On the Silan Continent, the people underground watched the last island appear in the sky, and immediately cheered.

Because only when the ancient war is won, the island will be revealed.

Before the people below were worried about Gu Zheng, three figures had already flown down from above, making the cheers below even louder.

Pan Xuan's heart was also full of joy, no matter what, the difficulty in front of her was finally over.

"I really underestimated you." Empress Houtu said to Gu Zheng, following beside her.

"Niang Niang, this is what I should do. I owe you so many things. Now it's my turn to help you."

Gu Zheng didn't ask about the empress, I'm afraid the other party already knew about it, but he was also grateful for what the empress did.

"This is your moment, I'll tell you later." Niangniang looked at the people who greeted her below, she laughed, and then disappeared in place with Da Fei.

"Congratulations, Young Master Gu."

"Congratulations, Mr. Gu!"

"Congratulations, Senior Gu!"

A series of Hexi came from all around, and Gu Zheng could only nod one by one with a smile. This day of universal celebration can make many people happy, including himself.


Pan Xuan was also excited, and jumped directly on Gu Zheng's body, wrapping her arms around Gu Zheng's neck. After finishing, the surrounding laughter made her blush and jump down.

"No matter what! We have been together for a long time." Gu Zheng looked at Pan Xuan and said softly.

Pan Xuan was shocked by the sight of Gu Zheng. If there were not too many people around, she really wanted to jump into Gu Zheng's arms. Thinking about the days to come, she would be able to make her laugh happily. A series of things have passed, and finally It's a pity to have a good rest.

"By the way, Xiaoxiao gave me something just now and asked me to pass it on to you." Pan Xuan suddenly thought of something, and quickly took out a black box from her arms.

Xiaoxiao in the distance, looking down at the scene from the corner of her head, suddenly smiled.

"What is this?" Gu Zheng asked with a smile, and then found that the black box flashed suddenly, and a black light rushed from the box to Pan Xuan's body in an instant.

Even if Gu Zheng didn't react at this time, watching Pan Xuan suddenly stop moving, he still showed joy, but his eyes were lost.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand suddenly, and Xiaoxiao who was in the distance was caught immediately, but seeing the madness in the opponent's eyes, he knew what happened in his heart. He remembered that Felice said that he understood the following things, and what the opponent did to Xiaoxiao hands and feet.

"Haha, do you regret it? Are you happy now?" A black light came out from Xiaoxiao's body, forming a cloud of black mist in the air. The latter rolled his eyes and lay limply on the ground.

This is a trace of Phyllis' strength. The opponent has already prepared a counterattack. Gu Zheng admits that the opponent has indeed hit his weakness.

"What exactly do you want!" Gu Zheng looked at the other party and said in a deep voice.

At this time, the surroundings also became quiet because of the sudden change. They didn't know why such a thing happened. It seemed that the demon god had failed, but it gave Pan Xuan a heavy blow.

"What do I want? You rejected me. I said I would make you regret it, but I will give you a chance to return to your own body. With the power of an adult, you can save Pan Xuan. The slower you go, the faster she will die, hahaha!"

As Hei Wu spoke, his figure disappeared in the air. This force itself was extremely weak, and he couldn't sustain it for too long, so Gu Zheng didn't make a move.

After he finished speaking, the corpse that he put into the island in the air fell from the air and floated towards Gu Zheng.

"don't want!"

Lin Xin beside him said to Gu Zheng.

He didn't know why the other party did this, but it was obvious that he had no good intentions.

"No?" Gu Zheng laughed miserably, looked at Pan Xuan, who had been completely penetrated by the black breath, and looked extremely dark, and shook his head, "I said before, I will not let the other party down."

"Master, don't!"

As soon as Gu Zheng's body shook, a ray of light rushed into the remnant body, and Gu Zheng's body fell down again, and fell into a deep sleep just like before. The kitten in the distance screamed wildly when he saw this scene, but he couldn't help it Stop the ancient war.


