On the way back, the sky slowly turned dark, and even the air felt a little cold, making people want to shiver.

Youyou was not as interested as before, and was taciturn along the way, looking very depressed.

"What time is the other party talking about? Why did your grandfather treat you like this?"

Gu Zheng looked at each other on the road, and he was completely different from just now, so he couldn't help but speak first to break the calm.

"I was reckless. We can't come out here after dark. We can't come out until Maoshiwei, Chenshi. I don't blame grandpa."

Youyou is still not in a good mood, which can be heard from the voice.


This made Gu Zheng curious, could monsters still appear at night, but their house is just an ordinary house, and there is no cover like formations, what is the difference between the inside and the outside when the monsters come.

But after thinking about it, the other party has lived here for an unknown number of years, and it must not be what he thought. Could it be that there is something wrong with the sky, or some other reason.

Of course he didn't know, but Youyou didn't answer his words, and soon when it was almost completely dark, they also returned to Gu Zheng's room.

"Master Gu, please don't make things difficult for Youyou, don't go out at night."

Before leaving, Youyou faced Gu Zheng again, his face was full of sorrow, and prayed to Gu Zheng.

"Okay, I promise you, I won't go out." Gu Zheng thought for a while, and agreed directly.

He wasn't too curious, if it was the other party's taboo, then he wouldn't be able to tell, after all, the other party had saved him.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu. I'll go down first. I'll look for you tomorrow and show you around."

Youyou left this sentence and left here like a gust of wind.

Gu Zheng closed the door and looked outside through the somewhat dilapidated window.

At this time, it was already extremely dark outside, and it was impossible to see clearly from a little further away, that is, except for the area at the door, which could be seen clearly, everything else was pitch black.

Listening carefully outside, there was no unusual sound.

After waiting for a while, Gu Zheng shook his head. Since he agreed to the other party, although he was curious about what was outside, he was still not ready to go out.

Then he took off the clothes on his body, changed into his own clothes, put away his things, and found that there was nothing missing, sat on the bed directly, and began to check his things.

The first thing to check is of course that there are five rings away from the ring. Although I took a rough look at it before, I still need to take a closer look.

After a while, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and then he began to check his body.

I feel that everything is normal now, but when I think of the last weird thing, it is best to check it carefully.

The night passed quickly, and as the sky gradually brightened, the outside gradually became lively.

The noise of the children, the yelling of the women, and the noise of chopping firewood are very ordinary expressions of a village, just like an ordinary day in an ordinary day.

Gu Zheng also woke up from the sedation, and the one-night examination made him understand a series of current body conditions.

His injuries have all healed, and he has not lost any magic weapons. Of course, his most precious Yunhuang Sword is also lying in the space. Put it up and do a good job of protection.

Although some things are still missing, they are not important, so it doesn't matter.

"Boom boom boom"

There was an orderly knock on the door, followed by Youyou's voice.

"Master Gu, are you awake? I'll bring you some porridge."

"Come in"

Gu Zheng stood up from the bed and said.

"This is the porridge I made for you this morning, but"

As the door was pushed open, Youyou came in again after changing into new clothes, dragging a simple wooden tray in his hand, and a bowl of the same wooden bowl on it, filled with fragrant fish porridge. cooked.

But before she finished speaking, seeing Gu Zheng's attire at this time, she froze in place, staring straight at Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng looked at the absent-mindedness in the opponent's eyes, and coughed heavily, which surprised the opponent.

"Mr. Gu, I lost my composure. Please have a meal." The blushing Youyou immediately put down the wooden plate in his hand, without looking at Gu Zheng, put the fish porridge in his hand on the table, and then stepped aside, lowering his head I don't know what I'm thinking.

Gu Zheng felt like a landlord. There was a beautiful maid next to him who brought up the food, and then waited for instructions, but the house seemed to be not very good.

He didn't disappoint the other party's intentions, he stepped forward and picked it up directly, and a unique smell of fish came out, which made people appetite.

"Your porridge is good, it's rare."

Gu Zheng took a sip, closed his eyes and tasted carefully, and then said in admiration.

He didn't mean to praise the other party, but the porridge was really good. It only contained fish and meat, and the handling was superb. It was obvious at a glance that a lot of effort had been put into it, even if he himself was not good.

"This is what I have been good at since I was a child. You should drink it quickly. After drinking, I will take you out to have a look. It was really late yesterday."

Youyou's small eyes are bent into a slit, and you can hardly see your eyes. Watching Gu Zheng eat it with big mouthfuls, he said.

"Okay, let's go."

Three mouthfuls and two mouthfuls, Gu Zheng poured it all into his mouth and swallowed it, then threw the bowl aside, landed firmly on the wooden tray, and said.

Youyou's face was like a flower, and she didn't tidy up and led Gu Zheng out.

"That's my uncle. He hasn't been on the ground yet, and he usually only comes back late at night."

"That's Xiaoye's house over there. They eat last, and they always wait until the others have finished eating."

