After the auction ended, Luo Wufeng took Luan Qing back to the sect immediately.

"Fellow Daoist Tie, I've been waiting for a long time!"

Entering the small building, Luo Wufeng immediately clasped fists to Gu with a smile all over his face.

"Fellow Daoist Luo is too polite."

Gu Zheng looked at Luan Qing who was beside Luo Wufeng: "Who is this?"

"Here, Luan Qing, the suzerain of the Tianyun Sect, fellow Taoist Tie, be polite!" Luan Qing also clasped fists at Gu.

"Fellow Taoist Luan!" Gu Zheng cupped his fists at Luan Qing.

"Come on, let's go to the banquet hall now, the food and drinks are ready." Luo Wufeng said.

Although Luo Wufeng had just returned to the sect, the banquet for Gu Zheng had already been arranged, and there were already four high-ranking officials of the Tianling Sect waiting in the banquet hall.

Entering the banquet living room, Luo Wufeng introduced the four high-level people in the door to Gu Zheng, and the fairy fruit wine was also placed on the table at this time, the musicians played the sound of winding beams, and some young women were dressed in neon clothes, dancing lightly and elegantly.

Before Gu Zheng, Luo Wufeng and others had a chat, some maids carrying trays came in one after another, and one dish after another was placed on the table in front of everyone.

"This is a dish cooked by the best chefs in our Tianling Sect. If ordinary people are invited to the banquet, I dare say they will be satisfied with it. But in front of fellow Taoists, I just hope that they will not let Taoists eat it." As long as friends find it unpalatable!" Luo Wufeng said.

"The cooking skills of the chef of Tianlingzong are already very good. Although I haven't tasted these dishes, I know their taste from the color and aroma!"

Gu Zheng didn’t misunderstand his words. The dishes made by the chef of Lingzong today are really good. He already knows how to use some immortal skills to cook dishes, and he cooks them well. If it is only compared with ordinary people, his cooking The dishes produced can already be called delicious.

"To get such an evaluation from Fellow Daoist Tie, our chefs from the Heavenly Spirit Sect are proud enough." Luo Wufeng laughed.

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and without saying anything else, he picked up a piece of fish to taste. Although I already know its taste, since I'm sitting here, I can't justify not eating it at all.

"Fellow Daoist Tie, tell us about the situation of your Jixiang Xiaozhu!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng tasted a little of each dish, then put down his chopsticks, Luo Wufeng opened his mouth and got to the point.

"About Jixiang Xiaozhu..."

Of course, Gu Zheng also knew that what Luo Wufeng and others wanted to know the most was about his Xianchu shop. So, he explained the rules of Jixiang Xiaozhu, what kind of business he does, and how to charge.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Luo Wufeng and the others had shock on their faces. They had come into contact with a system that they had never been in contact with before. From the equivalence of ingredients and medicinal materials, to the miraculous food therapy, to the effects of food cooking, and to the powerful food repair, these are all things they have come into contact with before!

For Luo Wufeng and others, the growth of immortal power is not only cultivation, but also taking pills and the like. Before today, they have never thought that eating can also increase immortal power, and even increase a lot of immortal power! They didn't expect that the real value of some things that they don't see in their eyes is no less than spiritual products and top-quality resources! They didn't expect that there are miraculous things in the world that have similar effects to alchemy, and even surpass alchemy in some aspects, and this miraculous thing will be produced in the kitchen.

"Fellow Daoist Tie, after hearing what you said, Luomou wants to tell you that he admires you!"

Luo Wufeng stretched out his thumb towards Gu Zheng: "The way of diet, this is really a brand new system in the cultivation world! Brother Tie has a master, or is it entirely due to his own perception of the way of diet, so that How many of these have been born?"

"I don't have a master!"

Gu Zheng smiled, he is now using the identity of Tiexian, Tiexian is the originator of the genre of fairy chef.

Gu Zheng said that he had no master, Luo Wufeng and the others looked at him in awe, this is not something to joke about, this is the birth of the originator of a genre!

Shocked, besides shocking, Luo Wufeng didn't know what to say for a moment, and he had already understood why the Great Elder made such an instruction during his eye contact with Luan Qing.

"Luo Mou didn't know what to say for a while, it really made Brother Tie laugh!"

Luo Wufeng's name for Gu Zheng changed, he raised his glass to Gu Zheng and said, "Brother Tie can use our Tianlingzong in the future, just speak up!"

"Our Sky Cloud Sect is the same!"

