Hearing the woman's words, Gu Zheng couldn't help but gasped.

To be honest, at the beginning, when I noticed Liuli Jinghuo, I had doubts about the other party's identity, but after thinking about it, the other party was actually caught in that place. If his identity was revealed, the ancestor would not be able to imprison the other party There, after all, the character of the Phoenix family is too sensitive.

Besides, I didn't feel any aura from the other party, I could only feel that the other party got the magic weapon from somewhere, and after having feelings, I couldn't bear to be buried there, so I let myself treat it well.

But now that I think about it, the ancestors used to be big and big, and I have the biggest attitude. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have provoked so many enemies. It’s normal to do such a thing. He is no longer as arrogant as before, for the sake of his Shura clan and his future, he decided to devote himself to reincarnation.

Even if the Shura clan has no connection with the core of the Shura group, the name already holds a great advantage.

After thinking so much, that flaming woman might really be from the Phoenix clan, but he didn't expect to be the Great Elder of the Phoenix clan, so he couldn't help but say.

"Is your Great Elder that weak?"

Thinking of the strength of the opponent's shot in the end, it was at least similar to his own.

"How is it possible? The Great Elder has the cultivation level of the late quasi-sage. We only have three elders in total. The other two elders have long passed away in the war. It was just a long time ago that the Great Elder said he was going to understand the old grievances, but he never came back. , and the Lihuan in your hand is the Great Elder's magic weapon for becoming famous, and it is also one of the few innate spiritual treasures in our clan." Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the woman suppressed the excitement in her heart and said to Gu Zheng.

The other party said that the Great Elder was so weak, that is to say, the other party had seen the Great Elder before, and had even seen the other party make a move. Only in this way could he doubt the other party's strength.

"Innate Lingbao, why can't I see it?"

Gu Zheng took out Li Huan from his wrist, observed it carefully, and murmured suspiciously.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a trace of flames sprayed out directly from Lihuan, spraying flames on his face, the power was extremely weak, more like words of dissatisfaction with Gu Zheng.

"I'm also confused. Even the treasures of the judge's pen are not as spiritual as the little bird, and they can brew the Liuli Jinghuo on their own. Naturally, they can't be ordinary things." Gu Zheng said angrily. He had thought stupidly before, why To increase its power, it seems that he should have such an illusion that he cannot exert the opponent's power.

"I don't know if you can tell me where the Great Elder is at this time." The woman asked cautiously at this time, "If you can know the news about the Great Elder, I must be very grateful."

"Give this thing to me too?" Gu Zheng pointed to the Lingbao behind him and said casually.

"This is my thing! You have it all, so you can't grab mine anymore." Wan'er next to her could also see that her sister knew her and couldn't fight anymore, but she couldn't give him her own things. , Seeing that the other party still wants his own things, he is also a little impatient.

"You can't hold it at all, but even you and the Teng Snake clan behind you will suffer." Gu Zheng immediately retorted that it would be a disaster if this thing fell into the opponent's hands.

"I've held it for tens of thousands of years, and there's nothing wrong with it. If you say it's a disaster, it's a disaster. Don't you just want to rob me and find such a clumsy reason, sister, help me get it back." Wan'er said No matter how stupid a little girl is, she can tell the basic facts.

What he said really made Gu Zheng a little speechless. After all, what the other party said was the truth, and he just wanted this thing.

"Anyway, I'm still here, and I can't run away. I'll talk about it later. I'll ask my elder first." The woman comforted her softly. Seeing that Wan'er's mood had stabilized, she sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

"Can you tell where the Great Elder is? If you find the Great Elder, maybe I can help you settle Wan'er and solve what you want for you."

Gu Zheng heard the other party's voice transmission, raised his eyebrows, glanced at Wan'er, and then passed the voice transmission as well.

a day later

In a wide hall, Gu Zheng was sitting on a chair beside him, slowly tasting the phoenix liquid in the cup. In fact, it was just a kind of noble drink of Phoenix and the others. It was not the phoenix liquid that Gu Zheng had seen before, but just the name. Some are the same.

This thing is not an ordinary thing, and it also has the effect of washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow, but for him, just tasting the special taste, the efficacy inside is of no use to him.

On the side, Wan'er didn't touch the drink in front of her at all, she put her hands on her chin, and stared at Gu Zheng with a pair of feigned fierce eyes, seeing the way the other party gritted her teeth, she really wanted to stare at the other party to death, and then take back what belongs to her .

However, Gu Zheng didn't pay attention to the other party's temper, and still savored leisurely, wondering if he should take some away at that time, sometimes it's good as a gift, this is a very rare thing.

After a while, Huoying's figure hurriedly appeared in front of Gu Zheng. She was the woman from before, and she was also the acting patriarch in charge of the remaining Phoenix clan.

"There was an accident just now, which kept you waiting for a while." Huo Ying said apologetically to Gu Zheng.

"We can afford to wait for this little time. It would be nice if we could get more of these." Gu Zheng opened his mouth and decided to ask for more. If he misses this store, he will never get it again.

