At the moment Commander Mi died.

In the wilderness outside, Ma Nan, who was advancing, was shocked and stopped immediately.

"What's wrong? Chief Horse."

Accompanying him is a tall demon soul who is also a subordinate of Lord Jin's clan. This time, he specially accompanied Ma Nan to the city where their clan was located, and planned to introduce each other so that he could become an external help here.

Seeing Ma Nan's shocked expression, he asked in some surprise.

"It's okay, I worried the special envoy. I just remembered something suddenly." Hearing his question, Ma Nan's face gradually calmed down.

"Well, why don't we take a break, and you're on your way when you're in better shape, anyway, there's no rush." ​​The special envoy knew that the other party just didn't want to talk about it, but he didn't care, and instead said caringly.

He is just a demon soul in the mid-stage of an ordinary Golden Immortal, and Ma Nan's status in the future will certainly go without saying, so he is also willing to form a good relationship.

"Alright, I'm in trouble." Ma Nan also said along the way, because at this moment he still couldn't believe it.

Commander Mi is dead!

He just felt in his heart that Commander Mi died. This is not simple. The friend he has been with has died. He has already thought of Mr. Jin and the battle that happened over there.

Is there something I haven't noticed?

But it's too late to say anything now. If Commander Mi dies, he feels that Mr. Jin and his party, as well as his own troops, will not end well. The best result is to be captured by the other party.

No matter what, his plan to stay at Lord Jin's place this time must be changed.

Although there are still some guarding subordinates outside, the most important combat members have been taken there. As long as they help Mr. Jin do meritorious service, he doesn't care if they die. Anyway, they are just stepping stones, and they are not recruiting again. At most, it will delay some time.

However, if Mr. Jin died, there would be absolutely no need to talk about his own consequences. He would definitely use him as a scapegoat. At that time, he would be in the opponent's forces. Once the news came, his fate could be imagined.

Even if Mr. Jin is not dead, the goodwill with him is definitely gone. Even Commander Mi is dead. It can be seen how bad the situation is over there. I have to leave and can't go there.

The only good news is that I have already completed the conversion, and I just need to wait quietly for the time. The bad news is that if things are really bad, I will become alone again and be hunted down by both sides.

Really lost my wife and broke my army!

Thinking of this, he looked at the special envoy who was about to fall to the ground, and immediately flew towards the distance. At this time, the best way for him is to find a place to hide first, and wait until he regains his strength, then go and see What the hell happened, he would never put his fate in someone else's hands again.

"Hey, where is the leader of the horse?"

The special envoy who came to the ground looked back, only to find that Ma Nan's figure had disappeared, he was startled suddenly, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

But without Ma Nan, he didn't dare to go back. Seeing that there was no shadow of the other party around, and he was not joking with himself, he wailed in his heart, and then flew in one direction, he was going to find Ma Nan.

"Where did you pick this up, or is it the one you want to pick up?"

At the gate of the Black Palace, Elder Gu watched Gu Zheng approaching, and asked a little strangely after seeing the unconscious person behind him.

Although she didn't care about the opponent's appearance, the strength of the opponent seemed a little weak. It was only in the early stage of Golden Immortal that he might not even be able to beat her guards.

"The person I picked up, the other party just came here, and I happened to meet him. When I came halfway, the other party helped me cover, so that I could get in here. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to sneak attack the other party smoothly." Gu Zheng admitted directly. .

You must know that when the other party comes in, there must be some exceptions to inspect. Gu Zheng is not confident that he can escape the detection of the other party. After all, the life marks are different. If they are discovered, it will be difficult to have such a result.

They were not attacked, and they might not be able to stop them in the ancient battle.

If the other party runs away, this place will be even more dangerous. Once they realize that there are so many strengths here, the other party will definitely be alert. Once they go back one, then naturally the next investigation will come soon.

Now that the opponent's army is completely wiped out, no one knows the news of their failure, at least they can fight for a long time.

"So that's how it is." Elder Gu nodded, without saying anything, as she knew what was going on.

Now that the entire Black Palace has returned to normal, Gu Zheng looked around and found no trace of those people, and then asked curiously.

"How do you deal with those Ma Nan people?"

"Prison them now, and then find time to refine all the opponents into puppets, some of which will supplement the materials I need." Elder Gu said as a matter of course.

"You know, the basic materials needed to summon these are very few, but there are some key places that are still very difficult to find. Not every black water contains the energy in it, but they naturally have it in their bodies. This is what I will say later. The reason why the guards cannot be summoned."

Faced with Gu Zheng, Elder Gu still explained in detail, fearing that the other party might misunderstand something.

"Can't it be recovered? Comparatively speaking, if the other party is forced to be a subordinate, it is better than a puppet. You must know that the other party's cultivation base can remain, and none of them is weak." Gu Zheng frowned, and soon Just let go, and then continued to ask.

"I think so too. After all, there are so many people, I have some ways to subdue them, but the other party has an indelible mark on them. I looked at it a little bit, but there is no way." Elder Gu is also a little regretful. I won't do things like killing the chicken and picking the egg.

