

Three people lurked on the side of the mountain, one of them pointed to the front and asked, and the other said affirmatively.

"It seems that the opponent's defense is very loose. It's just a pity that we can't maximize the lethality of the opponent." The person who spoke at first said with some regret.

"The other party never expected that we would be here, you should hurry up and prepare, don't delay your leaving here, or I can't bear the blame." The person who was alone at the side also said at this time.

"Yes, Lord Ma, we will start preparations now."

After talking about the two figures, he started to take out the things he had prepared a long time ago, and started to get busy on the mountain peak.

"If you destroy my power, I will also completely destroy this strange place of yours. After the end there, you will die." Ma Nan looked at the blurred hall in the distance, and said in a low voice angrily.

At that time, after I secretly left, I really didn't know why I failed, so I returned quietly, wanting to see what this sudden force was capable of defeating their coalition forces, and there was no news yet.

After several days of careful observation, he figured out what was going on inside, secretly abducted a former subordinate, and after a forcible soul search, he finally understood what happened.

The most important thing is that the black palace can use some special materials to summon powerful puppets, and this puppets are not weak, much stronger than the puppets summoned here.

Moreover, with his vision, he vaguely sensed that the core inside the black temple was definitely an innate treasure, and it was that kind of strange treasure. This discovery made him happy.

However, he also knew that with his own strength alone, he could not shake the opponent, so he left here directly.

Originally, he went directly to invite his own ethnic group and told them everything here, but by accident, he unexpectedly met a team supporting Candle Soul. Tragically, he was directly arrested by the other party. After some explanations, , or was caught by Candle Soul, and only then did he have the opportunity to tell the whole story.

Candle Soul was very interested at the time, but because there were important matters there, he could not deploy manpower, so he was asked to go to the water demon to borrow strength, and pass some news to the Wandering Soul Clan along the way.

Why use water demons? Of course, it is convenient, fast and secretive. These water demons will arrange a formation to extract soul water from a distance, forming a steady stream of tides and destroying everything.

Although Ma Nan felt a little regretful that he couldn't do it himself, but after knowing what was done there, he also knew that it seemed to be the best way now. As long as the other party's innate treasure is defiled, without the continuous power, it is a piece of cake. It's just a soft bone, and it will be resolved sooner or later.

However, I still have some puzzles in my heart. According to Zhuhun's status, I can completely control those scattered demon souls by remote control. With a few people, I can push them away head-on.

After all, the opponent's strength is only about the same as that of a demon soul clan, and there are still few masters, but let him help.

Although he doesn't understand, he knows what the other party wants to do, and no one can interfere. He will honestly follow the other party's orders. As long as he completes this task, let him work under Candle Soul, at least rely on Candle Soul, don't Those soul races who are neither big nor small have a much higher status.

Glancing at the distance, those scattered guards are still faithfully guarding, and all kinds of hidden formations around them can make sneak attackers despair.

"But now, a strong defense is useless." Ma Nan glanced at the formation that was about to be completed, and sneered in his heart.

The location they chose was very remote, and as long as they left here, they would be easily spotted by enemies on guard from a distance, so they ignored it and let them get close enough.

"Master Ma, it's ready. It can be activated at any time, but you still need to be guarded by Mr. Ma when you cast it." One of the ghosts came up and whispered to Ma Nan.

"Don't wait any longer, just flood it to me now, and leave other things to me." Ma Nan ordered directly.


Above the ground, under the control of the two water demons, the bright light quickly shot straight into the sky without any concealment, forming a large black beam of light. Under the shroud of silver light, it looked like a black pillar reaching straight into the sky.


The roar of the angry sea suddenly sounded in the air. The sound was so loud that a large area of ​​the surrounding world could clearly hear it. As the water monster continued to cast spells, a large piece of soul water sprayed out from the black pillar, condescending towards The black palace rushed away.

After those vigilant puppets found out for the first time, they launched an attack in the air, and some retreated to the front of the black temple, trying to block the opponent. run away.

They are not puppets who only know how to obey orders, they have already fled the first time they felt the soul water, and they don't want to send their lives there.

If there is a chance to block it, I will definitely try to save it, but with no hope, everyone turned into streamers and fled here.

"Very good, very good, let's start from here." Ma Nan watched the soul water rush away, layers of defensive formations rose up, and were quickly broken by the soul water, each of which did not last much Time, the opponent's rear, the most important place, will soon be destroyed, he couldn't help but said excitedly.

He knew that the woman was still in that city, even if she rushed towards this side immediately, she would not be able to come here in time to stop them.

In front of the soul water, these formations that can be blocked for a long time and have been painstakingly set up are all useless.

When you come to see a piece of ruins, let the other party know what it means to feel distressed.

This was the beginning of despair. He waited for that day, and followed Candle Soul to destroy everything of the other party with his own hands, and finally killed the other party.

"The other party is really crazy, brother, do you want to solve the other party together?"

