Gui Han looked at Gu Zheng, who nodded affirmatively at him.

"Why did these people let me take them away? Isn't it safer here than other places?" Gui Han really didn't understand.

"Safety is safety, but the other party came from the world from the small thousand worlds and is not familiar with the outside world. If this goes on from generation to generation, sooner or later they will go completely crazy, and I have already asked the masters inside, and they are all inside if they are willing to follow you. , maybe we can develop some people, and those who don’t want to come out alone.” Gu Zheng said helplessly.

This is also what was reported in Kaohsiung last time. It is good to have no worries about food and clothing. It is more than ten thousand times better than their previous life, but this kind of life has changed after a few generations, and even vaguely hates this place. Because relatively speaking, this place can be regarded as a prison, keeping them firmly inside, not to mention that Gu Zheng wants to make this place a special place, without them, it will be more convenient.

If this side escorted them away, it would be almost impossible for these ordinary people to come to the next gathering place. This place is really too remote. It is better to send them all away than wait until there is a problem below.

"Yes, the place I went is enough to accommodate them, but I can't take care of them all the time. In case something happens, no one is helping them." Gui Han only hesitated for a while, and then agreed. For him, It's just a little bit of effort.

"Life is a matter of life and death, and it is impossible for us to control anyone, everything is up to them."

This time, all ordinary people will be sent away, and now there are only less than a thousand people left, and each of them is a person with cultivation. Most of these people will leave here, and there should only be dozens of people. Choosing to be here, and Kaohsiung and the others chose to leave together, at least it can be regarded as a care.

"It's up to you, I happen to have a spare space over there, at least I can stay there for a few years." Gui Han took out the pearl again, this time it was different from the last time.

The pearl rose rapidly in the air, and after covering all four cities, it slowly descended, as if swallowing it bit by bit, and when it rose from the ground, everyone had disappeared, including all the people in these cities. Everything, leaving only the bare land, and some traces around, it seems that there is nothing in this place.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng also understood his own concern, and extended an invitation to him, "Why don't you rest for a few days?"

"The time has changed too much. Wait until the next opportunity. If there is nothing else, I will leave first. I can rest for a while until the holy religion has a certain scale. Let's get together at that time." Gu Zheng bid farewell.

Naturally, Gu Zheng would not refuse, "Then I will leave everything to you, if I need you, I will let you know through here."

Gui Han nodded, and then the figure quickly left here.

After seeing the other party leave, Gu Zheng turned back to his island.

After Gui Han left, Gu Zheng finally took time to settle everything here. The Teng Snake Clan has his care, so naturally there is no need to worry. It has only been a few days now, and while he is arranging things, he is also waiting quietly.

Only on the seventh day, he had the person he was waiting for.

"Miss Lianyi, please sit down!"

The other party used a black coat to cover the whole body, only revealing a pair of eyes of the visitor, Gu Zheng also pointed in front of him and said.

The person who came shook his head, and then slowly sat beside him. He just stretched out his hands and let his head out. Those hands did not look like the hands of a young woman, but the hands of old age. The dry dead skin was very dry. ugly.

"The strength has come to the quasi-sage, how does it feel?"

Gu Zheng looked at the other party, his eyes were bloodshot, as if an ordinary person had not had a rest for three days and three nights, and was still working hard, his beautiful face became haggard.

"Master Gu, don't laugh at me anymore, please save me." Since Lian Yi chose to come here, he had already lowered his body, knelt directly on the ground, lowered his head deeply, and almost touched The ground is extremely humble.

"No matter what it is, I'm willing to do it."

Gu Zheng naturally understands why the other party is like this. The other party has successfully advanced to quasi-sage through evil methods, but he doesn't know, and neither does that man. This kind of strength can only be maintained for a short time, and then he has to pay for his choice The price, and what else can she pay, of course, is life.

In the past few days, no matter how you cast it, you will find that there is no problem, but there is an upper limit, just like temporarily expanding a pool and filling it with water. The body will mutate. As for doing more good deeds and accumulating merit, it is theoretically possible, but small things are useless, and you have no chance for big things. After all, there is so much time, and it is just wishful thinking.

He didn't know how the other party got this thing, maybe other people who entered here accidentally died and were taken away by the other party, or other reasons, but it was obviously a wrong message. Life is alive, maybe swallowing Lian Yi's soul can delay it for a few more months.

Gu Zheng walked down from his seat and stood directly in front of the opponent. The latter could only see a pair of feet through the corner of his eye, but he still didn't get up, but continued to beg.

"My lord, please save the little demon."

Compared with my own life, everything else is not important, not to mention that now that I have advanced to the rank of quasi-sage, once I experience that power, I am even more unwilling to lose it.

Gu Zheng stretched out his finger, and the black clothes on Lianyi's body flew up, revealing his body underground.

It used to be an exquisite, seductive body, but now there are bumps with blood bubbles all over it, all of which are filled with yellow thick water, and a stench emanates from the opponent's body, which looks extremely disgusting.

