"Hey, what do you think the city lord is looking for this person for? Although the things he researched are indeed useful, but he shouldn't make such a fuss. There is simply an illusion that we don't want to come back if we can't find them."

In the place left behind, several people were gathering inside, and the side had been tossed again, except for some low-value soul stones, but nothing of value was found.

They came late, and the things that could be seen had already been taken away.

"How can I know what the Lord City Master thinks? If this guy hadn't come back to pick up things, we would have no clue at all."

Another person, with a push of his mouth, gestured to the half-dead young man below.

It's just that under their repeated interrogation, the other party didn't disclose any information at all. Just when they all wanted to arrest him first, another one came.

But the leader has already gone to catch her, and in his opinion, there is no suspense anymore, maybe he can get some clues from that little guy.

"Hey, this guy wakes up."

The person next to him saw the young man tossing and waking up, so he was not polite. He walked over, grabbed the skirt of the other person's chest, carried him over, and threw him on the table in front of him.

"Stay here honestly. If you don't know how to be funny, don't blame us for killing you." He watched the young man cough twice, shifted his gaze to himself, stretched out his hand to wipe his neck, and threatened sinisterly.

"Ha ha"

A few people next to them laughed, but they still surrounded each other firmly and did not give them a chance. They still knew their mission, and they still had the vigilance they should have.

After doing it with difficulty, seeing the sadness in the hearts of the few people next to him, he came to fetch an important thing by himself, and when he was about to leave, he ran into them and was blocked here.

There are only a few people left now, obviously they have already gone to catch the little guy, and I don’t know if she escaped, and it’s really not the right time to come back. He also pretended to accept his fate and sat on the table, lowering their vigilance, but kept looking at her Four weeks, trying to find a chance to leave.


While the few of them were continuing to chat, there was a slight sound at the door, like a person accidentally stepping on a piece of rotten wood, and the crisp sound of stepping on each other in half.

"Look at him, I'll go and have a look, don't be snatched away by others."

The person who first grabbed the young man walked forward cautiously while talking to his companion.

Even if you can see everything in front of you, you can't feel any threat at all, and you can't see any enemies.

Did he know that it wasn't just a group of them who were calling for that person's attention.

Others also took out their weapons one after another, looking around vigilantly.

The young man's eyes lit up. At this moment, they were all wary of the outside, and they didn't pay attention to themselves. This was the best time. Even if the internal injuries were serious, they stood up directly and slammed into the wall behind.

That wall used to be the location of the door, but after a simple renovation, it changed the location. Now it is the weakest place here, and it can be knocked open with a single bump.

He moved very quickly, but the person next to him moved even faster. After his movement, he reached out and grabbed him. After seeing that he couldn't stop the opponent, he turned his claws into palms and directly aimed heavily at his chest. shoot away.

They received instructions that they would rather the other party die than let the other party escape, so their subordinates showed no mercy at all.

On the other hand, the young man mustered all his strength, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and then clearly saw that his arm was slapped flat by the opponent, and then hit the middle of his chest.

The whole person's complexion rose, and a big mouthful of black air spewed out from his mouth, and the whole body hit the wall behind like an arrow, crashing into a hole, and a large cloud of smoke and dust came out of the gap, blocking everyone's eyes.

However, the moment the opponent ran away, another person had stepped forward, crossed the dust, and was about to catch the opponent back again.

"The other party is gone! It's Tiaohulishan."

A cry came from behind, and the expressions of the people in front changed. They all rushed over through the wall, and shot towards the surroundings at the same time. Another person flew towards the roof, looking around, trying to find the other party traces.

Soon their figures gathered again, and their faces had become very ugly, because they didn't find the young man at all.

"I'm sure my men didn't show mercy. The other party lost at least half of his life, and it's impossible for him to get up and escape." The person who made the shot said through gritted teeth.

"I know, but who can save people from under our noses." The man on the roof also jumped down, and he didn't find any traces, but asked strangely.

Although these people are not weak, the strength of the opponent is definitely not strong. If the real masters are not afraid of their words, they will come up and grab them. Why bother to do the things that distracted them before.


The others were about to speak, when suddenly a familiar scream came from a distance, which made them terrified.

"It's the voice of the leader, go!"

Seeing this, the group of them rushed over there in a hurry, regardless of looking for that person.

Soon they came to a small alley, but saw something that made them panic.

All their people in the alley were lying on the ground, unconscious, causing a stone in their hearts to fall to the ground, at least it showed that they were not dead, really dead, but there was no trace left, even the corpses were destroyed. Everything is saved.

They hurriedly glanced at the crowd and saw the leader at the farthest point. At this moment, he was enduring the pain and was about to get up. They hurried over and helped him up in a hurry.

"Team leader, what's going on? Is that brat so strong." A team member said in shock.

You know how long it took to knock them all down, and judging from the surrounding traces, there is not even a little resistance here.