A loud scream came from the remnant body, which itself was wounded and dying. The pain immediately fell on Gu Zheng, making him unable to help screaming.

People around felt their goosebumps were coming out when they heard it, and even their faces were distorted. Even they could feel the pain.

"Hurry up, activate all the spirit gathering points, gather all of them on the island above, and send your lord and madam up." At this moment, Xiaoxiao, who had passed out from a coma, suddenly woke up.

She saw what happened before, but she couldn't move.

"What kind of trouble do you want to make now?" Lian Yi next to her scolded Xiaoxiao, obviously she thought it was Xiaoxiao's problem, and she wanted to arrest Xiaoxiao.

"Don't make trouble, did you not pursue Xiaoxiao without seeing Gu Zheng? It's that cloud of black air, probably caused by that demon god, what's wrong with her?" Lin Xin stopped the other party and stood in her way.

"I know it's my fault. I was controlled by the demon god. I will atone for my sin later, but I have to do this now, or the lord will go crazy." Xiaoxiao got up from the ground and said.

"Trust her once." Xiaopang said from the side, "We have no other way."

The people around were silent, and the kitten became anxious when he saw it. Before anyone could say anything, he came to the remnant body, grabbed him and flew into the air, while shouting downwards.

"Sister, bring the mistress here."

Xiaolan immediately flew forward with Pan Xuan's body.

"Please calm down a bit, and wait until the adults get over the difficulties, shall we talk about other things?" Xiaoxiao begged and shouted to the surroundings.

"I will watch her all the time, if there is any abnormality, I will kill her!" Lin Xin said from the side.

The others didn't say much. The originally happy day suddenly turned sad.

As the crowd dispersed, the spirit-gathering points in the controlled cities began to work one by one, but they also distributed the excess spirit energy in the city, quietly waiting for the situation of Gu Zheng.

The people brought by Gu Zheng gathered in the island of the sky, and even the empress was waiting with a serious face at this time.

"Empress, is there nothing you can do?" Lian Yi asked Empress Empress.

"Yes, ma'am, you are also a saint. Is there really nothing wrong with my sister-in-law? My elder brother does this every day, it's too uncomfortable." Xiaopang also said anxiously from the side.

The empress studied Pan Xuan's body for half a year, and only came out this time, but unfortunately, her face still had a heavy look on her face.

"There is no way, the other party contains a drop of God's blood, otherwise, Mr. Gu would not hesitate to abandon his body." The empress said solemnly.

After everyone listened to it, they stopped talking in silence. In their ears, Gu Zheng's wails could still be faintly heard. In the past six months, even in the thick and solid golden aura pool, Gu Zheng's pain could not be relieved. Now I can only wait in silence.

A year later, the howling inside suddenly stopped, and then everyone's eyes blurred, and the gloomy Gu Zheng reappeared in front of everyone.

Although the eyes are exactly the same as Gu Zheng's, but the strength emanating from the bones makes the surroundings drop dozens of degrees out of thin air, and even the hearts of everyone can't help but slow down a little bit, which is too oppressive.

They knew that Gu Zheng's original body was still lying somewhere, and this sentence was just that broken body.

"Brother, are you in good health?" Xiaopang said excitedly.

"No, it's just that I can barely control my body now." Gu Zheng shook his head, his voice a little low.

"Gu Zheng, how is it now?" The empress came over and asked with concern.

"There is no serious problem now, but the madness of the other party is already in my body." Although Gu Zheng said this, he raised his finger and pointed to his head, "Now I can still control myself, and it will be hard to say in the future."

"How is Pan Xuan's situation now?" Gu Zheng continued to ask,

"The situation is very bad, you should go and see for yourself." The empress took a step back and pointed outside.

Gu Zheng strode directly towards the inside and came out soon.

"How is it?" asked the empress.

Now she can't see through Gu Zheng's cultivation base, maybe he is really a higher level like Hongjun.