"Otherwise, I'll go and have a look. If I can wear off the other party's marks, I'll keep them first, and there is an even better idea. Once successful, you won't have to worry about the other party's threat for a short time. "Gu Zheng thought for a moment, then said.

"Well, I will wait for your good news in the Black Palace."

Thinking of the imprints in Gu Zheng's body before, which are completely gone at this time, Elder Gu directly agreed, even if Gu Zheng wants to try, she is willing, after all, there are such a group of subordinates, even if they are not convinced, she can still control the other party and let the other party do it for them. She does things.

The benefits are completely different from the decision I made, and I have no choice but to do it. The worst way is not to kill them in vain, that would be a waste.

Telling Gu Zheng where they were being held, Elder Gu shook his head, and then walked towards the Black Palace.

Taking advantage of this time, there are still some guarding tasks to be done. As for your own consumption, don't worry. Anyway, there will be no enemies for a long time, so you can relax your tense spirit a little.

Gu Zheng walked towards the mountains behind him, and those people were simply placed in that position.

"Look, it's that mysterious person who came to help Elder Gu."

After Gu Zheng bypassed the Black Palace, some of Elder Gu's subordinates were busy repairing some damaged buildings. When they saw Gu Zheng approaching, they immediately whispered to each other.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so powerful. I really don't know why they can still come down with such a high level of cultivation. I can't imagine it." Another person with a lower level of cultivation also echoed.

Although the other party's voice was low, Gu Zheng could still hear it clearly. After the other party drove the enemy away, his body seemed to have an inexhaustible spirit. Several people were talking about him. He could only speed up his pace and quickly pass this distance , After bypassing the rocks in front, the ears became a little cleaner.

"Master Gu."

As soon as he turned around, he saw Xiao Fang who was guarding not far away. After seeing Gu Zheng coming out, he immediately stepped forward and shouted.

Gu Zheng nodded, then walked towards the other party.

Under the mountain peak here, there is an open space dug out artificially, and there are some rubble scattered around it that have not been cleaned up. It is obvious that it was opened up by Elder Gu before to imprison them.

"I don't know how I can help you?" Xiao Fang saw Gu Zheng walking towards him,

He knew that this was Elder Gu's friend, he rescued them in danger, he was not prepared at all, without his help, I'm afraid they would be finished already, so he came over attentively, wanting to see if he could help, even the guards I don't care about responsibility.

"I'll go in for a while, there is nothing else, you continue to guard." Gu Zheng refused the other party's help and walked directly inside.

The latter backed away embarrassingly, and continued to stand there as a wooden stake. After all, with Elder Gu's enchantment, the people inside had no chance to come out, and his role was to be a pillar.

The passage is as wide as one person, and within a few steps, there is a layer of rippling gray-white enchantment. Relatively speaking, the gray-white is still very light, and the situation inside can be seen more clearly.

Standing outside, Gu Zheng looked inside very carefully, anyway, he couldn't see the outside from the inside.

As a place to temporarily detain them, of course there are no good conditions. The surroundings are surrounded by rocks, and the space is extremely narrow. It's like driving ducks.

Although they have failed and their fate is no longer on their side, some people still can't stand such a crowded place. Although they can't go out, it is still possible to open up a temporary foothold on the hard rock next to them.

So Gu Zheng saw that many people were standing on the wall, almost filling the surrounding area, and only palm-sized stone pillars were supporting them, which made the space below a little looser.

Most of them were already dejected, without any conversation, everyone looked lifeless, only a few showed unwillingness and whispered to the surroundings, but unfortunately the other party ignored them at all, only they were talking in a low voice, feeling as if they were planning something.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng also had some confidence in his heart, this is also the only chance.

Those who are unwilling are naturally the diehards on Ma Nan's side, and they may be the first batch of people who went in. For such people, there is no room for negotiation. Gu Zheng has already marked them. At that time, Elder Gu trained him to be a puppet.

For such an enemy, he will not show mercy.

As for the rest, there is still a chance to fight for it.

After all, no matter how deeply the imprint in the opponent's body infected them, they would involuntarily follow Ma Nan's orders, but the opponent hadn't activated it, which meant that they hadn't completely fallen into the abyss.

Once it is activated, there is no chance at all, which made Gu Zheng confident and walked directly across the barrier.

As for whether the other party agrees or not, it has nothing to do with him. If they disagree, they must be unified. If they want to seek death, he will also help the other party, and it has nothing to do with him.

Of course, Gu Zheng didn't know that although Ma Nan wanted to activate these imprints, on the one hand, these imprints had not been planted for a long time, and many of them did not reach a very good ideal state; , I want to activate it together when the time comes.

On the contrary, he was not as decisive as Commander Mi, and activated his own part when he came, but it was a pity that they were all killed by Elder Gu in front.

The appearance of Gu Zheng caused the people inside to raise their heads one after another, looking at this uninvited guest, people they knew or didn't know all looked at him.

