After half a day, Tang Li and the others, who had been watching Gu Zheng's actions through the water mirror technique, had a solemn expression on their faces, but now they became a little strange.

"Maybe they are really weak. Otherwise, how could they even find the only passage and finally find it." One of the rough-looking women couldn't help but said when she saw that they had finally found the right place.

"If that's the case, we can rest assured that the other party will never return this time." The man next to him snorted coldly.

There are four passages in total, and they only opened the trap of one passage, which is the only correct way. The other three are not important, and there are no traps, so that the other party can find mistakes, which really opened their eyes.

Everyone else is in their respective positions, providing mana to the last formation, and turning around so that they can exert the greatest power of the formation.

But the other party actually missed that passage perfectly, and walked towards this side after browsing the other three passages. I don't know if it was intentional, or if they didn't hit it blindly, but the place should be easily identifiable, maybe The opponent's weakness in this regard.

Tang Li didn't know what to say, but the vigilance sent to him by his body couldn't be wrong. Seeing that the two were a bit contemptuous, he said.

"Don't be careless, I feel that the other party is in great danger, maybe I have to activate the clone, don't be careless."


"Almost fell into the opponent's trick."

When the two people next to him heard this, they immediately put away their contempt in their hearts, and they were still very convinced by Tang Li.

"No matter how the other party behaves, whether it is intentional or unintentional, we must take it seriously, and we must not live up to the expectations of the Demon God. Regardless of whether the other party comes or not, we must treat it as a life and death enemy. Seeing the other party enter the inside, the trap will be activated."

Above, the three of them had walked side by side into the last passage.

"This is definitely the right path." Mao Zhen said to the two of them swearing.

"Those three are not, this one is definitely, I don't need you to tell me."

This kind of innermost thoughts and dreams will naturally not be said, but follow the other party's words, and continue to say, "I know what you mean, and I want to rule out other places. Is there an ambush, so that we don't suffer from enemies. If the other party really has enemies, just let us We smashed them one by one, and it seems that the other party also knows how powerful we are."

"Yes, that's what I mean." When Mao Zhen heard this, he suddenly felt that his original intention was the same, but he didn't think of it for a while, and felt that no one in the world knew him better than Meng Zhen.

"Then there is no danger behind us, so we have to be careful in front, the other party can't let us pass easily." Gu Zheng said from the side, mainly to Mao Zhen, who is the weakest link among them.

"The surface of my body has been protected since I came in, and it can't hurt me at all." Mao Zhen said triumphantly.

"Puff" "Puff"

At this moment, suddenly, there seemed to be a few sounds of breath leaking in the passage, which immediately made them refreshed and began to alert their surroundings.

The passage in front of them was three feet high, enough for five people to walk side by side, and it was very smooth. Under their eyesight, they could clearly see the situation in the distance.

"bang bang"

The two vibrations almost at the same time made the cave vibrate a little.

"The one behind was blocked by a huge boulder." Meng Zhen looked back quickly, and saw a huge black boulder blocking the back path.

"The other party seems to be a little impatient with the other party, so move on." Gu Zheng didn't need to think too much, he knew what happened, and said.

With their current strength, this kind of trap will not work for them at all.

This is not the surface, the opponent really dared to use a powerful magic circle, fearing that even his own lair could be blown up at the same time.

"I'll protect Mengzhen."

This time the brush didn't push forward, but hid on Mengzhen's shoulder, not forgetting to find an excuse for himself.

They had just walked a few steps when they saw a cloud of green mist appearing out of nowhere in front of them, floating over from a distance, blocking the entire passage, and still rolling towards them.

"There are also in the back!"

The brush looked at the green mist that also appeared behind it, and reminded them loudly.

Gu Zheng had actually seen it a long time ago. What made him a little suspicious was that the fog was not dangerous in his perception, but for the sake of safety, the two of them each raised a defense.

"Be careful."

Gu Zheng said to Mengzhen, without stopping in his footsteps, and continued to walk forward.

"Pay attention to me." Maobi stood on Mengzhen's shoulder, seeing that he was still exposed to the outside alone, he was not sure that he could block the green mist, and he didn't want to take any risk, so he said hastily.

After he finished speaking, the light on Mengzhen's body flashed, and he wrapped him in, and asked at the same time.

"Are you still afraid of these?"

"Of course I'm not afraid. I just want to search for the enemy and protect you at the same time. I can only do one thing, so let's help you search for the enemy and leave the defense to you."

Meng Zhen chuckled twice, not exposing the other party, and then walked into the green mist with Gu Zheng.

With their own defenses, these fogs are all isolated from the outside, but their sight is also locked within one foot, and they can't see clearly from a distance, but they are so bold that they don't care at all. go forward.


A figure with an obvious organ activation rose up in the passage, making their pace slow down.

Although with their strength, some ordinary traps can't help them at all, but if there are some special traps, they may still be injured, so they can't be careless.

"whoosh whoosh"

Just as their footsteps stopped, there were more than a dozen small cracking sounds in the air. It seemed that something was flying towards them and landed on their protective shields in a blink of an eye.

