Immortal Yunqing quickly found Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng and Lingzhu were in front of the booth with the most people.

"Old Ancestor, look at what this junior bought!" Master Yun Qing sent a message to Gu Zheng.

Seeing Yun Qing's happy face, Gu Zheng smiled and said: "Come on, let the ancestor see what treasure you bought."

Master Yunqing took out the 'medicine', and Gu Zheng's expression immediately became weird.

"Old Ancestor, did this junior lose money?"

Master Yunqing felt like he wanted to sweat, he felt that he must have lost money, and this thing might not be an ingredient.

"It's okay, you don't know how to eat and drink, so it's normal to miss it." Lingzhu smiled maliciously.

"Don't listen to her nonsense!"

Gu Zheng gave Lingzhu a white look, and then patted Master Yun Qing on the shoulder: "I said that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have good fortune. You are really lucky this time!"

"Oh? What did the ancestor say?" Master Yun Qing's eyes lit up.

"The ingredient you bought is called 'Fire Vein Immortal Grass', which is relatively rare among high-level ingredients. It has a potential special substance. This substance belongs to fire. People are very helpful!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Master Yun Qing's eyes lit up again. Looking at Gu Zheng's smiling face, he was a little unsure: "The ancestor's consciousness is that this ingredient should be eaten by the younger generation?"

"That's right, the skill you are practicing now is a fire-attribute skill. After cooking, this ingredient is very suitable for you to eat. After returning to Jixiang Xiaozhu, the ancestor will cook a food for you. Xiu, this Daoist cultivation will greatly save you the training time of the current skills, and it will also make your fire magic very powerful! In a word, the ingredients you got this time are good for you. For you, the meaning is absolutely no less than that of the marrow cleansing and food cultivation!"

"Thank you, Patriarch!"

Gu Zheng's words made Master Yun Qing ecstatic, he didn't know what to say other than thanking him.

A food cultivation that can greatly save the current practice time, and a food cultivation that can make the fire attribute magic more powerful, these are all indirectly helping Master Yunqing to fulfill his agreement with Yun Jing, which makes Yun How can Halal people not be happy.

"Old Ancestor, you just said that the younger generation will have future blessings if they survive a catastrophe. Are you referring to the fact that the younger generation bought the 'Fire Vein Immortal Grass'?"

Recalling Gu Zheng's weird expression just now, Master Yun Qing felt that things seemed not that simple.

"It is your chance to say that you will be blessed if you survive a catastrophe!"

Gu Zheng felt a little emotional, and he told Master Yun Qing the whole story.

The reason why there are so many people in front of the stall where Gu Zheng is now is because the stall owner has a peculiar way of doing business.

There are many good things on the stand of the stall owner, but if you want to get these good things, you don't buy them with fairy coins, nor exchange them with any resources, but do something for the stall owner.

The stall owner has a mirage dragon ball that can create illusions. This mirage dragon ball can create a wide variety of illusions. Those who want to get the things on the stall must go through an illusion.

Among the things on the booth, there is a fairy food ingredient that Gu Zheng needs, and another ingredient called 'Lava Flower'. When he saw this ingredient, Gu Zheng thought of Master Yunqing. The food cultivation made from the ingredients can help Master Yunqing shorten the training time of the current kung fu, and it can also make his fire magic more powerful. However, if you want to cook this kind of food repair, you also need the ingredient of 'fire pulse fairy grass', and this kind of ingredient is very rare, and it is the kind that cannot be found. Gu Zheng is somewhat regretful about this.

However, things are sometimes such a coincidence that Master Yunqing missed the 'Fire Vein Immortal Grass', and the reason why Gu Zheng had a strange expression at that time was not just because Master Yunqing missed the 'Fire Vein Immortal Grass' , Another reason is that he had a feeling that Master Yunqing could complete the illusion! This made him have to sigh in his heart, things like chance are really so wonderful sometimes, and Master Yun Qing is really lucky if he survives a catastrophe.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Master Yun Qing also felt a sense of chance and coincidence, but when he thought of the illusion, the expression on his face couldn't help but become a little weird, and he remembered the experience he had experienced in Niu Xiu's fairy formation before. A mirage, it really scared him to death, and even made Lingzhu laugh at him for a long time because of his embarrassing performance.

