over a hundred islands

After more than half a year of traveling, Gu Zheng finally arrived at his temporary home.

Although not much time has passed, great changes have taken place on the entire island. The originally scattered islands have all been connected together, and even expanded a lot toward the depths of the ocean, and a huge open space has been opened up on the shore. Some unfamiliar monster races have already stationed there.

"Here it is!"

Zhao Man and the others, feeling the strong aura here, almost made them dizzy. Looking closely, there are groups of golden immortals here, and piles of big Luos. Everything Lu Guzheng said was not exaggerated, and he even came towards humility. explain.

"That's right, everything here should be your subordinate." Gu Zheng smiled slightly.

With such a strong strength, even among the demon clan, it is impossible to be ignored. It is unbelievable, and even he himself is a little dazed. He has so many subordinates who can use it, it seems that he didn't spend much time .

Originally, there were some pride in the two human races. Originally, I had already become a big Luo. Among the human races, I was considered an absolute master. I didn't expect that this place was almost at the bottom. Is this the horror of the monster race?

"However, there is still a teleportation formation on my side that can be sent to the human world. Take a rest here now, and I will send you there later." Gu Zheng continued to say to them.


At this time, a figure appeared in front of Gu Zheng.

"Quiniao, congratulations!" Gu Zheng was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at the other party, only to realize that the other party had successfully advanced, and said with a smile.

"Old Xiong has a problem." Quiniao said anxiously.

"What's going on? Take me there."

Gu Zheng's face changed, and he said immediately, but just as he was about to act, he turned to Zhao Man and others behind him.

"Don't leave this range, I will convey your identities."

After finishing speaking, Gu Zheng's figure disappeared out of nowhere, followed by Quiniao's figure.

Zhao Man and the others looked at each other, and they also fell towards the open space below. In theory, they can freely visit here, but they think it's better to be honest.

On the central island, next to Gu Zheng's house, Gu Zheng's figure appeared inside, and Mu Lian was already there.

"Master Gu, three months after you left, Elder Xiong came back. At that time, she was covered in blood, and she fell into the sea without saying anything." Mu Lian said immediately.

"Since then, Elder Xiong's aura has become weaker day by day, and Elder Mu and I can't find any problems at all, and any pills have no effect, and there is no injury found in the other party's body, not even the soul. There is no problem." Quiniao, who followed closely, said after Mu Lian finished speaking.

Gu Zheng nodded and walked up to Old Xiong, "Let me take a look."

After a while, Gu Zheng stood up again, his face full of dignity.

"Gu Zheng, what's going on? Can Mr. Xiong be saved?" Quiniao hurriedly asked from the side.

"Don't worry, there is help. Let Lao Xiong swallow this thing and rest for a while." Gu Zheng took out something for the bird, and then ordered a few more times.

"Great." Quiniao put it away, and immediately led Xiong Lao away from here.

That thing was given to him by the Golden Dragon. It can be said that it contains the blood of the Dragon Race. For the polluted Old Xiong, it can still be completely cured, but it is unknown what the other party will become in the end, Xiong Long? Dragon Bear? It's still Qilin Longxiong, anyway, this is the only way at this time.

"Gu Gongzi, what's going on, Mr. Xiong doesn't seem to have a problem, why is it so serious." Mu Lian asked in confusion.

"It's a bit complicated, but you have to pay attention, maybe something will happen in the future." Gu Zheng hesitated, but still revealed a little news.

Although Mu Lian was puzzled, she nodded and then retreated.

As for what happened to Mr. Xiong, he is not sure now. The only thing he is sure of is that this place seems to have been exposed. Thinking of the news he got before, his heart is extremely heavy.

Isn't this place already hidden, how could it be discovered by the other party so quickly, and what is that invincible enemy?

He went back to his room and thought about it carefully, but suddenly, a strong fear appeared in his heart, which made him unable to stand up and look up at the Heavenly Palace. He who had almost never shed tears, actually had tears His face was full of tears, and finally he was in a trance for a while, and passed out directly.

Just before he fainted, he stretched out a palm, as if he was grabbing something in the air.


In the bright void, Gu Gu looked at the palm that appeared in front of him, Tao Tie couldn't dodge it in the end, he closed his eyes directly, and let out a soft sigh.

"I wish I could get out of here."

Taotie, who has lived for countless years, actually no longer has any nostalgia for life. He personally followed Dao Sheng Hongjun to break through Yuanhui one after another. Events that were enough to lead to their destruction were finally exaggerated without any danger. But this time when the biggest crisis comes, he can't see whether he will hide in the end. He just wants to know what is outside what the Taoist saint once told them.

It's just a pity that he will never see it again.

With the death of Taotie, the remaining rebels were quickly wiped out, and the way for the invaders was once again opened.

A tall black shadow, those missing gaps on his body also began to heal quickly, but as his body shook, countless figures flew out of his body, and rushed forward like locusts, heading straight for the next one The goal, the fourth line of defense composed of Fengzu.

And behind this group of invaders, a group of creatures that were completely different from before but with the same aura appeared.

