It was snowing heavily, and the entire Qingfeng City was covered in silver.

Standing in front of the window and watching the snowflakes falling leisurely outside, Lingzhu let out a faint sigh.

"What's wrong? Are you thinking about Master again?"

Xiong San hugged Lingzhu from behind, tenderness appeared on his simple and honest face.

"That's right! It was early summer when my husband left, and now it's deep winter. More than three years have passed so quickly."

With a thought in Lingzhu's mind, the thick snow outside Jixiang Xiaozhu quickly rolled up, the clean road was cleared, and there were white snow bears on both sides of the road.


Looking at the snow bear accumulated by the magic of Lingzhu, Xiong San couldn't help but smile.

"Too many things have happened in the past three years. Would you be surprised if your husband came back and saw us like this?"

Lingzhu turned around and hugged Xiong San, and buried her face in Xiong San's thick chest.

"Yes or no." Xiong San said.

"What do you mean yes or no?" Lingzhu raised her face and asked.

"Master knows that I want you to be my Taoist partner, but he won't know that I acted so quickly. In the first year after he left, I got a beauty back!"


Seeing the complacency on Xiong San's face, Lingzhu rolled her eyes at him, and then recalled what happened back then, her face flushed.

"If it's really fate, why did I meet you, a stupid bear?" Lingzhu laughed.


Xiong San smiled triumphantly, and then tightly hugged Lingzhu's arm: "Lady, when will you call me Husband?"

"Wait! If you want me to call you husband instead, sir must be present, and my grandma must also be present." Lingzhu laughed.

"Master doesn't know when he will come back, and your grandma doesn't know where it is, how long are you going to make me wait!" Xiong San said with a bitter face.

"I don't care about it, anyway, if you want me to change my mind, both husband and grandma must be there." Lingzhu chuckled.

"Okay! Then I'm going to cook."

Xiong San was just a little regretful, not to mention lost. After all, he had brought up this topic with Lingzhu more than once.

"Go ahead and see if you can open the Eye of Dao before Mr. comes back." Lingzhu said.

Since this year, Xiong San always has a feeling when cooking. That feeling comes from the eyes. I can't tell what it is, but it is somewhat similar to the eye of Tao that Gu Zheng said.

"I hope! But it's hard. Master didn't open the eyes of Tao when he left, and Master has already had the feeling I have now." Xiong San shrugged and smiled.

After Xiong San left, Lingzhu was in a daze again.

Three years, three years really happened too many things.

At noon, half an hour after Jixiang Xiaozhu opened, there was still no customer in the store.

"If Master is here, there should be at least a few tables of guests at this time, right?"

Looking at the still heavy snow, Xiong San muttered to himself.

Gu Zheng left Jixiang Xiaozhu for three years, and from the second year onwards, Jixiang Xiaozhu's business became worse and worse.

"If Mr. is here, the business will definitely be very hot, but if it's just us, we've already done a good job. It's inevitable that the business will become like this. You don't need to blame yourself." Lingzhu smiled. .

Without ancient disputes, Jixiang Xiaozhu can't do food repair, and the source of customers will naturally be reduced. In terms of food therapy, Lingzhu and Xiong San are not incapable of doing it, but the food therapy they make can only cure some diseases. Minor ailments are not like Gu Zheng's kind of panacea that can treat difficult and miscellaneous diseases of immortal cultivators, so there will not be any guests in this area. As for the delicacy, although it can increase the immortal power, the types of delicacies Xiong San and Lingzhu can cook are limited, and it takes a period of time after eating delicious things to increase the immortal power, so even if it is It is impossible for Jixiang Xiaozhu's regular customers to visit every day.

"Now our regular source of customers is only the three sects on Dongxu Mountain." Yun Qing said.

"Sure! There is no food cultivator to attract people. If it is delicious, it will not make those foreign immortal cultivators miss it all the time." Lingzhu said.

Three years is a long time for Lingzhu and others, but for the development of a city, three years is still too short, and the three sects on Dongxu Mountain outside Qingfeng City alone are not enough to make it difficult. Qingfeng City has become a city with many foreign cultivators. Therefore, although the foreign immortal cultivators who came to Qingfeng City would come to Jixiang Xiaozhu to taste the delicious food, it was not enough to really whet the "appetite" of these foreign immortal cultivators and make them want to visit Jixiang Xiaozhu again.

