From the appearance of these white bears, there is almost no big difference.

They were all just born, and they also had a layer of white fluffy fur, which was constantly fluttering with the biting cold wind, and their almost identical shapes, it was really difficult for people to distinguish them.

But the appearance can't tell them apart, but judging from their respective personalities, it's still very good to distinguish them.

There are four cubs in total. They seem to follow their mother to leave here and look for food. They have always been very lively, jumping around constantly, and are often completely submerged by the snow next to them. Although they are young, they are strong. His physique allows him to jump out easily and continue to follow his followers.

The other two also appeared to be very energetic, constantly playing and playing around the white bear's body, even affecting the walking of the white bear, but the white bear could only stop to prevent itself from pressing down on each other.

As for the last little bear, he seemed extremely out of group, just followed his mother alone, following the same steps, even if his brothers and sisters wanted to play with him, he had no interest at all, and seemed very out of group.

But the mother didn't care, it was her child anyway, using her powerful body to open up a safe passage and head for the distance.

Meng Zhen still wanted to take a closer look, but then her eyes blurred, as if the time had fast forwarded a lot, and the whole world became much brighter. When she looked down, she found that they had left the snowy world and came to a brand new place.

There is a lush forest in the distance, and you can easily see many animals in it. The ground is full of green grass like the sea, and some small herbivores are also running. The white bear family is at a nearby estuary, enjoying themselves. life.

Those cubs have also grown to the size of ordinary tigers, and they look powerful. The other three are crawling on the ground, roaring at a wild wolf that has been frightened stupidly, constantly showing their sharp teeth, and from time to time The giant palms slapping on the ground made this ordinary wild wolf even more frightened. Apart from whimpering and trembling, he had even forgotten to escape and resist.

Although I can't resist, I can't run away.

And Xiong Lao, who is the center of Mengzhen's attention, is still a little bear at this time, still lonely on the side of the sea, scooping up the sea water with his white palm, as if he is looking for something, or playing alone.

As for the white bear, it lay down and rested.

Mengzhen was also quite puzzled at this time, although she was just standing in the air, she couldn't do it if she wanted to skip these times, she could only wait passively, looking at the obviously unusual white bear below, she also guessed in her heart that the other side Polar Bear may have accidentally made himself very powerful.

It's just that, without enlightenment, at a high level of cultivation, it's just a powerful beast, not to mention that she can see that Bai Xiong doesn't know how to practice at all, and his four children are only stronger, but enough to bring Walking out of the freezing place that day, they came to this paradise-like place for them.

But among this group of ordinary creatures, it is enough to dominate the roost. Without seeing their large area, no creature dares to approach, occupying the most fat place here.

If as expected, the four little bears grow up and leave the white bear's side, as long as there are no enemies who have become elite, they can live in peace, and even if they are lucky, relying on the strength passed down by their parents, they can practice on their own.

"Could it be that she is really talented, and then cultivated all the way here."

A person's personality can be seen from an early age, and it is generally difficult to change.

She was also unable to move and could only watch passively.

After sunset and sunrise three times, she watched the life of their family from the sky.

That white bear will only be out for a short time during the day, and sometimes it will go into the sea to catch some marine life, most of which are fish, to support the family, but she has seen with her own eyes that a fish bigger than her was forced to death by her They were caught, and most of them were eaten by her.

She will also catch some ordinary creatures, and wants to train her children to hunt alone, but it is obvious that with her presence, the prey will only tremble and dare not resist, which basically has little effect.

Apart from eating, Elder Xiong was mostly alone, most of them were sitting there, and occasionally walked around. He didn't have the restless nature of other little bears. Instead, he felt that he knew a lot and felt very calm.

Meng Zhen is not in a hurry, after all, no matter how long she spends here, there are only a few breaths outside, it's just that she is bound to mid-air, which makes her very uncomfortable.

She also didn't want to read too much of Old Xiong's memories, if she looked at it bit by bit, I'm afraid she would be lost here, compared to the days from her birth to the present, compared with the other party, there is a world of difference.

When this thought flashed through my mind, everything in front of me began to speed up. After a few breaths, the cubs jumped up again, and their places became different, as if they were better than before.

However, apart from growing up a bit, it seems that there is not much difference from before.

While in doubt, things suddenly changed. A creature suddenly fell beside her, and fell heavily not far from the white bear's family.

This broke the tranquility of the opponent's family, the white bear immediately stood up, bared his teeth, and protected his child behind him.

However, except for the old bear, the other three bears all jumped out from behind, looking like they were ready to attack. Their previous hunting habits did not allow them to suffer any setbacks. They thought that this time was not much different from the others, but it was huge. Xiong showed an even expression, looking very afraid.

The woman who descended from the sky was a beautiful woman, but there was a fist-sized blood hole in her abdomen, and she was unconscious, lying on the ground in pain.