"Seeing how promising you are, do you think of the illusion in Niu Xiuxian's formation again? Don't worry, the illusion this time will not be dangerous!" Lingzhu laughed.


Master Yun Qing smiled embarrassedly: "Old Ancestor, what exactly is this illusion like?"

"Everyone experiences different things after entering the illusion, but according to the stall owner, customers will not encounter any danger in the illusion." Gu Zheng said.

"Did the ancestor and Miss Lingzhu try it?" Master Yunqing asked.

"Both of us tried, but we failed to make the stall owner gain something in the illusion, so we didn't get what was on the booth. Moreover, each person can only try the illusion once, and we have already lost the opportunity to try the illusion. " Gu Zheng said.

"What does the stall owner want to gain?" Master Yun Qing asked again.

"The stall owner can see what's happening in the illusion. He seems to be looking for some psychological gain by watching the experience of the guests in the illusion!"

"Ah? Doesn't that mean that it's up to him to decide whether to help him gain something or not?"

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Master Yun Qing's eyes widened.

"Not bad! But before each guest enters the illusion, he will swear an oath to guarantee that he will not play tricks. Anyway, we will not lose anything if we try it, and some customers did take things from his booth before." Ancient struggle.

"Since the ancestor thinks that the younger generation can pass through the illusion, then the younger generation should give it a try!"

Although he hated illusions from the bottom of his heart, this was not only helping himself, but also helping Gu Zheng, which made Master Yunqing willing to try it.

"Boy, there is something I want to tell you first. There are three grades of illusions: primary, intermediate and advanced. You will have to try the intermediate illusions at that time, and the resources you choose are naturally what we need. However, to experience the intermediate illusions, you need to pay a lot. The longevity of the year is the condition for opening the illusion! As for the rest of the rules, there are instructions on the sign in front of the booth." Gu Zheng said.

"If there is something that the ancestor needs, let alone the price of one year's life, even if it is the price of ten or hundred years of life, the younger generation will not even frown!" Master Yun Qing said, patting his chest.

"Ha ha."

Gu Zheng smiled and patted Master Yunqing on the shoulder, and led him to the side of the stall owner.

There are many onlookers around, but these people have already tried it.

Mirage Dragon Ball experiences the illusion, and the outside time passes for a moment, and the time in the illusion may be a day.

"Staller, I want to try your illusion." Yun Qing said sincerely.

"Let's see the rules."

The stall owner didn't lift his head when he spoke.

Master Yun Qing frowned. The stall owner's hair was loose and his entire face was covered, and his voice sounded husky, which didn't make people feel very good.

"The rules have been read, and I want these two resources."

Master Yunqing touched the 'Lava Flower' and fairy ingredients with his fingers.

"Put your hand on the mirage dragon ball, and the old man will draw your life essence for one year."

The stall owner still didn't raise his head when he spoke, but Master Yunqing saw his hand that had been tucked in his sleeve all the time because he took out the Mirage Dragon Ball.

Master Yun Qing frowned, the stall owner's hand was as thin as a bird's claw, he had never seen such a hand.

At the request of the stall owner, Master Yunqing put his hand on the Mirage Dragon Ball.

An extremely strange feeling arose, Master Yun Qing felt that what the Mirage Dragon Ball absorbed was not his life essence, but his blood!

"It's obviously about absorbing longevity, why is it absorbing my blood?"

Master Yunqing frowned, and wanted to remove his fingers from the mirage dragon ball, but what shocked him was that his finger was actually sucked by the mirage dragon ball, and there was no way to get rid of it!


The stall owner sneered, and finally raised his head that had been lowered all the time.

Master Yunqing was shocked, he found out that the owner of the stall was the Fourth Elder.

"Old Ancestor!"

Master Yun Qing screamed, but there were no figures of Gu Zheng and Lingzhu beside him

Master Yun Qing's eyes widened, the surrounding scene has changed drastically, time seems to have returned to the time when he was plotted against by the Fourth Elder, what he was holding down with his finger was not a mirage dragon ball, but the skull that sucked his soul away .

"Old Ancestor? Hmph, when this old man sucks your boy's soul away, he will settle the score with that old Ancestor of yours!" The Fourth Elder sneered.