"Why are you so serious, you can't really overdraw your strength." Gu Zheng looked at the other party's very serious body, and then frowned.

"My lord, Xiao Yao just doesn't believe it. If there is a problem, there will be nothing to save me at that time." Lian Yi said in fear, otherwise, she would not have come so soon.

To be honest, she didn't believe it at first, but she was just glad that the other party didn't seize the opportunity and took them back that day, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt guilty. Deep in her heart, she was afraid of death, and she told others that she had something to do and left secretly. It didn't take long to discover my weakness.

Now there is no strength in her body, she can't recover at all, and she is still getting weaker and weaker. What scares her even more is that this body has developed into this in just one day since it was found to be inappropriate. At that time, she died due to an accident, so she rushed over by herself immediately, not daring to let anyone know.

"In fact, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it will be like this one day in the end. If you want me to save you, there is no problem. I can even let you restore this body without any worries. Never worry about any backlash, but it will always stop at That's it." Gu Zheng slowly returned to his seat, sat down, and then said slowly.

"I just ask my lord to save the little demon, I am willing to give everything." Lian Yi has no retreat at all, even if she is asked to resist the demon clan, kill all her subordinates, and her companions, she is willing. Now she is thinking about how to live now down.

"This thing is for you. After you swallow it, it is enough to replace the collapsed rule, but your own life is in your own hands. You can die completely with just one thought."

As Gu Zheng's voice fell, a small red ball the size of a thumb slowly rolled over from the ground and finally landed under her face.

"I would."

Lian Yi held it in her hand without hesitation, raised her head and looked at Gu Zheng, the moment she chose to pick it up, she knew her end, but this was also what she hoped, at least her life was saved.

Gu Zheng looked at the other party in such a good manner, and at this moment knew that he was asking for his opinion, so he nodded, and the latter swallowed it directly.

Lian Yi felt that when the small ball entered his body, before it entered his stomach, it had already turned into a red light and attached to the outside of his heart, like a light red film, and then a special force flowed from the heart to the surroundings. Dispersed, where the power passed by, the internal organs that were almost necrotic, and all parts of the body began to radiate vitality again.

Without her actively operating, the spiritual energy from the outside world will automatically crowd into her body, continuously restoring her strength.

When the quasi-sage is fighting, he hardly consumes his mana in ordinary battles, and replenishing it all the time is enough to maintain it. Even if it consumes a huge amount of power, it can be replenished quickly. If you want to be completely exhausted, you must attack at all costs. do it.

This red ball is actually what the ancestor gave him to call him. It was originally used to deal with the third demon god, but it was useless, so he kept it. Blood has a very high activity, and after some modification, it can swallow that law and continue to support it instead of the other party.

Moreover, this thing has been tampered with by Gu Zheng, and it can be regarded as his magic weapon. As long as he is willing, the other party may die at any time. , but never have to worry about this problem, the other party's state will always limit the other party.

A ray of light emerged from Lian Yi's body, and when it subsided, the disgusting appearance all over his body just now disappeared, and he could no longer see the slightest bit, and returned to his beautiful appearance.

"Thank you, Master Gu, I don't know what orders Master Gu has." Lian Yi said with a very respectful attitude.

She is not stupid, knowing that Gu Zheng has spent a lot of effort to subdue her, so naturally she has something to do by herself.

"Don't be so nervous, it's not that you are asked to do the task of sending you to death." Gu Zheng smiled slightly, then comforted the other party, and then continued.

"What I asked you to do is not difficult. I need you to reorganize a force among the demon clan. This force must be a force close to human beings. It is necessary to gather a group of like-minded people. The more people the better, it is best to be able to Usually help those humans, but no one should be suspicious."

Lian Yi immediately understood the meaning of Gu Zheng. Don't be suspicious because someone is using her. If she is found out, regardless of her identity, she may be dead. It means that she doesn't have to be so rigid in her work. , it's very simple, she is normal to human beings, she neither hates nor dislikes them.

Her attitude is quite common among the demon clan, which is equivalent to a neutral attitude, and among the demon clan, there are also many people who are close to humans. Of course, they are more disgusted with humans. I need to fight for the neutral demon clan that I can fight for. , which does not reveal its own anomalies.

"It's just whether these will be found in my body." She nodded, and then pointed to the position of her heart, a little worried.

"Except for the saints who can't detect it at all, if there is any doubt that your cultivation is wrong, as long as you say that you have a little accident in the advanced stage, the other party will naturally understand that if your base needs any supplies, or transport some monsters, you can come here , here serves as your base, and there will always be a quasi-sage here to protect you, but humans are not allowed to bring one here." Gu Zheng gave the other party an affirmative answer.

This kind of method is invisible in the prehistoric world, and this is the base camp of the other party.

