Jixiang Xiaozhu repaired the smashed place as quickly as possible, and reopened the next morning. Since Gu Zheng brought back a lot of ingredients that were unique to Chaoyang City this time, Jixiang Xiaozhu There are several new dishes added to the menu.

The residents in the city are also more enthusiastic about Jixiang Xiaozhu, and there are voices talking about it celebrating the festival with Piaoxianglou, but the government has kept silent about the large-scale brawl that day.

Since that incident, Piaoxiang Building has never been opened. Even if Kong Hu wanted to, he couldn't do anything. He couldn't open it alone if he asked the chef and the staff to leave.

Unknowingly, five days have passed. Due to the unprecedented business, some of the ingredients brought back from Chaoyang City have been used up. Gu Zheng has to go to Chaoyang City again.

Sometimes things are so coincidental. When Gu Zheng went to Chaoyang City to buy ingredients, Kong Hu's brother Kong Fan came back.

When Kong Fan went out for a few days this time, he accompanied the city lord to intercede with the general. Since the general liked to eat the dishes made by Kong Fan, the city lord took Kong Fan with him.

The city lord came back this time and brought a handwritten letter from the general, which was written by the general to the city supervisor.

The general's background was even more profound. The city supervisor had the courage to offend the city lord, but not the general. So after reading the general's handwriting, he asked Bai Li to go to his house for a talk.

After coming out of the City Supervisor's Mansion, Bai Li's face was very gloomy. He first came back to Bai's house to arrange some things, and then returned to Jixiang Xiaozhu.


Seeing Bai Li's face, Huang Ying knew that something was wrong, but she still couldn't help asking, she hoped her feeling was wrong.

"The general warned his cousin-in-law in the letter. He must show the general face. The city lord is safe. The cousin-in-law asked me to prepare for the worst. After this incident, he is no longer able to contend with the city lord. He's worried that the Bai family will be implicated because of him." Bai Li said.

"Then what are you going to do?" Huang Ying asked again.

Bai Li shrugged and said, "Just now I have gone home and told my family members to make preparations. We may be leaving Qingfeng City at some point."

"Is it really going to this point? Didn't Chef Tie tell you that as long as he's around, Jixiang Xiaozhu will be fine?" Huang Ying said sadly.

"That's what Tiechu said, but Jixiang Xiaozhu is not the entire Bai family, and it's fine to bother Tiechu because of this kind of thing, if it happens once or twice, but if there are many times, I will feel sorry for it too." Bai Li said .

Huang Ying was silent, her brows were twisted like a knot, what Bai Li said was not wrong, Tie Chu was just the head chef of Jixiang Xiaozhu, he was not the patron saint of the Bai family, he could protect Jixiang Xiaozhu is already very good, if he is asked to protect the Bai family, it is really unreasonable.

"The purpose of opening Jixiang Xiaozhu is to let go of the tone of the year, but in fact the tone of the year has been very thorough. I didn't expect that Piaoxiang Building would not be able to open because of its bad reputation. I can wake up with a smile from my dreams recently.”

Bai Li's voice paused, and he smiled at Huang Ying like a child: "So, since the qi is already in order, we don't have to worry too much about other things, if we can't stay in Qingfeng City, let's find another place! What's more, you have already learned a bit of Tiechu's cooking skills, the world is so big, where can we go?"

Huang Ying nodded, and then said: "Actually, it's okay if you want to, but when Tiechu comes back, you have to tell him about this matter. After all, he also put his heart and soul into Jixiang Xiaozhu."

"Naturally!" Bai Li laughed.

Kong Fan was very tired. During this period of time, he was either traveling or in the kitchen. For him who was in charge of the shopkeeper in Piaoxiang Building, going out for a few days really seemed to be peeling off.

I was very happy in my heart, this time the matter of the city lord was suppressed by the general, so Kong Fan, as the relative of the city lord, still wanted the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain in Qingfeng City, and the one at Jixiang Xiaozhu The good times are coming to an end.

However, when Kong Fan returned to Qingfeng City and saw the slightly different eyes of those people in the city, an ominous premonition arose in his heart. Piaoxianglou rushed over.

