"Hi uncle!"

In the spacious small courtyard, Wan'er bowed to Gui Han in front of her, looking like a lady of every family, really cute.

"Wan'er, what a good boy, but are you really ready? I'm not exaggerating, it will be very, very painful."

Gui Han used two supers in a row to make him feel pain, it would definitely not be that easy.

"I'm ready, anytime." Wan'er said seriously.

"Fellow Daoist, I believe my daughter can go there." Gu Zheng followed closely behind.

Since both of them had no objection, Gui Han himself had no objection, but he didn't expect the other party to be ready so soon, and he thought it would take a short time.

In fact, Gu Zheng didn't think so fast, he just told Wan'er in advance that he was preparing for a while, and waited until he resolved the matter here, but Wan'er couldn't wait, and kept pestering Gu Zheng, and he really couldn't hold back the other party. In the afternoon, Guihan was found.

"Okay, then get ready, it will take about a day."

Gui Han first let them wait outside for a long time, and then went into the room to fiddle with it, and then let Wan'er go in alone, and the others were the magic weapon to control him from the outside, and began to change.

Because the whole room was covered by a magic circle, Gu Zheng didn't know what was going on inside. He could only look at the other party's books, and vivid characters kept popping up one by one, rushing into the room.

This wait lasted for three days, Gu Zheng waited outside, and even let Mu Lian deal with the outside affairs, and even because of the formation, he didn't know the specific situation inside.

Three days later, as the magic weapon on the top of his head was put away by the other party, Gui Han nodded slightly to Gu Zheng with a slightly tired face, indicating that he could go in. Immediately, Gu Zheng rushed in, but saw a white The cocoon, a feeling that was many times stronger than before came from the other party, the sound of the beating heart, and the sound of blood rushing, as if it was clearly in the ears.

"It will take at least a month. During this period, no one can disturb you, but you can take the opponent to move, as long as you don't fight." Gui Han walked in from behind and said to Gu Zheng.

"Thank you, this is her thing, and I won't need it in the future. You can slowly change the image of the spiritual imprint of the above family. The other party is still cultivating in a secret place. I can't come out for the time being, but I can feel it."

Gu Zheng twisted his body and took out Zeng Wan'er's thing, a stone pillar carrying faith. This thing is extremely simple, even if it is only used as an ornament, no one would want it, or if it is used in other places, it is simply a piece of rubbish, but if When used in terms of belief, it is simply at the level of innate spiritual treasures.

"I will fulfill the wish of the quasi-sage."

Gui Han knew that once he took over this thing, there would be no way out, and he would definitely embark on a more difficult path than before. Many of his greatest freedoms were restricted, and more importantly, he had Gaining the biggest backing means that things that I didn't dare to do before can be done casually now. This feeling is really good to say the least.

After finishing speaking, Gui Han directly stretched out his hand to take the stone pillar in his hand, a ray of light flashed in his hand, and suddenly a trace of fire flashed in his heart, after holding the stone pillar tightly, he spoke immediately.

"I return to the cold, and I am willing to devote the rest of my life to the common people, to Taoism, and to the human race."


As soon as he finished speaking, thunder bursts suddenly sounded in the sky. At the same time, his voice resounded three times in succession in the sky, covering a radius of thousands of miles, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Gu Zheng was dumbfounded at this moment. He felt that Gui Han was just expressing his meaning just now, which was regarded as a compliment to the saint, but he did not expect to cause a small-scale celestial phenomenon. This world still has its own consciousness, maybe it is the evolution of the innate treasure. out?

He doesn't know this, but he knows that even if this awareness may not be strong, it can still deter many people to a certain extent, and it doesn't completely collapse as mentioned before.

"Thank you Saint!"

What surprised Gu Zheng even more was that after Sansheng, a beam of virtuous virtue the size of a bowl appeared in the air, then fell directly from the sky, and poured directly into Gui Han's body, causing his aura to expand rapidly.