"Fellow Daoist Yunqing, guess how many tables there will be today?" Xiong San asked.

"Two tables." Yun Qing said sincerely.

"Why guess two tables?" Xiong San asked again.

"Today is the day when Qiao Bai can taste delicious food. He will definitely come back today. As for the other table, no matter how bad the business is, there will definitely be another table, right?" Yun Qing asked.

For three years, Qiao Bai has been a die-hard diner of Jixiang Xiaozhu, as long as tasting delicious food can increase his power, he will definitely come here on time. Qu Wanying and others who used to be with Qiao Bai often, after a few months with Qiao Bai, gradually came less. After all, not everyone likes Qiao Bai's love for Jixiang Xiaozhu, they also need to retreat, and a retreat, one or two months is very short, ten or twenty years is normal.

"Three years as one day, this Qiao Bai can really persevere, do you think Mr. will accept him as an apprentice when he comes back this time?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"Difficult! When I followed my husband, he said he only accepted me as a maid."

Lingzhu's voice paused, and then she gave Xiong San a blank look: "I really don't know why Mister accepts you as an apprentice!"

"Could it be that my talent in diet is poor?"

Xiong San smiled at first, and then straightened his face: "What about me? For fellow Taoist Yun Qing, is it so difficult for you to call me Husband?

"Your talent in food and drink is not bad, but I always feel that it's not just talent that Mr. recruits apprentices for." Lingzhu said.

"Indeed, master has limitations in this respect, but I don't know what it is. Anyway, you all know that master has a past that we don't understand." Xiong San said.

"Perhaps the master will really accept Qiao Bai as an apprentice!" Yun Qing said.

"Yunqing, why do you say that?" Lingzhu asked.

"What kind of smart man is Mr.? He must have already seen that Qiao Bai wanted to worship him as a teacher. Besides, before Mr. left, didn't he call Qiao Bai into the room alone? Although we I don't know what they talked about, but since then Qiao Bai has always come to Jixiang Xiaozhu, at least I feel that Qiao Bai still has hope for apprenticeship. Although I dare not say that I understand Mr. There's always a feeling that Mister may have given Qiao Bai some kind of hope!" Yun Qing said honestly.

"It's relatively free anyway, if Qiao Bai comes to Jixiang Xiaozhu today, then ask him what he said to Mr. in the room that day." Lingzhu laughed.

"Xiong, have you met your two senior brothers?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"No, I just heard from Master that he has two apprentices ahead of me." Xiong San smiled helplessly.

There was no business, the three of Lingzhu were chatting in the living room, and after about a cup of tea, two people in the snow curtain came towards Jixiang Xiaozhu.

The people who came towards Jixiang Xiaozhu were also frequent visitors of Jixiang Xiaozhu, but they were not disciples of the three sects, they were two casual cultivators named Nan Chen and Xie Xian.

Nan Chen was Jixiang Xiaozhu's first immortal cultivator diner after opening in Qingfeng City, and later he brought fellow Taoist Xie Xian who was suffering from the 'rotten corpse Gu'. After Gu Zheng used dietary therapy to get rid of the 'rotting corpse Gu' for Xie Xian, because he felt that he had a relationship with Nan Chen, and because he sympathized with them as low-level immortal cultivators, he gave them jade slips about the ingredients. For three years, Xie Xian and Nan Chen were also regular customers of Jixiang Xiaozhu. Every time they came, they would bring some ingredients to Jixiang Xiaozhu, taste the delicious food by the way, and accumulate some immortal power.

"Several friends are here!"

Nan Chen and Xie Xian entered Jixiang Xiaozhu and greeted Xiong San and the others.

"The last time two fellow daoists came here, it should have been three months ago. They came to Jixiang Xiaozhu in such a short time. Could it be that the two fellow daoists got the ingredients again?" Xiong San smiled.

Compared with three years ago, Nan Chen and Xie Xian are very different, not to mention the internal improvement. Three years ago, Nan Chen and Xie Xian didn't even have a low-level fairy clothes, but now the two Everyone is wearing a high-grade fairy clothes, and the original mustard pockets have become a storage belt. This change is all because they have spent a lot of ingredients in exchange for a lot of fairy coins from Jixiang Xiaozhu in the past three years. for the sake.

