The food repair Gu Zheng made for Master Yunqing this time looks like stewed Bifang meat. Although it has been stewed over a high fire, Bi Fang's meat has not deformed, and the finished body is in a strange translucent shape, with a deep red color on the outside and a flame wrapped inside.

"Tsk tsk, exclusive food repairer! Yun Qing, you feel better now!"

Seeing Master Yunqing picking up a piece of food cultivator and sniffing it intoxicatedly, Lingzhu couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

"That's right, it's so cool!"

Master Yunqing laughed, he knew that Lingzhu was envious of him.

"Hmph, you have to shudder! Choke to death you bastard!"

Lingzhu is really envious, after all, the taste of Shixiu is very delicious, and she has never eaten Bifang meat.

In the past, although he had a lot of communication with Master Yunqing, he was not a member of Jixiang Xiaozhu after all. Although Lingzhu sometimes joked with him, it was not like this. And now the reason why Lingzhu always has such a little strength is also because he regards Master Yunqing as one of his own.

"I can't help it, who made the Lingzhu girl herself to be outstanding in all aspects, so much so that the husband couldn't even cook a food for you if he wanted to do it!"

"Eat yours!"

Seeing that Lingzhu was about to say something because of Master Yunqing's words, Gu Zheng gave him a funny look.


Master Yunqing smiled, and quickly put a piece of Bifang meat into his mouth.


As soon as he took a bite of Bi Fang's meat, Master Yun Qing frowned, and kept his mouth tightly shut as he groaned, as if he was afraid that something would run out.

Indeed, there is something restless in Master Yunqing's mouth now, and this thing is the translucent part of Bi Fang's flesh, which is a special state of fire attribute energy, even if Master Yunqing is a cultivator, he just bit Bi Fang's meat When the special fire attribute energy flowed out of it, the high temperature still surprised him.

However, the high temperature was only for a moment, and the special energy presented in a liquid state immediately turned into a strong fragrance, which entered Master Yunqing's body along his esophagus, and the resulting feeling was like drinking fairy wine. All limbs and bones are surrounded by a warm feeling.

"So fast?"

Master Yunqing's eyes widened, he understood that this strangeness was the manifestation of the medicine's initial effect.

"That's right, some food cultivators don't have so much time for people to chew slowly, and their medicinal effects are produced very quickly, so you'd better eat it quickly!" Gu Zheng said.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Master Yun Qing didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly picked up another piece of Bi Fang meat and chewed it quickly.

"Sir, what was Yun Qinggui's name just now?" Lingzhu asked.

"Bi Fang's meat has fire-attributed energy in a special state, and he was scalded by the temperature of that energy just now!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said about Lingzhu, he couldn't help laughing: "Yunqing, Yunqing, I said you were choking to death before, but I didn't expect you to be scalded to death instead of being choked to death!"


A burst of chestnut sounded on Lingzhu's head, Gu Zheng glared at Lingzhu: "It's time to play around, he is taking food repair now!"


Lingzhu rubbed her head exaggeratedly, and stuck out her tongue towards Gu Zheng.

A food cultivation was quickly eaten by Master Yunqing, and he was already running the exercises he was practicing now while sitting cross-legged.

The medicinal effect of food cultivation is like a flame, it wanders in his body along with Master Yunqing's kung fu, and Master Yunqing feels a scorching heat wherever it passes.

Master Yunqing's body surface began to sweat, and his exposed skin also turned dark red. Originally, because he hadn't achieved great success, it took a lot of time to run a week, but as time went by, it became more and more efficient. Quick and smooth.

Finally, after Master Yunqing circulated the kung fu for nine weeks, all the medicinal effects that flowed with the kung fu flowed to his dantian.

In the dantian of Master Yunqing, the source of the real fire, which has long been restless, is like a person who has been hungry for a long time and suddenly sees a roast chicken. It begins to respond to the medicine rushing towards it A frenzied devouring.

The process of metamorphosis is painful, and Master Yun Qing is already like this at this time, the effect of the medicine stays in the dantian, which makes his dantian hurt as if it is about to explode.

"You can absorb as much medicine as you can. If you really can't bear it, it doesn't matter if you spit it out!"