Youyou became cheerful again, and kept talking in detail, while Gu Zheng smiled and echoed from time to time.

Among those people, he also saw the people on the fishing boat yesterday. When they looked at Gu Zheng, they didn't have the strange eyes from yesterday. Some of them nodded to Gu Zheng with a pleasant face, as if they were welcoming him, but most of them did not. He looked at Gu Zheng indifferently.

From the eyes of the other party, Gu Zheng felt disgust, a kind of hatred, and wanted to expel himself, but he didn't seem to offend them. You must know that this is the first time for him to come.

All in all, it looks like a normal, but very, very exclusive village.

"Grandpa, you haven't gone out yet?"

They were walking here, when a person walked up ahead suddenly, Youyou's eyes lit up, and he jumped on him again.

"Wait a minute, but I have something to do now."

Youyou's grandfather, the village head here, said with a straight face, but looked at Gu Zheng.

"I don't know what the village head ordered?" Gu Zheng looked at the other side with unfriendly eyes, and didn't pay much attention to it, but asked proactively.

"What's the matter? It's very simple, outsiders are not welcome in our village, so you should leave as soon as possible." The village chief said coldly.

"Grandpa, how could you do this?" Youyou quit from the sidelines, complaining a little annoyed.

"Shut up, don't get meddled, it would be good to let you save the other party, now the other party must leave here, or the next time the priest arrives, if something goes wrong, we can't afford it." The village head turned to Youyou shouted loudly and reprimanded her.

Youyou just wanted to say something, but seemed to think of something, her face immediately turned pale, and she stepped back and said nothing.

"If there is any difficulty, please tell me, I will never stand by." Gu Zheng understood a little bit why he was not welcomed by the village chief and the people here.

"You? Forget it, just don't make trouble, and we don't need your help." The village head snorted coldly, then looked at Youyou, and said in a slightly slower tone.

"Youyou, you also understand, so I'll give you two days, and then send the other party away. You know that road, so don't make things difficult for grandpa and your uncle, okay?"

"I know Grandpa!"

Youyou was obviously not in a high mood, but she also agreed.

"Okay then, since that's the case, I'll leave soon." Gu Zheng also said the same.

Since the other party shouted to drive him away and he didn't need help, what else could he do.

"That's good, I'll go to work first, you can take this young man around." The village chief smiled with satisfaction when he saw this, and even looked at Gu Zheng with a much more friendly gaze.

"Master Gu, let's go. Anyway, our village is small, and one day is enough. You can rest tonight, and I will send you away tomorrow."

After waiting for a while, Youyou still forced a smile, and then said to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng nodded and followed the other party around the village again.

Although Youyou still smiled with a strong face and looked the same as before, Gu Zheng could still clearly feel lost.

The small village is not very big, and it took half a day to finish the tour quickly.

Afterwards, Youyou took him to the open space on the other side of the mountain, and saw many people farming some unknown things there, and took him to experience the joy of fishing on a boat by the sea.

Perhaps Gu Zheng had agreed to leave, at least he felt that most of his attitudes were much better.

Before night, Youyou had brought him back to his room.

"I'll send you away tomorrow, you must not come out at night." Youyou said to Gu Zheng who entered the room.

"I know." Gu Zheng nodded, since he promised the other party, he would not break his promise.

Nothing happened all night, early the next morning, after drinking the delicious extra fish porridge, he was led by Youyou to walk outside.

Along the way, Gu Zheng obviously found several people following him, who seemed to be here to monitor him.

After less than half a day's work, you came to a triangular passage that was opened up artificially, and there was a dense forest ahead, and youyou stopped.

"Young Master Gu, you have to be careful along the way. Follow this road and climb over that mountain. There are traces of our logo. Follow along the way and you will come to the nearest town."

Youyou, who was silent along the way, opened his mouth to break the calm, but the hoarse voice made Gu Zheng feel distressed for a while.

"Are you alright?" Gu Zheng asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's my blessing to meet the young master in this life, so hurry up and go." Youyou burst into tears, pushed Gu Zheng hard, and ran back the way you came.

Only water droplets shining like pearls were left floating in the air.

Gu Zheng didn't call out to the other party, but just watched the other party's figure disappear into the distance, then turned and walked towards the distance.

Those who monitor themselves are still behind themselves.

Night gradually fell.

On the huge fishing boat that was supposed to be calm, bonfires were lit one by one, and there was no need to worry about burning the fishing boat. The soaring flames illuminated the entire fishing boat clearly.

Almost all the villagers who had been resting had already come here, surrounding the bonfire in the middle.

Different from other bonfires, there is a large cauldron on top of the one in the middle, in which black liquid is constantly bubbling, and there are two figures standing beside it.

It was Youyou and his grandfather.

"Now you are the only one in the whole village. In a few days, you will reach your age. You can't delay any longer. You must know that I have been helping you all these years. Now is the last moment." The village looked serious. Said to Yuyou next to him.

"I know, but Grandpa, can you give me a two-day grace period? I don't want to." Youyou looked away, his expression was full of fear, but he still said subconsciously.