"I'm lucky this time. Luohua County in Nanzhanbu Prefecture harvested a lot of ingredients, so I met a few fellow Taoists again." Nan Chen said with a smile.

"In such a short period of time, the two fellow daoists have fought back and forth, and it is indeed hard work!" Xiong San said.

"If you don't work hard, you can't do it! Now that the price of food materials has risen, if you don't work harder, how can you earn enough fairy coins for future cultivation!" Nan Chen said.

"Thinking about it is really emotional! Three years ago, the two of us were reluctant to use the cross-county teleportation array, and now it is common to use the cross-continent teleportation array, and look at the fairy weapons used today, everything is Thanks to fellow Taoist, thanks to Jixiang Xiaozhu!" Xie Xian said with emotion.

Xiong San nodded and said, "Let's see what the two fellow Taoists have gained this time."


Nan Chen responded, and poured out the resources in the storage belt.

There are a total of 252 resources, including 22 pieces of inner alchemy, 130 pieces of ordinary quality ingredients, 60 pieces of medium-grade ingredients, 30 pieces of high-quality ingredients, 11 pieces of high-grade ingredients, and 100 pieces of immortal ingredients. One piece of food.

"Yes, this trip has been very fruitful!"

Xiong San paused, and then said again: "I want all the inner alchemy, but I don't want the eighty-five pieces in the ingredients."

Xiong San picked out eighty-five items of common quality that were relatively common.

"Fellow Daoist, why is this?" Xie Xian asked.

"You also know that because of my master's absence, the business of Jixiang Xiaozhu is not very good. In addition, there are several jade slips sent by the master. In the past three years, Jixiang Xiaozhu has not only acquired two The ingredients sent by a fellow daoist are also buying ingredients sent by other sects. Therefore, there are not many fairy coins left by the master, and we have to be a little picky about the ingredients! This time, I didn’t pick two Daoist friends have medium-level ingredients, and when next time fellow daoists send over ingredients, the middle-level ones will be picked down a lot." Xiong San said.

Hearing what Xiong San said, Nan Chen nodded: "Then, fellow Taoist priests, let's make a price for these ingredients!"

Xiong San set a price for the ingredients, and the price was a little lower than the last purchase, but it was still for Nan Chen and the others to make a profit. Nan Chen and Xie Xian didn't say anything about it. After all, what Xiong San said was true. If they didn't sell these ingredients to Jixiang Xiaozhu, even if they could sell them elsewhere, they would definitely be cheaper than Jixiang Xiaozhu.

After completing the transaction of the ingredients, Nan Chen and Xie Xian ordered eight dishes and two soups. Now that the two of them also have fairy coins, they don't care about the cost of tasting delicious food.

"Fellow Daoist, is there no news of your master?"

Seeing that Xiong San was going to the kitchen, Nan Chen asked again what he would ask every time he came to Jixiang Xiaozhu.

"No." Xiong San smiled wryly.

Nanchen's eight dishes and two soups have not been cooked yet, and a new guest has arrived in the extremely fragrant small building, and this new guest is Qiao Bai who was guessed by Master Yunqing before.

Qiao Bai is a real regular customer in Jixiang Xiaozhu, after he greeted Master Yunqing in the hall, he ordered four dishes and one soup.

"Fellow Daoist Yunqing, do you have any news about Senior Tie?"

Qiao Bai also asked the same questions that he pressed every time he came over.

Without speaking, Master Yun Qing just shook his head, with a wry smile on his face exactly the same as that of Xiong San before.

Qiao Bai didn't say anything else, he stared in the direction of the kitchen in a daze, he was very yearning for the back kitchen, but without Gu Zheng's words, Xiong San and the others naturally wouldn't let Qiao Bai into the back kitchen.


After a while, a voice transmission interrupted Qiao Bai's thoughts.

"Junior Sister, have you just left the customs?"

Joy surfaced on Qiao Bai's face, and through the window of Jixiang Xiaozhu, he saw Qu Wanying who had arrived before anyone came.

"Yeah! As soon as I couldn't find you, I knew you had come to Jixiang Xiaozhu again."

Qu Wanying entered Jixiang Xiaozhu like a gust of wind, and there was some dissatisfaction in the sound transmission.

Qiao Bai didn't seem to hear Qu Wanying's dissatisfaction. With a smile still on his face, he looked Qu Wanying up and down, and then said via voice transmission: "Junior Sister, have you advanced?"