"No, it's just a bit of bad luck. I happened to meet a nosy guy whose cultivation level is already the same as the city lord's. It's a blessing in misfortune. At least the other party is not so cruel, leaving everyone alone."

The team leader said fortunately that he did not expect that there would be such a strong hidden expert in this place. Fortunately, he was knocked down before he had time to provoke the opponent, otherwise his life would be in danger.

"Let's go, wake up the others, let's leave here, the task of the city lord has failed."

Thinking of that person's threat before he left, he immediately shuddered, disregarding everyone's injuries, he was about to leave here immediately, even if there was danger.

If they stay here for a longer time, if the other party is unhappy, they may not be able to leave.

After the group of people were rescued and woke up, they didn't wait too long. They supported each other and left here.

But at this time outside the city, Hua Xin had joined Gu Zheng who had been waiting for a while, and in her hand, an injured and unconscious man was being dragged by her. It was none other than the young man who disappeared.

"Go, take her with you, and simply treat him."

Gu Zheng glanced at it, convinced that the other party's life was not in danger, and then stopped staying and left here with Hua Xin.

After changing his face and saving the little guy, the other party has already left here, and it seems that he already knows where her husband is, and is speeding towards that side.

Soon they caught up with the little guy again, hanging far behind each other.

"Why are you following the other party? Are you connected with the person behind her?"

On the way, Hua Xin couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, and asked again.

"There's nothing to hide. I'm going to find someone, and I can feel the other person's breath from her. I must have been in contact with her." Gu Zheng said directly.

Taking advantage of this to get closer, so that the other party is more willing to help him, he also knows this little calculation.

Hitting a mallet requires giving a sweet date. I can't keep pressing the opponent all the time, so even if it is the opponent's character, it is easy to have a rebellious mentality.

"Is it someone very important? Originally, you were going to Miyagi, and you were in a hurry, but now you have changed your route, and the anxiety you had before did not appear."

Hua Xin didn't know what it means to push an inch. Hearing what Gu Zheng said, he immediately leaned over and asked curiously.

"Well, they are all important people, but I find her to help me better, I don't know how much better than you." Gu Zheng said calmly without any emotional fluctuations on his face.

In fact, his heart was not as peaceful as it was on the surface, because at this moment, he discovered a truly terrifying thing, that is, before he knew it, the other party had indeed become a more important person to him.

It has nothing to do with love, but friendship, he is very clear about this.

Because he is not the kind of heartless person, the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, not to mention that the other party not only helped him many times, but did not ask for anything in return, even if he refused the other party, the other party was still helping him.

Even if he has a heart of stone, it is impossible to see death without saving him, especially since the other party is looking for something to heal, and I am afraid that the situation is not good, so he does not hesitate to seek news about the other party first.

No matter what, at least let the other party leave here first.

Hua Xin looked at Gu Zheng's bland expression, but didn't find anything, so she stopped asking curiously. The other party even gave the reason, but there was nothing to ask, so she couldn't help but turn her attention to the young man whose situation had improved. .

"Why did you say that the city became like this? It's not the territory of the Soul Alliance. Why do you feel that everything is out of control?"

"You don't know?" Gu Zheng was taken aback, looking at Hua Xin with strange eyes.

What I eavesdropped on, plus the news about the leader who was forced to ask, I also vaguely knew something.

"Of course I don't know. Why do I ask you if I know? Don't you know?" Hua Xin's eyes lit up, and the distance she had just opened came closer again, and she asked with bright eyes as if gossiping.

"You don't even know, how can I know? Don't talk about it, I guess you will know after a while." Gu Zheng ended the topic directly with a word.

Seeing this, Hua Xin had no choice but to keep her mouth shut. Even though she still had countless curiosity in her heart, she didn't dare to open her mouth seeing Gu Zheng's sullen face.

Gu Zheng's ear has been cleansed, and he feels much better. The other party is really passed down from generation to generation, just like Meng Zhen, almost chattering non-stop, feeling like he wants to say all the things he didn't finish in his previous life.

With Hunmeng like this, he felt that Yaohun had already made a move.

Originally, there were moderate conflicts between the soul alliances. This time, the outbreak seemed to be a matter of course. First of all, among the peripheral city lords, some of the city lords were attacked by mysterious forces when they were not at home. Judging from the remaining traces , not a demon soul.

Found the other party through clues, but the other party refused to admit it, the two became angry, and the subordinates began to rub against each other, and then the whole soul alliance turned into a powder keg, and then, for some reason, it exploded with a poke.

Immediately, random fights started from the periphery to the inside, and the entire order became chaotic.

At the most intense time, there were wars everywhere, and at that time, it was the time for the decisive battle to sigh the plains. Compared with the beginning, it has calmed down a lot.

After this scene, the strength of the soul alliance has weakened a lot. This is the result of the leader of the soul alliance, Mr. Luo, who tried his best to persuade everyone. Knowing that at this time, except for fragmentary fighting, the fighting has basically stopped.

