"Can't you keep it? Fellow Daoist Tie, do you mean that this piece of wood cloud grass is going to be used in the cooking of middle-grade fairy fruit Shixiu?" Zhong Dong asked.

"Not really."

Gu Zheng shook his head: "It's just that if Fellow Daoist Final is willing to use Muyuncao as an exchange resource, I will add a special kind of fairy fruit to the fairy fruit food repair that Fellow Daoist Finalist ordered, which will make the original Thirty percent of the confidence becomes fifty percent!"

Zhong Dong's eyes widened. The original 30% chance became 50%. This is already a significant increase in the success rate. This makes him who wants to take a middle-grade fairy fruit food repair to trigger the chance, how can he not be tempted!

The wood cloud grass is also very important to Zhong Dong, so after hesitating for a while, Zhong Dong gritted his teeth and made a decision: "Okay, this piece of wood cloud grass can be counted as a reward for fellow Daoist Tie, but Zhong Dong still has it. There is one condition!"

"Fellow Daoist, please tell me." Gu Zheng said.

"I want to watch Fellow Daoist Tie cooking fairy fruit food repair." Zhong Dong said.

"Fellow Daoist Finalist should know the rules. If you want to watch the cooking of the fairy chef, you need to pay an additional price. Just like I cook the fairy fruit food repair for Fellow Daoist Finalist, if you want to watch it, you need to pay the total price. 10% of the value of resources is the price!" Gu Zheng said.

Guests have the right to watch the cooking of the fairy chef, which is also one of the rules of Jixiang Xiaozhu, but a corresponding price needs to be paid. There will be such a rule, not because Jixiang Xiaozhu wants to earn resources, but the key reason is that when Jixiang Xiaozhu was first built, the way of eating was not trusted by the world. There will also be some doubts, so for those suspicious diners, Gu Zheng also made such a rule, as long as the diners are willing to pay 15% of the resources of the food they ordered, they can go to the back kitchen to watch the cooking.

"Fellow Daoist Tie, can you be more considerate, this wood cloud grass is a very important resource for Zhong, and when he wants to watch Fellow Daoist Tie cooking, it's not because he has doubts about Fellow Daoist Tie, but because he looks up to the way of eating. I want to see with my own eyes the supernatural powers of Fellow Daoist Tie!" Zhong Dong begged.

Gu Zheng shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoist Final, although I also want wood cloud grass, rules are rules, and Fellow Daoist Finale is also a frequent visitor to Jixiang Xiaozhu. I hope Fellow Daoist Finale will not make such an embarrassing request. If Friends Final Daoist is really reluctant to part with Muyuncao, the middle-grade immortal fruit food cultivator can only give up."

"Okay! Then I'll pay fellow daoists for resources!"

Zhong Dong smiled, and took out part of the resources to settle the settlement for Gu Zheng. He is not the poor kind of immortal cultivator, and he doesn't care too much about the resources paid to Gu Zheng for viewing. However, things like resources don't come for nothing. Of course it's good to maximize the benefits for yourself.

After collecting Zhong Dong's resources, Gu Zheng didn't say anything more, and took Zhong Dong to the back kitchen.

"Wow, Fellow Daoist Final, are you going to watch Fellow Daoist Tie cook?"

"Fellow Daoist, are you going to see what the shopkeeper Tie cooks?"

"Fellow Daoist, you must have ordered the Immortal Fruit Food Cultivator, right?"

Zhong Dong is a frequent visitor to Jixiang Xiaozhu. The people who are eating in Jixiang Xiaozhu at this time are also regular customers of Jixiang Xiaozhu. Many of them know Zhong Dong. Now, seeing Gu Zheng take Zhong Dong to the back kitchen, they immediately started yelling.

"You guessed it right!"

Zhong Dong laughed, and he entered the back kitchen of Jixiang Xiaozhu under the envious eyes of everyone.

Gu Zheng brought the diners into the back kitchen, which surprised Xiong San and the others. After all, it has not happened for a long time that a diner wants to come to the back kitchen to watch the cooking.

Xiong San and Zhong Dong are the most familiar, he said with a smile to Zhong Dong: "Fellow Daoist Zhong, do you want to see what my master cooks?"

"Fellow Daoist Xiong, I want to watch your master cook middle-grade fairy fruit food repair!" Zhong Dong said.


Xiong San stretched out his thumb to Zhong Dong, he was sincerely praising Zhong Dong, after all, the fairy fruit food repair they had taken before was nothing more than low-grade.

