In the distance of Hongqiang, there is a temporary large camp, all of the 100,000 people are inside, many of them are outside in the open air, and there is no change in the weather anyway.

In the most luxurious stone room in the middle, dozens of people from Baimeng have already gathered in it, and they are all whispering to each other, discussing what they just heard, making this spacious space buzzing , as if there were countless mosquitoes flying in the air.

But if you look carefully, the lowest cultivation bases here are all in the middle stage of Da Luo, and they are all those who have been immersed for many years and have rich experience.

At this time, even the leaders of the Yuan clan above the seat, Yuan Qi, who was in the middle of the quasi-sage, did not stop them, because they had just received the news at this time that all the people who went in to make trouble for the other party, except for a few people, all They are all dead, including the two quasi-sages.

People here, how can they not know those people, they are the real ones, they just made trouble for the other party and then withdrew back, and returned the other party's complete defense, but they didn't expect to lose so much.

"Master Lin, Yuan, what are we going to do now, should we go and grind each other slowly like this?" At this moment, a man on the first place on the right stood up, his face was full of flesh, and he said loudly with impatience .

The voice was so loud that it suppressed everyone's whispers and made everyone focus on it.

"I know what you mean, but if that's the case, at least half of our people will be lost. Who wants to? Or you can take the lead and bring all your people with you. Maybe someone will follow you and be a good person once. .” Yuan Qi said lightly from above.

"I" The man who stood up opened his mouth but couldn't speak, because he couldn't sacrifice himself for others.

"Sit down, if you can't do it yourself, don't lick your face and ask others to do it, if you want to do it, we would have left here long ago, why bother to be deadlocked with each other here." The one on the left is a woman, The woman in white also stood up at this time and said disdainfully.

"To put it bluntly, you fox, what kind of clothes are you wearing? In private, who doesn't know that you are instigating some fools to be fooled." The man was not to be outdone.

"This dead man, you are yelling at me. Believe it or not, you tore your mouth." The woman was not as calm as before, and immediately screamed with teeth and claws.

It's not surprising that the people in the back have seen this before, even some of them acted as if they hadn't seen it at this time, who told them to quarrel every chance they had, and they said it was fierce, and they didn't make a move. Of course there is no need to worry.

"Enough, you guys are still arguing, how about going out and fighting."

Yuan Qi at the top naturally yelled at them, of course he was not too annoyed when he was familiar with them, and continued when he saw the other party sitting down obediently.

"You have been talking about this question for tens of thousands of years. Stop talking about it. My ears are callused. There is actually a piece of good news just now, but I didn't tell you."

Yuan Qi's words immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they all pricked up their ears to listen carefully.

"First of all, let's mourn for those friends who died for us. Anyway, the other party is our own. It's just a pity. If we knew about it, we would stop the other party." Yuan Qi said seriously at first.

"Yes, I tried to persuade the other party before, but unfortunately it was useless, death is too worthless, and the cultivation base is so gray, you must know that the other party has not entered the new world." The woman on the left said sadly at this time .

"Yeah, I admit that I was shameless and fled there, but why did the other party travel thousands of miles to stop us, even willing to let that guy from the Black Tower live here, but won't let us go there." The man also raised his hand, He hit his other palm with a hammer, and said indignantly.

"However, there is no such thing as a perfect road. This time, maybe only a few of them came, but his sister in this world has been instigated by us. Now the other party has good news. The other party has discovered Hongqiang's flaw through Xiangxiang. Presumably it won't be long before this obstacle in front of us will no longer be our stumbling block." Yuan Qi said with a slight smile.


"After so many years of suffering, I finally survived."

"That's right, the apprentices I accept here are all about to advance to Da Luo. I was still wondering if the other party can catch up with me, and we are still here."

When the people below heard it, they all said happily.

"That's right, it's an extra piece of good news. Of course, the Imaginary Thousand Worlds in the future, after testing at this time, can be successful. Even in the worst case, our small thousand worlds can recombine into a big thousand world. At that time We don't need to go through the opponent's defense, sooner or later we can be connected with Hong Huang." Yuan Qi continued.

This time, let the pot below explode.

"Successful? I thought that would have failed long ago."

"It's not easy, it seems that God bless us."

"So what do we have to worry about?"

"But shall we continue to attack Hongqiang?"

One of the men below stood up and asked Yuan Qi.

"Naturally, and the offensive must be strengthened, lest the other party see something to make trouble, and the rebellion caused by the other party behind him must also be suppressed." Yuan Qi nodded, and then his eyes glanced at everyone below, "Although it is stepping up Offensive, but it’s just sending more local masters, we have to take care of ourselves.”

"Master Yuan still cares about us. Those Shui people don't dare to fight against the Dragon King. So many people pretend to deal with their children. As long as we don't take action, the other party will never dare to be the vanguard." At this time, the man on the right patted flattering.

"Needless to say, this time is enough to rest and prepare for the next attack." Yuan Qi gave the order with an expression of enjoyment.


