Huang Ying seemed calm on the surface, but she was still a little panicked in her heart. After all, the other party was a real cultivator, but she had only half stepped into the world of cultivating immortals. What's more, the Lingzhu is not in the store today, if this immortal cultivator wants to find trouble, these people in the store right now are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered.


Standing in front of Huang Ying, the cultivator smiled coldly. Looking at Huang Ying, he had already seen the panic flashing in Huang Ying's eyes.

"Are you afraid? It seems that your cultivation base should not be very good!"

The young man reached out to Huang Ying's head. He wanted to search for Huang Ying's soul. He no longer wanted to communicate with Huang Ying in words. If he wanted to know something, it was easier to search for the soul.

"Get your claws off!"

Just when the young man's hand was about to touch Huang Ying's head, Lingzhu's voice sounded outside the shop.

Today Master Yunqing needed to set up a fairy formation, and he couldn't do it by himself, so he came to Lingzhu for help, and this would follow Lingzhu, and Master Yunqing.

The young man put down his hand, he turned to look at Lingzhu, looked up and down and said: "It seems that you are the person in charge of the shop!"

"That's right."

Lingzhu responded, staring at the young man and said, "Are you here to make trouble at Jixiang Xiaozhu?"

"It's not about making trouble, I'm just here for dinner."

The young man is a little bit jealous of the Lingzhu, this is a feeling, he feels that his strength is not as good as the Lingzhu.

"Jixiang Xiaozhu has the rules of Jixiang Xiaozhu. If you want to eat, come here when Jixiang Xiaozhu opens. Now please leave here immediately!"

Lingzhu's voice fell to the ground, and she pointed out the door.

The young man frowned. Although he was a little afraid of Lingzhu, but not many, he was also a member of the sect anyway.

"What if I don't leave? Do you still want to do it?" The young man sneered.

"If you don't follow Jixiang Xiaozhu's rules, then I can only deal with it as a disturbance. As for the troublemaker, I will naturally invite him out!" Lingzhu said.

"Really want to do it?"

The young man sneered again, then looked at Master Yun Qing who was beside Lingzhu and said, "Then ask the person next to you, what benefits will it bring you if you do something to me!"

The young man's words suddenly involved Master Yunqing, which made Master Yunqing frown.

"Does Pindao know you?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"You don't know me, but you know my sect!"

While the young man was speaking, he took out a golden token with the two characters 'Cang Lan' engraved on it.

"Cang Lan Sect!"

Master Yun Qing exclaimed, and his eyes became complicated.

"What's wrong? Is this Canglan sect very powerful?" Lingzhu asked Master Yunqing.

"Miss Lingzhu, when it comes to Canglan Sect, I have to talk about some things..."

Through Yunqing's narration, Lingzhu understood some things.

The sect that Master Yun Qing belongs to is called 'Yuehua Sect', and there are seven to eight hundred disciples in the sect, which is considered a relatively large sect. However, in today's prehistoric times, sect ranks are relatively strict, and if the number of disciples is less than a thousand, they are all called sects. If the number of disciples exceeds a thousand, they are considered sects.

Originally, Yuehua Sect had no relationship with Canglan Sect, but a month ago, the members of Canglan Sect went to the head of Yuehua Sect and asked them to withdraw from the jurisdiction of several subordinate cities within a certain period of time. Including Qingfeng City. If you lose the jurisdiction over a city, you will also lose the city's annual tribute and the qualification to recruit disciples in this area.

Regarding Canglan Sect's land-grabbing behavior, Yuehuamen was naturally unwilling to be annoyed, but after Canglanzong sent people to ask for advice, Yuehuamen also compromised because of this, and promised that within a certain period of time, it would hand over several of its subordinates. Jurisdiction over the city.

According to Master Yunqing, the Yuehua Sect will hand over the jurisdiction of Qingfeng City to Canglan Sect in half a month, and by then Master Yunqing will no longer be the resident cultivator of Qingfeng City.

The staff of Jixiang Xiaozhu couldn't hear the words of Immortal General Yunqing. She had already set up restrictions in the hall when the Lingzhu entered Jixiang Xiaozhu. After all, this is to communicate with the cultivator or do it. It is not good for the guys to know these things.

