As the red mist behind him gradually faded away, Gu Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know why the opponent didn't come after him, he got rid of him anyway. He was ready to turn back just now to block the opponent's surprise attack.

In this regard, it is not certain who wins the battle, of course it is better if there is no battle.

As soon as Gu Zheng turned his head, he saw that the crew he had rescued over there were looking at him excitedly from a distance, and in the room over there, through the large unobstructed front window, they were also looking at him excitedly.

Gu Zheng nodded to the crew over there, and then walked towards the captain.

"It turns out that a senior with such a high cultivation base is not as cold as the rumors." The crew member looked at Gu Zheng and smiled at him, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

Regardless of whether he was alive or after death, I heard that he was arrogant and cold-faced, his personality was like a fickle weather, and he would change as soon as he said it. So convincing.

"Thank you senior for taking action, otherwise this time is really doomed."

Coming here, the captain immediately said gratefully to Gu Zheng.

At this time, the red mist area was completely far away, and finally the red mist dissipated faster, and I knew that the person who was always watching the formation had already filled this area, that is to say, I became the third repaired area in all areas , was originally estimated to be the last one, which shows the degree of danger here.

Going back this time, although it was extremely thrilling, even if most of the credit was due to the person in front of me,

"We're all on the same boat, and we don't see anyone else. Where are they?" Gu Zheng said kindly with a smile.

"There is a small problem on the ship. I asked the deputy to debug it. They are temporarily acting as the power source, but it will be repaired here soon. If you want to see them, I will ask the deputy to come back and take you there." The captain said immediately.

"No, it's fine as long as there is no problem, but to be on the safe side, I'll check it for you later, if you don't suggest that I take a few people with me and visit casually." Gu Zheng said with a smile.

Mainly, he felt that it was too stuffy in the cabin, and there was something to be analyzed about such a strange place outside.

"No problem. In fact, in other safe places, there are no such strict measures. Anyone above the immortal can come out, as long as they don't enter some protected things, but those ghost cultivators with weaker cultivation bases should try not to come out. It's still a little dangerous for them." The captain naturally didn't have any opinion, and simply explained.

"However, for seniors, there is nothing too taboo here. In fact, there are many places where I can't go in. I'm just a controller."

In the end, the captain laughed at himself, because apart from some simple things, he couldn't use anything else, and he didn't have the authority to go there. He said he was the captain or he was just a person who could sail the boat.

"Hehe, even this is great. Being able to be favored by the other party is also your ability. I think you will definitely go further after the matter is over." Gu Zheng could hear the other party's complaints, and he didn't say much, simply encouraged one time.

"I hope so. There is a narrow passage ahead. After passing by, at our speed, speed up a little. It only takes one day to successfully dock at the checkpoint city opposite. I will call the crew and tell you what to do Arrange for him," the captain visibly shook after being comforted by Gu Zheng, and then said directly to Gu Zheng.

There was no notice from the captain, but the crew member who took care of his companion ran towards this side.

"Are those of us alright?" the captain asked as soon as the other party came here.

"Everything in the body is normal, and it is estimated that I will wake up in half a day." The crew member also replied immediately.

"That's good. From now on, you will accompany the senior and lead some people to patrol the ship, and try to ensure that nothing is left behind, and don't bother with other things." The captain said with satisfaction.

"There is no problem." The crew member respectfully lowered his attitude towards Gu Zheng, "If you have any questions, senior, please feel free to ask."

"Thank you very much." Gu Zheng nodded, and thought of something when he was about to leave, "By the way, this matter needs to make a big splash about me, and of course everyone must be brought along."


The captain only thought that Gu Zheng was a relatively high-profile senior with some vanity, and didn't think much about it. After all, this is the honor that the other party deserves.

Only then did Gu Zheng lead the crew towards his own cabin.

In fact, publicizing it is a huge spread for him. He has the help of those forces, but he may not be able to find out some places. For the current self, the more exposed he is, the more he can make the other party notice him. , As long as you expose a little bit, you will have a greater chance of finding the other party.

In this regard, Gu Zheng gave up his low profile and will not give up all the reasons that can be exposed.

A big Luo who is new here, and has such a great reputation, almost no one will not be interested.

Soon Gu Zheng returned to the cabin where he was, and all the people who were still discussing all of a sudden looked at the crew next to Gu Zheng, hoping to get outside news from the other party.

The only thing that is certain now is that the previous crisis has been resolved, otherwise the crew member's face would not be so bright.

"Wait a while to comfort everyone, and follow." Gu Zheng ordered lightly and walked towards Jin Sanshun.

"Patriarch, did you solve the matter?" Jin Sanshun, who had been enduring all this time, stood up impatiently when Gu Zheng approached, and asked in a low voice.

"Naturally, you have to believe in the strength of your ancestor." Gu Zheng said this very calmly.

Although there are some risks, they are generally under his control. With the increase in strength, it is difficult for ordinary things to bring him danger. Of course, when danger is brought, it is not like before.