But the battle stopped, and the conflicts among the people have been clearly revealed. Now the soul alliance has been torn apart, and the cohesion is not as good as before. Now the Luo City Lord is going to invite all the city masters to come to his place, and the soul alliance is also rooted place, ready to resolve this senseless conflict.

Otherwise, without the help of other people, the soul alliance that has been maintained until now will cease to exist.

These are all the news that the leader said. As for the more detailed news, he didn't have enough time to ask. After teaching the other party a lesson, he left there.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, Gu Zheng and the others followed the little guy in front closely, and came to a place where there was no village in front or behind. After the other party took strange steps on the ground, it seemed as if they had entered another time, directly disappeared in front of them.

Gu Zheng stopped in the distance, squinted his eyes and carefully observed the front. From the moment the other party disappeared just now, he felt a special breath, which disappeared in a blink of an eye and could not be grasped at all.

But he was sure that the other party must be in this place, and perhaps he could only enter with a special method.

"I remembered her steps, maybe we can follow her in." Hua Xin suggested at the side, and then glanced at the side, "He's about to wake up, the other party will definitely be able to take us in."

"Not necessarily, wait and see, if it doesn't work, try it." Gu Zheng didn't veto it, after all, this is also a way, and it is also to let Huaxin save the other party, at least to show that he is not targeting them.

As for whether Pan Xuan could be here, he was not sure, but he felt that the medicine must be what she wanted.

If the strength inside is good, the imprint on that little guy has been picked out by himself, and he will definitely find it, and he will know that he is outside. As for whether the other party will see him or not, it is not up to them to decide.

Gu Zheng temporarily found a place to hide their figures, and prepared to wait for a while to see the other party's reaction before deciding on the next reaction.

"Sir? Sir!"

Here, the little guy with a hurried face shouted loudly again after entering the location hidden in the wilderness.

At this time, the landform where she is located is no different from the outside, it is just hidden by some means, people who don't know, even if they walk through it, can't find any difference, and there will be no intersection with this place, just like the hermit here. Another space.

In a yard surrounded by fences, there is only a room surrounded by straw, and there are a few dead trees dotted outside. An old man is resting on the only stone bench in the garden, and he hears the voice outside. Just stood up.

With white hair, a warm smile, and a simple gray coat, he has an extravagant demeanor, which is out of tune with this place. It is easy to remind people of a hermit living in seclusion, and people subconsciously ignore that he is actually a member of this place.

"You are finally back. If you don't come in a few days, I will find you."

Seeing the little guy coming back excitedly, the old man went up to meet him and said with a smile.

"Sir, look quickly, I have mixed everything together and successfully completed the task." The little guy said with a smile, and at the same time conjured up a small bag, which was only the size of her fist. It has been put together, just waiting for Mr.'s sacrificial practice, and it will be completely completed.

"It's amazing. I thought something happened to you outside and I was going to find you? Did you encounter something? Tell me."

The gentleman took the things while talking, and at this time, the little guy was also approaching him, suddenly his face changed slightly, but he quickly covered it up and asked.

He has already discovered that the mark on the little guy's body is more like being exposed actively, and he can easily find it as soon as he gets close.

"This time the front is still very smooth, but the back is a bit dangerous. Fortunately, I am lucky." The little guy said excitedly, quickly told his own things, and finally added a sentence with a gloomy expression.

"It's all thanks to the master! Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to come back. It's just a pity that my brother was captured by the enemy."

"I said why he didn't come back, but don't worry, if I'm not mistaken, your brother should be safe too."

In the back room, the looming black light also dimmed, and the aura that had just been angry in the air also fell.

He knew that someone was looking for him, and he was not defenseless here.

"Really? Could it be that sir, have you sent someone to save your brother?"

Hearing that the senior was fine, the little guy was obviously very happy, and circled around Mr.

"You wait here, I will come as I go."

The husband felt that he was almost dizzy by the little guy, so he quickly pressed her head, and then ordered.

It seems that the little guy went smoothly all the way, but he knew that there must be someone behind her back to help her, otherwise, how could someone find the precious medicinal material for her inexplicably, and someone just happened to protect her from the robbing water demon.

She was even able to escape from the siege of so many people. The reason was to disturb the people resting nearby. The city would have run away long ago. How could there be anyone there? She was so fooled that she didn't notice it.

However, judging from the other party's actions, the other party should have no malicious intentions. If his prediction is correct, the other party should be outside. No matter what, he must go to see the other party once, even if his current situation is very bad.

"call out"

But just when he was about to go out, there was a scream piercing the air, and before he could react, a Liuling dart the size of a stone mill suddenly appeared in the air, half of his body thrust into the air. Under the ground next to it, the sound of foam bursting sounded in the air.

Around the house, layers of ripples continue to appear in the air.

The hiding place they were originally in was broken by violence and reappeared outside.

And at this time in the air, a woman with snake-like eyes appeared, wearing a bright black armor, which set off her exquisite figure. At this moment, she looked down condescendingly and chuckled.

"finally found you!"

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