More than a dozen huge explosions suddenly rose in the passage, and the huge air wave even forced a large portion of the green mist away, but a large new black mist filled the blank space again, killing them in the blink of an eye. Submerged in the black mist.

And after the green mist in the distance was forced to retreat, as if unwilling to reconcile, it pressed towards the middle again with a more ferocious aura, and also broke into the black mist, entangled with each other.

The middle of the two, in the middle of the entanglement, is constantly merging into one, completely turning into a dark blue weapon. At the same time, as if consciously, it begins to squeeze towards the two of them violently, but on Gu Zheng and the others, the two seemingly Ordinary protection, but firmly blocked these weapons, making it impossible to get close.

"It's interesting. No matter how many people come in this trap, if they don't have enough strength, they will all fall here." Gu Zheng looked at the blue mist that turned into poisonous, and said to Mengzhen through voice transmission.

The green mist didn't pose any threat in itself, it just blocked their line of sight, the biggest effect was to make them alert and slow down their pace.

While waiting for the green mist to almost fill up the passage, black mist came in waves. This black mist is also not lethal. The only effect is to make the surrounding space extremely thick, and the actions become extremely laborious. The green mist counterattacked again, and once the two merged, it became the biggest killer.

From Gu Zheng's experience, these blue fogs are extremely lethal. Even a person at the peak of the Golden Immortal, unless he has some very good magic weapon, will be completely reduced to bones within a few days.

You must know that getting stuck here and wanting to get out is not that simple. It is estimated that there are follow-up means, but seeing that they have nothing to do, naturally they did not use it.

Of course, for Gu Zheng and the others, just to observe if there is any follow-up, it is as if they have not been affected by anything, and they continue to stride forward.

In front of him was a stronger boulder, which caused Peak Jinxian a headache.

"You inform other people that all people below the late stage of Jinxian should go to the emergency evacuation channel and be ready to leave here at any time. The rest of the people, including you, will all go to maintain the big formation. I will notify the back and prepare to leave here at any time. Get out of here." Tang Li, who was watching the scene behind, suddenly said expressionlessly.

"Could the other party still come out of it? This is our second trump card." The woman next to him said with some disdain.

"Isn't it a bit of a fuss? No matter how strong the opponent is, you still have Mr. Tang. As long as the master's clone comes out, the opponent is still looking for death." The man also thought it was true.

"The opponent's strength is not Jinxian, but Daluo, both of them, your strength can't stop them, go!" Tang Li turned around and said sternly.

The two people's faces were shocked, they didn't expect the other party to be so big, if this is the case, it is obvious that they are not their opponents at all.

"Hurry up and give orders." Tang Li watched the two of them freeze in place because of surprise, and couldn't help reminding loudly.


The two nodded immediately, and left in a hurry. Some people did not gather together due to various reasons. Fortunately, there was a hidden passage where they were, enough for them to exit safely.

Tang Li also walked towards the back with big strides, and soon came to the back again. At this time, a layer of thick white mist had covered the ground, as if people had come to a fairyland.

"Master Tang, how is it outside?"

It's completely enclosed, so the young people inside don't know what's going on outside. Tang Li just came here, so he asked.

"The visitor is very powerful. I'm afraid I can't stop him with my avatar. I also ask the messenger to activate the formation and send it back to the demon god. I will delay as much as possible." Tang Li said immediately.

"Please hold on for an hour!" The envoy nodded without saying anything, and then walked towards the high platform inside.

Tang Li looked at the high platform in the distance, under the tumbling white mist, a layer of water curtain rose again, covering the high platform. This is many times stronger than the defense of the outside world. If the brush comes again, it will last a lifetime. Don't even try to break it.

But in the face of the two big Luos of the enemy, he was not sure how long he could last, so he had to buy more time, and even he had to step forward instead of staying here.

Before, he had already thought that if the other party dared to break into this place, his cultivation base would definitely not only be at the peak of Jinxian. If he was so reckless, he would have died in the middle of his cultivation.

It's just that he guessed that the opponent had at most one powerful character, and when he realized what was going on here, he decided to take action to eradicate it, but he didn't expect that there were two of them.

Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come. Just in case, you must be prepared in time.

They had considered this point before, so they tried to keep a low profile as much as possible, but now it is basically successful, and their arrival will not affect the final plan, but they never expected that the two people who came were actually masters.

Usually, it is extremely difficult to see one of them. This time, it seems that he can meet two together. The breath is stronger than the other. Seeing the mutual trust of the other party, it is obviously not a temporary team. This makes his original plan have to be changed. .

Fortunately, with the previous trap, the other party was also a little careless, revealing their strength, otherwise they would not have much time to prepare when the other party rushed in.

What is needed now is to persist for an hour. At that time, even if all of them die, everything is worth it, but it is a pity for my daughter.