Before Meng Zhen took another look, a man in a blue robe had already descended from the sky, saying something to the woman below.

She couldn't hear. In fact, all she had been watching was the picture, and no sound could be transmitted to her ears, but she could guess what would happen next. She couldn't help but sighed.

A more powerful enemy came, and the white bear yelled at him, warning him that this was her territory, trying to drive him away.

The man looked up, then curled his lips in disdain, and as soon as he made a move, the whole body of the three little bears and the white bear flew into the air.

The old Xiong in the back didn't have much sense of presence. The mother and the other three cubs in front attracted each other's attention and took a lot of damage, but they were blown into the sea and passed out.

Mengzhen closed her eyes, couldn't bear to watch, did not expect that the other party was so lucky to survive, if the other party's strength was stronger at that time, if it wasn't because of the white bear's hunting, there were no powerful creatures around, Xiong Lao would also die in the Here, enlightenment is spared.

The woman who was originally in a coma suddenly exploded when the other party was cloned, killing the other party in one fell swoop, but she was also wounded by the other party's dying attack, without any power to recover, she could only wait for death slowly.

The woman stretched out her hand to grab it, and then the old Xiong on the bottom of the sea was pulled up. The woman just shook her head regretfully, and the next moment she spit out a mouthful of blood from her mouth. The golden blood was surrounded by red flames. You can tell this at a glance. The status of a woman is extraordinary.

This drop contained the woman's last strength, and she injected it directly into Elder Xiong's body, and then couldn't hold it anymore, fell to the side, revealing his real body.

An extremely mighty unicorn, and the man in Tsing Yi beside him also transformed into a huge green dragon.

Soon the figures of the two people disappeared from the world, and the favored clan returned to the world after death, leaving no traces, only the unconscious old Xiong was left behind.

If Meng is not mistaken, Xiong Lao has become the blood of the Qilin family in his body, changing her aptitude and upper limit. In this way, it is reasonable to have such a cultivation level. as in the past.

There were three more sunsets and sunrises, and Mr. Xiong was still the same. He was washed down by the sea, followed by the ups and downs of the waves, and then he was washed up by the waves, and then he was washed down again, repeating the cycle.

It wasn't until three days later that a red flame rose from Xiong Lao's body. Instead, Xiong Lao's size became smaller and smaller, and finally shrunk down to the size of an ordinary rabbit. Then he stopped and passed out on the ground.

Not long after this, a fox covered in blue ice and snow seemed to understand something after coming here. The bean-sized eyes fell on the ground and formed ice crystals, causing the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly. , until a burst of flames erupted from the body of the old bear hidden in the grass to offset the cold outside, which attracted her attention.

With a flash, the fox came to Old Xiong who was still in a coma. After sniffing carefully, he was overjoyed and left here with Old Xiong in his mouth.

The surrounding picture suddenly went dark, and when it turned on, I found that I had come to a world of icebergs and snow again.

At the foot of a mountain peak, the former fox is teaching Mr. Xiong how to practice. The whole scene moves forward at a very fast speed, as if a day or a few days passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, she slightly understood that Old Xiong's body seemed to be aware of her existence and was leading her in, but why did she show these pictures? At this time, the other party could completely hide it.

"Perhaps the other party has nothing to hide about Gu Zheng." She could only think so.

She saw with her own eyes that Xiong Lao grew up a little bit, and also learned the opponent's skills, and his strength increased rapidly. Even in the middle of the way, someone came to provoke him, but she beat them back, but the specific strength still couldn't be seen. , I just feel that at least there is already a celestial being.

Then there was a slight freeze in the middle of the picture, and she watched the fox leave here, leaving only Old Xiong kneeling on the ground with tears streaming down his face.

It seems that this picture was specially shown to her. Old Xiong lives here, and he almost never goes down the mountain. Except for cultivation, he just sleeps.

The following speed increased rapidly again, and the speed was getting faster and faster. It seemed that several months and years passed in a flash. The top of the mountain has undergone great changes, with countless strong trees occupying most of the mountainside.

If it wasn't for seeing Lao Xiong's figure by chance, she would have thought that the other party had already left here. Since she couldn't see anything, she simply closed her eyes and waited to enter the other party's nightmare world.


Mengzhen only felt that she had only closed her eyes for a short time, and there was a small explosion sound next to her ears, and she hurriedly opened her eyes. The change in front of her surprised her, and she felt that she didn't know where she jumped in this little time. a stage.

At this time, a giant white bear with a height of 10,000 meters stood in mid-air, surrounded by countless ice cubes the size of a house. Cold, but now there are countless wounds on the body, and the whole body is even more precarious, and may fall down at any time.

And in front of her was actually a very young man, two weapons were held in his hands, blood was dripping down drop by drop, but he himself was not harmed at all, one of which she saw Somewhat familiar, it seemed that when Hei Prison was dealing with Wen Tianhou, he held a similar weapon in his hand, but it was not as formidable as the opponent.

