In a flash of time, fifty years have passed again.

At this time, Gu Zheng, who was like a fossil, finally opened his eyes, let out a faint breath, and stood up slowly.

After decades of treatment, several precious elixirs were spent to speed up the complete healing of the injuries in the body. Although the elixirs were a bit wasted here, it took a long time for Gu Zheng to heal the wounds in the body. ill.

Otherwise, it will take at least a dozen times longer to achieve a complete recovery.

Following Gu Zheng twisted a few times, took a few deep breaths, and his body made crackling sounds. Looking around, the surrounding scenery didn't change much.

Unsurprisingly, the kitten was still asleep. After careful inspection, Gu Zheng finally felt relieved.

This time, it was thanks to the kitten's help, otherwise he would have been able to run away in the face of that pervert in the end, it was really too strong, this is such a strong character he had seen, so strong that Gu Zheng couldn't believe it,

But now I understand why, because I am in the middle of the opponent's space, definitely not only to strengthen his strength, or else I can't even have a little reaction. Compared with Longtian's strength, the opponent's strength feels a bit crushed To blow up the opponent, after all, Longtian's strength is similar, but he doesn't have such a great power.

Of course, Gu Zheng didn't just refer to the Dragon Clan Longtian below, but the former Black Dragon Longtian. The opponent's strength was thought to be very high before, and only after comparison could he discover the strangeness of that man.

But everything passed, anyway, I finally had the last laugh.

Now apart from the past few decades, I don't know how much time I have spent down here, but it is definitely not as exaggerated as down here.

Now I have a lot of things to do, but the first thing is to let Xiaoying out first.

Gu Zheng took out the picture from his bosom, at this moment he could clearly see that a red light was covering the surface of the picture scroll, and it was still the same as he saw before, Xiaoying was still looking anxious, looking outside The look of running.

Lifting the hand lightly, a layer of golden light covered the surface of the palm, and gently wiped it towards the scroll.

Gu Zheng was very careful not to damage even the slightest bit of the scroll. Every time he wiped a piece with his palm, the red light of that piece disappeared, and the scenery inside shook slightly again. After half a day, the last touch of red light on the entire scroll disappeared. , and the entire scroll suddenly increased in size.

Soon a figure rushed out from inside, grabbed the lantern in her hand, and she also grabbed the lantern inside, shouting at Gu Zheng.

"Young master, be careful!"

"Be careful, look at what's around!" Seeing the other party's worried face, Gu Zheng felt warm in his heart, but he did say so.

"Uh, where is this place? How did you come here?" Xiaoying looked around, completely different from her previous appearance, and at the same time was a little dumbfounded.

"Okay, didn't I tell you to stay inside? Why did you think about it again?" Gu Zheng looked at the other party and said angrily. Although he was a little moved by the other party's behavior, he didn't listen to his own words, which made him grit his teeth a little bit .

"I've been here all this time, but I saw you falling down from the air like a sudden coma, and I wanted to come out to pick you up, but just when I acted, a strange force suddenly imprisoned me, until I just now It took only a few breaths to find that the power disappeared, so of course I want to come out."

While talking, Xiaoying looked around. It was a sunny day, completely different from the previous scene, and she was even more puzzled.

"Where is this place? Did I hallucinate just now?" Xiaoying looked at Gu Zheng's deliberately stern face, and said a little embarrassingly.

"There is no hallucination. I have already come out from there and came to such a new place. Anyway, it has passed, and there is no danger. You just stay outside."

Gu Zheng didn't elaborate with the other party, but he promised the other party that once Gao Bo was solved, he would release the other party. Now that the matter has come to an end, it is also fulfilling his promise.

"Oh, I see, what's wrong with the kitten?" Xiaoying nodded, it's just as long as the young master is fine, this is what she thought, she turned her eyes, placed them on Gu Zheng's shoulders, and said with some surprise.

"It's okay, there are some opportunities for it, as long as it has enough time to rest." Gu Zheng said, took the kitten down and handed it to Xiaoying.

"That's good. It seems that I miss a lot." Xiaoying took it over and stroked it lightly.


And at this moment, a white shadow in the distance made a sound of extreme speed in the air, and grabbed Xiaoying's body.

"What is this? It's so cute!" Xiaoying watched a little fox fly into her hands from a distance, guarding the kitten in her palm firmly behind her, baring her teeth at Xiaoying with a vicious expression look.

But in Xiaoying's view, it is basically a cute creature, and it doesn't feel any threat at all.

"Don't make a fuss, the other party is one of us, and also a friend of the kitten." Gu Zheng understood what the little fox was thinking, and also knew that it would definitely be able to understand what he said.

Just the diffusion of the medicinal power by oneself is enough for the opponent's spiritual intelligence to take a big step forward. Although it cannot reach the level required for the real transformation, it is also enough for the opponent to understand what he means.

When the little fox heard all these words, his attitude immediately changed, and he even started to lick Xiaoying's palm in a flattering manner.