"No problem, we have a lot of this thing in stock here, and I will definitely offer it later." Fengying readily agreed, and then asked a little urgently, "You said the Great Elder is with your friend, I wonder if you can bring me Go there."

"You don't have to worry about this. Elder Huo is fine. I have already informed my two friends that as long as you wait for two more days, the other party will bring her here soon." Gu Zheng stood up from his seat, With great interest, "I don't know if I can visit you here."

"Don't let him see it, he has to remember, he will sneak in and cause damage later." Without waiting for Fengying to answer, Wan'er next to him jumped up, with a tone of disapproval.

"You are a friend of the Great Elder, that is, a friend of our clan. Besides, there is no secret place on the periphery of our place. It is just to suppress this place and repay the karma that was planted back then. The core below cannot let you in for the time being." Huoying didn't seem to hear what Wan'er said, and said with a smile, but the next words showed her inner worry.

"Although your friend is not far from here, it's not absolutely safe along the way, or how about I go there myself."

Except for accidents, almost all of the remaining Phoenix clan are here, but she is the only one who can go out temporarily, and the rest cannot leave here. It is indeed a bit bleak.

But Gu Zheng knew that even if they didn't fight at that time, they couldn't do it, just like the current Lich War.

"You can rest assured that my two friends are far stronger than me. With their escorts, they are absolutely safe." In order to dispel the doubts of the other party, Gu Zheng directly revealed the cultivation of Xiong Lao and the others.

"If this is the case, don't worry, little friend, take a look here now, I still have some things that I need to deal with personally, Wan'er, you come to receive some guests first." Fengying really breathed a sigh of relief, However, he was still very surprised by Gu Zheng in his heart.

The other party can summon the other party with just a message, and it is still stronger than him. Most people don't have this ability, and it is worthy of being the person that the Great Elder likes. Naturally, it is unusual.

She wanted to know if Huofeng had no choice but to give Gu Zheng to Gu Zheng at that time, would she take back the appreciation she now has in her heart? Gu Zheng's cultivation base at that time was still in the Golden Immortal stage and was very weak.

"Don't think you can fool my sister, I won't be fooled by you, anyway, my sister won't stop you, just visit if you want to go, anyway, I know this place well, there is nothing there." Wan'er said disdainfully from the side.

"That can't be done. Since you are familiar with this place, you should bring me with you. I don't worry about you being here alone." Gu Zheng said to Wan'er with a smile.

From time to time, the other party's eyes looked to the side, or the white stone-shaped spirit treasure, who didn't know the little thought in his heart, didn't he just want to wait for him; when he left, he broke the restriction above and put it away again.

"If I don't go, I'm not interested, especially if I'm with you." Wan'er jumped a little, and sat directly on the spacious chair, picked up the cup of phoenix liquid, and drank it happily.

"Just now I heard with my own ears that someone's sister asked someone to accompany me. If she doesn't obey, I'm afraid that someone's sister will be very disappointed." Gu Zheng shook his head regretfully.

"You bastard!"

When Wan'er heard this, her little face immediately turned angry, her big cute eyes glared at Gu Zheng angrily, and it took a long time for her to utter two words, which she felt were the most venomous words.

"Let's go, Wan'er, I can't let you touch my things." Gu Zheng said triumphantly.

Judging from the contact situation between the other party and Fengying, it is obvious that the relationship between the two is not so good, maybe the other party is taking care of their Teng Snake Clan, and he does not know how much trouble they have blocked for them, or else she has a Lingbao in her hand The first thing to know is the Nanhai clan.

The other party wants to grab it, it is not a matter of minutes, only if someone blocks it, let the other party ignore this side, but there are very few forces that can block the other party, so it can only be here, also Only they can do it, so it's not surprising her attitude towards Fengying.

It's best to use it to suppress her at this time, I didn't see that she had already finished the drink in the cup angrily, then jumped down and walked towards Gu Zheng.

"Let's go, what are you still doing?"

After walking a few steps forward, Wan'er looked at the body that was still in a daze, and said impatiently, but judging from her current posture, in Gu Zheng's opinion, there was more acting like a baby than anger.

Gu Zheng laughed twice in his heart, stepped beside the opponent in two steps, and said very naturally.

"Then you take me to visit. If it's not good, I will complain to you. Don't blame me if you mess with your sister."

Wan'er puffed up her cheeks, took a hard look at Gu Zheng, said nothing more, and started to lead the way with her little feet.

In fact, there are not many places to hang out here, and they are all very simple places. The only difference is a magma pool spreading out from below. After all, this is a simple place for them to settle down, especially now that their center of gravity is below. Maintain the stability of the leylines.

As for the Phoenix family, Gu Zheng himself doesn't know very well, but he has heard quite a lot.

Legend has it that the boss of the Phoenix clan, like the other three clans, is the existence of the pinnacle of quasi-sages. At that time, it could be said that the three clans divided the world equally. They will ask for trouble to provoke them, and it can almost be said that there is no enemy they can't afford to provoke.

It's just that nowadays, apart from the dragon clan's glory, the three clans can be regarded as a big force. The Qilin is far away from overseas, and at most there are only some ineffective legacy, which can't be regarded as a clan. The real clan can be exterminated. The whole family returned here and used their power to suppress the undead volcano forever.