From a place they didn't know, a man and a woman were watching them all the time. Seeing Ma Nan's crazy smile, the woman couldn't help but speak.

"Sister, don't worry, come here in a hurry, you should rest more." The man said lightly.

"Yan Ge, I didn't come here to help you. You despise me so much." Yan Yue was unwilling and questioned.

Even though that Ma Nan is a bit strong, she firmly believes that the other three are not their opponents.

"My sister, of course not. We need to deal with each other in the Soul River. Killing them outside will also cause some pollution." Yan Ge covered his head and said pretending to have a headache.

But my heart is full of joy, because his sister came to him just yesterday, it can be seen that there is no rest along the way, but it is good to be safe.

And I came here a day earlier than her, and it took a lot of effort to find here.

"Hmph, it's cheaper for the other party, but as you said, after solving the two water monsters, I'm looking for an opportunity to deal with that person. After all, Master Gu has always wanted to kill the other party." Yan Yue still said unwillingly.

"I know that for the person Gu lord wants to kill, after the incident, he must find an opportunity to deal with him." Yan Ge said reassuringly from the side.

"That's good, when are we leaving?" Yan Yue let him go and asked.

"Let's go now, the other party will definitely take that route, let's go there first, arrange a feast for the other party, and ensure that the other party can't escape." A sneer appeared on the corner of Yan Ge's mouth.

The two quickly backed away, away from here, ready to implement their plan.

The two water demons who have been sentenced to death are still working hard to maintain the formation, allowing the soul water to continue to attack.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Ma Nan saw that the soul water had fallen into the sky above the black hall, and layers of shells were peeled off, Ma Nan said excitedly.

After half a cup of tea, Ma Nan stopped the exhausted water demon.

There is still enough time at this time, just to be on the safe side, he went down in person and checked around the Black Palace, and saw that most of everything inside was destroyed, even the innate treasure was also destroyed, obviously it was unusable , then went back with satisfaction, and walked away with the water demon.

Of course, the traces on the ground were also wiped clean.

After the figures of the three galloped for a while, they stopped at the edge of the Soul River, and a water demon said politely to Ma Nan.

"Master Ma, we have completed the work of Lord Hun. Next, we have to report to the Hui people and leave here. We must go to the Hun River."

"Thank you for your help, I will tell Master Hun the truth about your achievements." Ma Nan also knew the other party's specialness, and also smiled.

"Then thank you, Mr. Ma, and leave."

The two water demons jumped into the distant soul river one after another, but they didn't know that they were getting closer and closer to their death, and there were two people sharpening their knives eagerly waiting for them in front.

Ma Nan also left here, and now he has no time to do other things, so he has to go back and report the result of Lord Hun.

And the black cat, which had been disappearing all this time, reappeared on his shoulder, covering his tracks for him.

Outside the completely destroyed black hall, two figures also appeared there.

"It's also thanks to your news, otherwise this time the loss would be great." Elder Gu looked at the mess around him, everything was damaged, and the soul water that caused it all disappeared.

If I hadn't been looking at it all the time, I wouldn't have thought that the other party had such power. I still underestimated the soul water before.

"You're welcome. In fact, we should be the ones who say thank you. All of us are very grateful for the soul lake provided." Qian Han smiled at her side and said to her.

Elder Gu didn't say much, and he stopped cleaning up the mess here, and left here with the other party.

The new hiding place is more concealed and safer than the current one. No matter what, the other party cannot be allowed to know about it. At this stage, it is just time to rectify the internal affairs.

"It's about to succeed. By then, everything here will be in my hands."

In the secret room, Wen Tianhou looked at Xiaoying whose face had returned to calm, and couldn't help feeling excited.

Even in my heart countless times, I was blaming myself for what I thought at the time, I would bring such a precious thing up, and I would keep it on it. On the one hand, in order to let myself find a passage to open the prehistoric route, I can draw more power. To expand your territory.

If it is really successful, as long as they get through a few more places, they can come to Honghuang from the black prison and avoid fighting with the opponent. Unfortunately, they all failed inexplicably in the end. It was all blocked by that person, but they were given by themselves Exiled into the space, I am afraid that he is already dead.

At that time, there was also a second period, which was to bring back the spiritual weapons that my subordinates had brought up at the beginning. Although the process was tortuous, most of them were completely damaged, and the core was also damaged. Finally, they were attached to the map of ten thousand souls. After all, they all came back gather.

Now that there is no way for him to expand this black prison, the time is almost up. Imprison all the painting souls here, take time out, and start driving out those jumping clowns.

After the soul alliance, it will be the turn of Gufeng, who has agreed to intercept the next few draws, and then directly push the opponent, so that the entire black prison is completely in his hands.

"Huh? Why is it a little less?"

At this critical moment, with Xiaoying as the core, the three major spiritual weapons will be integrated. Not only can she serve as an extremely powerful combat subordinate, but she can also indirectly control all the demon souls here.