It took half a cup of tea before the power of merit disappeared, and what made Gu Zheng even more stunned was that Gui Han threw the stone pillar in his hand, and a yellow light flashed on it, and then Gui Han in a yellow Taoist robe Appearing on the ground, bowing to Gui Han and Gu Zheng.

"I've met fellow daoist, I've seen fellow daoist ancient."

This second corpse was cut out like this? Gu Zheng replied indifferently, as if there had been a change that he didn't expect, but fortunately, it seemed to be a good development. After all, the stronger Gui Han was, the better it was for them.

Gui Han's magic weapon, the ordinary book, also trembled slightly, and after the blue light flickered, Gui Han in a blue Taoist robe appeared in the room, bowing to everyone as well.

"From now on, I will rely on the two fellow Taoists." Gui Han finally said.

Qinghuang Guihan nodded slightly, and then the light flashed, and he turned into a magic weapon again.

Gu Zheng is not convinced. The other party just borrowed the magic weapon. He has not sacrificed yet. He just issued a similar grand wish. With the help of the power of heaven, he cut off the second corpse with the help of stone pillars. It is simply unprecedented. But it was enough to surprise Gu Zheng.

"Gu Zheng, it seems that the sage still treats me well, and I will definitely do my best." Gui Han, who has greatly improved in strength, is considered a top-level person, and he is in a good mood, and he is also much closer to Gu Zheng.

He has a feeling that if he really does well, maybe he can take a step faster with the help of the saint. He still has self-knowledge, and it is impossible to rely on the hands of others to become a saint.

"Return to friends"

Gui Han interrupted him directly, "You can just call me Gui Han. Although my strength is a little higher than yours, we are all doing things for the sake of saints, so there is no need to be so extravagant."

"At least the other party is convinced."

Gu Zheng almost felt that what he said was the real truth, so he continued, "Gui Han, since the sage trusts you so much, then you can use your name to do things. Anyway, few of you are going to be right about what you are doing now. I have other things, so I won't be with you."

"I understand, and I know how to do it. I won't do it here. Naturally, I have to make some preparations. If there is anything, take this, as long as it is lit and a stick of incense, as long as it is not in a special place, I can Come here." Gui Han nodded as a matter of course, I understood the clothes, and at the same time tore off a blank page from the book.

"There is a layer of defense for me inside, and it can protect you once activated at a critical moment."

Gu Zheng didn't know, he didn't explain, the other party seemed to understand, but he didn't care, he took the blank page and put it away solemnly, the more life-saving things, the better, if he doesn't need it, he can give it to Wan Wan. Son, if you help the other party cut up the two corpses, you are naturally welcome.

"I have a lot of things to do now. There won't be any powerful guys around here. I will leave a breath of mine to ensure that no one who doesn't have eyes will come here, so I will leave first." It seems that there is infinite energy gushing out, and I can't wait to start working.

Gu Zheng was helpless, "Well, if you need my help with something, you're welcome."

Gui Han nodded, and the next moment his figure disappeared in place.


Gu Zheng looked at the faintly illusory and dissipated figure, and didn't know what to say, and buried his last sigh in his heart, anyway, he didn't suffer.

Then looking at the big white cocoon in front of him, Gu Zheng set up a layer of defense outside, and then walked here.

"General Lei, have you been notified from Daxueshan?"

"The first time, it has been sent out, and I am afraid it will arrive in two days."

Gu Zheng nodded in satisfaction. Taking advantage of this time, Gu Zheng found General Lei to see how things were handled outside. It was obviously perfect. For General Lei, who has been managing this matter, it is simply easy to grasp, and there is almost nothing that can be done. What made Gu Zheng dissatisfied.

"It's been so hard these days, there's nothing else going on here, when are you going back?" Gu Zheng asked after a brief chat with General Lei.

"In two days, I will take Ying Shao and leave after finishing the matter here." General Lei said after a while.