Everyone shouted imposingly, and then left here one by one, and began to prepare for the next attack.

Three days later, Gu Zheng was behind the Hong wall, stepping on the colorful ground like cotton candy, and was checking the surrounding situation.

"Gu Zheng, the news from the Dragon King just now is that today is the day when the opponent launches an attack, and then you will attack according to the situation." Well, Meng Zhen came here from a distance.

"Well, what's going on with Mr. Xiong?" Gu Zheng nodded and asked.

Gu Zheng took most of the ancient trees and a few Teng Snakes, and was in charge of the area where the opponent's offensive was more fierce, while they were in the other section, with the rest of them, on the other side.

"It's the same as here, wait for when to attack, this time they will create conditions for us to sneak attack, and prepare to severely attack the opponent's arrogance." Meng Zhen said quickly.

"Yes, after this battle, I'm going to go out alone first. Later, you can tell Old Xiong and the others not to worry them. You should also melt the ancient trees and the Soaring Snakes, and try not to cause any trouble. If it's not fair, let them separate." Gu Zheng told Meng Zhen at this time, his eyes had already looked into the distance.

The enemy is coming!

Outside Hongqiang, there is a flat plain. Except for some puddles of different sizes near here, it is convenient for the aquarium to exert their own strength. All of them are reinforced land. Once the opponent appears far away, The condescending vision can be easily found, and there is enough time to prepare.

At the same time as the other party appeared, many sea and human races appeared behind one after another, and each of them began to cheer up, preparing to spend a wave on the top.

"The other party is really stupid, even picking time." Mengzhen was very puzzled by the other party's actions, so regular, didn't tell the enemy, just wait for me to eat and drink.

"The opponent doesn't kill, because after getting the information, only at special times, there will be some fluctuations inside Hongqiang, and this time is when Hongqiang is weak. Attacking at this time is the best time to cause more damage. harm." Gu Zheng knew many things that Meng Zhen didn't know, but he didn't say it clearly.

While they were talking, the other party had already rushed to the nearby place from a distance, and at this moment, the people inside the city wall unceremoniously threw spells that had been prepared for a long time, and suddenly there were different explosions outside.

Thunder and lightning, flames, freezing, and even more continuous icy rain continuously fell on Baimeng.

But when the opponent rushed up, the best result was to make those with low cultivation bases suffer injuries, and it didn't play any role at all.

"Is it time for these people to jump?" Meng Zhen looked at those in front, in her eyes, they could already jump down.

"Also, that's why the other party has to choose this day, otherwise it will be even worse." Gu Zheng said flatly.

As this side approached, a multicolored light flashed quickly across the Hongqiang Wall, and countless multicolored thin lines flew out from the Hongqiang Wall, rushing towards the enemies one after another. At this time, the former master of the Baimeng They shot out one after another, forming a line of defense in front of everyone.

Those colorful rays of light exploded directly above their heads in the air, submerging them again, and even slightly weakening the opponent's strength. This time, the movement was more violent than their previous attack. After all, their previous attack weakened many.

Before the explosion was completely over, the people above had already jumped down one after another. Naturally, most of the subordinates of the Dragon King, and the front row was still a giant shrimp with a thick shell on its back. The other party had already turned into its own body. The giant tongs even rushed towards the opponent directly.

But before them, several figures had suddenly risen and flew towards the air in an instant, and those big Luo masters had already started to fight further.

However, both sides know the basics. Up to now, only one Da Luo master has died. Both sides seem to be playing house.

But in the low position, it can be seen that the strength of the Baimeng still has the upper hand. If it is not relying on the defense of the Sea Clan, there may have been casualties long ago. Lean against the wall, and go back immediately if there is danger.

While Baimeng was going to fight them, he also wanted to attack Hongqiang. Although all the attacks were as if they had disappeared into the sea, and did not cause any movement at all, Gu Zheng knew that under the accumulation of little things, coupled with the non-stop attack, A lot of losses have been caused, because the repair must stop the operation of Hongqiang, but it is far away.

Gu Zheng felt the auras that he couldn't see from far away, and he knew that it was impossible to do this here, and the other party was just using more time to reduce losses. It was understandable to do so.

After all, this side has less than half of the opponent's strength. At this time, the troops invested by both sides are at most about 10,000.

Is this much? There are more people on the battlefield of chance, but it is how many years of accumulation that they are so powerful. If they are all pulled over, the seemingly powerful prehistoric here is probably vulnerable, only the number of saints , not the few people who were restricted in the early days. At that time, the power of heaven was even greater, and even surpassed the saints long ago, but he still didn't know what the realm above was, and whether there was an end.

On the side of the Lich War, it has several times more strength than here. If it is pulled over, it will only be a shock, and Xiaoqian World will be gone.

But in this place, the Dragon King of the Four Seas can only gather these defensive forces, and can no longer squeeze out stronger strength, and under the attack of the opponent, even though he has already protected himself, losses are inevitable, just like stewed meat with a slow knife , a little bit to disintegrate here.