Gu Zheng's voice rang in Master Yunqing's mind. Although he didn't say it too clearly, Master Yunqing also knew that the more the medicine was absorbed, the better.

Master Yun Qing, who didn't want to waste a little of the medicine's effect, ran his kung fu crazily, trying to make his natal true fire source absorb the medicine's effect quickly. However, the crazy devouring of the source of the true fire of life still seems a bit slow for the huge effect of the medicine.


Immortal Yun Qing couldn't bear it anymore, opened his mouth and howled, and some of the medicine's effect also spewed out as he howled, turning into a very dazzling tongue of flame.

At this moment, Master Yunqing's appearance looked a little scary, completely like a human skin doll with flames burning inside, not only was he breathing fire from his mouth, but his eyes were even more strangely burning with flames.

"Sir, there are flames burning in Yun Qing's eyes, won't he be blinded by this?" Lingzhu worried.


Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "The cultivation method I gave Yun Qing is also a very superior cultivation method. When this kind of exercise reaches the later stage of cultivation, some fire-type supernatural powers can be displayed. When the source of the natal real fire becomes the spirit of the natal real fire, the physique will also change to a certain extent, and there will also be special magical powers that belong to this physique! His eyes are burning now, this is actually a physical change, and magical powers There are already prototypes emerging.”

"Then what are those supernatural powers of Yun Qing?" Lingzhu asked again.

"It varies from person to person, so you can ask him when the time comes." Gu Zheng said.

Gu Zheng chatted with Lingzhu for a few words, and Master Yunqing's absorption of the effects of the medicine was still going on.

After Master Yunqing sprayed out some of the medicinal effect, the severe pain in his dantian also eased to a level that he could bear.

With the passage of time, the source of true fire, which has devoured the effects of food and medicine, became bigger and bigger little by little.

Finally, when the effect of the medicine was about to be swallowed up, a dazzling light shot out from the source of the real fire of life, which was like a ball of fiery red gas. The source of fire has become a cluster of very agile spirits of real fire.

After running the exercises so that the spirit of the original fire could absorb the remaining medicinal effects, Master Yun Qing opened his eyes. At this time, six hours had passed since Master Yunqing took the food cultivation, and it was already dark outside.

"Sir, the source of my natal real fire has become the spirit of my natal real fire!" Master Yun Qing said excitedly.

"I know." Gu Zheng smiled and nodded.

"Congratulations, Yun Qing!"

Playing around is playing around, but Lingzhu's congratulations are very sincere.

"Unfortunately, the effect of the medicine was sprayed out by me."

Master Yun Qing sighed, and looked at Gu Zheng pitifully: "Sir, am I so useless that I can't bear the pain?"

"No, that's not the kind of pain that most people can bear. It's beyond my imagination that you can persist until then and spit out some of the effects of the medicine! And, when it's all over, if you don't spit out some of the effects of the medicine , your dantian may be seriously damaged!"

Gu Zheng patted Master Yunqing on the shoulder: "Now the source of the real fire of natal life has become the spirit of the real fire of natal life. From now on, you should practice your skills diligently and achieve great success as soon as possible."

"Don't worry sir, I will definitely practice more diligently!" Yun Qing said honestly.

"Okay, you go back to the room to stabilize the current state of the spirit of the real fire, there are customers in the store."

It's not that the customer hasn't entered the store yet, he has already entered the store to have a cup of tea. However, at that time, since Daoist Yunqing hadn't finished absorbing the effects of the medicine, Gu Zheng didn't want any trouble to appear at this last moment, so he let Lingzhu go to entertain the guests first.

Master Yunqing was very excited at this time. Due to the effect of food cultivation, his proficiency in kung fu has reached the late stage, and he can perform many kinds of fire magic that he has no longer been able to perform. Moreover, since the source of the natal real fire has become the spirit of the natal real fire, his physique has also changed, and because of this, he has special supernatural powers. He really wants to show these supernatural powers to Gu Zheng or Lingzhu, but the timing But it was very unfortunate that diners came to Jixiang Xiaozhu.

Gu Zheng and Master Yun Qing are now in the passage between the kitchen and the front hall, and the situation in the hall can be seen through the carved partition wall.