Thinking of this, Tang Li opened his palm and looked at Tang Qing who was trying to get in from outside. Fortunately, he blocked him from the outside so that the other party could not come in, so he didn't have to restrain his hands and feet.

Waiting for the next big battle, my timid daughter might run away, and she can only rely on herself in the future.

As he thought about it, he walked outside. He had to go in early so that he could get ready.


The extremely hard gate, under Gu Zheng's palm, instantly separated from the sides, roared and flew forward, spun out, landed on the ground and rolled continuously, and the ground was directly plowed out a small pit of different depths .

As a green mist diffused out, the figures of Gu Zheng and Meng Zhen also came out.

"I said they are really timid. How deep do they have to dig underground to be satisfied? No wonder it's hard for people to find them." Meng Zhen looked around and said with some emotion.

Seeing this space that is still the same as above, I know that they haven't found the real core place where they are.

"Hehe, no matter what, the opponent has only one way, and I don't know what the person who designed it at the beginning thought. It may be for defense, but it is for our convenience." Gu Zheng then sealed behind him to block the constantly floating out. Lu Wu looked around and said.

"That's true, by the way, brush, do you want to go out, act chivalrously, and clear the obstacles in front of us." Meng Zhen said, turning her eyes to the brush.

"Well, I'm a little tired, I'd better rest for a while, and when I get back, I'm going to start." The brush trembled and said.

"In this case, you can rest for a while. Anyway, in my opinion, although there are some traps ahead, the intensity is too low and it is almost useless." Gu Zheng said regretfully from the side.

"I think I still have some strength. I'll rest later. I'd better leave such a arduous task to me. You rest for a while. Wait for the opponent's powerful enemy to come up later. You are on top." Gu Zheng just finished speaking. The writing brush flew out from Mengzhen's shoulder, and said solemnly.

"Then I'll ask you to find the way." Meng Zhen said with a similar smile from the side.

Of course she knew about the traps ahead, but no one was controlling them, so they couldn't pose any threat at all, and further ahead, a faint danger had come, and she could feel that breath from here.

Obviously, the other party is on the last road, preparing for their final resistance, which is also in line with Gu Zheng's strategy. When the other party gathers, so as not to have to find each other one by one, it is better to catch them all together.

Although there will be a little danger in this way, she believes that the two of them, under any circumstances, can surely win.

Still the same sentence, if the opponent's strength is really that strong, they won't be so low-key. Now the two of them are tacitly aware of it, and naturally they both know why.

Now is a very good time, there is a force that is neither weak nor strong, let them implement the plan.

"Look at mine, I know where the right path is this time, follow me."

The figure of the brush circled in the air, then pointed in a direction, and flew there with certainty.

All the surrounding passages have been blocked, and there is only this one entrance, plus the breath from inside, if you can go wrong, you will be like a fool.

This section of the journey was as expected by Gu Zheng. After these traps were not artificially controlled, their power was greatly reduced, which made the brush really addictive. It could break open no matter what, and he kept cheering happily.

But when he was about to leave this passage, he turned around and came to Mengzhen's shoulder again, pretending to be panting.

"I've almost used up my mana, let's take a rest."

Gu Zheng has also seen the cheekiness of the brush. He has never seen such a person before, and it is fortunate that the other party is not, otherwise Gu Zheng felt that he would not be able to help him.

Gu Zheng ignored him, and accelerated immediately, destroying the mechanism activated at the last point in front, and soon they left here and came to the last area of ​​the underground.

This place is even more spacious than the one above. The height alone is more than ten feet high, and the width is about the same. The top is already a layer of rock, and there is an imperceptible streamer around it. It is obviously reinforced, and there are man-made lights all around. , enough to illuminate the whole body brightly here.

It is a thousand meters above the ground, which is already deep enough.

At this time, there is only one road here, and there is nothing in the middle. With the occasional aura leaking from the surrounding rocks, it is obviously a place with hidden murderous intentions.

"Why don't we destroy the surroundings?" Meng Zhen suggested after looking around.

"No, if it is really destroyed, I'm afraid this place will collapse. At that time, it would be very difficult to find the hidden core of the other party. Maybe the other party would like us to do so." Gu Zheng rejected her proposal.

The formation on the nearby rocks also looks extremely strong, not to mention how long it takes to completely destroy it, the changes caused after the destruction are more important.

Although they will be fine, their purpose will also fail. This is the underground world. When they come out of these reinforced rocks, the other party will probably disappear.

"Then let's see if the opponent has the confidence to stop us."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Meng Zhen took her eyes back and looked at the only exit far away.

"You want to protect me and take good care of me." On the other hand, the brush next to him said timidly when he saw the chilling atmosphere in the air around him.

"Let you come in earlier or not. Now that the space of Yufan can't be opened, you should follow Mengzhen closely. I don't have the energy to take care of you when I'm fighting." Gu Zheng opened his eyes and said nonsense, and solemnly said Said.

"Well, I will definitely not go out." Mao Bi said again with certainty.

Looking at his appearance, if Mengzhen hadn't stopped him in time, he would have already hid in her arms.

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