Luan Qing also raised his wine glass. Although their Sky Cloud Sect is in the same line as the Sky Spirit Sect, since he was there, Luo Wufeng only talked about the Sky Spirit Sect, so naturally he wanted him to say something too.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gu Zheng laughed, he didn't say anything, but at the invitation of Luo Wufeng and others, he raised his wine glass.

Gu Zheng naturally understands that Luo Wufeng and others want to make friends with him, but he has his own standards for making friends! It wouldn't be a banquet, just a few polite words to make friends casually, so facing Luo Wufeng and the others, he didn't bother to say anything useful in the future.

After respecting each other from a distance, everyone drank the wine in their cups. Luo Wufeng and the others looked very happy, and didn't say anything about Gu Zheng's nonsense. Naturally, they didn't think that Gu Zheng was such an easy friend to make friends with. They also wouldn't think that Gu Zheng would be completely moved by a banquet and a few polite words. If Gu Zheng is really such a person, then I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to survive in the dangerous cultivation world.

"Brother Tie's auction at the auction today mostly focused on inner alchemy, brother Tie seems to have a lot of demand for inner alchemy!" Luo Wufeng said.

"That's right, I do need a lot of inner alchemy. If Fellow Daoist Luo goes to Jixiang Xiaozhu in the future, you can use the inner alchemy to settle the order." Gu Zheng said.

"Since it's what Brother Tie needs, I'll give the inner alchemy here to Brother Tie!"

Since Gu Zheng was invited to a banquet, gifts were also a must, but Luo Wufeng set three standards for what this gift should be! What kind of gift to give in the end depends on the communication with Gu Zheng, whether he has a high position for Gu Zheng. But now, the gift Luo Wufeng took out was the best among the three gifts he had set.

"Twenty pieces of inner alchemy for each of the five elements. Although the grades are high and low, and the value is not high, they are all what brother Tie needs anyway!"

As the saying goes, it is better to give well than to give skillfully. If Luo Wufeng gave something else, such as a more valuable gift such as a fairy artifact, Gu Zheng would definitely refuse. However, there are a total of one hundred inner alchemy, twenty each of the 'gold, wood, water, fire, and earth', which makes Gu Zheng not want to refuse.

"Luan has also prepared a similar gift for Brother Tie!"

Luan Qing also opened his mouth, and took out 20 inner pills of the same five elements attribute.

"These inner alchemies are generous gifts, not trivial gifts! After all, among the five elements inner alchemy, water and fire inner alchemy are more common, wood and earth are relatively less, and metallic inner alchemy is really rare! Even if the two are The master of one sect, but giving away twenty of them is not a small amount."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "The gift from the two suzerains is indeed what I need, and I will not hesitate to accept it, but it is not rude to come and go, and I also have gifts for the two. Sovereign!"

"In these two jade slips, there are some ingredients that you didn't know were useful before. You can pay attention to them in the future. For now, you can take these ingredients and use them as fairy coins in Jixiang Xiaozhu. In the long run, when the profession of fairy chef rises in the future, you will start hoarding some things earlier than others!"

Gu Zheng handed over the two jade slips to Luo Wufeng and Luan Qing respectively.

"Thank you brother Tie!"

Luo Wufeng and Luan Qing hastily thanked them. In their hearts, the banquet for Gu Zheng is already worth the money. The things recorded in the two jade slips are especially priceless in the future! Moreover, Luo Wufeng and Luan Qing have also planned to arrange for the secret collection of ingredients in the jade slips immediately after the banquet is over.

Everyone was happy, Luo Wufeng and Luan Qing got acquainted not only with Gu Zheng through the banquet, but also got acquainted with each other, and also got two jade slips representing unlimited business opportunities. For Gu Zheng, although he didn't want to make friends easily, multiple acquaintances can be regarded as multiple paths, and he also harvested two hundred five-element inner alchemy that he needed more. As for whether such a generous gift to the two jade slips is worth it or not, it is up to the benevolent to see the benevolent and the wise.

Just as Gu Zheng was talking happily with Luo Wufeng and others in detail, a divine thought was introduced into the banquet hall, and Luo Wufeng's brows also frowned.

"This damned Master Midwinter!" Luo Wufeng gritted his teeth and said.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, what's the situation?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Brother Tie, do you know anything about the strength pattern of Tianling City?" Luo Wufeng asked.

"I've heard of some." Gu Zheng said.