"Awesome! This is just buying food cultivation with resources, like fellow Daoist Xiong, why haven't you taken food cultivation? Even if you don't take it for the time being, it will be a matter of time, and you don't have to pay the price of resources. This is something to be envied!"

Zhong Dong was very emotional, feeling that because he was not a member of Jixiang Xiaozhu, he would be shaken for life.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xiong San laughed, changed the subject and chatted with Zhong Dong about other things.

Zhong Dong and Xiong San were chatting, and Gu Zheng also started to process the ingredients.

This time, he cooked fairy fruit food for Zhong Dong. Some of the fairy fruits were provided by Zhong Dong, and some of them were exchanged for his resources.

Before, Gu Zheng told Zhong Dong that he would add a special kind of fairy fruit to the fairy fruit food repair, so that the success rate of cooking middle-grade fairy fruit food cultivation could increase to 50%. This is of course just a lie. He cooked middle-grade fairy fruit food Shuna is 100% successful. However, in order to get the end-winter Mu Yuncao, since the lie had already been told, Gu Zheng naturally had to cover it up, so he took out a strange-looking fairy fruit.

The weird fairy fruit looks a bit like carambola, but its shape is more complicated than carambola, and the grade of this kind of fairy fruit is not high, but its fragrance is very strong, so that its appearance will overwhelm the fragrance of other fairy fruits. covered.

The sound of deep sniffing kept coming out, not only Zhong Dong was attracted by the fairy fruit that Gu Zheng took out, even Qiao Bai and others were the same, it was the first time they saw this kind of strange fairy fruit.

"Fellow Daoist Tie, is this the special fairy fruit you mentioned?" Zhong Dong asked, flapping his nose.

"That's right, isn't it very fragrant?" Gu Zheng smiled.

"It is indeed very fragrant. I have never seen such a strong scented fairy fruit before. What is its name? What kind of fairy fruit is it?" Zhong Dong asked again.

"The name of this fairy fruit is 'Wangchen', and it is a high-level fairy fruit." Gu Zheng said.

"Advanced level?"

Zhong Dong's eyes widened, and Gu Zheng said that 'Wang Chen' was a high-level fairy fruit, which made him instantly feel that it was not a bad thing to exchange wood cloud grass.

"That's right, a high-level fairy fruit, using it in your middle-grade fairy fruit food cultivation, I also have the intention of perfecting the ultimate fellow Taoist!"

Gu Zheng looked very emotional, but he actually laughed in his heart. 'Wangchen' is the name he temporarily thought of for this special fairy fruit. In fact, this special fairy fruit is not called this, and it just has a unique fragrance. If you have to say Grade, then it can only be regarded as a middle-grade fairy fruit. However, this kind of fairy fruit itself is relatively rare, and the grade of ingredients is originally determined by him. He can say what grade of ingredients it is, and he is not afraid to find out after the end of winter. Fooled.

This time, the medium-grade fairy fruit food repair for Zhongdong uses a total of ten kinds of fairy fruits, and there are three other ingredients that go with the fairy fruit food repair. There are a total of thirteen kinds of ingredients, and the number is 18 pieces. After all, it is impossible to have only one fairy fruit for each kind, and some require several.

The cooking process of Xianguo Shixiu is not complicated, the difficulty lies in the control of the heat and the removal of the chaff and the essence in the cooking process.

If it was the past, this would be no difficulty for Gu Zheng, because the Eye of Dao knew what to do at a glance. However, nowadays, Gu Zheng does not have the eyes of the Tao, and in many cases it can only be done by experience.

For the three ingredients other than fairy fruit, Gu Zheng first steamed or roasted them for preliminary processing, and then mashed them into puree or ground them into powder for later use. Put water in the pot, put ten kinds of fairy fruits into it in order, and wait until the water boils, then put in the three ingredients that have been processed before.

The sound of 'cuckoo beep' kept ringing in the pot, and a refreshing sweet fragrance permeated the air. Even through the lid of the pot, everyone could see that the fairy fruit in the pot had been boiled. Turned into a red jam.

With his eyes closed, Gu Zheng used the Fire Control Art and the Water Control Art at the same time, causing the jam in the pot to roll at a constant speed.

"Fellow Daoist Xiong, is this mid-grade fairy fruit cultivator able to transform into an extremely fragrant form?"

Not daring to disturb Gu Zheng, he asked Xiong San via sound transmission in Zhongdong.