Master Yun Qing was curious, he saw the diner sitting in the hall.

The diner looked like a middle-aged man, if he had seen such a person before, Master Yun Qing would not be surprised. However, his current physique has changed, and the extra supernatural power is the supernatural power of the eyes. This supernatural power allows him to tell at a glance that the middle-aged man is not what he used to be. This person must have used the way of change Changed appearance.

With a little curiosity in his heart, Master Yunqing activated his magical powers, and the shadows of two clusters of flames flickered in his pupils.

Originally it was just a curious peep, but after the peep, Master Yun Qing was shocked, and he hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

"What's wrong?"

Master Yun Qing actually used voice transmission, Gu Zheng frowned and asked in voice.

"I know the old man in the hall, he is the Great Elder of Canglan Sect!"

Under normal circumstances, an existence like Master Yunqing would not have access to the great elder of the Canglan Sect. However, the time when Master Yunqing sent Niu Xiu's head to his sect was also the time when people from the Canglan Sect went to his sect to ask for Qingfeng City to be stationed in the city. elders.

Gu Zheng frowned slightly, and he said with a voice transmission to Daoist Yunqing, "Yes, the supernatural powers that you just gained from changing your physique have already shown their power! Very good, you can go back to your room to practice!"

The visitor of Jixiang Xiaozhu was indeed the Great Elder of Canglan Sect. After the sect celebration was over, he went down the mountain to Qingfeng City.

"This is my husband, before..."

Seeing Gu Zheng coming out, Lingzhu wanted to tell the Great Elder that after all, he should be sorry for making him wait for a cup of tea. However, before Lingzhu finished speaking, Gu Zheng interrupted him with his hand.

Not as kind as he was with ordinary guests, Gu Zheng went straight to the opposite of the elder of the Canglan Sect, and sat down on the chair with a big horse.

The elder of the Canglan Sect couldn't help frowning. He came to Jixiang Xiaozhu this time, but he was actually in a very complicated mood.

No one wants to suffer, let alone the sect of cultivators who value face very much.

However, the prehistoric world is a world where the strong are respected, and they suffer at the hands of the strong. If they don't behave well, the consequences may be even more serious.

Seeing that the Fourth Elder's cultivation had dropped so badly that day, the First Elder really wished he could bring someone to Gu Zheng to settle the score. However, establishing a sect is an extremely important matter, and the Great Elder must put the sect's major affairs first, so he can only delay the matter of dealing with the ancient disputes for a while. At the same time, the Great Elder also wanted to use this delay to make himself a final decision on what method to use to deal with Gu Zheng.

However, the effect of buffering is not very great, and the Great Elder is even more entangled in how to deal with Gu Zheng! The Zongmen did not find much useful information about Gu Zheng in a short period of time. They only found out that Gu Zheng showed his way of eating in Tianling City, and then received a grand reception from Tianling Sect. The suzerains of the three major sects in the city also appeared at that banquet.

Without too much information, the Great Elder can only have a rough outline of Gu Zheng in his mind: mysterious background, profound strength, careful thought, ruthless heart, and a wide network of contacts.

Just being entangled is not the solution, the great elder, who is restless in his heart, also came to Jixiang Xiaozhu as soon as possible, and he wanted to find out how to deal with this matter through contact with Gu Zheng.

According to the original direction of the Great Elder, since Gu Zheng shocked everyone with the way of eating in Tianling City, after coming to Jixiang Xiaozhu, he first learned about the way of eating. Class Request! Learn more about Gu Zheng's true strength through the discussion. If Gu Zheng's cultivation base is not high, then he will kill Gu Zheng. If Gu Zheng is not an existence that he can deal with alone, then make a decision based on the situation at that time.

When he came to Jixiang Xiaozhu, the Great Elder failed to see Gu Zheng immediately. After he asked Lingzhu about the way of eating and drinking, he was also deeply shocked by the magic of the way of eating and drinking! If there were no previous unhappiness, the Great Elder, who was shocked by the way of eating, would definitely be like Luo Wufeng, thinking about how to make friends with such a strange person as Gu Zheng. However, with the previous unhappiness, the Great Elder still has no final definition on how to deal with Gu Zheng, and he still wants to make the final decision through contact with Gu Zheng.