Luo Wufeng nodded: "Although it is said that Tianlingzong is the leader of Tianling City on the surface, in fact, the lineage of Tianlingzong and Yinlingzong are not compatible. Both we and Yinlingzong belong to the power of immortal cultivators born and raised within Tianling City. , There are also many relationships that are constantly being cut and messed up. This master in the middle of winter is the suzerain of the Yinling Sect, what happened to Brother Tie at the roadside shop this morning, and I asked Deacon Wu to drive a white dragon chariot to pick up fellow Taoists to come to the sect Master Long Dong already knew about the matter of the gate, and now this fellow is outside the mountain gate, saying that he wants to meet Brother Tie!"

"Why did Fellow Daoist Luo call Master Long Dong damn?" Gu Zheng asked with a smile.

"Calling him damn is because he deserves to be scolded. This guy's words are not very pleasant. When he was young, he offended many people because of his mouth. Even now that he is the suzerain, his temper has not changed much!" Luo Wufeng said.

"Since Master Midwinter has already arrived outside the mountain gate, let him come in. Don't cause any unhappiness to both of you because of me." Gu Zheng smiled.

"All right!"

Luo Wufeng smiled bitterly, and then sent a voice transmission to the person in charge, asking him to let Master Long Dong in.

Wearing a black robe with no flesh on his face, Master Leng Dong came. He did not come alone. He was accompanied by Shui Qingbo, the head of Qingshuimen among the three sects in Tianling City.

"Luo Wufeng, why are you getting more and more arrogant? Didn't you personally greet Master Ben when he came to visit?"

As soon as he entered the banquet hall, Master Long Dong shouted.

"Long Dong, you also know that I have a distinguished guest here, do you want me to leave the distinguished guest and go to greet you?" Luo Wufeng said with a blank eye.


Laughing strangely at Luo Wufeng, Master Long Dong turned to look at Gu Zheng, clasped his fists and said, "Poverty is the master of the Yinling Sect, Master Long Dong!"

Gu Zheng didn't lose his courtesy either, he clasped his fists in return and said, "I'm placing an order with Tie."

Sitting on the seat Luo Wufeng arranged for him, Master Long Dong took a deep breath at the leftovers on the table.


Exaggerated as if he was choked, Daoist Long Dong coughed twice, looked at Luo Wufeng and said, "I said Luo Wufeng, these dishes must be made by fellow Daoist Tie, right?"

Luo Wufeng frowned: "Long Dong, are you approaching your lifespan? Why is your eyesight, nose, and brain not working? This is not your first time visiting Tianlingzong, the signature dish of Tianlingzong entertaining distinguished guests Can't you see it, can't you smell it? Even if you can't see it and smell it, don't you just think about it, Brother Tie has already said in the roadside shop that he won't cook, so I still have to force it Can't you be a distinguished guest?"

If it is said that before receiving Gu Zheng, Luo Wufeng still wanted to try Gu Zheng, but now he has really regarded Gu Zheng as a distinguished guest. Let's fight.

"Brother Tie?"

Master Leng Dong laughed mockingly: "For someone who can be called Brother Tie by the shrewd Luo Wufeng, it seems that Fellow Daoist Tie must have something special!"

"Long Dong, don't speak too much!"

Luo Wufeng's eyes narrowed, usually the Master in Midwinter just had a bad mouth, but today he will not be polite if he speaks so freely to the distinguished guest.

"I'm used to it, sorry!"

Although Master Long Dong apologized, everyone could tell that it was not sincere.

"Fellow Daoist, celebrities don't talk dark words. The poor Taoist is really interested in the tricks you showed in the roadside shop in Tianling City this morning! I heard that you are a businessman who runs a restaurant, so it's inconvenient." How about giving Pindao a hand? Pindao will definitely not lose you!" Master Leng Dong said.


Gu Zheng shook his head and answered simply.

"I advise Fellow Daoist Tie to show your skills. Since you are a businessman, if your so-called diet is really good, it will benefit us all." Shui Qingbo said.

"Didn't you hear what Sect Master Luo said before?"

Lingzhu spoke at this moment, she knew that Master Long Dong had disgusted Gu Zheng, but Master Long Dong was the master of a sect after all, so it was fine for him to talk to Gu Zheng, but this one who came in behind Master Long Dong was obviously Lingzhu was very upset that the guy who looked up to the real person in the middle of winter dared to speak.

"Who are you?" Shui Qingbo frowned.

"I am my husband's servant."