"It's amazing, if I didn't know that you would leave sooner or later, I could lie down and live a comfortable life." Jin Sanshun said enviously.

It is said that she used to live that kind of life. Occasionally, when she thinks about it, in the small world, although she knows very little, there are also some intrigues that can't be seen on the stage now, but they are very nostalgic.

"Actually, the answer is very simple, as long as you are as strong as me, you can't live a life." Gu Zheng teased deliberately.

"I wish I had the talent of my master, but unfortunately my wish is to break through this level." Jin Sanshun naturally knew Gu Zheng's joke.

"After passing this level, there is still the next level. Where can I go? You don't know how many life-and-death battles I have gone through. It is really difficult." Gu Zheng sighed, and then said Laughed, "Let's not talk about this, I will support you now that you have your ancestor, at least now you don't have to be afraid, if there are any enemies, I will support you."

"Now let's go out for a walk and relax."

"Really?" Jin Sanshun couldn't help but cheered, the voice was so loud that the others couldn't help but take a look, then turned their heads and continued to listen to the crew's instructions, "I feel like I'm in confinement here, It's boring."

"Miss San, I remember the last time we came here, we said it was very interesting, and it was over after a nap." Tie Dan said naively from the side.

"Why are you talking so much, you're so stupid, one moment and another moment." Jin Sanshun glared at the other party again, trying to explain embarrassingly.

"With such a little effort, we have already gone out, let's go! Guangyu, let's come out together." Gu Zheng directly interrupted Tie Dan's defense and said directly.

Guangyu didn't want to stay here either. Although he was a part of Hades before, he had never seen the outside, so he was very curious and followed Gu Zheng to walk outside.

At this time, Yu also gave orders. Some ghost cultivators with enough cultivation bases naturally didn't want to stay here, and walked outside one after another. As for ghost cultivators with insufficient cultivation bases, even if they wanted to go, they thought of their own lives. , or stay inside obediently.

Gu Zheng walked outside without any purpose, while talking to Jin Sanshun about Yang Du's past, and occasionally asking Guang Yu about some things.

As for other people who can come out, feel the completely different scenery outside, and pay more attention to those places where the battle is fought, especially on the top, where many people gathered, thinking about the decisive battle that took place at this level, and discussing it .

In this way, a day passed in a flash, and they finally left this twisted space and came to the city of checkpoints that were established on the opposite side.

There is not much difference between here and the opposite side, the whole space is exactly the same, only the buildings inside have changed slightly.

The captain stopped at another special berthing place. After arranging everything, he led his deputy to the side immediately. He knew that this time it was late, so he had to make a report, and the whole ship had to be overhauled. Even the last There is no time to say goodbye to Gu Zheng.

At this time, Gu Zheng was surrounded by a group of people and walked down. It was Chen Yi and others who had been coolies for nearly a day. When the power was finally repaired, they came out from below. Fight for a little bit.

At least for other big Luo masters, they wouldn't ask them whether they were dead or alive. Even if they had the magic weapon of ignoring the water of the underworld, they might be familiar to them. If they were in danger in the future, they could really save a life.

After bidding farewell to these people one by one, Gu Zheng felt that his face was about to stiffen, so he had the time to leave here.

"Father, you should be here for the first time, do you need to verify your identity?" Before leaving here, Jin Sanshun finally found a chance to speak.

"Authentication identity?" Gu Zheng had heard about it before, but he didn't pay much attention to it, after all, he left soon.

"Yes, after verifying your identity, you are a part of the underworld. If you are within the range of the other party, you can be protected. Once someone kills you for no reason, the underworld will definitely hunt you down. No matter who the other party is, it is said that there are already ten A few golden immortals died in the hands of Hades."

"If you don't want to be certified, then don't ask whether you live or die. With the strength of the patriarch, it is better not to be certified, so as not to be monitored by the other party."

Jin Sanshun explained in detail, for fear that Gu Zheng would not understand.

"Have you all been certified? What are the disadvantages?" Gu Zheng asked casually.

"Naturally, after all, when you are in danger, people from Hades nearby will automatically come to rescue you, but the downside is that your location will be located. Anyone with a certain authority can find your location, and I have to hand over a sum of ghost coins every year, and depending on my cultivation level, I need to gather at least one month's worth of remuneration by myself, as for the high cultivation level of my master, I really don't know." Jin Sanshun hesitated a little at the end.

"How to authenticate, I will authenticate."

Gu Zheng was still thinking about how those people would find him if they got news, but he didn't expect that there was such a convenient thing, it was just too much to his liking, so naturally he wouldn't refuse.

"Beside the exit outside, there is a special place. In fact, the green ball in your hand is modified. If it has been certified or not, you have to return the green ball. If you lose it, you have to make up a new one. In fact, it is spending money to make up the ticket. .” Guangyu said carefully beside him.

"That's very simple, let's go, just on the way."

A group of people soon came to the exit, which was a special opening on the side. Before that, the people on the boat were still leaving one after another, but there were not many people left.

In the process of queuing up, Guangyu also said something about supplementary certification.