Feeling the itch in her palm, Xiaoying smiled happily, then put the two of them on her shoulders at the same time, and turned her head to look curiously at this snow-white little fox.

After solving this one, Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and he will take out his weapon next time, that lone wolf is really courageous, he dared to take his weapon away, he really didn't know what to do.

It was originally a very easy thing, but after Gu Zheng felt it for a while, he found that it didn't seem to be so smooth.

In my heart, although the connection with Yunhuangjian has not been broken, I can only perceive that the other party is not far away from me, but I cannot perceive the specific location.

It's really strange, how that little black wolf has the ability to block the Yunhuang sword, it's really strange.

Gu Zheng's divine sense began to expand rapidly towards the surroundings. In the blink of an eye, everything within a radius of ten thousand miles was clearly imprinted in his heart, but he still did not find the location of the Yunhuang Sword.


Gu Zheng curled up a smile, and was not worried about the disappearance of his weapon. Unless the weapon was damaged, otherwise, the connection would always be in his heart. lost track of him.

However, this also reminds Gu Zheng that he can only roughly perceive the position, but he cannot isolate the opponent's seal. In case someone is thrown into an inexplicable space, it is really possible to perceive the existence of the opponent, but he cannot know the opponent's position .

"What's the matter? Did something good happen?" Xiaoying, who was teasing the little fox next to her, saw Gu Zheng's smile and said a step forward.

"No, you have nothing to do, right? I'll give you one thing, to find the place where this stone shines, and just tell me when the time comes." Gu Zheng took out a small white stone and said to Xiaoying.

"What is it?" Seeing the smile on Gu Zheng's face, Gu Zheng didn't seem to have lost anything.

"It's okay. I just need to do something here. It will take a little time. You look outside slowly. No matter what happens here, you have to come here. There may be relatively big movements." Gu Zheng thought for a while, facing Xiao Ying instructed.

"Okay, I understand." Xiaoying seemed to understand, but after the stone, she walked outside.

There is no danger on this island, so Gu Zheng doesn't need to worry about her comfort, because the next thing he does is to wake up Li Le, and after all this is done, he has nothing to do, so he needs the magic weapon in his hand To refine it again, I have to leave here as soon as possible, and I have to investigate the matter of the starry sky. Gu Zheng has not forgotten this.

But what I promised Xiaoying, I will definitely complete it.

Seeing the other party leave, Gu Zheng walked around, began to arrange it carefully, and then stretched out his hand to grab the top of his head, and he carefully took down something that looked like a weed.

Although it looked like a mass of weeds at this time, there were still very unsightly flower buds at the top that were only the size of a fingernail, as if they could bloom at any time.

Feeling the extremely weak breath of Li Le, it is like a candle that may be extinguished at any time, only a faint candlelight is left, but there is a violent storm outside, and I want to completely extinguish it.

However, Fengye defended her true heart in it, and the opponent came from that mysterious force, which made her seem to be extinguished at any time, but she was always strong.

Gu Zheng knew that normally speaking, Li Le's life would have been exhausted long ago, even if he came out of it, even if he came out from there, he couldn't resist the loss of life.

But the second is the magic in the whole prehistoric world, if you die, you can be resurrected. Except for the Phoenix family, no one else has grasped the mystery.

But whether Li Le can change the shackles of fate depends on herself, Gu Zheng can't do it.

Carefully placing the flower and plant in the center, Gu Zheng began to get busy around, lines and lines were imprinted on the ground by Gu Zheng's magic power, and at the same time buried crystals one by one.

Three days later, Gu Zheng's busy figure finally stopped. At this time, the ground was already covered with complex patterns, and the center was Li Le's body.

"It's time to start."

Seeing that everything was perfect, Gu Zheng retreated out of this area and said to himself.

As soon as the voice fell, he shot a ray of light soaring into the sky and disappeared into the air.

A moment later, a silver light that was as big as the mouth of a bowl suddenly fell from the sky and landed directly on Li Huan in the middle.

There was a soft "boom".

This silver beam of light seems to have kicked off the prelude, and silver rays of light continue to light up around it. Along the route that Gu Zheng has drawn long ago, until it reaches the edge, there is a huge one that is ten feet high. The silver shield covers the nearby ground in an oval shape, protecting Li Le within it.

And from Li Le's body, there was even a large piece of red light, and at the same time, a burst of vitality burst out from the shield full of star power, dotted in it.

As the power of the wind liquid and medicine burst out completely, Li Le, who was on the verge of death, grew crazily as visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, the weed-like detached ring was already several feet high, and budding flowers emerged from the thick branches, and they were blooming as they grew.

When it was still some distance away from the screen above the head, it finally stopped growing, but the body like a hundred-year-old tree itself was like a flower bush, blooming various flowers.

Almost all types of flowers that can be seen normally can be found in it, but no matter what the flower type is, they are all bright red.

This state didn't last long, and after only a dozen or so breaths, those beautiful flowers began to wither quickly, falling from the branches.

