in a courtyard.

Rows of red flowers are blooming on both sides, with a slowly flowing stream on the side, and a delicate pavilion is also on the side, with several white jade stone benches surrounding an equally gorgeous stone table, which is quite interesting.

The wooden door behind him could no longer be opened, and there was only one passage in front of him, and inside was a window, which was closed.

Everything around has become very quiet, just like a quiet night, people can't help but stop, enjoy the implication, and experience the emptiness in their hearts.

Gu Zheng took a deep breath, glanced at the ammunition in his hand, and instead of eating it, strode forward.

Pushing open the window, an equally quiet path appeared in front of Gu Zheng, but it made him frown.

It was pitch black in front of his eyes, and he couldn't see anything inside, and the spar on his body had already been damaged.

However, he took two more steps forward, and through the dim light from outside, he saw a erected flower stand, on which he could vaguely see a vase placed on it, which looked about the same length as the flowers outside.

Gu Zheng thought of the same blooming flowers in the corridor, but the buds in front of him had not yet opened, so he hesitated and walked to the vase.


As Gu Zheng touched the flower buds above, as if being blown by a breeze, the whole flower shook slightly, and each of the flowers slowly bloomed.

At the same time, a red light bloomed from the flower, illuminating the surrounding area. Of course, the farther away, the dimmer the light was, especially the red light, which looked so uncomfortable.

However, Gu Zheng found that at the end of the light, a new flower stand was already there.

Seeing this, he also nodded knowingly. It seems that this time he will have to work hard to activate all the flowers, but it is not known how long these flowers will last.

But after only two steps, Gu Zheng saw that there was also a flower stand next to the flower window, which should be in this room, but through the flower stand with a large gap, he could reach out his hand and activate the opponent.

In fact, Gu Zheng did the same thing. As the light rose, the small and big houses inside were also lit up with red light.

On the exquisite floor, there is only a small tatami mat inside, but it is very clean, or in other words, every place here is very clean, unlike the previous place, which looks like nothing, but is actually deserted.

Lighting the flowers in front again, Gu Zheng saw that there was already a side corridor in front of him, and even the sealed road on the opposite side was also a flower window, and the scenery inside could be vaguely seen.

Gu Zheng quickly lit up the nearby flowers. Although the darkness was eliminated, the crimson scenery really made the surrounding atmosphere a little strange.

He didn't think these reds were scary or not. He had seen a lot, but these colors were quite an eyesore, as if he had come to a red world.


A bell sounded in the distance, but Gu Zheng didn't care. The other party's voice seemed to be far away from here, and it might not come here yet.

Soon Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, trying to activate the flowers in the side flower window, but the opponent was a little far away, he almost touched it the first time, then tiptoed to grab it again, stretched out his hand Her strength seemed too great, leaving only a flower in her hand.

The vase on the flower stand fell to the side.

"哗啦" sounded crisply.

The flower bed fell to the ground and fell to pieces instantly, but the flowers were still blooming, illuminating the surroundings, and even the flowers in his hands were blooming with a dazzling red light.

Gu Zheng shook his head, but he didn't take it seriously, he just threw the flower in his hand and walked to the side.

There is still an identical room in front of him, and there is nothing unusual about it.

But his movements froze suddenly, and the rapid ringing of the bell in the distance chased him.

It was obviously still very far away, but in the blink of an eye, it got a lot closer, as if it already knew the direction of Gu Zheng, and rushed towards this side.

"Why so fast!"

Gu Zheng thought in his mind, and at the same time he walked towards the way he came. He had just come in and was not familiar with the surrounding terrain at all.

The other party's keen sense of hearing is comparable to that meat ball, it is too unusual, if I hide in this room, it is too unsafe.

Soon Gu Zheng had already retreated to the place where he came in, and even to be on the safe side, he retreated not far from where he came in, facing the passage in front of him tightly.

You must know that the sound of the other party's bell is becoming clearer and clearer, and they are even rushing towards this side. Judging from that, I am afraid that in a few breaths, they will be able to reach the position where Gu Zheng alarmed the other party just now.

Gu Zheng took a few steps back, stood at the entrance, and stared at the front more carefully. He had a bad premonition in his heart, as if these ghosts were different from what he had seen before.

Soon a red light flashed past the narrow passage in front, so fast that he only saw a phantom.

"How can it be?"

Gu Zheng whispered in his heart, although the other party was very fast, he also recognized that the other party was indeed the ghost girl from before, why is it so different now from before.


At the same time when the red light appeared in front of him again, Gu Zheng subconsciously backed away suddenly, with such force that he was instantly far away from the door by a foot, and even with too much force, his whole body sat on the ground unconsciously.

And when he was still in the air, the sound of a bell came to his ears. In the position where Gu Zheng was just now, a ghost girl was already standing there, looking at Gu Zheng with slightly whitish eyes.

But a bloody barrier has risen, blocking the door, and the other party can't get out at all.

"hoo hoo"

Gu Zheng didn't care about the pain of the fall, and looked at the other person in shock, and because he escaped from death, his heart beat violently.