Here he can also see that there is almost nothing about him, no matter what, the ending is very good.

"Haha, that's fine. When the time comes, I will definitely hold a celebration banquet for you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to escape at the beginning." Gu Zheng also smiled.

"Then when you have time to go to my place, I will definitely entertain you well, otherwise I would have died at the hands of the other party."; General Lei also smiled generously.

"So happy, it seems that I came at the right time."

At this time, Mu Lian also walked in from outside with a smile.

"Is there any good thing?" Gu Zheng looked at the other party with joy on his face, obviously there was something good.

"Of course, we have already learned that the black bear who disappeared before has already given the order to retreat. As for him, he has already disappeared, and he may have already left." Mu Lian said immediately.

"That is to say? It's all over?" General Lei was more excited than the others, because they were crushed before.

"The big heads are all gone, only those little demons who are not good enough, but they can't threaten this place, so it can be said that it's over." Mu Lian said affirmatively.

In fact, the moment Xi Yao died, the real battle was over. Even if Lord Hua succeeded, he would leave alone. The rest of them would naturally not be able to continue to capture this place, after all, the Golden Dragon was still there.

"That's really great." Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, which also means that there will never be any big things happening here again.

"Of course there is better news. A friend of yours is outside. Would you like to meet up? I still got the news from the other party." Mu Lian pointed to the outside and said.

Gu Zheng was surprised, "Who is it?"

As he said that, he took the initiative to go out, and saw Yanan standing outside at a glance, but he knew that if Yanan hadn't told him the loopholes in it, he really couldn't escape. The opponent was caught.

"Young Master Gu!" Yanan shouted respectfully.

"Is your uncle seriously injured?"

I can't blame Gu Zheng for thinking this way, because when he fled back then, although he had Yanan's instructions and he had collected some strength, the other party was also very weak at the time, and it was not impossible for him to get seriously injured accidentally.

"Thanks to Mr. Gu, there are no additional injuries. I just came to tell you some good news." Yanan said hastily.

"I already know, I will order your uncle's matter, as long as he is here, nothing will happen." Gu Zheng said with confidence.

If it was really because of me that Ya Hui had a problem, it would be really embarrassing.

"There is another piece of news. My uncle has rescued all the humans captured by the opponent, and all the little demons stationed there have also been killed, and my uncle is also willing to join Daxue Mountain and become one of them." . " Yanan didn't make a fool of himself, he just said it out of the box.

"There is absolutely no problem, you will be a member of Daxueshan from now on."

Originally, Gu Zheng wanted to arrange for Mu Lian to go to solve this trouble, but now it's all over, all troubles are gone, it seems that since Gui Han appeared, his luck has improved, and there is nothing to worry about.

Yahui was overjoyed, "Thank you, Mr. Gu, I will go back and tell my uncle right now."

From now on, he doesn't know what happened. Anyway, when he came here, Gu Zheng had already won. It is said that even Master Hua is dead, and he felt that he had the foresight before.

"Let the other party rule over that side first. Remember that the East China Sea is now full of your own people. Let your uncle gather some of your own people. At that time, they will all be under the big snow mountain. No one will dare to bully you in the future." Gu Zheng is heroic. Said.

Yahui retreated with gratitude, and when she went back, she was still thinking about the incomparable fate when she met Gu Zheng.

"What are we going to do next?" Mu Lian asked at this time.

"Don't do anything, take a good rest. If you don't want to rest, just wander around boringly. Although the war has not recovered, there are still many places worth visiting. By the way, catch the monsters hidden deep in other cities .” Gu Zheng thought for a while and said directly.

For the past ten days, he would not do anything no matter what, so he just stayed here to watch over Wan'er to ensure that there would be no problems.

More than ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and Gu Zheng was already standing beside the white cocoon. Since three days ago, when the big cocoon began to flicker, like the heart began to beat, he has been guarding here. Even if he knew everything was fine, and could even feel the growing vitality inside, he was restless.