The guys couldn't hear Master Yunqing's words, but the young man could hear them clearly. After Master Yunqing finished telling the Lingzhu, he said: "My name is Cang Ming, and I will be in Qingfeng City in a month and a half. The Immortal Cultivator stationed in the city came to Qingfeng City in advance this time, and also wanted to know about the situation here. I heard that the food at Jixiang Xiaozhu was very good, and even the gods would be greedy when they smelled it, so I came here look."

Cang Ming's voice paused, and then he said: "Rules are made by people. Now that you know my identity, you go and cook for me now. Let's forget about today's affairs, or else you, a very fragrant little Zhu, will also follow their Yuehua Gate to evacuate Qingfeng City!"

Lingzhu hesitated a little, this is not a trivial matter, it involves a sect.

Seeing that Lingzhu was hesitant, Master Yunqing sent a voice transmission to Lingzhu: "Do as he said! Although this breaks the rules set by the ancestors, after all, there is a reason for the incident, I think the ancestors will not blame it if they know You. If you reject him, you will offend him. Maybe the ancestor here will not think of offending the Canglan Sect? Anyway, there are two ancestor-level existences in the Canglan Sect! In other words, the ancestor has been away for a while, and we don't know when he will come back. If you really stick to the rules and offend the Canglan Sect, you will be facing the sect at that time. Have you thought about the consequences? No? What's more, if it really doesn't work, you still have the strength to leave, but what about these people in Jixiang Xiaozhu?"

After hearing what Master Yunqing said, Lingzhu nodded, she felt that what Master Yunqing said was reasonable, and she was going to follow Master Yunqing's suggestion, not to offend Cang Ming first, and wait until Gu Zheng returned.

"Okay, then I'll cook for you now!"

Although Lingzhu didn't speak with a smile, Cang Ming was still very satisfied with Lingzhu's reaction. In his opinion, there is a second time for compromise, so he looked at it with the eyes of a winner. Lingzhu's back.

"Why are you still here? You can go!" Cang Ming sent a voice transmission to Master Yun Qing.

Daoist Yunqing gritted his teeth secretly, he certainly didn't want to do what Cang Ming said, but he didn't dare to offend Cang Ming, the sect he belonged to couldn't offend the Canglan Sect, let alone him!

"Pindao, grab something and leave!"

Master Yunqing said something, then turned and walked towards the back kitchen.

However, Master Yunqing who hadn't walked a few steps suddenly stopped, staring at the door of Jixiang Xiaozhu with wide-eyed eyes.

Because he is a cultivator, Master Yunqing's eyesight is naturally much better than those guys outside Jixiang Xiaozhu, so he saw a young man walking towards Jixiang Xiaozhu at the end of the long steps. The young man had a smile on his face, looking at the bright lights of Qingfeng City as if he was taking a walk, the smile on his face made Master Yunqing's heart beat faster!

In Cang Ming's puzzled eyes, Master Yunqing was like a child seeing his long-lost father, and he happily ran towards Jixiang Xiaozhuwai.

When Reverend Yunqing stopped, Lingzhu hadn't reached the back kitchen. Although she couldn't see what Reverend Yunqing saw because her vision was blocked by the wall, she thought from the ecstatic expression of Reverend Lingzhu that The only possibility is that Gu Zheng is back! Therefore, with the same ecstatic expression, Lingzhu also rushed out of Jixiang Xiaozhu with Cang Ming's puzzled eyes.

After seeing Gu Zheng, Master Yunqing and Lingzhu were naturally very excited.

Seeing Lingzhu and Yunqing as soon as he came back, Gu Zheng was naturally very happy. However, when he knew that someone had come to make trouble in Jixiang Xiaozhu, his face immediately turned serious, even if Master Yunqing said that the person was from the Canglan Sect, he couldn't stop him from sneering frequently.

Cang Ming frowned, he didn't know Gu Zheng, but he saw the elation on the faces of Ling Zhu and Master Yun Qing, so he knew that Gu Zheng was not a good person.

"Your name is Cang Ming, are you from the Canglan Sect?"

Gu Zheng's eyes were piercing, and Cang Ming wanted to dodge.

Cang Ming was very scared, Gu Zheng did not let go of his aura to show him his cultivation, but Gu Zheng's sharp eyes at this time, he had only seen in the ancestor of the Canglan Sect.


Even though Cang Ming was afraid, he still stiffened his neck, trying not to lose face of Canglan Sect.

