In fact, Gu Zheng didn't take the illusion on the road seriously. Even if the illusion really dragged Lingzhu and Master Yunqing into the illusion, he could rescue them at any time. However, what Gu Zheng was worried about was that after seeing the spirit, he knew during the previous investigation that with the strength of the spirit, he would definitely be able to drag him into the illusion. Although he did not pay attention to the illusion, he could break the illusion It can't be broken in seconds, he is afraid that during the time he fell into the illusion, Lingzhu and Master Yunqing will also fall into a terrible environment, and when he escapes from the illusion, he wants to rescue Lingzhu and Yunqing. When they were human, the two of them had already fallen.

The harassment of illusions to everyone is not just as simple as the change of seasons. As Gu Zheng and the others approached the formation spirit, some beasts and zombies began to appear on the road. Even Gu Zheng saw Qi Ling and Lingzhu saw her. Grandma, Master Yunqing saw Niu Xiu.

Along the way, the sound of enlightenment from the ancient struggle rang out several times, and even the Lingzhu was rescued twice by him, let alone Master Yunqing.

Finally, Gu Zheng and they stopped in a forest glade, and there was a very huge old tree in front of them.

Looking at the old face on the trunk of the old tree, Gu Zheng couldn't help thinking of his Senmiao precious tree, the innate object he got in the battlefield of chance.


The spirit old tree called Gu Zheng with the voice of Senmiao Baoshu. Although Gu Zheng knew it was not true, the invasion of illusion still made him feel in a trance, so that the surrounding scenes changed very naturally, making Gu Zheng feel like he was in front of him. The towering tree in his life is his Senmiao treasure tree, and the place where he is now is also the Senmiao forest.

Gu Zheng has fallen into an illusion, and Lingzhu and Master Yunqing have also fallen into an illusion.

Master Yun Qing was a little confused. He felt that the scene in front of him was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember where it was.

There are crop fields on both sides of the road, and there seem to be tall buildings indistinctly in front of the road.

"Run! What are you doing in a daze!"

Reverend Yun Qing staggered, and someone pushed him behind him. He looked back and found that there were many farm tools in their hands, but their expressions were extremely flustered. Some unfamiliar and some familiar faces were running forward .

Master Yun Qing was a little flustered, he quickly grabbed a man who was running forward.

"What happened?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"Master, run quickly! There are, there are monsters!"

The man broke free from Master Yunqing's pull, and ran forward without thinking.


The sound of the horn sounded at this time, Master Yun Qing found that on the road behind him, at some point there was a wolf-like monster standing, blowing a horn.


Master Yunqing felt creepy, but at this moment, several monsters that looked like humans and wolves emerged from the crop field.

Master Yun Qing started to run for his life, but only then did he realize that he was leaning on crutches and couldn't run fast at all.

"Where is this place? Who am I? The owner? What kind of owner am I?"

Yun Qing asked himself anxiously in his heart, but felt that his head was muddled like a paste.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Laughing like a night owl resounded in the air, Master Yunqing looked up and saw an old man in white clothes flying towards him with several dead people whose bodies had rotted.

The white-clothed old man was very thin, and he didn't look too fierce, but when Master Yunqing saw him, his legs couldn't help shaking.

"Niu, Niu Xiu!"

Fear spread in his heart, and a name popped out of Yun Qingzhen's mouth.

However, Master Yunqing did not wake up because he recognized Niu Xiu in the illusion. Instead, he fell completely because of fear. He remembered who he was, and he also remembered that the shadowy tall building in front of him was an archway. There are three big characters of "Jufuzhuang" written by him.

"Old boy, you are the owner of Jufuzhuang, right? Very good, you are very suitable!"

Niu Xiu took Master Yunqing into his hand, looked him up and down, then picked up his collar and flew towards Jufu Manor.

The adults were yelling, the children were crying, and the scene of purgatory on earth unfolded before the eyes of Master Yunqing.

