Bai Li's words moved the leader of the city patrolling army. The reason why he came here at this time was actually entrusted by Kong Hu. After the government office, treat him well.

The leader of the city patrolling army would agree to Kong Hu's request, naturally because of the city lord, but now, Bai Li's meaningful words made his heart skip a beat. He didn't know Bai Li's relationship with the city supervisor, he just heard people say that Bai Li Li and the city supervisor made friends again.

After bringing Bai Li and others back to the city mansion, the leader of the patrolling army went to Kong Hu's side.

"Brother Kong, there is nothing else to do now, you can go back."

Arriving at the city mansion is just a process, and the leader of the city patrol army immediately released him.

"This time, I need more help from the military leaders. In the future, Kong will have a big thank you. It's just that the matter of asking the military leaders is only the initial completion. Don't forget the follow-up military leaders." Kong Hu reminded.

"Brother Kong, don't worry, I will definitely entertain Bai Li and the others well."

The leader of the city patrol army sent Kong Hu and the others away with a smile, and then went to the place where Bai Li and others were detained.

"Why are we imprisoned?" Bai Li asked.

"Because the city lord is not here," said the leader of the patrolling army.

"If the city lord is not around, there is someone acting as an agent. Shouldn't the process of going now be to let us stand trial?" Bai Li said.

The leader of the patrolling army didn't speak. He looked at Bai Li quietly for a while, and then said, "Master Bai, come with me!"


Bai Li said something to the worried Huang Ying and the others, and then followed the leader of the patrolling army out of the room where they were detained.

"What's the matter with the military chief calling me out?" Bai Li asked.

"What is the relationship between Mr. Bai and the city supervisor?" the leader of the patrolling army asked.

"To be honest, my city supervisor is my cousin's husband."

Now Bai Li has nothing to hide, and what he said made the leader of the patrolling army frown, thinking in his heart that it is better to be more careful.

"Ming people don't speak dark words. We will appear at Jixiang Xiaozhu. I think Mr. Bai can understand the reason. Kong Hu is a relative of the city lord. I have to give him some face, but I also I don't want to offend Mr. Bai, how should I deal with this matter from Mr. Bai's point of view?" asked the leader of the patrolling army.

"Then let us go. As for the reason, we won't tell the public." Bai Li said.

"Okay, as long as you have Mr. Bai's words!"

The leader of the city patrol army smiled slightly, and released Bai Li and others. Since Bai Li would not talk about what happened here, he could tell Kong Hu that he had taught Bai Li and others a lesson. Yes, this way, there will be no crime.

Although Bai Li and others were also released, but this time the contest between Jixiang Xiaozhu and Piaoxianglou, it is obvious that Jixiang Xiaozhu is at a disadvantage.

"Master, what should we do next?"

The chefs of Jixiang Xiaozhu also participated in the brawl this time, and some of the injured were concerned and asked.

"Let's take one step at a time!"

Feeling that saying this made everyone feel unsure, Bai Li said again: "Actually, if Tiechu turned Piaoxianglou into a very fragrant building, I would have thought that there would be such a day that Piaoxianglou would cause trouble due to poor business. It's just that I never thought that Tiechu's cooking skills are so good that this day has come within a month! I will not hide it from everyone, the new city supervisor is my cousin's husband, and he is counting as the city lord. The city lord is panicked, he took Kong Fan to find the general, trying to suppress this matter."

"Master, do you think the general can suppress this matter?" Another chef asked.

"It's not easy for them to be officials. I just heard my brother-in-law say it's not easy." Bai Li thought for a while.

"If the matter of the city lord can't be suppressed, then his position as the city lord will be lost, and Piaoxianglou will have no support at that time, so naturally there is nothing to fear." Huang Ying said.

"Then what if this matter is suppressed?" the chef who asked before asked again.

"If this matter is suppressed, then the city owner will still be the city owner, and the city supervisor will still be the city supervisor. Let's wait and see with Piaoxianglou!"