Seeing that the Piaoxiang Building, which was supposed to be open, was closed, and the original magnificent building door became dilapidated, Kong Fan, who had a gloomy face, suddenly felt angry.

Kong Hu has been drinking in Piaoxiang Building for the past few days. When Kong Fan knocked on the door of Piaoxiang Building, he was dizzy and looked down from upstairs. The person knocking on the door turned out to be his brother. , he almost didn't cry.

"Brother, you are back!"

When he opened the door and saw Kong Fan, Kong Hu couldn't help crying.

"Why are you crying? What the hell happened?"

Kong Fan was so angry that he gave Kong Hu a hard kick. He had a premonition that all this was caused by his younger brother's disobedience to his warning.

When he saw Kong Fan, Kong Hu was almost sober from the wine. He told Kong Fan everything that happened. calm.

Kong Fan frowns and walks in the room. He makes the atmosphere very depressed without saying anything. The depressed Kong Hu is restless. He hopes that Kong Fan will be very angry when he hears it. This kind of depression is much better for people.

"Brother, you are talking!"

Finally unable to bear the suppressed feeling, Kong Hu spoke pitifully.

"Speak? What do you want me to say?" Kong Fan sneered at Kong Hu.

"Anything is fine, as long as it can make brother calm down." Kong Hu said shyly.

"Calm down, how do you let me get rid of my anger, how do I clean up the mess you made?"

Kong Fan roared at Kong Hu, he kicked Kong Hu to the ground, and then punched and kicked him.

"Oh, it hurts, oh, it hurts so much!"

Although Kong Fan hit him hard, but Kong Hu is a Lianjiazi after all, this kind of injury is nothing to him, the reason why he called it exaggerated was to calm down Kong Fan.

After punching Kong Hu hard, the tone in Kong Fan's heart became much smoother. After sitting on the chair, he looked at Kong Hu, who was pretending to be a dead dog on the ground, and said, "Is he dead? I'll find someone if he dies." Bury you, get out of here if you're not dead!"

"Not dead, not dead!"

Kong Hu smiled apologetically, got up and patted the dust off his body, and then sat down on the chair.

"Brother, what can we do?"

Kong Hu understood that Kong Fan had already vented his anger towards him, so now that he had vented his anger, it was time to get down to business.

"Although you stabbed the basket this time, causing Piaoxiang Building to be smashed and your reputation to be tarnished, it's not so useless." Kong Fan said.

"Oh? Is there anything else I can do well?"

Kong Hu's eyes widened. Because of these things that happened in the past few days, he was really guilty of making Piaoxianglou like this. Hearing what Kong Fan said now, Kong Hu was naturally very curious.

"Because you let me see the strength of Jixiang Xiaozhu clearly! I didn't expect that the real backer of Jixiang Xiaozhu is not Bai Li, but the kid who came to our Piaoxianglou back then." Kong Fan gritted his teeth.

"That's right, that kid, he is really hateful!" Kong Hu said bitterly.

"He is indeed abominable. According to what you said, he should know some kind of sorcery. I agree with this point. When he came to Piaoxianglou that time, I felt a little different. This time it happened again. Such a thing." Kong Fan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Kong Hu asked again.

"I want to go to the city owner and ask him to give Jixiang Xiaozhu some trouble from the government." Kong Fan said.

"Yeah, I think so too." Kong Hu nodded hastily.

"The city lord is also tired these days, I'll go find him tomorrow!" Kong Fan thought for a while.

The city lord was indeed very tired. He was more pampered than Kong Fan, the shopkeeper. He was a big fat man, and after a lot of hard work, his bones were almost falling apart.

However, the city lord is the city lord after all, and he has his responsibilities, so even if he returns to Qingfeng City, he cannot rest immediately. After going out for so many days, he still needs to deal with some things in the city.

The smashing of the Piaoxiang Building was not only seen by the city patrolling army, but also by all the officials in the city. However, the matter was about the relatives of the city lord and the city supervisor, and they didn't come forward to do anything. Instead, they reported the matter to the city lord and waited for him to come back to make a decision.

