sword intent.

When approaching the green ball, the lotus flower in the middle suddenly opened, and a golden groove suddenly appeared, swallowing the green ball abruptly.

The rest of the golden lotus was still in the air, suspended beside it, and rushed out after a green ball exploded. Before continuing to attack Gu Zheng, the golden lotus who had been waiting by the side swallowed it again in one gulp.

This time the opponent no longer has the strength to rush out.

And the ancient struggle here did not stop at all, and he slashed four swords in the air extremely slowly in his hand, and four golden sword lights suddenly appeared, with a strange fluctuation on them, drawing a diagonal line like a crescent moon, from Detour around the open area next to it, and cut towards the head of the demon.

"The power to break demons?"

The inner demon sneered, but he wasn't as stupid as before and waited for the opponent to come up. A black wooden fish suddenly appeared in the air in his hand.

"bang bang"

Without any knocking, two crisp knocking sounds rose from the wooden fish, and two black shields suddenly appeared on the periphery of Xinmo, and the four sword lights crashed into each other, but they didn't break through the opponent's shield at all.

Suddenly, the heart demon stretched out his hand to grab it, and a small black wooden chime appeared in his hand, forgetting to knock on the wooden fish in front of him.


A louder sound than before sounded in the air, and at the same time a black lightning shot out from the wooden fish, the speed was so fast that as soon as the sound sounded, the black lightning appeared beside Gu Zheng in the blink of an eye.

Gu Zheng subconsciously raised his weapon to block in front of him, and a huge force rushed towards him along the blade of the sword in an instant, making him unable to take two steps back.

But before Gu Zheng stabilized his figure, the sound of the wooden fish beating sounded again, as if on purpose, and hit the weapon in Gu Zheng's hand again and again.

Gu Zheng's figure was pushed out again by the huge force, and the next black lightning struck again, hitting the place just now without any mistakes.


The weapon in Gu Zheng's hand snapped at the sound, and Gu Zheng rolled on the ground in embarrassment, trying to dodge the next attack.

But when he got up, he found that the heart demon had put away his magic weapon, and looked at him with flickering eyes.

Gu Zheng was extremely angry, because he didn't have a weapon or magic weapon at hand, and it seemed that it was time to completely refine that set of phantom sound copper bells.

There is also his own five rings, which are still being snatched away by the other party. If that set of combinations is in his own hands, he will definitely not be in such a mess as he is now.

The heart demon laughed, his body swelled up suddenly, his whole figure suddenly swelled up a circle, and his body rushed towards Gu Zheng instead.

The opponent didn't have any extra fancy at all, just punched Gu Zheng straight, anyone could see it at a glance, and it was very easy to dodge.

Gu Zheng's face turned angry, and he didn't dodge or dodge at all. He also raised his fist and waved it at the opponent, but it was only halfway that he remembered that this kind of blow could not hurt the opponent at all, and it would also hurt Wuxiang. more serious.

Hastily withdrew his fist and flew sideways, but the fist in the opponent's hand suddenly accelerated, and hit Gu Zheng's side heavily. Gu Zheng's body suddenly bent into a bow and flew towards the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the heart demon's figure flashed, reappeared in the air, and stomped heavily on Gu Zheng below.

Enduring the severe pain, Gu Zheng rolled out of his body immediately, and at the same time pushed up, a protective shield was propped up in front of him, just in time to block the opponent's trampling.

However, the huge force still fell along the contact point, and Gu Zheng's figure suddenly fell down like a meteor, but when he was about to go underground, Gu Zheng had adjusted his figure and slowly fell to the ground.

"Nine-storied pagoda!"

Gu Zheng squeezed out this voice coldly, the opponent not only borrowed the power of the Nine-storied Pagoda, but also borrowed the power of Wuxiang, which is equivalent to saying that he is fighting the opponent half-way.

Even if you are confident, when these powers are concentrated on one person, it is not as simple as one plus one.

In addition to fighting against each other, hands are tied, and you can't let go at all, the feeling is even worse.

The next moment Wuxiang's figure stood in front of Gu Zheng, and the figure pursued by the heart demon fell to the side the next moment.

"Gu benefactor, your ability is not enough, so leave it to me. As long as Master's wish is fulfilled, then all my sacrifices will be worth it." Wu Xiang said from the side, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

"I" Gu Zheng wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

I really can't eliminate that inner demon, but at the same time ensure Wuxiang's safety.

Under the connection of the two, Gu Zheng really couldn't think of any good solution for a while.

Seeing this, Wuxiang sighed, with a look of death on his face, and continued to walk towards the original ruins. The shadow of the tower was already a bit illusory, but some faint restlessness was about to come out from below, that breath made Gu Zheng unable to imagine for a while. What's wrong.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that everything is correct, but Gu Zheng always feels that something is wrong.