Bai Li frowned, even though he said so, if this matter is suppressed, their Jixiang Xiaozhu will still be at a disadvantage compared to Piaoxianglou. After all, the city lord holds the real power, and the city supervisor is just another supervisory role, and this time the city supervisor has caught the city lord's handle. If the city lord can't be brought down, then his life will not be easy in the future. The supervisor is a relative, so naturally he has to be implicated to some extent, including Jixiang Xiaozhu, one of their family's properties.

After comforting the chefs and asking them to clean up the dilapidated Jixiang Xiaozhu first, Huang Ying followed Bai Li to the room.

"I really didn't expect that all of this would happen so quickly and so violently! When I first thought that you were going to compete with Piaoxianglou, I didn't expect it to develop to such a level." Huang Ying said.

"Who thought of that?" Bai Li smiled wryly.

"What are you going to do next?" Huang Ying asked.

Bai Li understood Huang Ying's meaning. No matter what this time, Jixiang Xiaozhu was smashed, and their Bai family's face was also disheartened. There must be a lot of gossip in Qingfeng City.

"If you want to save face, then you have to find someone to smash Piaoxiang Building, but if you really do this, people will die if things go on!" Bai Li murmured.

"But if you don't do this, with the character of the Kong family brothers, this matter will not end here." Huang Ying worried.

"Let's take a step and see. I hope the general can't suppress this matter, then I have to vent my anger on Piaoxianglou!" Bai Li said bitterly.

"It's best to have such a result, but if the result is not like this, have you prepared for the worst?" Huang Ying asked.

"Of course I did the worst plan again."

Bai Li smiled wryly, and then said again: "If we really want to reach that point, the big deal is that the whole Bai family will move, and Qingfeng City won't be able to stay anyway."

Huang Ying nodded and said nothing, her face full of worry.

Compared with the people on Jixiang Xiaozhu's side who were depressed, a celebration banquet was held in Piaoxianglou. Although during the smashing of Jixiang Xiaozhu, most of the people on Kong Hu's side were also injured. Holes were punched out, including her own head. However, this did not affect their good mood. Jixiang Xiaozhu was smashed, and Bai Li and others were brought into the city to "enjoy". This was indeed a great joy for them.

"Everyone, thank you for your help this time. As I said before, if anyone is injured during the smashing of the Jixiang Xiaozhu, I will report all the expenses such as medical expenses, and there will be rewards. I, Kong Hu, will do what I say!"

Kong Hu raised his glass and looked at the crowd, speaking with pride.

"Brother Kong is too polite!"

"What kind of thing is Jixiang Xiaozhu? I can't get used to this restaurant for a long time!"

"Brother Kong is too polite. We are friends. If a friend is in trouble, if he doesn't help, is he still a human being?"

"Today's smashing is not very fun. If my brother wants to smash Jixiang Xiaozhu again, then I will still be there on call!"

Everyone also stood up, ready to show their loyalty to Kong Hu.

"It's really unpleasant to smash this time, everyone have a good rest for two days, let's smash Jixiang Xiaozhu again then!"

Kong Hu's words won the applause and approval of the crowd, and a group of people happily ate and drank.

This matter is not over for Kong Hu, he already has a detailed plan to attack Jixiang Xiaozhu under the advice of Deng Chu. He wanted to wait two days, and then smash it again when Jixiang Xiaozhu reopened. At that time, they would not just smash the restaurant of Jixiang Xiaozhu, they would also attack the diners in Jixiang Xiaozhu , Only after hurting the diners and threatening words, will no one dare to eat at Jixiang Xiaozhu in the future! As for the cost of injuring diners, Kong Hu didn't care at all.

Gu Zheng went back a little earlier than expected. He originally planned that he would not come back until the morning of the third day, but there were too many ingredients purchased, so he came back in the afternoon of the second day. The building was smashed, while the guys in the store were still cleaning up.

"Tie Chef!"

Seeing Gu Zheng came back, the guys in the store greeted him, their eyes turned red.