"Even if necessary, some people can be dispatched to help you, but at least you have a certain scale. No one can help you before, but if you fail and die, don't blame me." The ancient dispute continued to increase chips.

"Anything can be done," Lian Yi promised.

Compared with this task, Lian Yi thinks it is extremely easy. Before, I thought it was a narrow-death task. This character is just like playing. He does not need to take risks and can move freely. He is just helping human beings. What does it have to do with her? It's just worrying.

As for the adventure, she has already come to the quasi-sage, and she will not have any worries except that the quasi-sage can't beat it. Besides, she already has a spare tire in her heart. If she can, she can also win over a quasi-sage master. His status and strength are guaranteed.

And the original idea in my mind, there is no easier task than this, how could I disagree.

"Well, after you go back, let's recruit another companion of yours, and throw the other party's body over." Gu Zheng waved his hand and began to drive the other party away.

"Yes, my lord, what if I want to contact you?" Lian Yi said respectfully.

"There's no need to contact me. Usually, I don't exist. If I need it, I will contact you."

"By the way, there is something else I need to tell you."

When Lian Yi was about to leave, Gu Zheng stopped the other party again.

"Have you seen any of these patterns? If you see a golden pattern, I will definitely help. As for the others, it's up to you to choose." Gu Zheng drew the logo of Sanqing Taoism, mainly the core golden pattern.

The number of people may be small now, but when there are many people in the future, the core members are also valuable talents. With the skills provided by Gu Zheng, Gui Han is ready to search for some personal transformation, and it will definitely be the mainstay in the future. Difficulties may still be helped.

Lian Yi made a note in his heart, and then asked, "Master Gu, what else can I order?"

"No more, remember that only when I appear in person will I convey your order. Without my order, all actions will be done according to you, and I will not let others convey orders to you." Gu Zheng instructed again.

"Xiao Yao remembered!" Lian Yi nodded.

"Okay then, let's go."

Gu Zheng lay back and closed his eyes.

Lian Yi gently pushed the door open, then closed the door gently, and then walked outside.

Nearby, some strange races looked at her with scrutinizing eyes, as if they were thinking about something, she came to the edge of the island without changing her face, and then jumped up and flew towards the distance.

When she was about to leave this range, she looked somewhere in the forest, and her eyes moved. Although she may be the weakest quasi-sage, she is also a quasi-sage, so she can naturally find out the following situation.

She is sure that these two novel races have never appeared before. Otherwise, their sneak attack last time was a joke, and they would have swarmed them long ago. He really wanted to subdue those hillbillies, and these two races were his real cards.

She knew that among the guys in the underground forest, one of the masters of the tribe was in Hundred Islands, and the other was watching her from a distance, but the masters who were not inferior to this race did not appear. face, or do other things.

Thinking about Gu Zheng, who was only at the early stage of quasi-sage, and had such a powerful subordinate, maybe the other party seemed to be just pretending on the surface, but the real hand might be higher. Thinking of this, I was even more afraid of Gu Zheng.

Soon she returned to the camp where she was. Guangzhuang and Duxing were still patrolling outside. When they saw her coming back, they immediately left their men to greet her.

"Congratulations, Mr. Lian, for his successful advancement."

Compared with Guangzhuang's sincerity, Du Xing's expression is a bit more complicated. As a suitor, she naturally vowed to get her sincerity and completely conquer the other party in terms of strength, but now it seems that she has no future in sight.

"Du Xing, I have always known your intentions, but, in the world of the demon clan, the weak are the weak and the strong prey, and you can't even protect me. Even if I like you a little bit in my heart, it's just a little bit." Seeing Du Xing Lian Yi naturally knew what he looked like, and said pretending to be sorry.

"I know, I'm just a little bit" Du Xing clenched his fists and said bitterly.

"So I'm really sorry here, but if you are willing to help me, at least we can still be friends, maybe I will introduce you to a really good wife later, because I need your help now." Lian Yi continued.

She knows Du Xing very well, and she is still trustworthy, and she didn't lie, she really likes him a little bit in her heart, and even thinks that if there is really no one in the future, she will marry him directly. As for Guang Zhuang, she is her absolute confidant, absolutely Don't worry, but she won't tell them the real truth either.

"Master Lian, who bullied you?" Guang Zhuang immediately asked beside him.

"Of course, you don't know, that Jiandou wanted to touch me before, as compensation for his loss. The other party's nephew died, and we just helped him. It's unreasonable." Lian Yi said angrily.

"Unforgivable, even my lord, leave it to me, and I will deal with the other party." Du Xing said subconsciously.

Once Du Xing said so, then everything is stable. If he is deceived and he knows the truth in the future, it will be really irreversible.

"I can't use it. I didn't have the strength before. Otherwise, I would have forced a breakthrough. I almost died. Now that I have the strength, then take revenge with me, and then we will leave!"

Lian Yi snorted coldly, and then took the two of them to complete the task that Gu Zheng ordered her to do.

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