"Everyone, start to scatter, all the life planets that have been explored, not one stays."

The huge team behind them began to disperse in all directions, disappearing into the void one by one.

"My lord, I have found the area where the other party is located. The key has been released, but the peripheral forces are not enough to allow our large troops to enter."

"What a coincidence, prepare a sub-team, led by you, and attack them according to the second-level intensity. Anyone who wants to destroy the plan of the god will be killed."

"Yes, my lord!"

In the void, a semi-sleeping planet has completely wiped out its own existence, but it was still found by the other party. Countless enemies fell from the sky and began a unilateral massacre.

In just three days, a planet with a population of hundreds of millions was wiped out. On the entire planet, less than one person could survive here. It can be said that it was completely wiped out.

Not only here, but many planets that have been discovered are already doomed to this end, and the consumption is only tens of thousands of years of the enemy's journey, only deep sleep, and some semi-sleeping planets are still firmly hidden with.

I don't know how long it took, Gu Zhengyou woke up and found that he was already lying on his bed, but at this moment, although he opened his eyes, he didn't have any intention of getting up.

Because he knew that his master was dead, maybe he was blocking the future forces, and he was completely dead. Even at this time, he didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe it, and the whole person fell into the memories of the past.

"Gu Zheng." At this time, the shadow that had been hiding in his body suddenly spoke.


Gu Zheng just responded lightly, as if it was just to show that he was still alive.

"Your master has known about this day for a long time, and asked me to leave a word for you."

Some dull eyes moved, and Gu Zheng subconsciously thought about what the master had to say to him, just like setting himself a problem at first, let himself find the answer, but then thought that the master was no longer there, maybe it was the last one from the other party last words.

"What words!"

"Be sure to go see the outside world instead of him."

"Your body is in the sky, and when you kill the two corpses, you will naturally be able to contact them."

The second sentence, Gu Zheng can understand that if he really wants to break through and become a saint, he must rely on his own body, but what does the first sentence mean? After a moment of silence, he asked.

"At this time, don't you still hide it?"

"Well, I don't know much, but that's the case. We have found traces of each other here. Maybe we are really going to face failure." Shadow was also silent for a while, and finally spoke.

"You know, this world is just like what you think. You used to know a lot, and I just picked up some things you didn't know."

"Since the world has come to a standstill, Hongjun has discovered that if he doesn't continue to think of a way, the thirteenth disaster will come."

Gu Zheng interrupted at the exit, "Wait, you said the thirteenth time."

"That's right, if counting once from the three thousand demon gods, then along the way, it has happened twelve times, and each time may lead to our world returning to chaos, but we have all made it through with difficulty, and the various lives that died in the middle, Perhaps the original Primordial World had to die for a few rounds, but this time is the thirteenth."

"A strong man who claims to be a god and takes the path of devouring, collides with the opponent's world. You must know that we are expanding, and countless small thousand worlds are integrated into it, and countless forces hidden in the void are integrated into it. This is what we are now. Prosperity, and the other party is the same, but we are taking the integration route, while the other party is taking the integration route, except for his own race, all other races will be completely devoured to strengthen himself."

"Up to now, his cultivation level has been demanded by Daoist Hongjun. To use a metaphor, it is the difference between the early stage of the quasi-sage and the peak of the quasi-sage. But in order to win, we have to send more than a dozen saints to act as bait. The other party lured the original prehistoric world, only there, Daoist Hongjun is in the strongest state, and there is a little hope of defeating the other party."

"Because we have no way out this time. Once Saint Hongjun is swallowed by the opponent, then all our worlds, including everything, will become the nourishment of the opponent,"

Hearing this, Gu Zheng frowned, and couldn't help but said, "Then we don't necessarily lose, why do we have to sacrifice so much."

He knew that his master must be sacrificed, and he was still willing to sacrifice, just as a bait, he didn't understand why he did this at all.

"I don't know either. I just know that Daoist Hongjun put all his hopes here. Hundreds of seeds are left here just to find that piece of life, and you are one of them."

"Maybe we interfere too much and want to speed up your growth. After all, we don't have enough time. After all, we were noticed by the other party. Maybe the other party's intrusion will come soon. I don't know if we can make it to the end."

Gu Zheng got up from the bed and asked seriously, "Then what should we do to win the final victory."

"I don't know, Hongjun doesn't know, your master doesn't know, it can even be said that everyone doesn't know, you can take it as it is, the success rate of this plan itself is low, because no one knows how to do it. Only then can we defeat the enemy." Having said this, he paused,

"If you want revenge, maybe you are strong enough to kill the other party, and everything is over, of course it's just my guess."

"Even Daoist Hongjun can't help it. This solution is too difficult. Maybe the opportunity is here?" Gu Zheng murmured.

Shadow, "Don't ask me, I don't know, maybe it's on you, or there are other miracles, I only have one task, to protect you silently, until you find out completely, but I know one thing, if you want revenge , It's useless to remember the past here, only by taking action can there be hope."