The strength shown by the other party at this time is not only ten times stronger, even the bell in his hand is like a powerful magic weapon, emitting a dim light, which looks extremely shocking.

The ghost girl stared at Gu Zheng for half a stick of incense, then turned around and went back, just two steps, and disappeared in front of Gu Zheng.

It's not that the opponent doesn't want to kill Gu Zheng, but the prohibition at the door prevents the opponent from getting out, coupled with Gu Zheng's caution, otherwise he would be dead if he couldn't react at all under the opponent's surprise attack.

After waiting for a while and recovering his mood, Gu Zheng stood up from the ground and looked at the corridor in front of him.

Although the sound of the bell had disappeared, Gu Zheng still did not enter.

After a long time, Gu Zheng took out the elixir given by the black cat. The other party seemed to know what it looked like inside, otherwise how could he finally give this thing to him, and he couldn't even refuse it.

Although he is very careful, be careful inside, so that the other party will not be able to detect his existence, but if it is like this inside, it will be too uncomfortable, not to mention that there are ghosts that psychedelic people, I am afraid they can get close Being controlled by the other party is too risky.

And there may not be other ghosts that have not appeared in it, just in case

Gu Zheng repeatedly weighed in his heart, but the pill in his hand was already in front of his eyes.

In the end, his eyes were fixed, and he decided to eat it. He didn't know how much he could improve his strength, but if he improved a little, his chances of survival would be correspondingly higher.

But even if he decided to eat it, he didn't just swallow it in one gulp. After inquiring about the dragon soul carefully, Gu Zheng had a look of surprise on his face, and then he swallowed it without hesitation.

Although the dragon soul has only a short instinct, it can still be separated. There is no problem with this pill, which reassures him.

However, doubts arose in his heart, what exactly did the other party put in the food he ate, and he checked Shanlong's dragon soul a little bit, but he didn't find any difference.

Here, Gu Zheng swallowed it in one gulp, and then sat up cross-legged regardless of whether the place was suitable or not.


After a full half a day, Gu Zheng, who had not moved for a long time, suddenly burst out with a huge wave of air, shaking the entire courtyard.

However, that momentum was weakened by another mysterious force as soon as it rushed into the air, without causing any shock.

"I didn't expect that the other party's stuff at the bottom of the box was really good, and it actually pushed me to the early stage of immortality."

Feeling the strength of his body, Gu Zheng was very satisfied, and he swallowed it when he knew it came in, but at that time, he thought that the other party had also manipulated the pill.

"This time, you ghosts, just wait."

Gu Zheng looked inside with a smile on his face.

Although he still couldn't take out his own things, and even the magic weapon on his body couldn't be used at all, but just himself was enough.

This time, Gu Zheng walked in again. In his opinion, all the ghosts here can't stop him, and he can speed up the time to find the core gold and jade here.

Passing by those red flowers, even if Gu Zheng didn't deliberately, there was no sound under his footsteps, and the shoes Wu Fan gave him could be said to be useless, but he didn't take them off for the time being.

Gu Zheng walked into the dark area next to him. In his opinion, the darkness could no longer stop him, and it didn't make much difference whether or not to light up those flower beds.

But soon, beside Gu Zheng, the red light rose again, and there was a hint of embarrassment on his face.

Because he found that in the dark, he could indeed see farther than before. He couldn't see his fingers before, but now he could see them, but he couldn't see them beyond them. There was no big difference at all. stand up.

Otherwise, you are really blind, and you can't do anything if you want to.

Although he wanted to touch the flower beds, Gu Zheng still walked along the passage one by one and began to search.

This time, Gu Zheng was unscrupulous. Although there was no sound of footsteps, he opened the door next to him, and the door on the road. There was no cover at all. The sound of opening the door was very obvious. It was not much different from the sound of Gu Zheng knocking down the vase before. , if the ghost is nearby, it is easy to attract it.

But the other party comes when he doesn't want to come, and when he wants to come, he just doesn't come.

At least Gu Zheng swaggered away for a long time, not to mention the arrival of ghosts, even the longest heard bells did not appear again.

It seemed that the ghost girl who appeared just now was the only one here.

Of course Gu Zheng didn't believe it, he could only say that he was lucky, there were no ghosts in this area at all.

"Huh? That's it?"

Gu Zheng walked all the way and lit it all the way, and soon saw a relatively spacious room in front, which was more than three times larger than the room just now.

Of course, the most conspicuous thing is that on the table inside, there is a green jade, the penetrating green light lights up the surroundings, and it has the familiar atmosphere of Gu Zheng.

That was the breath leaked from the huge green spar before, but why is it here.

After lighting up several nearby flower stands, there were no hidden organs or ghosts around, and then he walked up to the green jade and looked at it carefully.

This green jade is not big, just like a half crescent moon, lying quietly on the table, the whole body is more like pure jadeite, with traces of green liquid flowing inside, it is extremely beautiful.