At this moment, he suddenly felt the picture scroll in his arms warm slightly, Gu Zheng pushed back slightly, and Xiaoying's figure suddenly appeared beside him.

"My son, I don't think it's right. Is it because Master Wuxiang is still being deceived by the other party? Otherwise, why did the heart demon take the upper hand and not directly devour Master Wuxiang? We don't even want to ask, and we just want to let Master Wuxiang Under the seal." Xiaoying quietly said to Gu Zheng.

Hearing what Xiaoying said, Gu Zheng was shocked. He also found that Master Wuxiang seemed to have recovered his memory, but there was always a layer of fog in his heart, and he couldn't solve the mystery.

It seems that the words of Master Mercy are too important, even if you sacrifice yourself, you must complete Master Mercy's will.

"Is it because of the nine-storied pagoda? The pagoda has been occupied by heart demons for so many years. They continue to interfere with the other party through that sliver of contact, but they can't completely interfere with the other party. They can only be induced by Chun Chun. In order to prevent accidents, this and We don't have common knowledge, so as not to damage the other party's intention." Xiaoying analyzed carefully from the side.

Xiaoying's words were like a thunderbolt, which completely shattered the mystery in Gu Zheng's heart, and instantly understood what was wrong with it. The demon had long been linked with the inexplicable enemy below, otherwise there would be a lot of trouble in this temple. Will not leak a trace of breath, and even hide it from himself.

But Xiaoying herself seemed to ignore these things, and spoke out the doubts in her heart like peeling off the cocoon.

"Master Wuxiang, catch it!" Gu Zheng put his hand into his arms and shouted suddenly, and then he threw something out quickly.

Hearing Gu Zheng's shout, that Bianwuxiang turned around and saw a shadow approaching his arms at a high speed, and subconsciously grabbed that thing directly.

And because of the angle, the demon couldn't see what Wu Xiang was holding, but a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

When Wu Xiang saw the thing in his hand, he froze for a moment.


Wuxiang murmured, just as he was about to ask why Gu Zheng had this thing, a sudden change occurred.

The originally ordinary wooden carving suddenly shone with a gleam of light, and then the next moment, the golden light suddenly shot straight into the sky from Wuxiang's arms.

A huge golden light blasted from above, and the golden light visible to the naked eye, like ripples, continued to spread towards the surroundings with an invincible momentum until the end of the sky.

Countless evil formations hidden in the distance, or traps to prevent others from leaving, gave birth to a huge tornado, which was swept away under this golden light.

At the same time, the golden light that filled the sky also fell from the sky at the same time, like light rain, falling on the ground.

Clouds of black mist rose from the entire land and dissipated under countless golden rains. The atmosphere in the entire temple was different, and even the air felt fresh.

Even the bright sunlight felt a little warmer.

Gu Zheng and Xiaoying watched the bright formations suddenly rise from the surrounding temples, all of which seemed to be hidden underneath, and now they continued to rise into the sky, as if greedily absorbing the golden light from the sky.

The tyrannical fluctuation made them startled, but when the golden light dissipated, all those formations disappeared.

Sure enough, just as Gu Zheng thought, under this place is the subject that Master Mercy and Wuxiang wanted to seal below.

After so many years, these formations are still operating intact, which is really surprising. It seems that Wuxiang should be a regular maintainer.

In just ten or so breaths, all these abnormalities disappeared, even those evil spirits disappeared, leaving only Wuxiang who was already in tears, and the wood carving in his arms was gone.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is. I didn't understand how Master cultivated me. I'm sorry, Master."

The tearful Wuxiang whispered in his mouth, as if he had learned something from it.

The inner demon over there felt that something was wrong, and the whole body turned into a cloud of black mist and rolled towards Wu Xiang, but when he was about to approach, Wu Xiang just raised his hand lightly, and a golden light appeared in the air instantly, heading towards Wu Xiang The same attack.

"how come?"

The figure of the heart demon was knocked down abruptly in the air, and a golden rope evolved from Buddha's light on his body firmly trapped his upper body.

"It was for my own sake. You are indeed very powerful. Layer after layer of traps have been set for me long ago, and I fell into it unknowingly. I must also thank you." Wu Xiang's face was solemn, and a Buddha's light was faintly visible on his body.

"Master Wuxiang, you finally recovered?" Xiaoying over there shouted happily.

"Blesser Xiaoying, although you are also from below, but when teaching you, I found that it is completely different, but there is a feeling in the dark, I should teach you, but the time is too short to teach you too much, I can only hope that you can treat it well in the future, continue to study it, and make my Buddha more brilliant."