Although they are in decline, it is much worse than the Dragon Clan, but it is much better than the Qilin's almost extinct situation. In short, it seems that there will be no news of them in the prehistoric world.

And this place is the place where the legend of the other party was born, and it is also the place where they need to be suppressed in the end. It is definitely not as simple as outsiders understand that it is just to maintain the earth veins, but no one can know what the Phoenix family is guarding, which leads them to truly achieve great deeds. Contained, forever and ever.

While they were wandering around, Fengying had already passed through other passages, heading down, and soon came to a place that was completely different from the one above.

Compared to the rudimentary above, this is where they really live. It's not very gorgeous, but there are normal decorations that go along with their identities.

"You mean, there is news about the Great Elder, and the other party is still rushing here?"

In a room, Fengying respectfully told a girl who was about twenty years old, and poured out all the things she had done above.

"Yes, the man who claims to be an ancient human being, but is almost the same as us, holds the Lihuan of the Great Elder in his hand. Looking at the other party's behavior, it doesn't feel like he is lying. Now we have hope. Use the previous method." Fengying said excitedly.

For Gu Zheng's disguise, it may be able to deceive many people, but for them, even if they can't see through, they can still perceive Gu Zheng's true identity, but the other party has firmly imprinted themselves on the human race.

From their point of view, Gu Zheng is still not human, but from some perspectives, Gu Zheng is already human, but it has nothing to do with them, as long as they know that the other party is not an enemy.

The opponent wants to advance and retreat with human beings, and they actually understand that this is the general trend. They naturally have their own methods, which are more thorough than the ancient struggle. Many people who have seen the future have begun to place bets.

She is just a phoenix who can walk outside. Speaking of which, her identity is actually a member of a higher cultivation base. Since the fall of Fengzu, all things of the Phoenix family have been controlled by the woman in front of her.

Because she is the daughter of Feng Zu, Bai Jiu!

"Then in a few days, you are always on the top to greet the elder. At this critical moment, everyone must stick to this moment. This is our mission. Since we didn't do a good job earlier, we let the other party out. , now even if our family perishes, it is impossible to release them." Bai Jiu said seriously.

"But according to the other party's tone, the Great Elder seems to be in a bad situation." Fengying hesitated, but still spoke out what was in her heart.

"You don't need to worry about this. Whether the other party will come back or not, the plan will not change. Step back. If there is a report, I will wait for you below."


Fengying respectfully exited slowly.

After a while, Bai Jiu stood up slowly and walked forward unhurriedly. She was dressed in white gauze, setting off her exquisite and graceful figure, as if she hadn't changed at all thousands of years ago.

Soon, she came to an extremely spacious underground space. The entire ground was occupied by magma boiling all the time. Just the temperature here could make Jinxian Qi unable to resist, layer by layer. The flames are arranged in a certain pattern on the surrounding walls.

But the most striking thing here is that a huge tree with a height of hundreds of feet stands at the end of this space, with countless thick branches all around, but the top is bare. The only thing that can be seen is, Countless golden spots of light are constantly moving in and out along the other side's branches.

And behind this tree, there is a black trace with a size of more than ten feet. This kind of black is just a glance, as if one's own mind has been sucked into it.

Bai Jiu didn't stop, and continued to walk towards the tree.


Under the magma next to it, with the emergence of large bubbles, a miniature phoenix with a size of only ten feet flew out of the magma, suspended in the sky, and a very magnetic male voice came out of the opponent's mouth.

"Ninth Princess, have you made up your mind yet? Without you, our Phoenix Clan might be suppressed by the Dragon Clan in the future."

What he meant was very clear, without her, perhaps they would never be able to restore their family's prestige.

"I've already made up my mind, but the Great Elder is coming back soon, maybe it will bring us some opportunities." Bai Jiu kept walking and continued to move forward.

"Great Elder? That's great. God bless our clan this time. If the opponent is suppressed again this time, they won't have enough strength to break through in the future. As long as we continue to suppress this place." The phoenix's eyes clearly showed joy.

"Yes, this time I'm here to tell everyone that after a few days of hard work, no matter what, this time we must not let the other party come out again. Go down and tell everyone what I mean."

Phoenix groaned softly, and then his whole body submerged into the magma below again, and Bai Jiu had already come to the front of the huge tree.

She looked up in a daze. On the bare branch, there was a place where she was, but now it was bare, and it was no longer what it used to be.

The black marks on the back, like flowing water, wanted to spread around, but the golden light spots on the trees kept sinking into it, holding the opponent tightly.

They don't have the ability to seal this place, or in other words, no one in the entire prehistoric world has the ability to seal this place. There are too many regrets gathered in it. Even saints don't want to put themselves in and fill it up, but they But it can be suppressed, suppressed here forever, to ensure the safety of the prehistoric world.

Bai Jiu was standing here, waiting, waiting for the final result.

No matter what the result is, she also knows that her fate has already been doomed, there is nothing to regret, at least the Phoenix family will live forever.

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