"Impossible in a short time, I want to try, but I have to do some things before." Gu Zheng's face did not change, and no one could know his current mood.

"What's the matter?" the empress asked closely.

"Niang Niang, I'm going to ask you this time. Now that Pan Xuan is not here, let another Shura come to accompany you back, but I have an unsolicited request." Gu Zheng looked at the only Shura, only the peak of Da Luo. Pan Xuan took this with her just in case, but she didn't expect it to be really used.

The empress did not speak, but nodded slightly.

"Let's move these people away. I can still control myself now. After that, I'm afraid that something desperate will happen. I really can't control it." Gu Zheng said slowly.

This cast a shadow over the hearts of the people around, they all knew that the god here was crazy, so could Gu Zheng still follow the opponent's path?

"I promise you, I will take them to Honghuang and find a place to house them. The broken Dongsheng Shenzhou is more suitable for them." The empress agreed immediately.

"In this way, I am relieved. You all leave. I am alone here. Don't close those gathering points. Without them, I will collapse faster." After finishing speaking, Gu Zheng went directly to the side where Pan Xuan was Walking to the hall, I didn't want to say a word to the people below.

They could also see that Gu Zheng looked very peaceful at this time, but that was already the result of hard work.

"Have you heard Gu Zheng's order? Let's start preparing, take away all those who can be taken away, and keep all those who don't meet the conditions." The empress directly ordered with a stern look in her eyes.

"Your Majesty, the person you said shouldn't be taken away?" Lin Xin asked cautiously.

"Of course there are people who oppose it. With them here, if the ancient dispute really gets out of control, venting it will relieve the pain." Don't think that the empress is a soft-hearted person. When she was a great witch, she killed countless monsters in her hands .

In this battle, there are naturally some people and races who can't see the situation clearly. The empress is referring to them, and there are still enemies who have not been completely wiped out.

"Understood!" Lin Xin took a step back.

"Let's go, I won't leave here. The Pillar of Gathering Spirits needs people to watch, and we also want to atone for the mistakes I made. I will stay here with a group of people." Xiaoxiao said guiltily.

"This is what you should do." The empress didn't show politeness to her, and left here directly.

Xiaoxiao just smiled wryly, in fact, everyone around her knew that she couldn't help herself, but so what, except for a few who could understand, others couldn't understand, let alone she couldn't forgive herself.

The others dispersed one after another and began to prepare for leaving here. However, it is not an easy task to bring so many people, even if they pick and choose. They need to prepare in advance. These people are mainly here to help the empress.

Regardless of the outside affairs, Gu Zheng looked at Pan Xuan whose skin was beginning to fester. Even if the other party was locked up by force and didn't know the outside affairs, it was enough to make him sad.

"I will definitely cure you!"

Gu Zheng resolutely said to Pan Xuan in front of him, because only enough power can completely solve Pan Xuan's problem, so he entered the disabled body without hesitation. To be normal, even if he becomes an ordinary person, he is willing.

"Won't you follow me, little cat?" In another place, the empress looked at the little cat and said in surprise.

"Our siblings will not go there together. We have more important things to do. Even if we die here, we must finish it. Everything is for the master." Xiaolan said firmly from the side.

"Well, if you need anything, remember to contact me, or tell me what happened here." The empress didn't force her, she just said so.

Time passed bit by bit. When ten years passed, the lady outside began to transfer the people here. Gu Zheng came out of the side hall for the first time, and he was going to Juling Point to draw more power.

There is only Xiaoxiao here outside, waiting for orders at any time.

A hundred years have passed, and Empress has already removed most of the people here, and even the underworld has begun to recover again. Now there are only a few people here, including Empress. They don't know that they are in a hurry to go back. A few years later, I saw Gu Zheng come out of the side hall again.

Seeing that Gu Zheng continued to walk towards that side without saying a word, Niannian hurriedly wanted to hold Gu Zheng, but when he was grabbing his arm, Gu Zheng suddenly turned his head, looking fiercely at the empress, The latter was taken aback, but when he saw that it was the empress, Gu Zheng recovered.