Those demon souls with abnormal thoughts will never have other thoughts, just like the water demons.

I created them by myself, and in theory, I have to listen to myself, and I can't have two minds. When the time comes, I will move my own race to occupy this place, and my own race will become the absolute core of the Baimeng.

Wen Tianhou went forward to check carefully, and was sure that there was still a little bit left outside. If it was forcibly merged, it would not affect it, but if someone took the little bit that was left outside, it might cause some disturbance to him.

He didn't allow himself to control the problem at all, and immediately stopped hesitating, he wanted to forcibly call the other party back.

After everything was prepared, Wen Tianhou's mind became silent, and he began to search for the last piece of information that disappeared.

With most of the main body here, even if the other party is left in the prehistoric world, you can still contact it. As long as the other party's cultivation is not as good as him, you can still forcefully pull him over if you pay a certain price.

But soon he will find that the location of the other party is so vague, if it is not through Xiaoying to perceive the other party's traces, he will not be able to perceive the other party's traces at all.

This breath doesn't seem to be in this world, so it's a little difficult, but the difficulty is also ready, and we must pull the other party back, and we must not leave a trace of weakness outside.

An astonishing aura emerged from him, and began to extend continuously, probing towards the vague place, as long as he sensed the other party's aura, he could forcefully pull it back.

"Xiaoyu, are you here again? The teacher is inviting me over again today?"

On Luoshan, after finishing all his work, A Dou, who had nothing to do, was going to go back to his room and practice the basic skills given to him by the other party first.

Although it is a basic skill, it is not as good as him getting monsters in the air, but it also makes him feel like a treasure, because in the past, he used to figure out how to get monsters in the air, and referring to this basic skill, he benefited a lot Many, some unexpected places before, are now suddenly clear, making his foundation more solid.

This side passes through layers of independent courtyards. There are hundreds of servants like him living here. They are basically doing the work of servants. They finish it in two or three hours a day, but every seven days, A senior came to give them a unified class, to give them a unified explanation.

The elite disciples inside have completely different treatment every day in class.

Who made them just outside the door? I can only pray that there is something special about me, so that those who Andy observes will recognize me and join in.

After he returned to his room, he was pleasantly surprised to see that little fish that turned into a ball of black for some reason appeared in front of him again.

The little fish danced up and down, as if to show that the other party was right.

"Then let's go."

Adou waved excitedly, and Xiaoyu slid into his sleeve very skillfully, and then walked out of the room.

"A Dou, why did you go out again just after you came back?" A friend who was close to him just came back, and seeing A Dou, he couldn't help asking.

"I'm going over there to meditate for a while." A Dou had already come up with his own excuse.

That place was on the middle of a mountain in a panic, and there was nothing but rocks. Several other friends went with him a few times out of curiosity, but after getting nothing, they could only say that the other party practiced different exercises.

"It's really hard work. If you want me to tell you, your hard-working look is extremely rare even here, but if you really go in, don't forget to give your friend a hand." His friend suddenly said.

"Definitely, definitely!" Adou laughed.

After saying hello to the people he knew along the way, he didn't speed up and run down the mountain until he left here. Since the little fish came, the people who observed them must no longer be there.

"Master, master."

When he came to the familiar rocks, Adou respectfully shouted that it was Xiaoyu who brought him here, and then a mysterious person would ask him some things and teach him about cultivation.

Although the other party didn't admit it at all, he also shouted selfishly. The other party taught many problems. Although his cultivation level had not improved, he felt that he was more than three times stronger than before.

While he was shouting, a vague figure appeared in the open space and nodded to him.

"Master, the outside is like this now." A Dou knew what to do, and quickly explained everything outside.

From them, there was news that they went down the mountain to buy some things and brought them back to the outside world. Although it was a few days late, it was still a way.

"Okay, if you have any questions, start asking."

Adou immediately uttered the questions accumulated in the past few days, and after some guidance, he quickly understood, and then immediately started to practice on the sidelines.

The little fish on the side also floated above the opponent's head, using the spiritual energy absorbed by the opponent to wash away the black liquid in the body, but where they could not see, some black liquid was also injected into Adou's body by the small fish.

Gu Zheng glanced at the other party, and then went directly back to his hiding place. It was a manually dug cave. It was not wide enough for two people to sit side by side, but it was very deep. Some places in the middle were even more disguised.

"How's the situation outside?"

At the temporary resting point, Mengzhen sat there and asked Gu Zheng when he saw Gu Zheng coming over.

"It's getting stricter, it's impossible to leave, and the bad premonition in my heart is getting stronger, the other party will find us soon." Gu Zheng said with a sigh.

"This is the other party's territory. It's unexpected that I can hide here for so long. I'll try again to see if I can go back through the means I left behind." Meng Zhen was also a little disappointed, but said anyway.

Gu Zheng nodded silently, then sat aside.

Mengzhen took a deep breath, took out her scroll, and was about to try again.

Although the hope is small, it is always a hope.

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