Although Gu Zheng didn't show any special skills in front of everyone, he has won the respect of everyone with his culinary skills, and he also has a high status in Jixiang Xiaozhu, especially in the eyes of the group of chefs, he is simply a pillar general presence.

Now that Jixiang Xiaozhu, which everyone had hoped for, was smashed, they felt sad and wronged when they saw Gu Zheng come back.

"what happened?"

Gu Zheng looked around, even though he asked this question, he already understood that the people from Piaoxianglou must be looking for trouble.

"The chef."

Bai Li smiled wryly at Gu Zheng, and then told what happened.

"These people really want to die!"

After hearing what Bai Li said, Gu Zheng sneered.

"Don't talk about these unpleasant things, and don't take Tiechu to heart. I will solve any problems."

Bai Li saw that Gu Zheng was angry, and he was worried that Gu Zheng would do something impulsive in a fit of anger, so he hurriedly said so.

Seeing that Gu Zheng didn't speak, and his gloomy face seemed to be still angry, Bai Li changed the topic and said, "Tie Chef, why did you come back so soon? Where are the ingredients you purchased?"

"Leaving aside the matter of ingredients, what are you going to do about the smashing of Jixiang Xiaozhu?" Gu Zheng asked.

Bai Li didn't want to answer Gu Zheng's question in public, but when Gu Zheng asked this question, almost everyone's attention was focused on him, and the guys also wanted to know what he would do, but The guys dare not ask directly like Gu Zheng.

"Of course I want to hit it back with an eye for an eye, but things can't be so careless, if..."

"There are no assumptions, if you want to fight an eye for an eye, then hit it back now!"

Gu Zheng directly interrupted Bai Li's words.

Looking at the wry smile on Bai Li's face, Gu Zheng said again: "Didn't you ask me about the ingredients I purchased this time?"

Under Bai Li's curious eyes, Gu Zheng touched the bracelet on his wrist, and suddenly a lot of ingredients appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.


"What kind of baby is this?"

"Immortal, Immortal?"

Everyone's eyes widened. They looked up and down at the chef they were familiar with, waiting for him to answer their questions.

"I'm going to Piaoxiang Tower now, if you want to fight back with fire, then follow me now!"

Gu Zheng didn't explain much, and immediately walked towards the outside of Jixiang Xiaozhu.

Everyone seemed very excited, but they didn't dare to follow Gu Zheng immediately, they looked at Bai Li with questioning eyes.

Bai Li looked at Gu Zheng's back, and only now did he realize that Gu Zheng was something he couldn't see through.

Bai Li hesitated, although Gu Zheng showed a treasure, but Bai Li had no idea how capable he was.

Gritting his teeth hard, Bai Li, who was hesitant at first, made up his mind. He waved to the guys behind him: "Leave some people to watch the store, and the rest will follow me to Piaoxianglou!"

The worst plan would be to relocate the whole family. Since he already had this plan, Bai Li didn't want to think too much about it. He chose to believe in Gu Zheng. After all, it's really cool to fight an eye for an eye.



"Smash Piaoxiang Building!"

The guys all looked very excited, they didn't think as much as Bai Li did. In their eyes, Gu Zheng was a fairy, and there was nothing wrong with following a fairy.

"Huh? What are the people from Jixiang Xiaozhu going to do?"

"At first, I saw them all downcast, but now they all seem to be full of fighting spirit?"

"The person who walked in the front was the head chef of Jixiang Xiaozhu. I was lucky enough to meet him once."

"He is the head chef of Jixiang Xiaozhu? Is he the one who made the delicious food we ate?"

"That's right, it's him, he's really young!"

"I feel that he is very imposing, even more imposing than Mr. Bai!"

"Indeed, otherwise it would be impossible to be at the forefront of these people."

"What do you think they are going to do?"

"If you want to know, then just ask!"

Everyone on the street was very curious, and amidst the discussion, someone had the courage to ask: "Mr. Bai, what are you going to do?"