"Ma'am, what's the matter?"

"I'm only worried about you, I don't know what's going on now." The empress calmed down, because Gu Zheng's appearance just now really scared her.

"The situation is not optimistic. If I can't rescue Pan Xuan next time, she will leave me completely." Gu Zheng's voice was very low, and his luck was full of pessimism.

This time Pan Xuan also fell silent, because she didn't know what to do, so she could only comfort her, "No matter what happens, you have to trust us and stand behind you at any time."

"Thank you, it's time for you to go back. Say hello to others for me. Don't worry about me. I'll go there when I settle the matter." Gu Zheng's face remained unchanged, he glanced at the others, and then said.

"Okay, I'm sure you can do it, I won't bother you anymore." The empress took a step back and said.

Gu Zheng nodded, and rushed inside again, greedily absorbing endless power, as if his whole body would never end, and the aura that could blow him up before was still pouring in.

"let's go."

Niangniang took them away from here, and after a short transfer, they came to the prehistoric world, where Baidao was located.

"How is he, young master?" Shuang'er rushed up immediately and asked worriedly.

"It's a bit difficult, it's still the same as before. I'm afraid it will be a long time, and it will be impossible to come here." The empress shook her head, and after briefly talking to the other party a few times, she went back.

Here, including all the gathered people, none of them went back, they all waited here quietly, waiting for the final result, while still praying silently in their hearts, praying that everything would be fine.

Now the prehistoric world is full of vitality, no matter where it is, it is being rebuilt, and the previous trauma has begun to recover, and even with the passage of time, it has begun to forget what happened, and everything is moving forward.

But here, looking at Pan Xuan who was completely silent, Gu Zheng was going crazy.

"no no!"

"how so!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his palm and tremblingly approached Pan Xuan, who was instantly shattered into complete fragments, completely reduced to powder.

"I will make you die of pain, and I will make you regret it forever!"

Felice's vicious words once again surfaced in Gu Zheng's mind.

In the next moment, Gu Zheng immediately disappeared in place, and in the next moment, he appeared in his own myriad of worlds. Here, Felice was imprisoned above the sky, firmly fixed on it.

"Haha, you're finally here. I'm very happy to see you like this. Are you desperate?" Felice couldn't help laughing when he saw Gu Zheng like this.

"Haha, it's so funny, I finally saw you like this."

"court death!"

Gu Zheng looked at the other party laughing at himself, and slapped him in the air, leaving a red mark on the other party's face in an instant.

"You can torture me however you want. I don't have any pain anymore. I'm a perfect sandbag. Find out the pain in your heart. It's best to kill me completely. Then you will never know how to get back your lover completely." " Phyllis didn't care, and continued to laugh.

Gu Zheng ignored the other party at all. At this time, he felt as the other party said, venting the pain in his heart as much as possible.

The former friend died on the road, the former partner was lying on the road, even he fantasized that one day he would lie on the road ahead, no different from others, but he never thought that his lover would be one step ahead lying on the road.

This made him extremely crazy!

A series of attacks kept hitting Felice, but they couldn't relieve the pain in his heart. Felice was so angry that Felice kept mocking him. Even if he blocked his mouth, he could still hear each other's words, as if The sharp sword pierced into his heart one after another, making him even more miserable.

After venting on Felice for several days and nights, Gu Zheng finally stopped. Now he just wants to kill the other party, but when he thinks about the other party's words, he finally holds back and let go of the other party's mouth.

"Is it comfortable, or is it more painful?" Phyllis taunted Gu Zheng as soon as he came up, and when he saw that Gu Zheng was about to step forward again, he said quickly, "You don't want to know how to save your lover?"

At this moment, Gu Zheng's figure abruptly stopped in the air, and the next moment he stuck to the opponent's body, staring closely at the opponent's eyes.

"Tell me how to do it."

"Extremely happy!"

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