"You're right. If I want to avenge my master, I'm still too far behind." Gu Zheng stood up, clenched his hands, and his eyes regained their brilliance.

Instead of complaining here, it is better to take action, even if it seems hopeless now, it is worse than sitting still and decadent.

When Gu Zheng opened the door, he saw Mu Lian guarding the door. When he saw Gu Zheng come out, he was also very pleasantly surprised, "Young Master Gu, you are all right."

She was the first to discover Gu Zheng's anomaly, but she did not inform others. From Gu Zheng's last tears, she knew that someone from Gu Zheng should have disappeared. It seemed that she could not bear such a big blow, because she had also experienced this emotions, so after a simple inspection, he stayed outside all the time. He didn't expect Gu Zheng to come out so soon.

Of course she didn't know that there was another person comforting Gu Zheng.

"How many days have passed outside?"

Gu Zheng can feel the care of the other party, and he feels warm in his heart. At least in this world, there are other people, whether they care about themselves or protect them.

"Only half a month has passed, Quiniao told you two days ago that Old Xiong has woken up." Mu Lian immediately replied.

"I'll go over and have a look. By the way, let Senyan take the people I brought to Daxue Mountain and let them settle down there." Gu Zheng ordered.

Mu Lian immediately nodded and flew away from here, Gu Zheng flew towards the outside, a full half a day away, and finally came to a small reef, Xiong Lao was sitting on it at this time, with a bird guardian beside him .

At this time, Xiong Lao's aura has become extremely powerful compared to before, because the thing that Shanlong gave him has made her step into the quasi-sage. Get rid of it, and now it seems that that trace of something has been successfully resolved.

"how's it going?"

Just as Gu Zheng stepped onto the rock, Elder Xiong woke up immediately. Hearing Gu Zheng's words, he smiled, "I've never felt so good."

"That's good." Gu Zheng smiled, and then asked his own question, "What happened to you? It turned out like this."

"It's a long story, but let me tell you a sad thing, the Great Elder died." Elder Xiong said solemnly.

"The Great Elder is dead! You mean the Great Elder Huofeng." Gu Zheng repeated in surprise.

"Yes, I met the Great Elder by chance. The other party seemed to be looking for something, but a group of enemies appeared. At that time, there was another group of monsters. The other party was almost wiped out, but the losses on both sides were also very large, including the monsters. A quasi-sage peak died, and the Great Elder also died under the self-destruct of the other party, leaving no bones left." Remembering what happened back then, Elder Xiong couldn't help feeling sad.

Even though the relationship between the two is mediocre, it is still unacceptable for a friend to die in front of him.

Gu Zheng also did not expect that he finally rescued the other party from the place where he had fallen, and in the end he still did not escape his fate.

"By the way, the Great Elder also told me something, let me bring it to you." Elder Xiong suddenly remembered something, and said, "He said that the Phoenix Clan seems to have completely disappeared, as if a force took them away gone."

"I already know, you don't have to worry, the other party is fine, take a good rest, and try to return to normal completely, I have a hunch that those enemies will come again." Gu Zheng didn't say much when he heard this was the case.

They naturally don't know about this kind of thing. If they knew, they would probably go crazy. Anyone who knows that they are just a product of human beings will not be able to accept it.

"I will always be by her side until she fully recovers. If you have something to do, go there first." Quiniao answered from the side.

At this time, Old Xiong is naturally extremely weak, but if there are birds, there is still no big problem. Next to it is the periphery that Lin Tie is responsible for.

"Okay, I'm going to start breaking through, and it will take some time." Gu Zheng didn't refuse, this time he came back to do this thing, and the current situation doesn't allow him to press himself down like this, because he doesn't need so much experience.

"Congratulations, have you broken through to the middle stage? I remember that you only became a quasi-sage a while ago, and the speed is really fast." Quiniao said with emotion.

Xiong Lai also nodded aside, because the two of them really saw Gu Zheng take this step little by little, and the short time it took was unbelievable.

"No." The corners of Gu Zheng's lips curled up slightly, "I am the quasi-sage who cut a corpse."

This time Xiong Lao and Quiniao were slightly shocked, and at the same time looked at Gu Zheng with incredible eyes, as if they didn't know each other.

"What kind of monster are you? Have you been replaced?" Quiniao looked at Gu Zheng several times and said seriously.

"What a mess, I am born with such high aptitude, and I have received the grace of God, which means that I will break through to a saint tomorrow, so don't be surprised." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Well, if this is the case, we are even more happy. At least once we say that we are under the hands of the saint, there is no need to make a move, and the other party will be so frightened that he kneels down and begs for mercy." Xiong Lao also said jokingly.

"There will be a day when I will take you to fly together." Gu Zheng waved his hand, as if he really reprimanded Fang Qiu.

"Haha, well, we are looking forward to it, hurry up, the stronger you are, the safer this place will be." Xiong Lao continued to say with a smile.

"You have a good rest, I'm leaving first."

Gu Zheng didn't talk to them any more, and just jumped up and left here.

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