Wuxiang turned to look at Gu Zheng and the two, but there was neither sadness nor joy in his eyes, and he explained slowly.

"What's wrong? Master Wuxiang!" Seeing the other party like this, Xiaoying was suddenly frightened, as if she was telling her before dying, she couldn't help saying.

However, Wu Xiang ignored the other party, looked at Gu Zheng, looked at the blood flowing from the corner of Gu Zheng's mouth because of the injury, and continued to speak with an apologetic expression.

"Gu benefactor, although our contact time is very short, I can also see that you are a warm-hearted person. It would be great if I could meet you earlier."

"These people, little monks, have demonic obstacles in their hearts, and they don't even know it. They have planted many evil fruits here, and they have no chance for my Buddha."

"This heart demon and I cherish each other, and we have long been inseparable from each other. Now that I set myself on fire, it must be severely injured. I also ask the ancient benefactor to end her and end the sins of the little monk. The little monk is very grateful!"

As Wuxiang said this, a more intense Buddha's light emerged from his whole body.

"Wuxiang, what are you going to do? You set yourself on fire, stop now, you don't want to fulfill your master's last wish." The demon behind said anxiously, but no matter what, he couldn't break free from the blockade.

"Master Wuxiang, what are you doing? Since you know everything, there must be a solution. Don't choose the most difficult one." Gu Zheng said immediately upon seeing this.

"This is the best result. Only in this way can we completely solve the other party. I will use my last strength to eliminate all the same crimes in the Nine-storied Pagoda. Then it will be up to you."

As Wuxiang said this, the strong golden light on his body suddenly disappeared, and the heart demon behind him suddenly let out a heart-piercing cry.

Black air was coming out of the whole body, and it looked very painful. He couldn't stand up, and lay on the ground constantly twitching.

To be infected with a demon who rolls and howls so disregarding demeanor shows how much pain there is in falling to the ground.

And Wuxiang's whole person began to float up slowly, and his original face was cracked inch by inch. Numerous cracked skins fell off his body like dry soil, and when he was in midair, an ugly fish appeared. The demon appeared in mid-air with clothes and cassocks on his body.

That is the original appearance of Wuxiang.

At this time, he stopped in mid-air with a serious face, the nine-storied pagoda in front of him was still spinning, and a large piece of golden light scattered from above, covering them just in this area.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng also seemed to understand why Master Mercy told him not to give it to him easily. I am afraid that if he gave it to him at that time, although he woke up the other party, it would be irreparable.

Even Wuxiang feels that he can't tolerate himself in his heart, and no matter how much others persuade him, he has cultivated to this level, and his heart has long been extremely firm.

The only thing Gu Zheng can do is to completely cut off his demons.

Looking at the heart demon below lying on the ground weakly at this time, the breath on his body fell in a straight line. Even so, Gu Zheng could see the vicious look in the opponent's eyes, and kept looking at him.

The plan he had planned for many years was only one step away, and it was really only one step away. In the end, he failed completely like this. The overwhelming resentment in his heart wished to eat up Gu Zheng.

"I think you're still arrogant now, I can't beat you even out of ten." Gu Zheng remembered what the other party said to him, and couldn't help humming as he stepped forward.

"Of course I still want to say that ten people can't beat me." The demon here suddenly stood up from the ground, and the golden light on his body exploded.


In the hands of the demon for a while, countless black mist like flowing water emerged from his body, and condensed on his body for an extreme time, but it was just like a soft armor of water, gathering and not dispersing.

At the same time, some water flow was also attached to his fist, and his figure rushed towards Gu Zheng like lightning, trying to preemptively win Gu Zheng.

As soon as he jumped up, he punched Gu Zheng with a volley in his hand.

The water above the fist swelled up to the size of his head, covering half of his arm, and a black skull loomed in it, and extremely sharp ghost screams sounded in the air instantly.

The sound was like a poisonous snake in the air, and it forcibly drilled into Gu Zheng's mind. The disturbing cry made Gu Zheng feel that the surroundings were full of chaotic noises, making him feel agitated, thinking To violently attack all around, to vent the power in my heart that has nowhere to vent.

But in the next moment, a trace of coolness rose from Gu Zheng's heart, and the slight fluctuation in his eyes instantly calmed down.

Seeing the opponent's menacing attack, he grabbed it again, and a new weapon appeared in his hand.

He casually drew a few streaks of golden light in the air, and after a little familiarization, the long sword in Gu Zheng's hand stabbed towards the opponent's fist.

One is understated, only a faint golden light rises from it, and the other is full of arrogance, and black light suddenly appears.

The two seemingly different, crashed into each other in mid-air.

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