Happiness just flashed across Qu Wanying's face. Sitting next to Qiao Bai, she pleaded in her eyes: "Brother, don't come to Jixiang Xiaozhu so often, let's practice honestly! Three years In that time, the senior brother has never even had a decent retreat. Originally, the cultivation level of the junior sister was much lower than that of the senior brother, but now the cultivation level of the junior sister is already the same as that of the senior brother. Once you are no longer a brother."

"First, is it important?"

As if muttering to himself, Qiao Bai shook his head and smiled.


Qu Wanying called Qiao Bai through voice transmission, and even held Qiao Bai's hand with both hands and shook it.

"Junior Sister cultivates well, everyone has their own way." Qiao Bai said meaningfully.

"But can this road of senior brother work? Senior Tie never said that he would take you as his apprentice!"

Qu Wanying's eyes were flushed: "I'm going to choose a Taoist partner this year, if my brother can't get the first place, I-"

Looking at Qu Wanying who hesitated to speak, Qiao Bai was silent for a moment: "Junior Sister's Taoist companion is completely up to Junior Sister, if Junior Sister's standard for choosing a Taoist companion is to only recognize the first and not others, then I have nothing to say." explain!"


Qu Wanying burst into tears, and was speechless for a while.


Qiao Bai sighed, and raised his hand to wipe away Qu Wanying's tears: "It used to be my goal to be number one, but after seeing the magic of Senior Tie's way of eating, I realized what is my way. For some reasons, if you choose the first one, you can no longer pursue the way of diet, so it is worth noting that it is the first!"

"Don't say that senior Tie is missing now, even if he is in Jixiang Xiaozhu, he doesn't necessarily accept his senior brother as an apprentice. Even if he accepts his senior brother as his apprentice, how will the senior brother go in the future? Open a fairy chef shop? But this is How long has it been since? If you take the first place, although you have to give up the way of eating and drinking due to some reasons in the sect, as long as the senior brother takes the first place, as a senior brother, he will definitely be the suzerain of the Yufeng Sect in the future."

"You don't need to persuade me anymore, I've made up my mind! I also believe that my achievements in the way of eating and drinking will definitely be greater than being the suzerain of the Yufeng Sect."

Qu Wanying's words were interrupted by Qiao Bai, looking at the resolute Qiao Bai, the tears that Qu Wanying had just stopped flowed out again.

"You're a demon!"

Qu Wanying, who threw a word to Qiao Bai, rushed out of Jixiang Xiaozhu.

The communication between Qiao Bai and Qu Wanying has always been through sound transmission, which makes it impossible for outsiders to know what happened between the two of them, but it can be seen that there is a conflict.

"Friend Daoist, here comes the food."

Master Yunqing served Qiao Bai food, and at the end looked at Qiao Bai in a daze and asked, "Aren't you going to chase after him?"


Qiao Bai shook his head and smiled wryly, the delicious taste that was originally extremely fragrant and transformed into form was a bit unpleasant in his mouth.

"Tut tut."

Looking at Master Yunqing who had returned to the kitchen, Lingzhu spoke.

"What's wrong?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"Yun Qing, you can! You are not bothered enough about your own affairs, why do you want to take care of other people's affairs?" Lingzhu laughed.

"I feel a little bit of the same disease as Qiao Bai." Master Yun Qing sighed.

"Huh? What's the matter today, there are still diners at noon!" Lingzhu asked curiously.

"Isn't it good to have diners? It saves you from looking boring." Xiong Sandao who was cooking.

"Stupid bear, why do I feel that this diner is not kind? With a straight face, he feels as if someone owes him fairy coins." Lingzhu frowned.

The diner who entered the Jixiang Xiaozhu was an old man, with white clothes and white hair, he almost blended with the heavy snow outside, and his face was indeed serious.

"What do fellow daoists want to eat? The menu is on the wall."

Master Yunqing asked the old man in white who was sitting down.

"I heard that Jixiang Xiaozhu's food cultivation can increase the power of immortals, and it is more cost-effective than eating immortal pills?"

The old man in white had a cold face, and his voice was even colder.

"I'm really sorry, but our husband is the only one who can cook for food repairers. Now that my husband is away, Jixiang Xiaozhu does not provide food repairers." Yun Qing said.

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