"There are only two things I want to tell you. The first thing, this is Jixiang Xiaozhu, and Jixiang Xiaozhu has the rules of Jixiang Xiaozhu, and you broke the rules here. The second thing, I don't care Whether you are the Canglan Sect or the Lancang Sect, my Jixiang Xiaozhu does my Jixiang Xiaozhu's rules, we do not violate the river water, if you Canglan Sect come to my Jixiang Xiaozhu to play wild, I promise to let you I know how to write the word regret!"

Gu Zheng's voice fell to the ground, and he patted Cang Ming's shoulder: "Now you get out of here!"

Gu Zheng squeezed Cang Ming's shoulder hard, and with his flick, Cang Ming flew out of Jixiang Xiaozhu screaming in pain.

Being thrown out from Jixiang Xiaozhu, although Cang Ming had hatred, he was more afraid. He knew that he was not Gu Zheng's opponent, and also understood that it was not easy for Gu Zheng to slap him twice on the shoulder just now. He felt that his body was a little cold, but he couldn't detect anything abnormal.

Looking at Cang Ming who left quickly, Lingzhu and Master Yunqing were still in shock, but the cheers of Huang Ying and others woke them up.

After briefly talking to Huang Ying and the others, Gu Zheng took Lingzhu and Master Yunqing upstairs, knowing that Lingzhu and Master Yunqing must have something to say to him.

Lingzhu and Master Yunqing were indeed shocked by Gu Zheng. They thought that Gu Zheng would be tough, but they didn't know that Gu Zheng would be so tough. They threw Cang Ming out of Jixiang Xiaozhu after warning .

"Old Ancestor, the Canglan Sect is not easy to mess with!" Master Yun Qing said worriedly.

"Boy, he is not easily provoked by the Canglan Sect, so am I easy to be provoked?" Gu Zheng rolled his eyes at Master Yunqing.

"Hey, junior doesn't mean that, it's just..."


Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and interrupted Master Yun Qing's words.

"The ancestor knows that you are worried, but you just keep your heart in your stomach. Since the ancestor dared to treat that Cang Ming like this, he is naturally not afraid of his Canglan sect's revenge!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Lingzhu, who wanted to say something, stopped talking. Anyway, as far as she is concerned, as long as Gu Zheng is not impulsive, then even if there is any trouble, he believes that Gu Zheng will be able to settle it.

"I was very happy to see you two when I came back, but I was spoiled by that bright guy."

Gu Zheng smiled coldly, and then said: "Forget it, let's not mention him, let's talk about the recent situation of the two of you."

"Sir, let me speak first!"

Lingzhu told Gu Zheng about the current situation.

During the period when Gu Zheng left, everything in Jixiang Xiaozhu was fine, and there were so many diners every day. Huang Ying and others' cooking skills also improved somewhat. The dishes are better than before.

In addition, when Gu Zheng left, he asked Lingzhu to guide Huang Ying and others in their cultivation, and Huang Ying and others were also very hardworking. Now they can already feel the existence of Xianyuan, and they need Gu Zheng to give more help. The exercises they practice next.

After hearing what Lingzhu said, Gu Zheng nodded, and then looked at Master Yunqing, who also hurriedly began to tell his recent situation.

After getting Niu Xiu's head, Reverend Yun Qing happily returned to the sect to receive the reward, but the reward he actually received was less than half of what the sect offered before. As for why this happened, according to Master Yunqing, it was due to deduction by the deacon who distributed the rewards, and Master Yunqing didn't say much about this matter.

After receiving the reward, Daoist Yunqing asked to be transferred back to the mountain gate, but was still rejected. Gu Zheng heard the reason, and couldn't help feeling a little bit, whether it was in the mortal world or in the cultivation world.

After failing to transfer back to the sect, Master Yunqing went back to Qingfeng City to be stationed in the city, and then the Canglan Sect incident happened. For Canglan Sect's acceptance of Qingfeng City, Master Yunqing was very happy. Although it would cause some losses to the sect, at least he didn't have to stay in Qingfeng City anymore.

After hearing what Master Yunqing said, Gu Zheng patted him on the shoulder to show his comfort.


Master Yunqing smiled, looked at Gu Zheng with a playful smile and said: "Ancestor, when we parted last time, the ancestor said that if we meet again, we will give benefits to the younger generation. Now that we have finally met, when will the ancestor give benefits to the younger generation?" ? What good is that?"