This thing is very similar to the jade that Wu Fan gave him to escape, but there are some differences in the details. Thinking of Wu Fan's words, he knows how the other party uses this thing, but why didn't he tell himself.

After thinking about it carefully, Gu Zheng carefully took the green jade on it.

The first feeling when you hold it in your hand is that it is ice-cold, and at the same time, you can clearly feel the power contained in it, which is huge and pure, as if it can be completely absorbed as long as you draw it out.

It even gave Gu Zheng a feeling that as long as he absorbs the power inside, even the power that restrains himself, he can forcefully break through a little bit. Although this is not very useful, but if he has enough power, he can ignore it. .

There is no danger now, Gu Zheng simply began to study the green jade in his hand, wanting to print out the power inside, but after fiddling for a long time, he still looked at him helplessly, unable to use the power inside at all.

Then Gu Zheng also took out a core gold jade, which was the only one on his body, and no one knew about it, he wanted to try if this thing could absorb this power, after all, they are all the power here .

Holding green jade in his left hand and gold jade in his right, Gu Zheng began to test again.

Soon he gave up, and no matter what he did, he couldn't print out the power of the green jade, and almost crushed the green jade, but it was too wasteful to think about it, so it was useless.

Gu Zheng sighed, maybe he didn't know how to do it at all, so he had to put it up first, but at this moment, when he put it away, he suddenly felt that there was something in his arms, which was obtained on the giant red ship before. Two gold and jade.

This is just ordinary gold and jade, which can be used at the beginning, and can even help him a little while on the boat, but now, basically, he can only keep it in his arms, and it is really not very useful.

Put the ordinary gold jade beside him casually, put the green jade on top, and put the green jade next to it. Gu Zheng put the core gold jade first and put it in the innermost place, so as not to lose it. go down.

Gu Zheng even considered throwing out the two ordinary gold and jade, after all, it seemed that they had no other use, and it was uncomfortable to put them on his body.

But when he turned his head and looked at it, when he picked up the green jade and wanted to put it on, Gu Zheng immediately discovered something that was not quite right.

The smoothness of this green jade is definitely not an illusion, within just a few breaths, it seems that it is not as round as before.

Gu Zheng picked it up and looked at it carefully, and reaffirmed that although there was very little loss, it was indeed less.

While thinking about it, he looked around, of course he didn't know what was going on, but soon his eyes focused on the gold jade next to him, staring at the gold jade on top.

The green area above it is a whole circle smaller than before, less than one-third of the top and bottom, which is too obvious.

Was it absorbed by this ordinary gold and jade?

This idea popped up in Gu Zheng's mind, but why this ordinary gold and jade can absorb the power inside, there are still more changes.

Thinking over and over again, Gu Zheng put the green jade next to the gold jade again. Anyway, the green jade has no effect on him, so he might as well see what it is useful for.

As the green jade was put back again, Gu Zheng could clearly see the golden light on the surface of Jin Yu's body, and two green smoke visible to the naked eye emerged from the green jade and rushed towards Jin Yu's body.

The contaminated part of the gold jade that was incomplete also disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the other one did not show much reaction.

After the pollution completely disappeared, the two golden jades were almost identical, and they were also in that state, as if they had been sucking energy from the green jade.

On the side of the green jade, the energy inside has obviously decreased rapidly, and the appearance of the original emerald is also a little whitish at this time. I am afraid that after a while, all the energy inside will be emptied.

In fact, it didn't take long at all. After only a dozen or so breaths later, as the last trace of dim green smoke rose from the green jade, a crack appeared from above, and spread rapidly towards the surroundings as soon as it appeared.

Before all the green smoke was submerged into the gold and jade, the green jade in front of him turned into a ball of white powder.

Gu Zheng didn't care about the disappearing green jade, but picked up the golden jade and looked at it carefully, wanting to see what changed in it.

What disappointed him was that he didn't know if it was because the energy of the green jade was too little, and it was divided into two. Apart from eliminating the pollution of the golden jade, he couldn't feel any change.

After observing for a long time, Gu Zheng finally put it away. No matter what, this thing still looks useful.

Didn't Wu Fan say that if these greens were taken away or destroyed, it would have a greater impact on the demon fox.

If he really had to face the demon fox in the end, although the opponent's strength would be greatly weakened without the green spar, but the fewer cards the enemy had, the greater his chances of winning, he still knew this.

Gu Zheng put away the gold and jade, left the room while thinking about it, and continued to touch other places.

I don't rush to find an exit from here, I have to find the other party's core gold and jade no matter what, only in this way can I feel at ease.

Gu Zheng continued to move forward along the intricate road. This time, he didn't go far, and the familiar bell sounded again in Gu Zheng's ear.

He didn't care at all, and continued to do what he should do, but his body still tensed up in order to cope with the opponent's surprise attack.

However, his movements were not small, but the other party didn't come over. Instead, he just passed a flower window in front of him. After it was lit up, a dark figure jumped like his eyes.

The black figure suddenly turned around, glanced at Gu Zheng, and then disappeared in front of Gu Zheng in an instant.

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