In the Xiaoqian world that Gu Zheng went to, Ai Xing was doing a routine inspection between the cores at this time, and after finding no problems, he left here.

"Master Love Star!"

As soon as he went out, the two immediate confidants, who also did not belong here, shouted directly.

"What's wrong?" Ai Xing frowned slightly and said impatiently.

I don't know what's wrong, he's always been a little restless these days, causing himself to be in a trance, as if something happened, but this place is completely closed, and there is almost no induction from the outside world, so he doesn't know what it is , has kept him in this state.

"Some energies in Area Three are unstable, and a Stability Stone is needed."

Love Star is responsible for the inspection of the core, and they are responsible for the inspection of the outside. The combined area of ​​the two is as large as a city, and they cannot be carefully scanned. Therefore, it takes one day to inspect every three days.

"Why is it unstable again? The day before yesterday was not a problem with No. 2." Ai Xing looked at the other two.

"The opponent's attack was too violent, and some power even penetrated into this world, so it had a little impact." The subordinate quickly explained.

"Okay, then you go, I'll go back and take a nap first." Aixing shook her head, and then shot out a five-pointed blue starburst.

This small thousand world has been completely transformed, there are no more creatures, and even the area has been reduced by half. The ground has been covered with a layer of expensive silver stones. This kind of silver stones does not exist in the prehistoric world. interfere with each other.

The inside, which is as thick as a palm, is engraved with various runes, and various streams of light are constantly flashing under the ground, looking extremely gorgeous, continuously undergoing complex transformations to extract the power of the small thousand world.

There is also an illusory shield above the entire area, and power pours into it continuously, filling the air above ten feet with dense white mist.

But outside of the Silver Stone, there are also a few places that are deliberately left blank. One is their resting place, and the other is to store some supplies. The outside is the end of this world.

No matter those places are strictly guarded, except for resting places, if you want to enter other places, you must have Aixing's permission, that is, his pass, otherwise you will not be able to enter. This is for the sake of insurance. prohibition.

The two hurried down and flew towards the same direction. If they were stable, they still needed a little manipulation, and Aixing also returned to a simple yard, which was very simple and without any decorations. Aixing didn't care, and came to One of the rooms opened directly and walked in.

Only he can enter this place, and there are repairs belonging to the core area inside. He also needs to take some things, and there is a problem in the middle, which needs to be repaired. He also knows that those dragon kings must have made a move. Otherwise, there wouldn't be such a crisis. I'm afraid the place will not last for half a month.

But half a month is about the same.

Thinking about something, after picking up the repaired bottle, he went out and closed the door again, because he didn't need that much and would be back soon, so he didn't lock the door and left here directly.

As soon as he walked on his front foot, there was a ripple in his back foot, and soon two figures jumped out of the ripple, none other than Wei Wufeng and Gu Zheng.

They entered here directly from the outside through a loophole. It was Wei Wuzheng who came here to hand over things and accidentally found out. Originally, they waited to go back to report, but they encountered Gu Zheng on the way, so they came here along the way.

He didn't want to come in either, but he couldn't do it if he didn't. When he saw that there was no one here, he was obviously relieved.

"This is where the core area is placed. Now that we have come here, you can promise me to protect me." Wei Wufeng said in a low voice.

This can only let him in, but can't go out in the opposite direction. His cultivation base is so low, and he has almost no sense of security.

"Don't worry, it looks like the other party has just left, and the timing is not bad." Gu Zheng said, already scanning the place.

It’s not big here, just as big as an ordinary room. The only difference is that there are rows of shelves with different things on them. Most of them are sealed by bottles of different sizes, and some are larger and kept in high condition. , put it outside, at this time he has found an unusual thing, and walked over in diameter.

"Let's go quickly, we have no use for these things." Wei Wuzheng is not willing to stay here, there are still a few hidden spaces here, he can hide in them, and he is always terrified here, afraid that the other party will come back, and his own little Arms and legs can't withstand any wind and waves.

"Wait, why is there such a thing here." Gu Zheng picked it up and put it on the shelf. A black spar the size of a playing card was full of surprise in a place Wei Wuzhen couldn't see.

"I don't know either. Anyway, I haven't seen it. The only function is to repair the space. That's all I know." Wei Wufang took a look and then said.

"It's not just about repairing the space, but it also has other more powerful functions." He only saw this thing once in the battlefield of chance, and he also asked his senior brother at that time, and the senior brother told him that this thing is very precious, and it is a rare kind in other places The biggest role of materials is to open up a stable space, no matter where it is, it is definitely more important than repairing the space.

But there is no such thing in Honghuang. It is only in the special area outside that it occasionally flies out in the chaotic storm, which is extremely precious.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng put it away immediately, and then looked at the things next to him. After seeing it, he became more and more frightened, because many things were unique and precious things outside, but why they all appeared here.

Before Gu Zheng could think about it, he found something that attracted him, a map of the starry sky was placed on the table beside him, and there were two daunting magic weapons beside him.