"Nonsense, I have indulged you for such a long time, if you were not my most beloved granddaughter, how could I tolerate now, even that stranger was rescued by you, anyway, it is only a few days, we are together today, everyone Everyone is looking forward to it." The village blew his beard and stared, and immediately reprimanded Youyou.

"That's right, we're already waiting, so why bother?"

"The team that the village chief said, from now on we can do things that our ancestors couldn't do."

"Hurry up, I can't wait to welcome Lord Black Dragon."

The surrounding crowd made noisy noises and kept discussing.

But everyone has one idea, that is to let Yuyou continue to do it no matter what.

Youyou looked around in a daze, those were her closest clan members, but at this moment, she could no longer see the other party's usual love for her, and her face was full of crazy longing, which made her feel very strange, Also feel very terrible.

"Hey, after today, we are a complete family, no one can separate us, we have eternal life!"

The village head said to Youyou with a smile, and at the end he turned around and shouted at the people next to him.

"eternal life!"

"eternal life!"

The people next to him cheered one after another, with fanatic expressions in everyone's eyes, as if they could really get eternal life.

Only Youyou in the middle looked at everyone sadly, even his favorite grandfather, everyone was already crazy.

"So, today you have to drink it no matter what, just drink it yourself, or let me feed you with my own hands." The village chief waved his hand with some satisfaction, and after suppressing the cheers of the crowd, he turned his head to look at it. Said to Youyou.


Youyou begged again, looking at her unfamiliar but familiar grandfather, she really didn't want to become like them.

"Don't worry. After you drink it, you will also feel the endless power. Naturally, you won't blame grandpa. How could grandpa harm you?" The village head turned his face and said softly.

"Sister Youyou, I thought the same as you before, but after drinking it, I feel like a newborn. Come and join us, we are all waiting for you!"

At this time, a boy who looked a little younger stood up next to him, and tried his best to persuade Youyou.

"Come on, don't hesitate!"

The existence has already picked up a wooden spoon, scooped a spoonful from it, traces of black thick liquid, along the edge of the wooden spoon, and then accumulated at the bottom, condensed into black water droplets, fell towards the bottom, splashed on the ground, and emerged There was a puff of black smoke, and a small hole was corroded below in a blink of an eye.

And more black liquid, in the wooden spoon trembling slightly with the shaking of the existence's arm, waiting for Yuyou to come forward.

"Grandpa, please, don't force Youyou, okay? Wait for two days!" Youyou smelled the disgusting smell, closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and pleaded again with extreme fear in her heart.

"Since you don't do it, then I'll do it." The village chief looked at his favorite granddaughter and begged bitterly, but there was no wave in his heart.

As soon as the words fell, the wooden spoon in his hand splashed directly on Youyou.


There was a loud shout in the air, and at the same time a figure flew towards this side rapidly from a distance, but two dodges had already come to the middle.

But his speed was fast, and it couldn't be faster than the wooden spoon that was close at hand, and the opponent's strength was fast and urgent. When the figure was still in the air, the spoonful of black liquid had already landed on Youyou's body.

However, contrary to the figure's expectation, when the black liquid approached, a burst of golden light suddenly appeared on her body, and it felt like all the black liquid evaporated, and it didn't even approach her body at all.

With a somewhat familiar voice, Youyou looked a little surprised, and suddenly opened his eyes, only to find that Gu Zheng, who was supposed to leave, was standing in front of him, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Gu Gongzi, why are you back?"

She obviously watched Gu Zheng leave here, and there were people guarding there all the time, just to prevent him from coming back.

"Why can't I come back? If I don't come back, I'm afraid you will be killed."

Gu Zheng took a step forward and blocked Youyou by his side, then turned his head and said.

The village chief looked at Gu Zheng coldly, and was not surprised by Gu Zheng's extremely fast speed just now. Seeing that the other party wanted to ask questions, he directly pointed at Gu Zheng and said.

"You are not leaving. We cannot allow you to intervene in the affairs of our village. It is still too late to leave. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"Youyou helped me with everything. I remember this very clearly. If you want to hurt her, you have to pass me first!"

Gu Zheng looked around, and those people were looking at him viciously, wanting to pounce on him and tear him apart, he said with disdain.

"I shouldn't have saved you back then, Youyou let me down so much, you must have told the other party something, are you sorry for your dead parents!" the village chief said to Youyou with a heartbroken expression.

Then the voice changed, and the face became gloomy.

"Since you broke the rules, it's easy to handle. Let's see if the heroic soul can protect you."

The cauldron next to it suddenly rose without warning, and then turned into a green ball in the air, rushing directly towards the Youyou next to it.

Gu Zheng snorted coldly, and immediately grabbed the green ball in the air. In his opinion, the opponent couldn't fly away from his hand.

But as the palm brushed across the green ball's body, it slid out of the opponent's body like an illusion.


Gu Zheng looked at the green ball and wrapped the pomelo in a blink of an eye. At the same time, it soared into the sky, suspended in the sky.

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