Looking at the white cocoon that was getting smaller and smaller, Gu Zheng took a deep breath to calm himself down, because he knew that Wan'er would welcome her new life soon.


Suddenly, a cry of a baby coming suddenly appeared in the room, which made Gu Zheng's body stiff, and then countless white cracks appeared on the surface of the white cocoon in front of him, like glass shattering, constantly "clicking" "It sounded, and then the white cocoon that cracked, like a peeled eggshell, kept falling down.

Under Gu Zheng's slightly dull eyes, the periphery quickly fell off piece by piece, and a soft white halo reappeared inside, and at the same time he could easily see what was inside, a baby-sized baby girl was constantly inside. crying.

The body is suspended in mid-air, the little hands and legs are kicking wildly, the mouth is extremely loud, but the eyes are only closed. Gu Zheng knows that Wan'er has succeeded, but it will take a long time to recover. Gu Zheng and Wan'er also know this. That body needs this little time to reintegrate into the opponent's body, just like the foundation of talent.

The white circle of light was still retracting very quickly, and when all the white eggshells outside fell off, Gu Zheng waved his hand, and the white circle of light slowly floated in front of him.

Most of the white light entered Wan'er's body, and the remaining part wrapped her up like a swaddling baby, and then slowly fell into Gu Zheng's hands, and the whole person fell into a deep sleep.

Although the size is about the same as that of a baby, the small facial features are exactly the same as Wan'er before, as if the whole person has shrunk.

Gu Zheng hugged the other party, and suddenly had the illusion that he couldn't do anything, and always felt that he would make the other party uncomfortable.


Wan'er suddenly let out a very happy laugh, her big star-like eyes also opened, and Gu Zheng also showed a smile when she saw the cracked smile.

"Sleep, I will wait for you to grow up quickly."

Gu Zheng said softly, and Wan'er also closed her eyes, but there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, with two dimples still hanging on her face.

"Mu Lian, I'll go to Daxue Mountain first. After you finish the work, go directly to the portal and wait for me."

Gu Zheng left a sentence, and then the figure disappeared here.

At this moment, Daxue Mountain was in the room, and Shuang'er listened to the report below, her face also burst into smiles, including He Meixin who was next to her, and Zhu Ming was also extremely excited.

After the person who reported the news went down, He Meixin ignored her ladylike image and stood up excitedly, "Master Gu is really amazing, I never thought that he would even kill such a powerful person."

"That's right, even if it's just Master Gu's friend, how can a normal person know such a powerful senior? He will even help." Zhu Ming couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

They only received the information from the first time three days ago, and they were still other reclusive people. They risked their lives to check and captured a demon clan from the other side before passing it back.

They discussed here for three days without coming up with a solution. The only golden dragon could not respond and was helpless. The information they got was that the opponent had already been dealt with, and all the opponents had fled. But the battle was completely resolved, so they no longer had to worry. , and will be harassed by the other party in the future.

"So we can finally breathe a sigh of relief." Shuang'er stood up and strode out.

"Sect Master Shuang, what are you doing?" He Meixin didn't quite understand.

"Naturally, I want to tell everyone this good news. Although it will take a long time to completely restore the previous state, so we can arrange it now." Shuang'er stopped walking and asked a little puzzled.

"Sect Master Frost, although your original intention is good, what if you encounter such a thing next time? The outside world is no longer the world we knew before."

"I also know that Mr. Gu will definitely not stay here. He came here just to see Sect Master Shuang. Even if there are Xingba and others, if there is a mess of sand below, if there are some monsters and ghosts coming, they will not be able to stop them. Once they had a lot of resentment against our strong rule, if they regain control, I am afraid that it will be the same as before."

"More importantly, if after the peace here, Xingba and others also want to go out, then we will fall into internal friction."

Zhu Ming stood up and said hastily.

This time, Shuang'er stopped immediately.

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