Bai Li wanted to tell everyone that they wanted to save face, but he didn't answer immediately because he was concerned about Gu Zheng's plans.

"Piaoxianglou slandered our Jixiang Xiaozhu, and even smashed our Jixiang Xiaozhu. Do you really think we are a fake? We are going to get back the place now, so that they can experience the smashing of the place. Feeling! If you want to follow along, let's watch the fun together!" Gu Zheng said.


"Support Jixiang Xiaozhu!"

"Cool, there's something exciting to watch!"

"I think it's Piaoxianglou's fault. Jixiang Xiaozhu's dishes are so delicious. Is it necessary to do such a dirty thing?"

"That's right, I think so too. When Wang Er swore today, Kong Hu didn't dare to swear back immediately!"

"It's better to keep the door open when you talk, and be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth!"

"Don't care who is right and who is wrong, let's watch the excitement first!"

"Let's go and watch the excitement!"

Everyone had everything to say, and everyone seemed very excited. It's really rare to see such open and aboveboard fights in Qingfeng City! After all, even if Kong Hu went to smash Jixiang Xiaozhu, he didn't tell anyone what they were going for on the way, so even if someone guessed their purpose on the way, he didn't dare to discuss it openly, so as to avoid any trouble . However, Jixiang Xiaozhu is different. Gu Zheng told everyone clearly that they are going to smash Piaoxianglou, which makes people very excited, and makes people don't need to take what they want to say in their hearts. Or whisper.

Originally, Gu Zheng was only followed by Bai Li and the others, but as they moved towards Piaoxiang Tower, the crowd who were originally onlookers also became followers. Daughters-in-law are all lively.

The ancient battle caused such a huge momentum, and the patrolling army was naturally caught by the wind. However, not long ago, their leader told his subordinates to be more careful in dealing with the affairs of the Bai family and the Kong family, so they did not immediately interrogate the so-called gathering of people, but reported the situation to their leader , by their leader to make the final decision.

"What? You said that Bai Li was going to smash the Piaoxiang Tower openly and aboveboard, so that the number of people watching the excitement has exceeded 500?"

After hearing the general report from his subordinates, the leader of the city patrol army who was drinking tea almost choked in surprise.

"Boss, the number of people watching the excitement has indeed exceeded 500, but the leader is not Gu Zheng, but Tie Chef of Jixiang Xiaozhu." Xuncheng Jun said.

"Tie Chef?"

The leader of the patrolling army frowned. He had naturally been to Jixiang Xiaozhu, and he also admired Gu Zheng's culinary skills.

"Yes! He is a very young guy, but he has a very special temperament. He looks more like a rich man than Bai Li."

The patrol army said with some emotion, he also went to Jixiang Xiaozhu, and also ate the delicious food cooked by Gu Zheng. When he saw Gu Zheng on the street before, he couldn't even connect the image of Gu Zheng with the cook. together. As for the special feeling that Gu Zheng gave people, it was naturally his aura as a cultivator.

Although he has a good impression of Gu Zheng, but he can take the position of the leader of the city patrol army, he still needs to think calmly when encountering problems.

"It looks more like a rich man than Bai Li, and the dishes he cooks are ridiculously good. This time, he was the leader of the incident, and they didn't care about the impact of the large number of onlookers..." Xun Xun The leader of the city army touched the stubble on his chin and muttered to himself.

Suddenly, the leader of the patrolling army's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, he immediately boarded the tower.

The city tower is the tallest building in the city. Standing on it, you can see the situation on the main street. There is a group of people marching in the direction of Piaoxiang Tower, but because of the distance, people can't see it at all. too real.

If you don't see the truth, this will not trouble the leader of the city patrol army. As a city patrol army, they also have some different things in their hands. Some fantastic uses.

A thing that looked like a bamboo tube was held by the leader of the city patrol army. He used it like a telescope, and he immediately saw the figure of Gu Zheng in the distance clearly.

Gu Zheng's distinctive aura was immediately noticed by the leader of the patrolling army, which surprised him.

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