As the lord of a city, Wu Zhitian is naturally a smart person. He has already heard the unusualness of this matter from the reports of his subordinates.

"The martial artist's betrayal was because he had a sense of justice, and his helpers' defection was because Kong Hu took advantage of their anger, while Deng Chu's kneeling and begging for mercy was just a self-protection when he felt that Kong Hu's power was over. Hehe, when these seemingly unreasonable things appear together, it may not be a coincidence." Wu Zhitian said.

"Then what is the opinion of the city lord?" the official who reported to Wu Zhitian asked.

"Go and get Wei Xia for me!"

The Wei Xia that Wu Zhitian said was the leader of the city patrolling army. In his eyes, Wei Xia was a person who had seen the world, and handling such a large-scale brawl was also within the scope of his duties. However, the report described the events of that day were all civil officials, and his report as a general was limited to Kong Hu's smashing of the Piaoxiang Tower, which was obviously unusual.

Wei Xia soon came to the city lord's mansion, and after paying respects to Wu Zhitian, he asked, "I don't know what the city lord called the humble official to come here for?"

"Don't pretend to be ignorant, let's talk about the incident when Jixiang Xiaozhu smashed Piaoxianglou that day!"

Wu Zhitian has a good feeling for Wei Xia, in his eyes Wei Xia is a smart person.

"When this incident happened, Beizhi was leading his subordinates to hunt down a fugitive, so he couldn't see it with his own eyes. I heard it later, but it had already happened, and this incident involved the city lord and the city supervisor. His relatives, because of their humble positions, didn’t bother to ask any more questions, and decided after the city lord came back.” Wei Xia smiled flatteringly at Wu Zhitian.

"About the matter of the city supervisor, I have suppressed it, and you don't need to worry about it anymore. I just want to ask you now, did you see what happened back then?" Wu Zhitian asked again.

"My lord, I really didn't see it."

If it were a normal situation, and the city lord had asked like this, Wei Xia must have wanted to tell the truth, but the look in Gu Zheng's warning at that time scared him, so he felt that it was better to be less involved in matters related to Gu Zheng. After all, compared with a city lord or a cultivator, who would be more terrible to offend, Wei Xia knew it clearly in his heart.

"All right!"

Wu Zhitian nodded, and then asked: "Then what do you think about this matter? Are there really so many coincidences?"

Wei Xia understood that if Wu Zhitian asked such a question, he had doubts about this matter, so the answer he needed to make should be more tactful.

"I think so too, but after all, I am not the person involved, and there is no better way to go through this matter. According to my humble opinion, my lord has already been out for a few days. It must be very hard work, so I should pay attention to my body and rest early, etc. Tomorrow, let Kong Hu personally report to the lord, then the lord will definitely understand what happened at that time." Wei Xia said.

Wu Zhitian nodded, since asking Wei Xia didn't yield anything useful, the next step is naturally to ask Kong Hu.

"It's true, then you can go back! I want to rest early, anyway, Jixiang Xiaozhu is there, and it's never too late to settle accounts with it." Wu Zhitian said.

Although going to Jixiang Xiaozhu to eat has become a trend in the city, but Wu Zhitian has never eaten the food made by Jixiang Xiaozhu. This is not because he is a relative of the Kong family brothers. In order to lose weight, he never ate the food of Ji Xiang Xiao Zhu, he was afraid that after eating, all his efforts to lose weight would be in vain.

Because he has never eaten anything from Jixiang Xiaozhu, and his taste buds have not been conquered by Gu Zheng, he does not have a good impression of Gu Zheng.

The next day, Kong Hu received a notice from the City Lord's Mansion, and he and Kong Fan went to the City Lord's Mansion together.

After the brothers of the Kong family met Wu Zhitian for a salute, Wu Zhitian went straight to the point and asked about Kong Hu's affairs that day.

Kong Hu talked about the anomaly at that time, and then told Wu Zhitian what he thought. He thought that Gu Zheng was a monster, and he should know a little bit of magic.

"it is as expected!"

After hearing what Kong Hu said, Wu Zhitian was thoughtful.

"Cousin, you have to decide this matter for us!" Kong Hu begged.

