Hearing Gu Zheng say that a load of longan spring water is worth 1,000 yellow fairy coins, Lingzhu couldn't help but click his tongue and said: "Is it so expensive? Isn't it just to use quenched spring water for fairy artifacts? A fairy artifact as big as the Yinshi sword, a Dan spring water can quench two at most, and there is still a possibility of failure in forging fairy artifacts, this water is really expensive!".

"In the process of forging immortal artifacts, the quenching step is very critical. A good immortal artifact must and must be quenched with good water. Although forging an immortal artifact may fail, but an immortal artifact like the Yinshi Sword, as long as it succeeds One, do you still care about the fairy coins used to buy water? In addition, there is another important reason why longan spring water is precious. It is not like ordinary spring water. After quenching a fairy artifact, it cannot be used again , it can be reused! However, when it is reused, the immortal artifact that needs to be quenched must be worse than the one that was quenched last time. It will also inherit certain characteristics of the last quenching fairy weapon." Gu Zheng said.

"It's amazing! There is such an effect, so a thousand yellow fairy coins is worth it, after all, it can be reused." Lingzhu was stunned.

Gu Zheng said that a load of longan spring water was worth 1,000 Huangxian coins, but in fact the final transaction price of longan spring water was only 600 Huangxian coins. It may be that none of the bidders present needed this kind of spring water, or it was someone else. The reason is that the person who bid for six hundred Huangxian coins missed it.

This time Gu Zheng participated in the auction, and the things he wanted were No. 20, No. 42, No. 46, No. 49, No. 58, and No. 72. As for the Lingzhu and Yunqing Daoist , is nothing desired.

The bustling auction continued, and the three of Gu Zheng also waited while watching the excitement. It wasn't until the twentieth auction item came on the scene that he stretched himself and prepared to participate in the auction.

"The bidding for auction item No. 20 starts now. This is a set of inner alchemy for mysterious demon-level beasts. It is divided into three groups, with ten pieces in each group. They are fire-attributed inner alchemy, wood-attributed inner alchemy, and earth-attributed inner alchemy. Inner alchemy. The group that will be auctioned first is the fire attribute inner alchemy, with a base price of 500 Huangxian coins, and each price increase should not be less than two."

"Six hundred yellow fairy coins."

After the auctioneer's voice fell to the ground, a voice sounded first, and he added a hundred yellow fairy coins to it.

One blue fairy coin is equal to twenty-five yellow fairy coins, and a beast of the Xuanyao level is equivalent to a cultivator in the realm of returning to the void. Although the source of Gu Zheng's natal real fire has become the spirit of natal real fire, the inner alchemy of the fire attribute is still useful to him, even if he can't use it, it can also be used by Xiong San, so this time the fire attribute Neidan, he will definitely take it down.

"Six hundred and ten yellow fairy coins!"

"Six hundred and fifteen yellow fairy coins!"

"Six hundred and thirty yellow fairy coins!"

"Six hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins!"

Soon there were four more people quoting, and Gu Zheng also said at this time: "Seven hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins!"

Gu Zheng also added a hundred Yellow Immortal Coins. At this time, the price of the Xuanyao level fire attribute inner alchemy is already 20% higher than the market price. The reason why Gu Zheng bid at a price higher than the market price was because the demand for fire-attributed inner alchemy among immortal cultivators was the largest. Therefore, these ten fire-attributed inner alchemy, It is simply impossible to buy below the market price! After all, it's very easy, you can buy ten pieces at a time, if you go to the market, you don't know how long it will take to collect ten Xuanyao-level fire attribute inner alchemy.

"Are there any more than seven hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins?"

Gu Zheng's quotation caused silence, and the auctioneer waited for three breaths before asking.

"Seven hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins once!"

"Seven hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins twice!"

"Eight hundred yellow fairy coins!"

When the auctioneer was about to wait for the third time, someone else made an offer.


Gu Zheng smiled, and waited until now to bid. It seems that the last competitor is also hesitant. If he bids reasonably next time, he only needs to bid again to win this group of fire attribute inner alchemy.

"Eight hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins!"

