"Free gift!"

Gu Zheng looked young, but at the moment he was full of demeanor as a senior. After saying something lightly, he walked to the table with his hands behind his back and sat down. Lingzhu hurriedly poured a cup of tea for him.

"sit down!"

After Gu Zheng said this, Master Yun Qing and Yun Jing sat down.

After Lingzhu watched the tea, Gu Zheng said again: "I heard from Yunqing that you want to see my cooking skills?"

"Returning to the senior, it is indeed the case. Hearing Yun Qing say that the cooking skills of the senior are superb, the junior really wants to see it."

Although Gu Zheng looked young, Yun Jing didn't dare to be presumptuous, and her attitude was very low after entering Jixiang Xiaozhu.

"In the past, Jixiang Xiaozhu did business with mortals, but now Jixiang Xiaozhu only targets immortal cultivators, so you have to know some rules first. If you want to eat my dishes, the price you need to spend is not small."

Gu Zheng waved his hand, and Jixiang Xiaozhu's new recipes and charging methods appeared on the wall.

There are two types of ordering, one is provided by Jixiang Xiaozhu, and the other is prepared by diners.

If the ingredients are provided by Jixiang Xiaozhu, in addition to charging the cost of the ingredients, Jixiang Xiaozhu will also charge 20% of the total value of the ingredients as a reward.

The diners bring their own ingredients, and Jixiang Xiaozhu only charges 20% of the total value of the ingredients as remuneration.

As for some details in the ordering process, you need to negotiate on the spot. After all, the way of eating and drinking is not booming nowadays, and the value of some ingredients has not been seen by others. Therefore, it is inevitable that the two sides will have different opinions when converting them into fairy coins.

Looking at the menu of Jixiang Xiaozhu, Yun Jing couldn't help but secretly startled, charging 20% ​​as a reward doesn't sound like much, but in fact it's really dark, at least for the first time entering Xianchu restaurant Yun Qing said.

After looking at the menu of Jixiang Xiaozhu, Yun Jing actually doesn't want to eat the dishes made by Gu Zheng anymore. Although she is the daughter of the head of the family and has a lot of cultivation resources, these resources are not brought by the wind. However, since they have already arrived, it would be unreasonable not to order, and there would be no face if they ordered less, Yun Jing secretly gritted her teeth and decided to order two dishes to try.

"Seniors, juniors want to order food and prepare their own ingredients."

Yun Jing chose the relatively economical way of ordering food.

"Okay, take out your ingredients and let me see if they are suitable for cooking."

Gu Zheng smiled, and Yun Jing was reluctant, so he could naturally guess.


Yun Jing responded, and immediately took out a bunch of ingredients from the storage belt.

The ingredients that Yun Jing took out are basically used for medicinal purposes in terms of the current prehistoric times. Although the lowest grade is equivalent to ordinary grade ingredients, they will not be very tasty when cooked.

"You also know that these things are actually medicinal materials. I think you are also very clear about their original taste." Gu Zheng said.

"That's right, although these ingredients have a medicinal fragrance, they taste either bitter or weird. It's really not that good." Yun Jing shook her head and said.

"So if it's just these medicinal materials, even if I'm a good cook, the taste of the cooking won't be too delicious, so I need to add some ingredients for seasoning."

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, he took out some ingredients from the storage bracelet and put them on the table.

The ingredients that Gu Zheng took out are pure ingredients, Yun Jing is not good at ingredients, she just thinks that these seemingly ordinary ingredients seem a bit unusual. However, ingredients are ingredients, and if it wasn't for curiosity, Yun Jing would not have come to Jixiang Xiaozhu, so in her heart, Gu Zheng added these ingredients, and it shouldn't cost much to compare.

"Okay, anyway, I'm not good at eating and drinking. Senior thinks adding these things will taste better, so let's add these things! Senior calculate, how much fairy coins do I need to pay you in total?" Yun Jing said with a smile.

"For the two dishes, I need to pay three blue fairy coins, plus twenty yellow fairy coins."


Gu Zheng's words made Yun Jing's eyes widen.