Not only the flowers that fell from the sky like leaves, but also the vigorous rhizomes just now, as if they had reached their twilight years, also fell limply towards the bottom.

Twice as fast as before, the lush flowers have withered, and everything has returned to the weeds again.

But if you look carefully, you can find that the weeds that were originally sickly, now have a little more vitality than before.

Soon, as the red light all over the sky absorbed back, the weed-like detached ring grew wildly again.

Grow, wither, grow, wither.

The life cycle of a flower keeps appearing in front of Gu Zheng, and he doesn't know the mystery of it, but he can feel a breath of Nirvana in it.

Although it is not as good as the real phoenix, in this alternative method, it can still exert its mysterious effect.

Every reincarnation, the life that had disappeared long ago was injected into Li Le's body again, allowing her to recover little by little and become more energetic.

Looking at such a miraculous side, Gu Zheng was amazed. It can be seen that among the dragon and phoenix clan, with a small number, they dared to compete for the luck of the world. It was too strong. At that time, even the monster clan did not dare to compete with it.

This side is still reincarnated non-stop, Li Le, which was like a weed, is now like a newly born flower, every time reincarnation, the appearance will fade away a layer of filth.

After just half a day, she was like a weed, but now she is still growing rapidly in the cycle of reincarnation like a tender young seedling.

"It's now."

Gu Zheng's eyes flashed brightly, and when Li Le completely took off the outer layer of the coat, he began to change spells quickly in his hands, and inside the shield, more and more stars' powers began to move towards the tender body as if they were being guided. Infused into the buds very quickly.

Not only that, but above the sky, there appeared a silver beam of light the size of a stone mill, shooting directly below. This kind of vision, anyone within a radius of ten thousand miles, could perceive it.

But no one has the guts to come here to check. It can be seen that there are seniors who are practicing. If they disturb the other party, it will be miserable.

The power of countless stars poured into the sapling like vast stars, giving the other party absolutely great help.

In the original reincarnation, it could only grow a little bit, but under the infusion of starlight, it almost doubled by more than ten times, almost every time it reincarnated, it made its figure jump violently.

At this time, the power in Fengye also began to weaken rapidly. Even after refining, the amount was too small after all, which was also the reason why Gu Zheng made a move.

Now the speed of reincarnation has slowed down greatly, even the flowers that could bloom before have also decreased, but the body of Liyue is still growing rapidly, some branches have protruded from the body towards the side, and a red one appeared on the top. flower buds.

"bang bang"

The sound of a heartbeat suddenly rose in the air, which made Gu Zheng overjoyed, the power of the stars above his head shone even brighter, and accelerated into the opponent's body.

Half a day passed again, and after the last reincarnation, countless red lights scattered from the air towards the surroundings, and the power of the wind liquid had completely disappeared.

But at this time, the sea of ​​flowers has grown to about the same size as the original, and there is a flower bud the size of a small house on the top, from which the rhythm of the heartbeat has been issued smoothly.

With the help of Gu Zheng, Li Le finally completed the transformation, of course it is also due to her efforts, otherwise it would not be able to achieve such a perfect level.

Gu Zheng finally withdrew the spell in his hand, and the silver beam of light in the sky and the light on the ground also slowly faded away.

As the bud slowly bloomed, a familiar figure appeared inside.

However, Gu Zheng only took one look, and then hurriedly turned around. Li Le turned out to be naked, which was beyond his expectation.

Following the rustling sound behind him, Soon Li Le's voice came from the side.

"Thank you for your help, my lord. I can't repay you for saving my life."

Gu Zheng turned his head and saw Li Le in a long snow-white dress looking at him gratefully.

"That's where your fate lies, besides, it's nothing to do with me."

Gu Zheng waved his hand and said, for things that can help, he is generally willing to help, of course it depends on the person, at least that kind of wicked person, who died in front of him, he would not even look at it.

"That's what I said, but without your help, it would be impossible for me to get to this point, let alone let my cultivation level go further. In this way, I have at least half a million years of life to squander." Li Le He smiled at Gu Zheng.

"Is there only so much time? Although the aura of heaven and earth has shrunk a lot now, it should be easy for you to enter Daluo. After all, it is different from before, and there are many things that can assist you." Gu Zheng was a little surprised, and did not Thinking that the other party's life span is only so little.

It seems like a lot, but in fact it is just a blink of an eye.

"If it wasn't for your help, I would only be able to do it for tens of thousands of years. After all, it is a blessing in misfortune to survive." Li Le didn't feel anything, but said happily.

Compared with the group of companions who went in, she is the only one left now, or there are not many people who can live until now.

At least for her, there is still a chance to fight for it.

"Your idea is very good. You should get to know me for a while about your current Golden Immortal late stage cultivation. After all, that era has passed. Work harder. After you step into Da Luo, the world will let you travel again."

Gu Zheng glanced at her appreciatively, ordinary people would never have such open-minded thoughts as hers.

"Then I will bother you a lot, sir."

Li Le smiled slightly, but did not reject Gu Zheng's kindness.

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