"Haha, the ancestor thought you had forgotten all about it, who would have thought that you could remember it so clearly!" Gu Zheng joked.

"That's right! The younger generation will take every word of the old ancestor's words to heart, and dare not forget anything!" Master Yun Qing said seriously.

"Okay, since you remember it so clearly, the ancestor asked if you want it now or tomorrow?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Ask for it now! Otherwise, you'll have to look forward to it all night."

Master Yun Qing's voice paused, and he looked at Gu Zheng flatteringly: "Old Ancestor, what exactly are these benefits?"

Gu Zheng took out two fairy artifacts from the storage bracelet. One of the two fairy artifacts was a blue long sword, and the other was a pair of gloves that looked like deerskin. The grades of the two fairy artifacts were both advanced.

"Does the ancestor want to give me a fairy weapon?"

Immediately, Master Yunqing became excited. He didn't have any high-level fairy weapons now, how could he not be excited by the two high-level fairy weapons that Gu Zheng took out at once.

"That's right, these two fairy weapons are for you. Originally, these two fairy weapons should have been given to you in Niu Xiu's fairy formation, but at that time you were banned by Niu Xiu. Immortal Artifact, if you cause something to happen, it won't be beautiful." Gu Zheng said.

"It's still thoughtful of the ancestor! The middle-level fairy artifact that the ancestor gave to the junior at that time has already made the junior very grateful. Now the ancestor has given the junior two high-level fairy artifacts. This kind of great kindness is really unimportant to the junior. Repay, or let the juniors follow the ancestors in the future, and serve the ancestors like cows and horses, so as to repay the ancestors' kindness!"

Master Yunqing became more and more excited as he spoke, and hugged Gu Zheng's thigh without crying.

"I haven't seen you for a while, but you are getting more and more talkative." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Hey, only in front of the ancestors, will the younger generation dare to be poor..."


Seeing that Master Yunqing seemed to be about to say something flattering again, Gu Zheng quickly told him to shut up.

"The ancestor is not short of people here, let's talk about it when there is a lack of people!" Gu Zheng said.

"Thank you, Patriarch!"

Daoist Yun Qing quickly thanked him, although Gu Zheng didn't keep him, but he heard the meaning of Gu Zheng's words, these words were not particularly dead.

Although following Gu Zheng means losing the support of the sect and can only be said to be a casual cultivator in the future, Master Yun Qing, who has no sense of belonging to the sect, is really willing to be by Gu Zheng's side, anyway, with him In his eyes, Gu Zheng treats his own people really well.

"Are you happy to get two fairy artifacts?"

Looking at Master Yunqing who was smirking and playing with the two fairy artifacts, Gu Zheng spoke again.

"Happy, of course I'm happy!" Master Yun Qing grinned.

"Although the ancestor gave you two fairy artifacts, the benefits that the ancestor gave you are not exhausted. I am going to give you another food repair!"

"Thank you, Patriarch!"

Even without hearing what Gu Zheng said it was a food cultivator, Master Yun Qing hurriedly knelt down and thanked him.

Daoist Yunqing has never seen food cultivation, but he heard from Lingzhu that food cultivation is miraculous, no matter how effective the food cultivation that Gu Zheng is going to give him is, it is something he should be grateful for.

"Get up, no need to be polite!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and then said: "Acquaintance is fate, not to mention that we have experienced so many things between us, the ancestor also expressed sympathy for your situation, and hoped that you can get along better. This time The old ancestor wants to give you the food repair, the name is the marrow-washing food repair, he can wash the scriptures and cut the marrow for you, so that your body is more suitable for cultivation than now, and has more potential!"


Yun Qingzhen's eyes widened. Although it was the first time he had heard of the elixir with the same effect, almost every immortal cultivator had heard of it, but they all felt that this elixir was legendary. likes stuff. Indeed, pills that can help people cleanse the meridian and cut marrow are very rare. This kind of pill is more absorbable than the pill that increases lifespan. It is really a good thing that is difficult to buy with fairy coins.

However, the reason why Master Yunqing was surprised was not only the effect of food cultivation on washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow, but also the fact that the washing of the scriptures and cutting the marrow can usually only be done when a person is young, the real age Preferably no older than thirty. However, Daoist Yunqing is over a thousand years old this year. In terms of pills, he has already passed the best age for receiving sutra-washing and cutting marrow. It doesn't make much sense anymore, it's quite a waste.

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