Gu Zheng quotes again, adding fifty pieces at a time, and the price has already reached this level. If he only adds twenty or thirty pieces, the other party is likely to follow suit, but if he directly adds fifty pieces, the other party is very likely to Will not follow again.

Sure enough, the other party did not bid again. After the auctioneer inquired three times, Gu Zheng finally got this set of fire attribute inner alchemy at the price of 850 yellow fairy coins. Although this price was higher than the market price, Gu Zheng I don't care about this fairy coin.

"Next, we will start the auction of the second set of wood-attribute inner alchemy for auction item No. 20. The starting price for a set of mysterious-level wood-attribute inner alchemy is 600 Huangxian coins, and each increase should not be lower than two Huangxian coins. Coins, now start the auction."

Compared with the fire attribute inner alchemy, the wood attribute inner alchemy is rarer, so the starting price is also more expensive.

"Six hundred and thirty yellow fairy coins!"

"Six hundred and thirty-five yellow fairy coins!"

"Six hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins!"

"Seven hundred yellow fairy coins!"

Compared with the fire attribute inner alchemy, the demand for the wood attribute inner alchemy is relatively small, and the scene was temporarily quiet after four quotations. And, four quotes are the voices of two people! Although the Immortal Formation in the auction house will change the bidder's spirit transmission, this change is for each product, not for every bid. Therefore, Gu Zheng can hear that the temporary competitor There are only two.

According to the market price, the value of ten wood-attribute inner alchemy of Xuanyao level should be less than nine hundred yellow fairy coins. It was 20% higher than the market price. His offer this time was 900 Huangxian coins, which was only a dozen more than the market price.

However, even if there are more than a dozen more Huangxian coins, no one will compete with Gu Zheng anymore. Maybe the two people who bid before just wanted to sell, not for their own use. They felt that even if they bid, they would be surpassed Under such circumstances, they also gave up bidding again. In the end, Gu Zheng successfully won ten wood-attribute inner alchemy of the Xuanyao level at the price of 900 blue fairy coins.

"Now we will start the bidding for the last group of inner alchemy for auction item No. 20. This group of inner alchemy is earth-type inner alchemy at the Xuan Yao level. The starting price is 700 Huangxian coins, and the price increase should not be less than five coins each time. "

Compared with the wood attribute inner alchemy, the earth attribute inner alchemy is even rarer, and its starting price is naturally higher.

"Seven hundred and twenty yellow fairy coins!"

"Seven hundred and forty yellow fairy coins!"

"Seven hundred and sixty yellow fairy coins!"

"Eight hundred yellow fairy coins!"

"Eight hundred and forty yellow fairy coins!"

"Eight hundred and eighty yellow fairy coins!"

"Nine hundred and twenty yellow fairy coins!"

"Nine hundred and eighty yellow fairy coins!"

"Twelve hundred yellow fairy coins!"

Compared with wood-type immortal arts, there are fewer immortal cultivators who practice earth-type immortal arts, but in fact, there are several more people who participate in the auction of earth-type inner alchemy than those who bid for wood-type inner alchemy! This also made the price reach the point of 1,200 Huangxian coins after several follow-ups.

According to the market price, the value of ten Xuanyao-level wood-attribute inner alchemy is about 1,100 Huangxian coins, and the current price has reached 1,200 Huangxian coins, which naturally makes it appear in the auction. Temporary silence.

The person who bid 1,200 Huangxian coins was not Gu Zheng. At this time, he frowned slightly. He felt that the wood attribute inner alchemy he wanted to buy this time should be much higher than the market price.

"Thirteen hundred yellow fairy coins!"

Gu Zheng added 100 yellow fairy coins, and the opponent was able to offer a price of 1,200 yellow fairy coins. If he only added 50 coins at a time, he might be surpassed.

After two breaths of silence, the opponent raised the price again: "1,400 Yellow Immortal Coins!"

The wood attribute inner alchemy is something that Gu Zheng urgently needs, but he is not in a hurry to increase the price. The 1,400 Huangxian coins are already much higher than the market price. People who usually pay this price, if it is true Urgent need, or ulterior motives.

If someone is really in need, he will try his best to fight Gu Zheng to the death. If it is a person with ulterior motives, if he is too firm, it will make the other party more confident.