A blue starstone, and a double-edged axe.

"It's not the magic weapon of that love star. I didn't expect it to be put here." Wei Wufang also leaned over, almost staring out his eyes when he saw this scene, and couldn't help but said.

"Why do you say that?" Seeing that there is no restriction, Gu Zheng can put it away as long as he stretches it out. He also resisted the huge temptation and began to prepare.

"Because of the special nature of this small thousand world, especially the core, it cannot be disturbed at all, so some special magic weapons or things cannot enter. This time he is finished." Wei Wuzheng said excitedly at this time.

No matter how stupid he is, he also knows that in a battle between the same level, if one party does not have the magic weapon in his hand, the combat power will be reduced by at least 30%, which means that he is not the opponent at all. Known cards.

But in the core area, the more powerful something is, the less likely it is to bring it back. Although he doesn't know the specific power of these things, he knows that the other party cannot have a powerful magic weapon or the like.

"That's the time for the other party's death."

Gu Zheng snorted coldly, and then quickly swept away everything in the house. I'm afraid that Xun'an, who was left outside, may know the doubts in his heart, but he may not be able to say it if he kills the other party. Let's talk again.

Within a few breaths, the place was empty, no matter what, nothing was left for the other party, and then he came to the table, ready to seal it forcibly.

Several restraints were issued one after another to prevent his hand from slipping and causing the opponent to escape. Then two rays of light shot out from both hands, and quickly rushed into the weapon and blue spar next to him. Both hands were holding the picture scroll on the table like lightning.

Almost at the same time, the three magic weapons burst into intense light, and the expression of Ai Xing who had just been repaired changed immediately, and she hurried back without caring about anything.



As the array was forcibly closed and sealed by Gu Zheng, the blue stone next to it had already escaped, and immediately pretended to be the outer layer of restrictions, smashed a big hole in the outer gate, and then disappeared.

But the other ax was a step too late. When he wanted to leave, Gu Zheng grabbed it by the handle of the axe. After several struggles, with a layer of golden light covering the surface, Gu Zheng sealed it away.

At this time, Ai Xing just returned to the sky, grabbed the blue spar in his hand, his face was ashen, because he had lost his two most powerful treasures.

"Haha, Ai Xing, I didn't expect that." Gu Zheng also rushed out from below, hovering opposite Ai Xing, and finally sneered.

"How did you come in? There are so many people outside." Ai Xing pointed at Gu Zheng and shouted.

I was secretly surprised that the other party not only did not die, but also recovered in such a short period of time, and looked even stronger than when we met before, which is simply unbelievable.

"Of course it came in secretly. Don't think that there is only one entrance." At this time, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry, looking at the other party and said with a smile.

"It turned out to be him, eating stuff from inside and out." Here, Ai Xing noticed Wei Wuzhen just by observing below, and only then did he know roughly what happened.

"Really? Why don't you worry about yourself, and go to hell with your sister later, no, I'll make your soul fly away, and you can't be reborn forever."

After pressing down the last ounce of resistance from the opponent's weapon, Gu Zheng drew out the Yunhuang Sword and rushed forward. This time he wanted to avenge Bai Jiajia and the others.

"Damn it, you two immediately go outside and call everyone back, I'm going to kill each other here." Ai Xing didn't care about the inability to fight here at this time, and directly shouted at the two subordinates who came over.

The two subordinates immediately turned their heads and flew outside. Naturally, they didn't know that Ai Xing's magic weapon was gone, and they no longer had the confidence to deal with each other. If they didn't pull people from outside, then he might not be able to escape even if he wanted to. .

The blue spar in the hand here was thrown out by Ai Xing without any hesitation, a dazzling light exploded in the air instantly, where the light passed, everything was dyed blue, and soon half of the sky was gone It has turned blue, like a blue cloud hanging there.

And through the transparent crystal, one can see the figure of Gu Zheng, frozen in mid-air, but even Ai Xing is the same at this time, both of them seem to be frozen in this blue cloud.

But this is not the case, although the bodies of the two people have been frozen, and the two of them have been dragged to a special place while their respective souls have been realized.

All around is a square area formed by blue spar, there is no way out.

Ai Xing thought that although the other party's injuries were healed, the trauma in his brain would never heal so quickly, and he was going to have a battle between the soul and the other party, so that the disadvantage that he did not have the magic weapon would disappear.

But when the two of them wanted to meet here, Ai Xing looked at the soul of the other party who was stronger than himself, and felt extremely bitter in his heart. The situation still has the power to fight.

"Your battlefield is really good, let's treat it as your last grave." Gu Zheng twisted his neck, and when he didn't give any nonsense to the opponent, he rushed forward again.

Not to be outdone, Aixing fought fiercely in this narrow space.

And at this time, Wei Wuzhen also came out quietly from below, seeing the quiet clouds above, he also heard what Ai Xing said before, naturally he knew that there was no one here now.