Wu Zhitian just nodded and didn't speak immediately, he was thinking about this matter.

From Wu Zhitian's point of view, one must be cautious about the existence of people who do not belong to the same category as them, and must not poke any hornet's nest. However, although Wu Zhitian is cautious, it does not mean that he dare not touch Gu Zheng, after all, he is also the lord of the city.

"I know you want me to help you avenge, but you must be cautious about this matter. I want to feel the weight of that guy named Tie first." Wu Zhitian said.

"Thank you, cousin!"

The Kong brothers thanked Wu Zhitian.

"Tomorrow, I will arrange someone to go with you, and you go and smash Jixiang Xiaozhu again!" Wu Zhitian sneered.

In fact, in every city in Honghuang, there are immortal cultivators. Not all of these immortal cultivators live here in seclusion, and some of them are considered to be working for the royal family. Can't do it.

As the lord of Qingfeng City, Wu Zhitian has the power to dispatch immortal cultivators. However, there are not many immortal cultivators in Qingfeng City, only two, and under normal circumstances they would not take action because of the battle between Jixiang Xiaozhu and Piaoxianglou, so Wu Zhitian wanted to persuade immortal cultivators to help, and he had to prepare some Gifts are fine.

Immortal cultivators live in the back garden of the city mansion, there is nothing special here, even Wu Zhitian can't easily get involved.

"Bang bang bang!"

Wu Zhitian knocked on the gate of the back garden of the city mansion.

"City Master Wu, please come in."

No one was seen at all, the garden door opened automatically, after Wu Zhitian entered, he saw a lazy young Taoist basking in the sun in front of a thatched hut.

There are two immortal cultivators in Qingfeng City. These two are master-student relationships. The master's name is Master Yunqing, and the disciple's name is Feng Yuzi. The one who is basking in the sun is Feng Yuzi.

"What is the Lord Wu carrying in his hand?"

Feng Yuzi, who was originally lazy, obviously became interested after seeing the exquisite brocade box in Wu Zhitian's hand.

In fact, Feng Yuzi knew that the things in the box in Wu Zhitian's hands were medicinal materials and other cultivation resources. Every time Wu Zhitian asked for something, he would always bring such a box. Now in the hut behind him, such a box has been placed No less than ten.

"I still need to ask the immortal master for help!"

Wu Zhitian didn't beat around the bush, and directly talked about the fight between Jixiang Xiaozhu and Piaoxianglou.

"I can't move if I want to, and I can't talk if I want to. After I really open my mouth, I can't control what I say. This should be like writing a book." Feng Yuzi said.


Wu Zhitian murmured, actually what he wanted to hear was affirmation.

"We are immortal cultivators, not evil cultivators, nor monsters, so we don't know much about some of their methods, so we can't say for sure. Like the case of the city lord's cousin, I have seen demon cultivators cast."

Feng Yuzi smiled slightly, and then opened the brocade box Wu Zhitian gave him face to face. He wanted to see what cultivation resources were inside, so as to decide how to deal with this matter.

"Yes, there are still some spiritual resources."

Feng Yuzi covered the brocade box with satisfaction, looked at Wu Zhitian and said: "Since the resources given by the city lord are not bad, then I will go to that very fragrant small building with your people. However, you know the rules Yes, we are immortal cultivators, and we don't want to take action against ordinary people casually, so your people will do the normal things well."

"Naturally, it is natural!"

Wu Zhitian agreed happily, but actually he was not very happy, he wanted Feng Yuzi's master Yun Qing to come forward. After all, Master Yun Qing's cultivation level is higher, and it is less likely to have any accidents, but this time he came here, he didn't even see Master Yun Qing's face.

"My master is in retreat, so I can only do it."

Seemingly seeing what Wu Zhitian was thinking, Feng Yuzi said something mockingly.

"This matter doesn't need a real person to come forward, I think the Immortal Elder will definitely be able to settle it." Wu Zhitian quickly apologized with a smile.

"It's natural!"

Feng Yuzi said carelessly, and then lay down on the chair again: "City Master, go back, I will go to Jixiang Xiaozhu with your people at noon."

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