She didn't think about whether Gu Zheng knew this young man, and she was already in a state of shock. She could tell who was strong in front of her at a glance. If it seemed at this time that Xiong Lao's cultivation base had reached the peak of Da Luo, then she could crush him. Her enemy, what a terrifying existence that is.

At this time, Xiong Lao's eyes flashed sharply, one palm fell from the sky, and the other closed from the bottom up, and the young man was placed in the center of the palm almost in the blink of an eye, and there was a huge muffled sound in the whole air, Even Mengzhen frowned and wanted to cover her ears.

However, being able to hear outside voices at this time means that she is almost close to her destination. When she actually enters, everything seems illusory, illusory, real and false. If she dies inside, she really dies inside, because she also participated in the Going in is a part of the nightmare world, but for a long, long time, she can maintain herself.

If she was in the trap for too long, she would never be able to get out, but she had the confidence to get out of it.

"If you don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, don't blame me for being rude."

In the sky, a voice could not be heard, and Xiong Lao's palms were slowly separated, revealing the man standing behind his back, as if the blow did not cause any harm to him at all.

"I don't provoke anyone here, why are you pestering me?" Old Xiong's angry voice was the same, seeing that his attack was really useless, he took it back.

"I just ask you to help me train my clansmen. It doesn't take too long, it will take tens of millions of years." The young man said lightly.

"Then it's better to let me die, don't even think about it!" Xiong Lao panted heavily, clenched his fists, and fought desperately with the opponent at any time, even if he died, it was impossible for the opponent to imprison him.

"Dead? Impossible. Even if you die, you still have to serve me. Come with me." The young man didn't care, instead he grinned, and then stretched out a hand to grab the opponent.

The sky suddenly turned bloody, as if the whole world had turned red. Mengzhen looked up carefully, her heart skipped a beat. The whole sky turned into a flowing bloody torrent. At the same time, an incomparably huge claw, as if I want to grab this world and grab it towards Lao Xiong.

But the random dream is really a flash in front of the eyes, the whole world turns red, and at the same time the young man's last voice rang in his ears.


Then the redness in front of her eyes gradually receded, and she found that she was actually on a hill, with a hall beside her, and beside her was a white bear that seemed to be in a state of madness, constantly destroying the surroundings, and she was standing by the side That white bear didn't seem to be aware of his existence.

"This is Old Xiong!"

Feeling the extremely weakened power in the opponent's body, seeing the opponent's appearance at this time, there is a kind of sadness in my heart, is this the opponent's nightmare world?

Perhaps for everyone, being wiped out of their minds is really the most painful memory.


Meng Zhen was grieving for Old Xiong in her heart, when a sudden voice came from her ear, which immediately made her tremble, she jumped to the side in fright, and turned her head to look to the side.

Only then did he realize that a beautiful young woman with a plump body and a kind smile was looking at him.

"Bearing old man!" Meng Zhen stammered.

She never imagined that when she came to look for Xiong Lao, she saw her here. The other party's eyes were very clear, and she didn't seem to be in a nightmare world at all, but there was another Xiong Lao's body next to him. The breath of the two was exactly the same. How could it be The appearance of two Xiong Laos made her confused.

"You are Gu Zheng's friend. I didn't expect them to come so soon. Let me introduce myself. I am you who want to save Old Xiong." Old Xiong smiled and said warmly.

Seeing the other party's approachable appearance, Meng Zhen felt that her heart was not as flustered as before, but she still had some doubts.

You must know about the nightmare world, but you have never heard of it. The other party can stay awake here, but stay here foolishly without going out. I don't know why.

"Wait a little longer, and you will see that an extremely powerful young man has entered here, and in just a few years, he has turned this place upside down." Mr. Xiong also seemed to see through Meng Zhenxin's thoughts. Said with emotion.

"Are you talking about Gu Zheng?" Although Meng Zhen was sure it was him, she still couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I don't know who sent him in. It's really a blessing for me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to leave here." Xiong Lao said with emotion.

"I am also grateful. I don't know who sent him to the black prison."

Meng Zhenxin also followed up, but at this time, based on what the other party said, although she believed it, she was still on guard.

You must know that Nightmare World also wants to draw her here, but it can only be lured by other methods.

As for the trapped people, normally speaking, they would regard this place as the real world, and all irrelevant memories would not appear, but this old Xiong seemed to know what happened next, which was obviously different from normal.

This made her a little overwhelmed, not knowing what to do next.

"Don't worry, take your time. Since they are here, let time start to move forward, so I can go out too." Seeing Mengzhen's appearance, Xiong Lao smiled and comforted her.

"Old Xiong, I have a question." Mengzhen felt a shock around her and didn't know what happened, but she continued to ask after hearing what the other party said.

"Why don't you go out when you're awake? Isn't this your nightmare world?"

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