"Did senior make a mistake? The medicinal materials I provided, if calculated according to the market price, add up to only one and a half blue fairy coins. The rule in the senior store is to only charge 20% of the total value of the materials as remuneration. Why is it so expensive?"

Taking out medicinal materials equivalent to one and a half blue fairy coins for a meal, Yun Jing was already very distressed, but the reward Gu Zheng needed was already close to four blue fairy coins, how could she not be surprised! If she hadn't known about Gu Zheng's advanced cultivation, she might have turned over the table immediately and accused it of being a black shop.

"The medicinal materials you provided are indeed worth half a blue fairy coin based on the market price, but the ingredients I provided are very expensive! Most of the total compensation is from the ingredients I provided capital." Gu Zheng said.


Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Yun Jing was furious, and Daoist Yun Qing hurriedly squeezed her arm, but her voice was only a pause, and she still said what she wanted to say.

"Senior, no matter how you say, we are also immortal cultivators. For us, medicinal materials are more precious, and ingredients are just dispensable things. Even if you are a senior, you can't be so dark, right? Take some things like bear paws , to charge such a high price, won’t it be bad for senior’s reputation if it spreads?” Yun Jing looked very angry.

"Don't blame the ancestor, my senior sister,"

Immortal Yun Qing quickly apologized, but Gu Zheng reached out to stop him, and Gu Zheng was not angry because of it. Now that the way of eating has not yet flourished, let alone Yun Jing would have doubts, other diners would also have doubts.

"There are three thousand roads, and the way of eating is one of them. It's just that this way is not flourishing now, so you, a junior, will misunderstand it. The so-called homology of medicine and food, in your eyes, these things I provide are just ingredients, but in reality They also have medicinal properties, but the medicinal properties will be stimulated when they are cooked with some specific ingredients! Therefore, the ingredients I provided are actually more valuable than those you provided. You may not believe it now, but In less than a hundred years, you will believe what I said is true." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Medicinal properties, what kind of medicinal properties?"

Although Yun Jing still didn't believe it, Gu Zheng's calm explanation also calmed her down a lot.

"The two dishes I cooked for you today, after you eat them, your immortal energy will be transformed. Although the amount of transformation is not much, it can still support your two years of hard work."

Gu Zheng paused, looked at Yun Jing's wide eyes and said, "Do you think it's worthwhile to exchange nearly four blue fairy coins for the fairy power that can be accumulated through two years of hard work?"

"Senior, did I hear correctly? Eating vegetables can accumulate immortal power? Is it equivalent to two years of penance?" Yun Jing asked hurriedly.

"You heard me right, it is indeed like this." Gu Zheng said.

"Old Ancestor, is this really the case? I have also eaten a lot of food you cooked before, and some of the food ingredients are not low-grade, but why don't I feel that my immortal power has increased?" Master Yun Qing also spoke.

"In the past, I didn't face customers as a fairy chef. I was only doing business for ordinary people, so some methods of cooking ingredients were different. The same ingredients, cooking methods are different, and the effects are naturally different. I can't let After the food is cooked, it will be transformed into immortal yuan in people's stomachs, because my diners are just ordinary people. If the food is transformed into immortal yuan in their bodies, and they have no way to absorb immortal yuan, then it is not enjoyment It's about dying!"

Gu Zheng paused, looked at Yun Qing and said, "As for you, although I am a cultivator, my identity as the ancestor has not changed, so I treat you equally on this point. After all, being a fairy chef cooks food The consumption is also different from that of a general chef cooking food."

"Senior, if eating two dishes can save two years of penance, then the price is not expensive!" Yun Jing said.

"Indeed, I think you will spend more than this amount of immortal coins on the elixir to improve your cultivation in two years. Moreover, the elixir needs to be taken every once in a while for two years. Eat the dishes I cook, It will allow you to increase your cultivation for two years within the time of one meal!" Gu Zheng said.

"Senior, please cook for me! I really can't wait to see how it goes."

Yun Jing's mentality has changed, and now what she wants to see is not the taste of the food, but its efficacy.

According to the rules of Jixiang Xiaozhu, Yun Jing paid Gu Zheng first, and then Gu Zheng went to cook for her.