Even if you come here, it's just a little bit backward in time. To solve this predicament, you must rescue Xiangxiang.

In the past, concealed traps were set up along the way to prevent this situation. If the front line misses, inviting Xiangxiang back to start it will cause great damage to the opponent, but now that Xiangxiang is in the opponent's hands, she is naturally confident. They broke in directly along the way, dividing their front and rear.

The five princesses of the West Sea in front, as well as Ao Ming and the others were all trapped there, not even knowing if they were alive or dead.

Thinking about the information here, Gu Zheng found that the battle below had reached a climax, and even the Hai Clan had retreated a little. Looking at the past, there were battle groups taking place at almost every distance, with different strengths.

Most of the Guzhengs are arranged nearby, and it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt their ten fingers, especially those big Luos in the air, which make the other party come and go. Of course, Lin Tie and Mu Lian will definitely not make a move. When making a move, it must be done after the overall situation has been determined. If it is exposed in advance, the result will not be great, but it will make the opponent more defensive.

"Order to go on, choose your opponents, and don't let anyone go."

Meng Zhen nodded and ran towards the back.

Gu Zheng put his gaze down again. The aura in the distance was strong, so he didn't dare to come over. Naturally, he didn't have to worry. At this time, he put all his hopes on the Gushu clan. He knew that even if Lao Xiong and Zhu Niao , when meeting them for the first time, they can all suffer a big loss.

Soon the members of the Gushu clan stood in different positions, and at the same time told Hong Qiang where he was going. Everyone's breath was calm, and each of them was experienced in hundreds of battles. So many years have passed, and it seems like yesterday.

The target was soon identified, and some people's arms began to gradually fibrate. Usually, they don't fight like a human body, which will weaken their combat effectiveness.

As the figures suddenly disappeared here, ancient trees with different cultivation levels appeared everywhere below, appearing beside their target.

Several opponents no less than that suddenly appeared around those big Luos, and they disrupted their positions one after another, and faced a situation of more than one dozen almost instantly, let alone the ancient tree clan, facing the opponent's attack, there was no need to dodge, it could be said Lean towards the opponent's attack, and other members of the same race immediately surround and attack the opponent.

Facing the sudden enemy, except for a master of Baimeng who was seriously injured and escaped, everyone else died under their hands. It is no wonder that they died unjustly. The man from the ancient tree directly hugged their arms without any attack Landing on the opponent, it seems that there is no feeling, and there is no way to shake the opponent away. If there is such a delay, there will be no more chances.

As for the battle below, most of the ancient trees turned into treants taller than one person. They didn't care about it and rushed inside. The Baimeng, who was attacked by surprise, didn't expect these uninvited guests at all, and immediately suffered heavy losses.

Waiting for the reaction, Baimeng was shocked to find that these powerful enemies full of killing intent seemed to be staring at an extremely powerful magic weapon. Fight them with your life.

Some people were forced to retreat steadily, and some people were even aroused to anger in their hearts. Like the ancient tree, it was either a life for a life, or a direct attack towards the opponent's vital point without defense. The two hit each other in no particular order. The vital point, but the people of the soul alliance fell down.

On Gu Shu's forehead, there was a pale white mark, but on the opponent's chest, a big hole had already been pierced. When his body became stiff, several other attacks landed, completely finishing him off.

As long as those Hundred Leagues who want to fight against the ancient tree are basically wiped out, and those who are still on the battlefield will not be much better, because the other party finds that the other party's body is so hard that it is unbelievable that his own weapon is chopped on it. , It can't reach the opponent at all, even if it has a powerful spell, it just staggers the opponent, and then continues to fight as if nothing happened.

With the ancient tree family attracting firepower in front, the people on the Dragon King's side were even more daring, and the results obtained were also surprising. In just a quarter of an hour, more than one-third of the opponent died, and besides the careless Seriously injured, no one died, and only a dozen or so enemies of the Ancient Tree Clan were severely injured and retreated, and the others were almost unscathed.

"No, they're all dead, run!"

Some people saw that after the death of the team leader Da Luo, the other was seriously injured and retreated. Finally, some people couldn't help but collapsed, and immediately ran to the back and became the first pursuers. Here, the mood is not so strong.

With the first one, there was the second one. Some people looked up at the situation above their heads, and some looked at the unstoppable ancient tree, and fled towards the back one after another.

In fact, this is a good time to hunt down. The other party flees so recklessly, at least a lot can be left behind. However, Gu Zheng has ordered before that once the other party escapes, do not hunt down. The main concern is that they are too far away from Hongqiang. A slight attack from the terrifying aura might cause irreparable damage.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest. The collapse here will soon lead to the collapse of other places. The strength of this place has long been discovered nearby. After seeing this place and turning their eyes on them, they don’t want to experience the fate of their companions. Pay a small price to leave the battlefield, and then retreat directly.

Soon a big retreat began, and some people who didn't know why remained in place were all killed in the end.

This is a brilliant battle!

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