"This, this is not true! The ancestor has already broken your witch weapon space, and you have been injured by the ancestor!"

Master Yun Jing screamed, trying to get rid of the skull that sucked his fingers, but all this was in vain.

"Are you kid dreaming?"

The Fourth Elder gave a strange laugh, the suction in the skull increased again, Master Yunqing lost consciousness immediately.

When Master Yunqing regained his consciousness, he felt that he was very weak, as if something was missing, but he didn't know it in a daze.

There are two giants in front of them. The two giants are very big, but they have the faces of children.

Two giant children, one looked at him with a malicious smile, and the other picked up a few straws from the ground, quickly tied a dog, and blew at the dog, and the dog came back to life Chasing towards Master Yunqing.

Master Yunqing was shocked, even a humble dog was many times bigger than him, if bitten by a humble dog, I really don't know what will happen.

Master Yunqing started to run for his life, but the hound dog teased him, so he was still unable to escape too far away from the two giant children.

When he was frightened and exhausted, the Fourth Elder suddenly appeared.

Seeing the appearance of the Fourth Elder, the dog that had been chasing Reverend Yunqing stopped and wagged its tail at him.

"Do you want to live or die?"

The cold voice of the Fourth Elder seemed to come from the clouds.

"Who the hell are you!" Master Yun Qing asked.

"Do you want to live or die? I won't say the same thing a third time!" The fourth elder's voice was even colder.

"I want to live!" Master Yun Qing replied honestly.

"Since you want to live, then do it according to the old man's request! The old man will give you a puppet doll later, and you can just take it with you," said the fourth elder.

"It's that simple?" Master Yun Qing asked suspiciously.

"That's right, it's that simple, you just don't need to tell your ancestors." The Fourth Elder said temptingly.

"Hey, then tell me, what's the use of this puppet doll? How do you want to deal with Patriarch?" Master Yunqing said with a mean smile.

"It's useless, I just want you to take the private room into the auction house and know what you will buy this time. As for how to deal with your ancestors, you don't need to ask about it!"

When the Fourth Elder's words fell to the ground, Master Yunqing laughed wildly.

"What are you laughing at?" The Fourth Elder frowned.

"Old boy, I laugh at you for being so stupid. You actually want to be an accomplice to deal with the ancestor? Pooh! Don't let your eyes go blind, the ancestor treats me as much as a mountain, and I will never do anything against him What happened!" Master Yun Qing cursed.

"Hmph, I've seen a lot of stubborn people, but the grass on the graves of these people is now three feet high. Since you want to be stubborn, then I will let you suffer!"

Unexpectedly, the Fourth Elder blew downwards, Master Yun Qing instantly felt the extreme cold, that kind of cold was pervasive, and when it was extremely cold, it hurt like a knife.


Master Yunqing screamed.

"Shut up!"

The Fourth Elder yelled, Master Yun Qing couldn't even cry out.

Immediately, the fourth elder threw out a blush to surround Master Yunqing, and the burning sensation immediately made Master Yunqing extremely painful.

At this moment, Master Yunqing thought of the barbecue made by Gu Zheng, and he felt that he was like the piece of beef that was put on the grill, sizzling and oily.

"Not to mention, the barbecue made by the ancestor is really delicious! It's a pity, I can't eat it anymore!"

When he was burned to his deathbed, Master Yunqing was thinking about the delicacy of Gu Zheng.

Suddenly, Master Yunqing felt a pain in his head, and the original burning feeling disappeared instantly, and his almost lax consciousness came back to him. He found that he was still standing on the street, and the thing he was holding down with his fingers was not a skull, but a skull. It is Mirage Dragon Ball. The stall owner who had kept his head down all the time was now facing Master Yunqing. He had a kind face and kind eyes, and the hand holding the mirage dragon ball didn't look like a bird's claw.

"Yunqing, you're not bad!"

Master Yun Qing was still a little confused, but the voice of the Lingzhu had already sounded in his mind. When he looked back, Gu Zheng was smiling at him, and gave him a positive nod.

"Old Ancestor, did I, did I let the stall owner gain anything?"

Reverend Yun Qing has truly woken up now, and he has already understood that he has fallen into a hallucination before his finger touches the Mirage Dragon Ball.