Being able to perform the 'Seventy-two Changes of Tiangang' is something that the Great Elder is very proud of. This is not an ordinary fairy art that changes the appearance, it is a real way of transformation. The Great Elder never thought that he would be seen through by Gu Zheng .

However, now that Gu Zheng sits down with a golden knife, and looks at him with a sneer, this is obviously not how a shopkeeper should treat diners. The only possibility is that Gu Zheng has seen him through!

The Great Elder was shocked, but he still had a little bit of luck and asked, "I don't know why the shopkeeper is looking at me like this? Did we know each other before?"

"Tell me, what is your purpose in coming here?"

Gu Zheng didn't answer the elder's question, he asked directly.

"Purpose? What purpose? To eat?"

There was a chill in the Great Elder's heart, and he was still struggling for the last time in a fluke mentality.

"Cang Song, you are also the Great Elder of the Canglan Sect. I have already seen through you, and you even pretended to be ignorant. It really made me want to laugh!"

After being named by Gu Zheng, the Great Elder used laughter to cover up his embarrassment and uneasiness.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Amidst the laughter, the Great Elder's body swayed, and he returned to his original white-haired and childlike appearance.

The Lingzhu on the side was on alert immediately, and the skeleton of the demon weapon fish also appeared in his hand.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, signaling to Lingzhu not to be frightened, and his eyes became a little dazed as he looked at Cangsong.

"The Tao of Change, the first immortal-level Taoism I ever mastered!"

Gu Zheng recalled the past, and missed the 'Nine Changes of Hunyuan' controlled by him at the immortal level very much.

Cang Song didn't speak, he looked at Gu Zheng with a calm expression, and his heart was full of ups and downs.

It doesn't matter if you can see through the way of change, but you dare to be distracted at this time, how much heart is it? Still have the guts!

Cangsong really wanted to take this opportunity to finish Gu Zheng with one palm, but he didn't have the courage! Gu Zheng gave him too much shock, especially the trance in his eyes when he was distracted.

If it was the past, Cangsong would definitely sneer at such a time when he was so distracted that his eyes were in a trance. However, the trance in Gu Zheng's eyes frightened him, that kind of trance gave people such a wonderful feeling that Cangsong felt that those eyes seemed to have traveled through time and saw something that he could not reach in his realm.

There was cold sweat on his forehead, and Cangsong felt the long-lost fear. He felt that his feelings could not be wrong, because he was a cultivator who had already opened the sixth consciousness. What does a sense of infallibility represent? It represents the young man sitting across from him, maybe an old monster, whose terrifying strength can even shake the prehistoric world!


Gu Zheng sighed, ended his reverie, and brought Cang Song's thoughts back to reality.

"Cangsong, you changed your appearance and came to Jixiang Xiaozhu, you deserve to die!"

Gu Zheng looked at Cangsong with cold eyes piercing the knife.

Before Cangsong came to Jixiang Xiaozhu, he never thought that when Gu Zheng talked to him like this, his throat would tighten, and he was too scared to speak.

"I don't want to kill you, but the way to go is your own choice."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and his tone was light: "Say it! Do you want to live or die?"


As if breaking free from a nightmare, Cangsong slapped the table and stood up abruptly.

Despite the fear in his heart, Cang Song is the Great Elder of the Canglan Sect after all, and has experienced many storms and waves. Although he has already activated the sixth sense, and the sixth sense has given him a clear warning, but if a person wants to die, no one can stop him! At this moment, Cangsong was obviously twisted by the domination of rebellious psychology.

"Say it! Do you want to live or die?"

Facing the angry Cangsong, Gu Zheng's voice was still so flat, he didn't even stand up, if he wanted to kill Cangsong without sparing any effort, it would be useless even if Cangsong stood up. However, Gu Zheng really didn't want to kill Cangsong. It's not that the "Seventy-Two Transformations of Tiangang" that Cangsong mastered reminded him of the past, but he also had a feeling that Cangsong would bring him A blessing! If he killed Cangsong, then the unknown fate would naturally be gone.

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