They knew that Gu Zheng was on Elder Gu's side.

Perhaps this time it was to decide whether they lived or died. Those who stood on the top did not dare to stand on it, and fell down one after another. The crowd was crowded together, and the crowd inevitably moved closer to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng looked at the people inside, the former team of Xixuan and Xiaohou didn't dare to look up at Gu Zheng, and some people looked more eagerly. Although they belonged to Ma Nan, their last wish at this time, She didn't want to die like this for him.

There are also those who are tense or pretend to be calm, and they are all different.

"I give it to you now."

Gu Zheng didn't care, and spoke with a slight smile, but just as the words came out, suddenly a few people around suddenly emerged from the crowd and rushed towards Gu Zheng.

And farther away, there were more than a dozen figures rushing towards him, who seemed to want to make a single throw, even if there was no hope, they still had to try.

Gu Zheng's originally amiable face instantly turned cold. Looking at these people pounced on him, murderous aura rose from his heart instantly, like a blizzard dispersing towards the surroundings.

Member Ma Nan here suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature plummeted, as if he had come to a world of ice and snow naked.

The members who rushed over were also affected, and their speed was greatly reduced, but they still gritted their teeth and rushed towards each other.

They would rather these people die than be used by the other party, so they will not stop doing two things and directly anger the other party. In this way, their mission will be completed.

But in their situation, even if their cultivation is still there, they can't even display 50% of their strength in this enchantment.

Following Gu Zheng's cold snort, but without seeing his movements, the figures in the air suddenly turned into a cloud of black mist.

In order to reduce trouble, all the people who were marked before were eliminated together. Anyway, these diehards did not expect the other party to surrender.

With the sound of slight explosions, these people looked at their companions, each of them turned into a wisp of black mist, thinking that it was the other party's revenge, everyone looked at Gu Zheng in fear, let Gu Zheng There was an instant emptiness around them, and they were all crowded behind, with no other emotions except fear.

"Okay, now you can listen to me, anyway, I didn't expect you to agree."

After all those eyes-obstructing guys were resolved, the frost on Gu Zheng's face disappeared again, and the surroundings returned to normal, but seeing Gu Zheng's smiling face and his cold tone, everyone trembled in their hearts, feeling Something is not good.

Whether it's good or not, Gu Zheng doesn't know, but he feels that he is about to collapse.

After five days of busy work, Gu Zheng came out from the inside, asked Xiao Fang who had been guarding by the side, and asked the other party to say a word to Elder Gu, then left in a hurry, and found a room next to him, not to be vigilant. , began to recover.

The process of removing the mark was really difficult, even if the opponent didn't resist and let him fiddle with it, every person who removed the mark couldn't help but howl in pain, making everyone think that he was torturing them for pleasure.

Those who have been printed for a relatively short period of time are easier to say, and those who have been printed for a very long time will take a lot of effort.

But even so, there were more than 20 people who didn't endure the pain, and directly died of pain.

If Gu Zheng hadn't tied them all up, he would have suspected that these people would rather come to die on the way than suffer such inhuman torture.

The other party was in pain, and he was also tortured, and he couldn't stop the other party's mouth, so he could only endure it forcefully.

It took half a month of self-cultivation before he recovered. He decided that if there were such people again, he would rather die than help them solve the hidden dangers in their bodies.

The key is that the other party doesn't know about it yet. It's really depressing to think that Gu Zheng has such a perverted hobby.

Shaking his head, Gu Zheng removed the barrier and was about to go out to find Elder Gu, but he still had one idea that he didn't tell the other party.

As a result, after pushing the door open, he found that Mo You, who was hovering at the door, was also startled by his appearance, and now he was looking at Gu Zheng with some fear, as if he wanted to run away.

"Why are you here? Someone bullied you?" Gu Zheng was also helpless when he saw the other party's appearance, but at least he got used to it a little bit, and did not show a surprised expression.

"No, I was just thinking. I don't have anything to do here, and I always feel something is wrong. I want to see what I can do." Mo You said after returning to normal.

In fact, after knowing that she was brought by Gu Zheng, she was not bullied in any way, but was respected. No matter what she did, someone would help her, so there was no grievance.

However, this also made her a little anxious and uneasy. She knew that Gu Zheng would definitely leave here, and it was impossible for her to follow him. After a long time, these people could not remember forever. Well, that way you won't be repelled either.

Although Gu Zheng hasn't left yet, she already knows that she will definitely be left here. For her own consideration, she has been lingering in front of Gu Zheng.

"It turned out to be this matter, no problem, don't worry." Gu Zheng understood what the other party meant when he heard it, and agreed directly.

Hearing Gu Zheng's assurance, Mo You left here happily. For him, it was enough for him to live here safely, and she really didn't care about the rest.

The only thing that puzzled her was why she came here, that part of her memory was gone.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you are alive, no matter what form you are in, at least you are still yourself, isn't it?

This is the wish in her heart.

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