Niu Xiu took his refining corpse and carried out a frenzied massacre on Jufu Village. They killed people, they refined the corpse, and they literally dyed the ground of Jufu Village red. Master Yun Qing saw everything that Niu Xiu and the others did. He wanted to yell, but he couldn't make a sound, he wanted to run away, but he couldn't move, he could only let his tears flow Spread silently across the face.

"Old boy, it's your turn!"

Niu Xiu carried Reverend Yunqing, flew to the biggest ginkgo tree in the village, took out four coffin nails, pierced Reverend Yunqing's limbs, and nailed him to the door of the tree house.

Master Yun Qing was in severe pain, he felt that he was going to die, but Niu Xiu laughed strangely, and cut his stomach with a machete, causing his intestines to flow out all at once.


Master Yun Qing was finally able to make a sound, but what he uttered was a lifelong scream.

"You can shut up!"

Niu Xiu slapped Reverend Yunqing's mouth with a slap. When Reverend Yunqing closed his mouth, he also felt that there was something like a piece of hot red iron in his mouth.

"go to hell!"

Niu Xiu licked his lips, and raised the scimitar in his hand to Master Yunqing again, Master Yunqing closed his eyes, he knew that he would definitely die under this knife.


A call like thunder suddenly sounded, the voice was as loud as Tianwei.

Master Yun Qing opened his eyes, and Niu Xiu and the ginkgo tree in front of him gradually faded away, while Gu Zheng's face became more and more clear in his sight.


Rescued from the illusion by Gu Zheng, Master Yunqing cried like a child, he was really terrified in the emotional illusion.

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Lingzhu didn't want to laugh at first, but she couldn't hold it back. A senior immortal cultivator cried like a child.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny? If I let you experience the illusion I just had, I don't believe you can still laugh!" Master Yun Qing said angrily.

"Tell me quickly, what have you experienced just now, I am really curious to death!"

Lingzhu was really curious, just now Master Yunqing was lying on the ground and yelling, his hands and legs were dancing as if he had gone crazy.

"In the illusion just now, I actually became the owner of Jufu Manor, that is, the old man who was crucified on the door of the tree house..."

Master Yun Qing started his narration, while Gu Zheng and Lingzhu listened quietly. This time, no one laughed at Master Yun Qing anymore, because the illusion experienced by Master Yun Qing was indeed terrifying.

"The illusion is born from the heart, it is precisely because you are too afraid of Niu Xiu, and you grew up listening to the stories of Jufu Village, and you are deeply impressed by the dead old man on the tree house door, so under the effect of the illusion, you can With such an illusion."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "However, you are a blessing in disguise. After being afraid and crying, I feel that your mood has stabilized a lot, and the progress of your cultivation in the future should be faster than it is now!"


After being reminded by Gu Zheng, Master Yun Qing couldn't help but make a curious voice. He felt that when he told about the horror experience in the illusion, he really didn't seem so afraid, especially the fear of Niu Xiu seemed to be a lot less.

The changes in oneself can only be discovered later. After thanking Gu Zheng for saving his life, Master Yunqing asked what happened to Lingzhu.

At this time, Lingzhu no longer had the intention to laugh at Reverend Yunqing, she was shocked by the illusion experienced by Reverend Yunqing! If Gu Zheng hadn't been the first to rescue her from the illusion, she didn't know if her body would have any strange movements in the space of the eye.

"Compared to your illusion, my illusion is not so scary. At best, it's just a little frightening. I dreamed that I was going to save my grandma..."

In the illusion of Lingzhu, she returned to the time when her grandma was imprisoned by the big demon. She ventured into the cave to save her grandma, but was caught by the big demon. When eating her, Gu Zheng rescued her with an enlightening voice.

"It's not as scary as I experienced, but it's also thrilling. How is your grandma?" Master Yun Qing asked concerned.

"Fortunately, my grandma was rescued by my husband."

Lingzhu briefly talked about the original time.

"The ancestor is really a good person!"