"I haven't seen Master cook a middle-grade fairy fruit food repair, but I think it should be extremely fragrant!" Xiong San replied through voice transmission.

"Will you be able to see this miraculous process when the fairy fruit food cultivator transforms into an extremely fragrant form?"

Zhong Dong asked again, this is the first time for him to visit the kitchen of Jixiang Xiaozhu, and he is inevitably full of curiosity about the miraculous transformation of Jixiang.

"can not be seen!"

Xiong San paused, and then said: "There will be a lot of white mist before Jixiang transforms into form. This white mist has the effect of covering the sight, unless the master is cooking with the lid on at that time, otherwise you can't see it at all." And, based on my understanding of the way of eating, the master would not open the lid of the pot at that time in all likelihood, and he would not want to know in advance what the final shape of the Xianguo Shixiu will be. "

"Why is that?" Zhong Dong asked curiously.

"There is no reason, just let nature take its course! Master can shape a food cultivation like this, or let it be shaped naturally. Compared with the former, Master's style prefers the latter." Xiong Sandao.

The sweet smell has become more and more intense, which makes everyone in the kitchen sniff deeply except for Gu Zheng. This sweet smell is so charming, it not only makes people want to drool, but also There is a feeling that people want to indulge in it.

Zhongdong was a little excited, such a strong fragrance made him feel that the cultivation of middle-grade fairy fruit food should be completed soon.

The feeling of the end of winter is not wrong, the fairy fruit food cultivation is indeed about to be completed, and now the pot is full of extremely fragrant white mist.

However, Gu Zheng told Zhong Dong before that middle-grade fairy fruit food repair is not so easy to cook, so he had to create a little episode to make what he said before more true.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The originally quiet pot suddenly made a movement, as if it was about to jump up from the stove. This was because Gu Zheng applied his immortal power to it. However, with the cultivation base of Zhong Dong and others, they couldn't see the problem at all.

"Fellow Daoist Xiong, what's going on?"

Seeing something abnormal in the pot, Gu Zheng also opened his closed eyes with a very serious look, which made Zhong Dong quickly ask Xiong San via voice transmission.

"I don't know either, maybe something really went wrong!"

Xiong San answered very seriously, but he was actually laughing in his heart. He had already learned through chatting with Zhong Dong that Gu Zheng said that he was only 50% sure of cooking middle-grade fairy fruit Shixiu.

Although Xiong San has never seen Gu Zheng cook middle-grade fairy fruit food repair, but he knows that Gu Zheng's cooking middle-grade fairy fruit food repair is something that can be easily obtained, so the reason why Gu Zheng told Zhong Dong like this is naturally clear at a glance. Therefore, when Xiong San answered Zhong Dong's question, he naturally had to cooperate with the purpose of Gu Zheng.

"Huh? Something went wrong?"

Although Zhong Dong had already thought that something might be wrong, after hearing Xiong San's answer, he was still a little hard to accept. After all, he paid a high price for this middle-grade fairy fruit food cultivation, and if he failed, he would definitely be depressed for a long time.

Seeing that Xiong San just nodded solemnly, Zhong Dong, who did not give up, once again sent a voice transmission: "Xiong Daoyou, do you think this problem may cause the failure of food repair and cooking? Why is there no problem sooner or later? What if there is a problem when you are about to succeed?"

Hearing Zhong Dong's voice that almost made him want to cry, Xiong San almost burst into laughter. He thought it would be a good pastime to tease Zhong Dong again.

"Variables often appear at unexpected times!"

Xiong San paused through sound transmission, and then said: "Fellow Daoist, I feel that there is a high possibility that the fairy fruit food cultivator will fail this time, because this problem is very similar to the food cultivator that the master told me about crossing the calamity! "

"Food cultivation to cross the tribulation? What's the situation?"

Zhongdong's sound transmission was trembling, not to mention that Xiong San himself said it very solemnly, just the word 'crossing robbery' alone, no immortal cultivator is not afraid.

"After the cultivation base of the immortal cultivator reaches a certain level, there will be a situation of crossing the catastrophe. This is a test for the immortal cultivator by the way of heaven! And the powerful food cultivation will also have this kind of situation, which is also given to it by the way of heaven. What a test!" Xiong San sighed.

Zhongdong's heart is bleeding, and if the immortal cultivator fails to cross the tribulation, it is very likely that he will end up in ashes. After the food cultivator fails to cross the tribulation, is there nothing left?