After the same silence for two breaths, Gu Zheng quoted: "1,500 yellow fairy coins!"

"One thousand five hundred yellow fairy coins!"

Just as the auctioneer's first voice of urging questions fell, the person who had previously competed with Gu Zheng spoke again: "1,600 yellow fairy coins!"


According to the rules of the auction, once the auction of an auction item has started, the bidders are not allowed to say anything unrelated to the auction, this is to prevent things like threats. However, after Gu Zheng's opponent bid 1,600 Huangxian coins, some people in the venue still gasped.

"Seventeen hundred yellow fairy coins!"

This time, Gu Zheng didn't wait any longer, he immediately added 100 Yellow Immortal Coins. When the opponent made an offer earlier, although he didn't say anything that had nothing to do with the auction, it also made him feel that the opponent was a little impatient! This feeling made Gu Zheng feel that the other party should be in urgent need of the wood-type inner alchemy, not with ulterior motives, so he made an immediate offer to let the other party understand that he wanted the inner alchemy very hard.

For an impatient person, whether a tough attitude will make him sober, or make him angry and desperate, Gu Zheng is not sure, the only thing he can do is to wait.

"1,700 yellow fairy coins for the first time!"

"1,700 yellow fairy coins for the second time!"

"1,700 yellow fairy coins for the third time!"

"make a deal!"

After asking the price three times, the auctioneer dropped the hammer, and Gu Zheng finally bought ten wood-attribute inner alchemy at a price of 1,700 Huangxian coins.

"Damn it, I don't know who is bidding for this wood-type inner alchemy with Mister, causing Mister to spend so much!"

Regarding the fact that Gu Zheng spends more fairy coins, Lingzhu is very distressed.

"Fortunately, when it comes to something you want, the most important thing is to be able to buy it. There is nothing to be depressed about spending more money. The person who didn't buy it is probably even more depressed!" Gu Zheng smiled.

"It's okay, Lingzhu girl, although the ancestor said that he spent a little more here, but the ancestor can spend as well as earn money!" Master Yunqing said with a smile.

"Yes, sir, you can earn as well as spend!"

After Master Jing Yunqing said this, Lingzhu also laughed. The next auction item that Gu Zheng will sell is No. 42, which is an item that Gu Zheng regards as a leak.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door, and Gu Zheng knew that it was someone from the auction house who came to give him something he had photographed.

After giving the Immortal Coins to the auctioneers according to the transaction price, Gu Zheng got 30 inner alchemy as he wished, and the three of them watched the auction of the following auction items again.

Time passed unconsciously, and auction item No. 42 finally appeared.

"The name of auction item No. 42 is 'Moyu Taisui'. The reserve price for this item is two hundred Huangxian coins. Each bid must not be lower than two Huangxian coins. The auction starts now."

The auctioneer's voice fell, and Gu Zheng was the first to bid, but he only added two Huangxian coins to it.

In fact, auction item No. 42 is not "Moyu Taisui" at all, and there is no such thing as "Moyu Taisui" in the prehistoric world today. Although it looks a bit like Taisui, it is not the same as Taisui at all. Plant something! It is precisely because of ignorance that the auction did not mention the purpose and efficacy of this object, but it is not possible to deceive people by just saying some efficacy, so the introduction of this thing called 'Moyu Taisui' is extremely simple.

"Sir, what is this thing called?" Lingzhu asked.

Earlier, Gu Zheng said that he was going to miss auction item No. 42, but he didn't tell Lingzhu and Master Yun Qing about the specific situation. He only said that auction item No. 42 was not "Moyu Taisui".

"This thing comes from the outside world. I named it 'Mo Bao'. It is a very rare high-grade ingredient that can be used for high-level food repair cooking."

When explaining to Lingzhu and the others, Gu Zheng remembered the outside world that he entered through Xingxu Mountain. He didn't know that Qi Ling and the others were all fine now.

Gu Zheng fell into silence, while Lingzhu and Master Yunqing stared wide-eyed. Because of the metal pieces obtained from Niu Xiu's fairy formation, Lingzhu and Master Yunqing were able to know the existence outside the circle. However, they don't know much about the world outside the circle. They just heard Gu Zheng say that it is difficult to go to the world outside the circle. Even if it is the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, it is almost impossible to enter the world outside the circle by itself.