After Gu Zheng left, Yun Jing sent a voice transmission to Master Yun Qing: "Junior brother, do you think it's really so magical?"

"Is it miraculous? This is just a general miraculous! What the senior sister ordered was just food, and the more miraculous method of the ancestor is called food cultivation. The reason why I became younger, junior, is precisely because of taking food cultivation!" Yunqing is real.

"Junior brother, don't food repairs be offered to outsiders? I don't think there is such a thing as food repairs on the menu!"

Becoming young is something that is very attractive to all women. Even though Yun Jing is a nun, she also wants to become young.

"For the time being, it should not be done by outsiders, but senior sister is not an outsider to me. If senior sister wants to experience the effect of food cultivation, I can ask seniors! However, food cultivation is not an ordinary thing, it is The essence of the diet, even if the ancestors are willing to cook food for the senior sister because of my thin face, the senior sister must be prepared to spend a lot of money!"

Master Yun Qing is playing tricks on Yun Jing. Before he told Gu Zheng that Yun Jing had a lot of wood-attribute inner alchemy, he thought of making Yun Jing younger in exchange for her wood-attribute inner alchemy. Dan's method.

"If it really makes people look ten years younger, then I'm willing to pay a big price!" Yun Jing said without hesitation.

"Today I will teach you how to be a real fairy chef. Later in the cooking process, I will tell you the characteristics of these ingredients and how to use fairy power in cooking."

In the kitchen, Gu Zheng, who started to process the ingredients, said to Lingzhu that he had taught Lingzhu cooking skills before, but the food cooked by that kind of cooking skills would not increase people's immortality.

"Okay, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time!" Lingzhu laughed.

There are two dishes that Gu Zheng wants to cook for Yun Jing. The first dish uses a total of nine kinds of ingredients, the highest grade is excellent, and the lowest grade is ordinary. The second dish uses a total of seven kinds of ingredients, of which the highest grade is also excellent. , the lowest grade is normal.

The ingredients have been processed, looking at Gu Zheng who started cooking, Lingzhu asked: "Sir, what are the names of these two dishes today?"

"The first dish is called 'Hemp Steamed Bear's Paw', and the second dish is called 'Wine Fragrant Silky Chicken'."

The names of the two dishes were thought up by Gu Zheng on the spur of the moment. He had never used these two dishes before, but with his understanding of the ingredients, he could easily control them.

Gu Zhengxian put the ingredients used in the first dish, Lingyunque, Huanghu, and Longxiang slices, into a clay pot and boiled the soup with clear water.

"Among these three ingredients, Huanghu and Longxiang tablets are medicinal materials, but their medicinal properties do not match. However, adding Lingyunque to the soup will neutralize their medicinal properties and make the soup more delicious."

As Gu Zheng said, he used the fire control formula to quickly burn the water in the pot on the other side.

"Snowland bear's paw is a high-quality ingredient, but this kind of ingredient is not easy to cook, and the smell is difficult to get rid of if it is not handled properly. Before the initial processing of the ingredients, the glands in the snowy bear's paw have been removed. But this is not enough, it needs to be blanched, then add some seasonings, and then simmer for a while on high heat before it can be cooked together with the rest of the ingredients."

While speaking, the clear water in the pot had already boiled, Gu Zheng put the snowy bear's paw into it, and then urged it with the water control formula: "This is partly because you have no experience and no eye of Tao, you can't see it. I am using the water control formula to get rid of something in the bear's paw, so I won't say more, and I will tell you about this part after you open the eye of the Tao!"

Gu Zheng also couldn't see some of the substances in the bear's paw that he wanted to get rid of, but he had previous experience in dealing with snowy bear's paws, so he quickly completed this step.

When the bear's paws were taken out, the original peculiar smell had faded a lot, but the soup that was poured out by Gu Zheng became a little pungent.

Put some seasonings into the pot, Gu Zheng put the bear's paw into the pot again, and then the water control formula stimulated the fire, and the fire started to simmer.

"For this step, you just need to remember how hot it is." Gu Zheng said.

After a while, Gu Zheng finished stewing the bear's paw in the snowy area, and the bear's paw was only half-cooked at this time.