"Fellow Daoist can take things away!"

The voice of the stall owner sounded at this moment, which was equivalent to answering on behalf of Gu Zheng.

"What luck!"

"Yes! Lava flower, what a superb resource!"

"Luck is such a thing as envy!"

"Besides the lava flower, the other thing is also extraordinary!"

The originally quiet crowd suddenly became a little lively. Master Yunqing experienced a lot of things in the illusion, but in fact, the real time has only passed for more than two minutes. During these two minutes, the crowd of onlookers It was like waiting for the lottery, and I didn't dare to take a breath! Now that the stall owner announced the result, these people, just like those who did not win the lottery, immediately talked about things like prizes.

I don't know what kind of harvest the stall owner got from watching the illusion, anyway, he was very happy to hand over the two ingredients to Gu Zheng's Master Yun Qing, he was not so useless for the first time.

After harvesting two very good ingredients, Gu Zheng took Master Yunqing and Lingzhu to continue shopping.

Looking at more than a dozen stalls in a row, a few high-end ingredients were harvested, but the urgently needed inner alchemy was not harvested at all.

"It's been a while since the morning market, I guess all the good things have been sold out!" Yun Qing said honestly.

"Crow mouth!"

Lingzhu gave Master Yun Qing a supercilious look.

"Today's luck has been considered good. Although no inner alchemy was harvested in the market, there was an inner alchemy for sale at the auction."

There is a list of all the items in this auction at the pre-sale office. When buying seats, Gu Zheng had already seen the list.

"Sir, I think we will have a good harvest!" Lingzhu said.

"This junior also thinks so!" Master Yun Qing also hurriedly said.

"Then I will lend you a good word!"

Gu Zheng turned around with laughter, because a stall he visited before was closed, and a new stall owner was about to set up a stall.

The new stall owner brought new resources, and the stall was immediately full of people.

There are more than 30 new resources, and among them, there is only one high-quality ingredient that is useful to Gu Zheng.

"Stand owner, how do you sell this 'Qingyun root'?" Gu Zheng asked the stall owner via voice transmission.

"Twenty-three yellow fairy coins." The stall owner said.

"It's too expensive. Although it can be used to refine medicine, the market price is at most twenty Huangxian coins."

Gu Zheng is rich, but it doesn't mean he is willing to be tricked.

"The market price is indeed twenty Yellow Immortal Coins, but the one standing next to Fellow Daoist has already paid out twenty-one Yellow Immortal Coins. If Fellow Daoist needs it, he will naturally have to add two more." The stall owner said. Laughed, full of profiteer demeanor.

Gu Zheng glanced at the old Taoist next to him. This person smelled like medicine, so he was probably a pharmacist.

"Twenty-two yellow fairy coins, if you sell it, you can sell it, or if you don't sell it, forget it." Gu Zheng said.


Gu Zheng originally thought that if the stall owner didn't want to sell it, even if he did sell it, he would have to put on a show. He never thought that the stall owner would answer without hesitation.

"The stall owner really knows how to do business. Does it mean that the one next to me didn't bid at all?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"How is that possible! That person indeed gave out twenty-one yellow fairy coins, but he didn't want to add another one. It happens that you gave out twenty-two yellow fairy coins, so I'll sell them to you." The Lord smiled.

I gave the stall owner twenty-two yellow fairy coins, and picked up the Gu Zheng of 'Qing Yun Gen', and found that the eyes of the old man next to him were going straight.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

The old man sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng who was about to leave.

"Fellow Daoist, can you part with the 'Qingyun Root' you bought just now?"

The old Taoist's guts are turning green with regret at this moment, Qingyun root is the medicinal material he urgently needs, but just now in order to save a little fairy coin, he expressed a very firm attitude, twenty-one yellow fairy coins, he doesn't want one more! Who would have thought that just after he said that, the stall owner sold Qing Yungen to Gu Zheng.

"Why didn't fellow daoist just now?" Gu Zheng asked.

"This, that, anyway, the poor will not buy it."

The old Taoist didn't want to mention more things that made him regret, so he changed the subject and said, "Fellow Taoist, are you willing to give up your love? How about twenty-five Huangxian coins? In a short time, you will earn three Huangxian coins!"

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