But now, Gu Zheng didn't think too much when he was feeling emotional. It said that this thing from the outside world was named by him, and the amount of information in these words was huge.


Knowing that he said something that scared Lingzhu and Master Yunqing, Gu Zheng coughed twice and changed the topic: "There are still people bidding with me!"

During the short time when Gu Zheng and Lingzhu were talking, Mo Bao was raised twice, but the two didn't add much. One of them added two yellow fairy coins, so that the base price was two hundred yellow coins. The price of the immortal coin's calligraphy was only two hundred and six yellow immortal coins after three biddings.

"Two hundred and ten yellow fairy coins!"

Gu Zheng didn't add any more, so he added four yellow fairy coins. There are no people who know Mo Bao, so it would be good if there are two bids. After all, no one wants to drop an item that doesn't know its purpose.

"Two hundred and ten yellow fairy coins once!"

"Two hundred and ten yellow fairy coins twice!"

"Two hundred and ten yellow fairy coins three times!"

"make a deal!"

Sure enough, things were as Gu Zheng guessed, two hundred and ten yellow fairy coins would have no competitors, which made him pick up a big mistake.

"Very good!"

Seeing the auctioneer drop the hammer, Lingzhu's original heart was relieved, she was afraid that someone would fight Gu Zheng to the death.

"Old Ancestor, if this thing is really going to be sold, how much can it be sold for?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"I gave them all the names. Do you think anyone else will pay a lot of money to buy them besides me?"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and then said: "In the eyes of ordinary people, it is not worth even two hundred and ten yellow fairy coins, but in my eyes its value is incalculable. If you really want to ask me whether it is worth How much, that’s all I can tell you. If someone bids for this calligraphy with me, if it’s less than 4,000 blue fairy coins, I won’t even bat an eye!”

"Four thousand blue fairy coins?"

"My dear!"

Both Lingzhu and Master Yunqing were shocked.

"For high-level ingredients, some need to be complete to be considered a piece, some need three to five catties to be considered a piece, some need a tael to be considered a piece, and some need a piece to be considered a piece, and this ink treasure , One penny counts as one item, but its weight is as high as a hundred catties! Just according to the algorithm of one blue fairy coin for one piece of high-grade ingredients in the circle, you can calculate the value of this calligraphy treasure!" Gu Zheng said with a smile .

"It's a big profit!"

Lingzhu and Master Yunqing cheered together, but fortunately the private room is not like an auction hall, everyone can hear what they are saying, otherwise I don't know what those people think.

Gu Zheng was also in a good mood after getting the calligraphy at a super low price. He took out a bottle of fairy wine and had a drink with Master Yunqing and Lingzhu.


After drinking a cup of fairy wine, Master Yun Qing was warmed by the heat of the wine, and he felt so comfortable that he wanted to hum.

"Look at your potential!" Lingzhu gave Master Yunqing a white look.

Master Yunqing chuckled: "It's not my fault, if you want to blame it, you can blame the ancestor's fairy wine for being so delicious!"

"It's like this now. I really don't know how you will react when you drink the immortal wine after you get the auction item No. 46 and brew it." Lingzhu hated iron for steel.

Auction item No. 46 is also what Gu Zheng wants, and the auction for it will come soon. After all, Mo Bao is auction item No. 42, and the next four items will be it.

"Auction No. 46 is a box of fairy fruits, which contain two golden dragon fruits, three Saixue pears, two plum berries, a bunch of purple jade grapes, and one golden bergamot. The starting price is 150 yellow fairy Coins, each price increase must not be less than two!"

"One hundred and sixty yellow fairy coins!"

"One hundred and seventy yellow fairy coins!"

"One hundred and ninety yellow fairy coins!"

"Two hundred yellow fairy coins!"

"Two hundred and ten yellow fairy coins!"

"Two hundred and fifteen yellow fairy coins!"

"Two hundred and thirty yellow fairy coins!"

After the auction of the fruit box started, the sound of bidding rang out frequently, and the price of a box of fairy fruit quickly reached the point of two hundred and sixty yellow fairy coins.

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