After listening to Lingzhu's narration, Master Yunqing looked up at Gu Zheng.

"Okay, stop flattering me, kid!"

Gu Zheng paused, and then said again: "Since you have nothing else to do, it's time for us to leave here!"

"Has the eye space been broken?"

Master Yun Qing knew that if they could chat like this, the space in their eyes should have been broken. However, the illusion still exists, this place is still the scene of a clearing in the forest, and the towering tree is still in front of them.

"It's not broken. If it breaks, we can't stay here. However, I got a small chance in the illusion, so not only did I control the formation spirit, but I also got other benefits!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Sir, what have you experienced in the illusion!"

Because of Master Yunqing, Lingzhu couldn't ask Gu Zheng what he experienced in the illusion. Now that the topic has come to Gu Zheng's environment, she is so curious about what Gu Zheng experienced in the illusion.

"I saw a lot of things from the past in the illusion..."

Gu Zheng began to talk with a little emotion, but he simply brought over some things that he didn't want to explain.

In fact, Gu Zheng not only saw the Sen Miao treasure tree in the illusion, he also saw Qi Ling, and had a conversation with Qi Ling.

Illusions are born from the heart, and Qi Ling is actually created by illusions invading Gu Zheng's heart, and her conversation with Gu Zheng is just to confuse Gu Zheng. However, during the conversation between Gu Zheng and Qi Ling, he remembered some things about the past, including illusions and fairy formations. Anyway, he remembered a lot.

After Gu Zheng came out of the illusion, he immediately passed the experience of the formation, saving a lot of steps and controlling the formation spirit.

After controlling Zhenling, Gu Zheng did not immediately end the situation between Lingzhu and Master Yunqing. Moreover, since Gu Zheng had already controlled Zhenling, he was able to directly see what Master Yunqing and Lingzhu experienced in the illusion.

Still the same sentence, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing, this is the truth that Gu Zheng believes in! This kind of opportunity of being able to see other people's experiences in the illusion and ending at any time, even if he has already controlled the array spirit, is not common. That's why he encountered accidents in Lingzhu and Master Yunqing in the illusion. Woke them up before. Regarding this point, Gu Zheng concealed it when he told Lingzhu and Master Yunqing. He is not a person who likes to be polite, so he doesn't want to hear tears of thanks from Lingzhu and Master Yunqing.

In addition, since Gu Zheng recalled some things about the fairy formation, he now has a better understanding of the fairy formation. He found that his previous decision was a bit of a detour for cracking the double fairy formation. In fact, he can destroy this fairy formation faster.

Hearing that Gu Zheng said that he had a faster way to destroy the fairy formation, Lingzhu and Master Yunqing were naturally very excited, and the three of them did not stay in the illusion formation for long, after Gu Zheng took the formation spirit away , the three also appeared on the ginkgo tree again.

Originally, Gu Zheng wanted to destroy nine formation eye spaces, but directly destroyed the entire fairy formation. After they experienced the formation eye space of Ginkgo Tree House, they had already destroyed seven formation eye spaces, and the last one was left. two.

I have to say that Gu Zheng recalled some things, and it was a bit late. If he could remember those things from the beginning, then he only needs to experience the last one of the nine formation eye spaces, because that formation eye space is not Spaces that can be saved by shortcuts.

Now they have gone through eight eye space ancient battles. After remembering the things about the fairy array, they can save a shortcut to go through the eighth eye space, and only need to go through the ninth eye space. Being able to completely destroy this double immortal formation, and there is a special benefit that breaking the formation according to the previous method does not have!

Although it is considered a wrong way, Gu Zheng has gained something in the seven eye spaces he has experienced.


Niu Xiu, who was originally lying on the stone platform in the tomb, stood up suddenly, his eyes fixed on the scene in the void. He found that after Gu Zheng and the others left the Ginkgo Tree House, they did not go to the eighth place as planned. Formation space, but went back.

"What is he doing?"

Niu Xiu muttered to himself puzzled.