"After holding the certification, you can actually choose to help the underworld. For example, if you encounter an emergency, the person who chooses to help the certification will be recorded, and you can exchange for a lot of things if you accumulate it."

"Then what if two certified players kill each other?" Gu Zheng asked with great interest.

"Of course, they should be arrested first. No one here can lie to deceive the Underworld. The punishment varies according to the situation. Once you lie, no matter whether it is right or wrong, you will be sentenced to three years in the Tower of Hell. Of course, if you are in the wild, you will also be recorded and filed. If you go to the city, you will be arrested."

Regarding Guangyu's answer, Gu Zheng was really unexpected. It feels much more advanced than Honghuang, but it is easy to understand when you think of the special situation here.

Don't look at the underworld for a short time, but relying on the Six Realms of Reincarnation and controlling the Tower of Hell, this place is obviously equivalent to the back garden of your own home. Naturally, it is full of control, and no one dares to object. After all, they all belong to the same place after death. The management here is just that no one managed it before, but now that managers have appeared, all resistance is useless, and we can only accept it.

The arms can't twist the thighs, that's the reality.

Gu Zheng still wanted to know more, but now it was his turn, so he took back the words.

"See if you haven't been certified as under the banner of Hades. Do you want to be certified? If not, just hand over the green ball." There was only one person here, and he said very mechanically. It seemed that the repetitive work made him not have much enthusiasm.

"I authenticate!"

Gu Zheng directly took out the green ball and handed it over.

"Please go down below, don't wait, are you certified?" He continued to repeat the words countless times, but suddenly he raised his head and looked at Gu Zheng.

"Of course, this kind of thing can still lie to you, can't you do it here?" Gu Zheng was a little puzzled.

"Of course." The man stood up, seeing that there were only a few people behind him, and then continued, "Do you still have certification?"

Except for a stranger, the latter was only Gu Zheng and his party, shaking their heads one after another.

"My friend, please wait a moment. I only need a little time. I will let them go first, and I will accompany you personally." The man was a little excited, and pleaded to Gu Zheng, as if he was afraid that he would not As if agreeing.

"No problem, I'll wait for you!" Gu Zheng agreed immediately, anyway, except for the stranger, no one else would go for authentication.

Next, the man's efficiency almost doubled, and he didn't look lazy before, and quickly canceled those green balls for them.

When it was Guang Yu's turn, the other party recognized his identity, "Guang Yu, why did you come back so soon?"

"Haha, I'm already quitting. Are you short of this indicator, and you're going to go back in rotation." Guangyu laughed, then guessed.

"Hey, that's right, this place is really difficult and boring, it's no different from Guan Xiaohei, but I'm wondering who you're with, I'll talk to you later, hurry over, Don't delay me." The man seemed to know Guang Yu very well, and after logging him out, he directly opened his mouth to chase him away.

Guangyu just smiled, and then came to Gu Zheng, explaining in a low voice, "Because there are verification points in every city, you can verify anytime and anywhere if you want, but you need to verify a certain number of people here. Afterwards, he can be rotated, and it seems that the adults are the last ones, so that's why I'm so excited."

Gu Zheng understood that there were so few people on his boat, if it was full, there would be only one person, wouldn't it be that he was busy to the end, and was here day after day, no wonder the other party was so excited.

Soon everyone passed by, and the man here had time to look over, and found Guang Yu's position, which seemed to be standing behind the man in front of him, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Guangyu said first, "That's right, this lord is the one I serve now."

"Who cares who you want to watch the door with, just don't hinder me from doing things." The man said bluntly, in fact, he wanted to ask this question, and then looked at Gu Zheng, "Friend, please come with me One trip, it won't take you long."

Gu Zheng followed the opponent and walked towards the distant building alone. After arriving inside, Gu Zheng didn't move much at all, and was quickly handled by the opponent. In the end, the green ball turned into a green ring and was taken by the opponent. Handed it over to Gu Zheng, and solemnly instructed.

"This thing must be kept well. It usually has the effect of accelerating the accumulation of ghost energy. It can be worn in your hands or on your body. Don't lose it. Once you lose it, you must report it immediately and destroy it in time. If you reissue it, you will need to spend a lot of money." It's also high, unlike this time it's completely free."

There is a ray of ancient contention in it. He means to prevent someone from hurting him with the ring. After all, all kinds of tricks are hard to guard against. Even if there are some insurance measures on it, it is not sure that it can be perfectly cracked. Naturally, be careful. good.

"I see!"

Gu Zheng put away the ring. The only value of this thing is to tell others through this thing that he can find his position at all times. In this way, he can also be free, and there is no need to wait in one place to die.

After this little episode, Gu Zheng joined the others, and after leaving here, he found a place for everyone to rest.

Except for Ye Tian, ​​because he was assigned a new task, he took the ring that Gu Zheng gave him, ran towards other houses, and told them the news. If you want to find Gu Zheng, you can use the location of Hades. Inform Gu Zheng of the matter in time.

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