Greed arose in his heart at this time. He knew that the two people who asked for help could not bring each other back, because there was also a group of people outside, who could at least hold them back for a long time.

Although it was evacuated by Gu Zheng, which made him feel a little regretful, there are several different warehouses in other places. The things in them are not as precious as here, but they are still cherished enough, especially for him, even at this time He is a rich man, if he can search for those things, he can be successfully promoted to a rich man.

This little temptation made him unable to resist sneaking out. Anyway, he has no enemies, and he can't help with his own strength. If he doesn't take things, he will end up taking advantage of others.

Convincing himself in this way, he sneaked out and flew towards the nearest warehouse.

But when he came to the door of the warehouse, he found that there was a simple restriction on it, which was still placed by Ai Xing. After thinking about it, he began to crack it slowly, as long as he was given a little time, he could open it, anyway The other party is still too busy to take care of himself now, and it is impossible to deliberately come to trouble him. If he goes to other warehouses, it may be the same, so it is better to pry open one first.

But at this time, the whole space suddenly trembled, Wei Wuzheng was not surprised at all, and there was a smile on Zhou Zhou's face. If there is no accident, the above should be successful.

At this time, outside the node of entering this world, the area at this time is a mess, many of Ai Xing's men are lying on the ground, the center is completely breathless, a little further away is still struggling, and some farther away is far away from the center, in the eyes He also flashed suspicious eyes.

It never occurred to them that Miss Ai Xing brought two people and said that she was going to meet Ai Xing. She had something to tell the other party, but the other party didn't suspect anything. Then she said that there was something for everyone to gather, and everyone gathered here without any doubt. I want to see what's going on with the other party.

But at this time, someone suddenly noticed that there was something wrong with Miss Aixi's side, so he reminded her, and then something happened that everyone didn't expect, Aixi, together with the other two people, blew up without any struggle.

Huge power rose from the center in an instant, and they subconsciously set up defenses one after another. However, at such a short distance, the few people inside couldn't block the huge power on the spot. After the power faded behind, they barely survived.

The main reason is that they didn't expect such a thing to happen, so everyone's defense was not very strong, which caused the few people who were close to them to die in such a grievance, and the injured people died in an instant. Lost half of their combat power, and the other half, more than half of them had injuries of varying severity.

"Good opportunity, give us to kill them."

Blessings never come singly, misfortunes never come singly, this is the case for them, as Kaohsiung yelled, everyone rushed out from their hiding places, and launched a desperate attack on the opponent, and Kaohsiung and his group rushed over even more powerfully, Try to kill those who are seriously injured.

Only now did they understand that it was a trap set by the enemy, but what they didn't understand was that they clearly found that Miss Love was real, and they wouldn't believe that Love was dead. Only by disguising the fake and the real can it be hidden from the awareness of everyone on the other side.

Even so, seeing the opponent's strength, they didn't run away, and they had nowhere to run. Besides, the opponent seemed to have a lot of people, but their strength was low, which was the only good news.

Some people took out their magic weapon to resist the attack of those companions who were seriously injured and lost their resistance, while others launched an attack towards Kaohsiung to prevent the other party from killing their companions.

However, because of the large number of people on the other side, coupled with the drag of the injuries here, they can only defend passively.

"Captain Gao, it seems that we can't defeat them at all by doing this." Ai Qing said to Kaohsiung through a voice transmission from behind.

Originally, they thought that taking the opportunity could cause a lot of harm to the opponent, and even after the heavy damage in the front, they might just take the opponent directly, but in the end they overestimated themselves, and now they are just barely suppressing the opponent.

On the one hand, the opponents are all elites, and the elixir magic weapon is not known to be much stronger than them. On the other hand, the difference in strength is too large, and the pressure on them is not enough. The number of people is simply not enough in the face of absolute strength.

"Don't worry, tell everyone not to stay behind and continue to bombard them. It doesn't matter if we can't kill them. As long as we delay enough, Mr. Gu will naturally come out to deal with them after he solves the inside." Kaohsiung retired In the last step, Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief, turned back to Ai Qing through sound transmission, and then stepped forward to fight again.

Ai Qing repeated the words to everyone, like a shot of heart booster, which immediately strengthened the people who had changed their minds, and the attack density and power increased a little.

They didn't believe in themselves, but believed in Gu Zheng. The other party told them with practical actions that no one could stop what he wanted to do, and at this time they thought of what Gu Zheng told them before, and told them not to fight hard. Just drag the opponent.

Baimeng's side looked at the enemy who seemed to have beaten chicken blood, and secretly groaned in his heart. It seemed that it was impossible to inflict some damage on the opponent in a short burst, so he could only continue to defend and wait for his side to recover.

As for Master Aixing’s support, don’t even think about it. The other party actually sneaked in other people and needed their support. It’s a pity that the person sent by the other party was directly killed. It’s impossible to tell the other party what’s going on outside. no.

They don't have permission, the node can't be opened, and they can't enter the small world inside, but they can't give up here, so the two sides are also at a stalemate.

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