"Fellow Daoist Xiong, if the tribulation fails, will there still be some left over from food cultivation? Is there any possibility of remedial action?" Zhong Dong still did not give up.

"If the food cultivation fails to cross the tribulation, then this food cultivation will be useless, and there is no possibility of remedy." Xiong Sandao.

"Fellow Daoist Xiong, what if the tribulation is successfully crossed? Immortal cultivators who succeed in crossing the tribulation will enter a new realm, and their own strength will also become stronger! Will there be such a change after the success of food cultivation?"

Now that the failure was almost a foregone conclusion, Zhong Dong felt ruthless in his heart, and he even more hoped for a miracle to happen.

"That's for sure."

Seeing that Zhong Dong was almost tormented, Xiong San changed the subject and said: "However, fellow Daoist Final, don't give up hope completely, no matter how you say my master is very powerful, maybe he can really make the food cultivator survive this calamity Woolen cloth?"

Xiong San and Zhong Dong were chatting, while Gu Zheng was acting very serious, he kept suppressing the bouncing pot. However, a fake is a fake after all. It is impossible for Gu Zheng to have the vision of the real food cultivator crossing the catastrophe, otherwise he will definitely be seen through, so he plans to end here.


Gu Zheng spoke suddenly, and after making a strange finger, he pointed at the vibrating pot, and the restless pot suddenly became quiet. At the same time, under the pressure of Gu Zheng, the scent that had already started to fade, suddenly rose from the pot again due to the loss of continuous pressure.


Gu Zheng let out a deep breath.

"Fellow Taoist Tie, are you done?" Zhong Dong hurriedly asked.

"After a lot of hard work, it's finally done!"

Gu Zheng's face was full of emotion, as if he had gone through endless hardships and exhausted his efforts, but in fact it was not the case at all.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Zhong Dong's heart tightened first, and then he couldn't help cheering: "That's great!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and without saying anything, he immediately took out the food in the pot.

Although Gu Zheng didn't interfere with the transformation of the food repair, he also knew that the appearance of the transformation of the food repair must be the so-called "Wang Chen" appearance, because he had cooked the food repair with the same ingredients before.

Sure enough, the medium-grade fairy fruit Shixiu that came out of the pot did look like 'Wangchen', and the appearance of the extremely fragrant shape was also like 'Wangchen'.

The two 'Wangchen' were about the same size, but one was empty and the other was solid, but they were also very beautiful, and the sound of swallowing saliva was heard in the kitchen.

"Fellow Daoist Tie, then I will bid farewell now. If I can really enter the Daluojin Fairyland because of this, I will definitely prepare a gift and come to visit again in the future!"

Now that the fairy fruit food cultivation has been completed, Zhong Dong has no intention of staying any longer.

"I wish fellow Taoists to achieve their wishes, but there is no need to prepare for the worship service!"

Gu Zheng also has very rules in doing business, as much resources as he should receive, but if the diners thank him for it, he usually does not accept it. Even if it is particularly valuable, he will use other resources. Come for an exchange.

"Okay! Then I will continue to visit Jixiang Xiaozhu to show my gratitude as before."

Knowing the rules of Gu Zheng, Zhong Dong didn't say anything more, and left Jixiang Xiaozhu with his middle-grade fairy fruit Shixiu.

"Master, what's going on here? Zhongdong is going to use a middle-grade fairy fruit food cultivation to attack the Da Luo Jinxian realm? But there is a hurdle in the Da Luo Jinxian realm!"

Although Xiong San talked with Zhong Dong, he didn't talk about this matter, so he was more curious. In fact, not only Xiong San was curious, Qiao Bai and others were equally curious, but Xiong Sandai and the others asked, so they didn't open their mouths.

"At the end of the winter, he had a premonition of the sixth sense, and felt that a middle-grade fairy fruit food cultivation might allow him to directly trigger the opportunity to enter the Great Luojin Fairyland after his cultivation reached the peak of the Golden Immortal! Therefore, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money The price is to order a medium-grade fairy fruit food repair." Gu Zheng said.

"If Zhongdong can really become a strong man in the Daluojin Fairyland through this medium-grade fairy fruit food cultivation that Mr. has done, then no matter how much resources he spends, he can still earn it!" Lingzhu said with emotion. .

"I'm envious! It's good to have opened the sixth sense. Things like this have a premonition. It's really unconvincing!" Xiong San shook his head.

Seeing that Xiong San was full of envy, there was something that Gu Zheng had planned to do in a few days, but now he wanted to do it in advance.

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