After using the Fire Control Art and the Water Control Art to control the soup that Ling Yunque was cooking before, Gu Zheng poured out the soup, and discarded all the ingredients for the soup.

Pour the Lingyunque soup into the pot, then put in the half-cooked bear's paw, and then put in the other four ingredients, Gu Zheng once again used the fire control formula to ignite the fire.

As Gu Zheng controlled the fire, the aroma gradually wafted out of the pot. It was the fusion of the aroma of meat and medicine, which already made people want to eat. However, the fragrance is not strong enough, and the white mist that wants to transform into an extremely fragrant form has not yet appeared.

When Gu Zheng stopped the fire control formula to ignite the fire, the bear's paw in the pot was already cooked. After Gu Zheng took out the bear's paw, he gently pulled it to remove the bone inside.

Cut the bear's paw into squares, and Gu Zheng added the jute flakes that had been prepared into the square bear's paw piece by piece, and then steamed it in a basket.

"Sir, if untreated jute is steamed together with the bear's paw, will the final taste of the bear's paw make people's mouth sore?"

Remembering that when washing jute before, my hands felt numb, Lingzhu couldn't help asking.

"No, the fat in the bear's paw can neutralize the numbness of the jute, plus the spicy taste of the bear's paw when it is stewed directly, this fragrant, numbing and spicy jute steamed bear's paw will surely satisfy Yun Jing's appetite The face is intoxicated!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Don't say that she will be full of intoxication, even if I hear Mr. say that, I can't help drooling." Lingzhu laughed.

"Okay, then just keep the fire at this level, and just steam for a quarter of an hour."

Gu Zheng came to the chopping board again, and he was about to start cooking the second dish.

The name of the second dish is 'Wine Fragrant Silky Chicken'. The wine used in this dish is not fairy wine, it is ordinary rice wine, but it is this ordinary rice wine that is used to cook Yun Jing The provided medicinal materials played a major role.

The 'silk-bone chicken' in the name of the dish is not the usual black-bone chicken. It is actually a combination of two things, one is black bone with medicinal materials, and the other is an old hen with ordinary ingredients.

This dish is relatively simple, it is a stew, and all the effort is in the process of stewing.

Pour the rice wine into the clay pot, put the packed ingredients into it, and Gu Zheng immediately used the fire control formula to ignite the fire.

After the water in the clay pot boiled, Gu Zheng began to use the water control formula, and he scooped out some soup from time to time and discarded it. During this process, Gu Zheng didn't say anything, because even if he did, the Lingzhu would be useless if he didn't open the Eye of Dao.

The aroma of medicine, wine and meat are intertwined, which makes people want to sneeze. This is not a seductive fragrance. However, as the cooking process continues, the medicinal smell in the aroma gradually disappears, leaving only the aroma of wine and meat to attract the appetite.

Here, on the clay pot where the 'wine-flavored black-bone chicken' is stewed, the extremely fragrant white air is already very strong, and over there, the extremely fragrant white air above the steamer is also beginning to condense.

A moment later, amidst the sound of Lingzhu swallowing, Gu Zheng asked her to serve out the 'wine-flavored silky chicken' first.

Lingzhu left with the 'wine-flavored silky chicken' on her front foot, and Gu Zheng also took the 'steamed jute bear paw' out of the cage on her back foot, and the two appeared on Yun Jing's table one after the other.

"Whirring whirring……"

Yun Jing fluttered her nostrils quickly. Although she hadn't opened the lids of the two dishes, the strong fragrance had already caused her to salivate uncontrollably while sniffing them.

"It's fragrant, it's really fragrant!"

Yun Jing looked at Master Yun Qing beside her: "It's really hard to imagine how the dishes can have such an attractive aroma!"

Looking at the disbelief in Yun Jing's eyes, Master Yun Qing was secretly happy, anyone was so irresistible in front of the food cooked by Gu Zheng, which made him feel very proud.

"Senior Sister, quickly open it and have a look, you will be pleasantly surprised!" Yun Qing said.


With doubts, Yun Jing opened the lids of the two dishes.

When Yun Jing opened the lid, all the white air that had covered the two dishes penetrated into the food, and the extremely fragrant form also appeared.

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