"What is the reason for changing the original plan? I can't figure it out!"

Niu Xiu was a little panicked. If Gu Zheng followed the original plan, even if he cracked all the eye space, at least all of this was within his expectations. Unexpected things belong to the category of unknowable purpose, which makes Niu Xiu very disliked.

"Could it be that he experienced something unusual in the eye space of the Ginkgo Tree House? Damn it!"

Niu Xiu scolded angrily, he didn't know what happened in the eye space of the ginkgo tree house, because that space is an illusion space, and the illusion is in the human heart, not on the outside.

"What is he doing? What is he jumping into?"

Niu Xiu's eyes widened. He really didn't understand what Gu Zheng was doing. In his heart, there was nothing else in the well except some swollen corpses.

The well that Gu Zheng jumped into was the one where he was afraid of swollen and rotting corpses before. The reason why he jumped into this well was because there were deeper secrets about the entire fairy formation in the well.

Gu Zheng also knew the name of this unknown fairy formation because he remembered something about the fairy formation. The name of this fairy formation is 'Xingluo Wanxiang'. The complete 'Colossal Universe' is a rare Quadruple Immortal Formation!

As far as Niu Xiu is concerned, he obtained the first book when he killed a cultivator for the formation of 'Star Luo Wanxiang', so he can only arrange a double layer of 'Star Luo Wanxiang'. What's even worse is that Niu Xiu still doesn't know that this fairy formation called 'Colossal Universe' actually has a second book, and another two levels!

It is precisely because of his ignorance of the "stars and myriad phenomena" that Niu Xiu didn't know where the water well was in the first layer of the immortal formation. In fact, it was an invisible small center of the formation formed after the intersection of the formation patterns.

By changing the hidden small center and breaking the ninth formation eye space, the entire double immortal will be destroyed, and even Niu Xiu, the person who set up the formation, will suffer strong backlash because of this. Let's talk about the so-called special benefits.

There were many swollen carrion corpses in the well, and these carrion corpses immediately rushed over when they saw someone coming down.

The swollen carrion can pose a threat to Master Yunqing, but it is impossible to hurt Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng just mobilized the energy of the world and crushed them into meatloaf, without even a chance of self-explosion.

It didn't take Gu Zheng much time to deal with more than a dozen carrion corpses.


Gu Zheng smiled strangely. He knew that Niu Xiu was watching him, so he wanted to make Niu Xiu invisible.

The prohibition was arranged in front of him one by one by Gu Zheng, and the picture presented in the tomb became blurred until it was completely bright.

"Damn it, what the hell are you going to do?"

Niu Xiu was very anxious, but he couldn't do anything about this situation, he had a vague premonition.

Cut off from Niu Xiu's prying eyes, Gu Zheng sprayed the celestial power somewhere on the wall of the well, and a faint light suddenly appeared there.

The faint light is the hidden pattern, which Niu Xiu doesn't even know exists.

Gu Zheng's immortal power was condensed on the tip of Qianqiu Samsara's pen, and he began to rewrite the pattern.

At the same time, Niu Xiu in the tomb was running around like an ant on a hot pot. Now he has lost control of the 'Cosmos Array'. This is not because Gu Zheng rewrote the pattern, but because Gu Zheng The reason for destroying too much space in the formation eye. If it wasn't for this, Niu Xiu would definitely rush into the 'Star Luo Wanxiang Formation' now to find out what the hell Gu Zheng was up to! But now, he can't even enter the 'Cosmic Universe Formation', which is now equivalent to a closed space.

"Come on, the soldiers are here to cover the water and the soil. Fortunately, the old man still has a hole card that has not been used. The old man wants to see what kind of waves you, a little fish, can make!"

Since he couldn't change the things in the fairy formation, Niu Xiu was also heartbroken.

Gu Zheng's changes to the hidden small center have been completed, and he came out of the well, taking Lingzhu and Master Yunqing, and walked towards the last eye space.

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