Lingzhu smiled slightly, and said contemptuously: "I'm not talking about you. To be a servant, you must have the awareness that a servant should have. Your suzerain is talking to my husband. How can you interrupt? Are you so unruly?"

Of course Lingzhu knew that this person was the head of Qingshuimen, Luo Wufeng had already told them before that Master Long Dong didn't come here alone.


Shui Qingbo stopped speaking, he glared at Lingzhu, then looked at Luo Wufeng and said: "Sect Master Luo, your Tianlingzong's hospitality is really not very good, I've been here for a long time, and you don't want to make an introduction. Now a servant can say such things!"

"There is nothing wrong with my Tianlingzong's hospitality. Since you came here uninvited, how can the suzerain do it for you? Besides, didn't you see that Long Dong introduced himself? Or do you think , you are more honorable than Long Dong, and I still want this suzerain to introduce you?"

Master Long Dong had already made him angry, so Luo Wufeng would not be polite to Shui Qingbo headed by Master Long Dong.


Shui Qingbo was not so angry that he could not speak this time, he had something to say to Luo Wufeng, but Master Long Dong reached out to stop him.

"Since Fellow Daoist Tie doesn't want to show off his culinary skills, does that mean you don't want to cooperate with our Hidden Spirit Sect?"

Master Leng Dong is too lazy to talk, he has no patience, this time he came to Tianlingzong to ask Gu Zheng to understand the situation, if it feels good, when the disciples in the sect need pills to improve their cultivation, they might as well use it Gourmet food instead. In Master Leng Dong's knowledge, being able to cooperate with the Yin Lingzong is Gu Zheng's blessing. He is the best at understanding anecdotes. If he doesn't, then his Jixiang Xiaozhu will not be able to drive properly!

"As you said before, I am a businessman, and a businessman should regard peace as the most important thing, and should make money from harmony. However, I am not an ordinary businessman, and my temper is not very good. The way you speak makes me very uncomfortable. I like it, so I have no plans to cooperate with your Yin Lingzong, including the Qingshui School! So don't talk to me again, and disturb my enjoyment of singing and dancing!"

For gentle people, Gu Zheng has a good temper, but for guys like Master Leng Dong, Gu Zheng has very poor patience.

"Do you really think of yourself as a character?"

Shui Qingbo was furious, he was ridiculed by Lingzhu before and squeezed out by Luo Wufeng, now seeing that Gu Zheng was so shameless, he immediately picked up a glass of wine on the table and poured it on Gu Zheng.

The Qingshuimen, where Shui Qingbo works, is good at water magic. Don't look at this small glass of wine, as long as it touches your body, you can freeze a person into an ice sculpture.


Luo Wufeng was furious, Gu Zheng was a distinguished guest of Tianlingzong, when Shui Qingbo did such a thing, the drink was poured on Gu Zheng, but it was Tianlingzong who hit them in the face. So, while drinking angrily, he waved his hand and wanted to hit the drink back at Shui Qingbo.

"Luo Wufeng, what are you doing?"

Master Midwinter laughed, and the air fluctuated with his laughter, and the wave of air generated by Luo Wufeng's wave was dissolved into nothing.

Facing the liquor that was close at hand, Gu Zheng frowned, the spirit of true water in his body vibrated, and the liquor in the air split into two, hitting Shui Qingbo and Master Longdong respectively.

Gu Zheng originally didn't want to attack Master Long Dong at this time, he just wanted to teach Shui Qingbo a lesson, but when Luo Wufeng came to help, Master Long Dong dared to obstruct him, which made Gu Zheng feel that he would not teach him a lesson He couldn't do it all at once.

Seeing that one part of the wine came back, the corner of Shui Qingbo's mouth revealed a sarcasm, he is an expert in playing with water, and the other party dared to attack him with water-type fairy arts, he really overestimated himself! Master Leng Dong sneered directly, he felt that it would be impossible not to teach Gu Zheng a lesson.

Just when Shui Qingbo and Master Long Dong wanted to fight back, the energy of the heaven and earth was suddenly dispatched by a powerful controlling force, forming a coercion that made it difficult for them to move.

"Big Luo Jinxian!"

Shui Qingbo and Master Long Dong screamed. One of them is the early stage of Golden Immortal, and the other is in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. Things that can only be done in the realm of Daluo Jinxian.


Almost accompanied by the screams of Shui Qingbo and Master Long Dong, two shots of wine hit their bodies, making a muffled sound like beating drums, and knocked their bodies into the air.

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