"What is this place?" Gu Zheng asked.

"This is the Maosen tribe." Chief Crow said.

"No, I mean this space."

Seeing that Chief Crow was still a little confused, Gu Zheng asked again: "Is this a fairy array space, or a real world?"

"This is a real world!" Chief Crow said.

"How big is this world? I want to know the specifics." Gu Zheng asked again.

"This world is huge, but I don't know how big it is. People in our tribe only live in a certain area." Chief Crow said.

"Then you haven't walked out of this area?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Jie Jie, why do you want to go out? You can get whatever you want here."

Chief Crow's answer was tinged with sarcasm.

Gu Zheng actually wanted to ask how he could leave this world, but he knew that even if he asked, Chief Crow would not be able to tell him.

"Why do you call me an entrant?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"Because you don't belong to this world, what do you call you if you don't call you an entrant?" Chief Crow laughed.

"Has there been entrants here before?" Gu Zheng asked.

"That's right." Chief Crow said.

"Then others,"

"Others have died because of their disobedience!"

Chief Crow interrupted Gu Zheng's question: "You are a smart man. Don't inquire about some things that you shouldn't inquire about. You have to figure out your identity. You are a slave of my Maosen tribe. If it weren't for you, this chief would not Will talk to you so much."

"What do you need me to do?" Gu Zheng thought for a while.

"We don't have divine sense, so your divine sense is a good thing, you can help us mine."

Chief Crow laughed strangely, and then said: "If you are willing to work hard and complete the task I gave you for seven consecutive days, then I will reward you with a good thing."

"What good stuff?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Jie Jie!"

Chief Crow gave another strange laugh, then took out a bottle, and poured out a puddle of jade-colored liquid from the bottle.

After the jade-colored liquid fell on the stone platform, it climbed onto Gu Zheng's forehead like a living thing. Gu Zheng couldn't help thinking of a person, and this person was Qi Ling!

The moment Gu Zheng thought of Qi Ling, the jade-colored liquid bounced from his forehead, and then gave off a dazzling light, and when it landed, it had turned into a girl who looked exactly like Qi Ling .

"Ancient struggle!"

Jade Huaqi yelled Gu Zheng's name vividly, which made Gu Zheng's heart tremble.

"Asshole, things in this outside world really can't be measured by common sense. Just by staying on my forehead for a while, I can know the person I miss the most, and I can know my name, and I don't know this information myself. How did it leak out! However, this thing is really strange, even though I don't know what it is, I think it is definitely a good material for refining clones!"

Gu Zheng's thoughts were surging. He didn't lose his mind because the unknown liquid turned into a tool spirit, but he was thinking about the use of the unknown liquid.

"How?" Chief Crow said.

"Okay, tell me about mining!"

Gu Zheng wants to get the unknown liquid, but it is definitely not for her to become a weapon spirit.

One day's journey away from the Maosen tribe, there is a secret gold mine, and there is another associated mine called hidden jade in the mine. This associated mine called hidden jade will move, and only those who have spiritual sense can mine it.

Chief Crow set a task for Gu Zheng. He had to find five catties of hidden jade every day. Only when he completed the task would he have enough to eat. If he failed to complete the task, he would be whipped. Chief Crow planned to send someone to escort him into the mining area in half an hour.

When Chief Crow said that he would have to complete the task before he could eat, Gu Zheng suddenly felt a little hungry.

"Are you a little hungry?" Chief Crow smirked.

"It's true that I'm a little hungry. Is there something wrong with the milk you gave me?"

It has been a few days since Gu Zheng entered this world, and when he didn't drink the previous bottle of milk, he didn't feel hungry.

"It's like this. If you can understand the language of this world, you are now a part of this world. It's normal to have hunger."

When Chief Crow's words fell, the door of the stone house was opened, and an elephant-like spirit entered the stone house with a plate of meat.

The meat was roasted meat, and it was a whole animal. It was the kind of spirit beast that Gu Zheng had seen before, the size of a leopard and the appearance of a civet cat.

The meat was poorly roasted. Under normal circumstances, Gu Zheng would have dismissed such roast meat at all. However, in this current state, he actually felt like swallowing his saliva.

"This meat is poorly grilled, I can cook better food!"

Gu Zheng asked tentatively. If Chief Crow is delicious, then even though his body is very restricted in cooking food, Gu Zheng is confident that he can cook food that conquers his taste buds. Once Chief Crow is conquered by delicious food, things may change It will be much easier.

"Food is only for food. Why do you want it to be so delicious? Don't try to gain privileges by making better food. This doesn't work in our Maosen tribe!" Chief Crow looked at Gu Zheng mockingly.

"Then can I do it for myself?" Gu Zheng asked.

"If you can finish mining every day, I can allow you to make something to eat yourself."

Chief Crow paused, and then continued: "However, I advise you to eat these things first, otherwise you will not have the energy to mine. Once you fail to complete the task, the feeling of whipping will be uncomfortable!"

"Don't worry, I will complete the task!" Gu Zheng said.

"Hmph, some people will never know what it's like until they try the flogging!"

Chief Crow smiled, but he no longer forced Gu Zheng to eat the barbecue. He waved his hand at Gu Zheng, and one of the phantom crows that had imprisoned Gu Zheng's divine thoughts flew up from Gu Zheng's face.

"Remove your first seal, and you will have a part of your divine sense to mine. But, don't play any tricks, because there are still six phantom crows sealing you, if you want to escape, or if you are disobedient, You will know what it's like to be in pain. Well, take a break, and I will send you to the mining area in half an hour!"

Chief Crow finished speaking and walked out of the stone house, Gu Zheng was the only one left in the huge stone house.

Gu Zheng sat up on the stone platform and began to think seriously about his situation.

Although Chief Crow answered some of Gu Zheng's questions, Gu Zheng still had doubts about what he said. However, right now, people are swords and we are fish, and Gu Zheng can only take one step at a time.

"The things in the fairy artifact of the fairy-level space are really beyond imagination. I didn't expect that after going through life and death, I would become a slave."

Gu Zheng is really dumbfounded, but he is the kind of person who refuses to admit defeat in his bones. Since he was not directly killed by Chief Crow, everything will turn around. The comfortable life has passed for a long time, and it is time for some excitement.

Half an hour later, two elephant spirits came to lead Gu Zheng to the mining area.

The strength of the Elephant Essence itself is already in the realm of returning to the void. This is something Gu Zheng already knew when he was searching for the old tree of souls.

Following behind the two elephant spirits, Gu Zheng and the others began to move towards the mining area. If the two elephants are distinguished by color, one is a white mammoth and the other is a yellow mammoth.

"How many people are there in the mine?"

The two elephants seemed very quiet, while Gu Zheng tried to learn more.

"There are eight overseers in the mine, plus your six slaves."

What the white mammoth said surprised Gu Zheng somewhat. He thought he was the only slave in the mining area.

"The rest of the slaves, are they from this world, or are they entrants like me?" Gu Zheng asked again.


"Don't talk to him too much, so as not to lower your status!"

The white mammoth's voice was interrupted by the yellow mammoth.

"I don't mean anything else, just asking to know more about the mining area." Gu Zheng said.

"The person who killed us, I haven't settled with you yet, how dare you talk so much?"

The yellow mammoth turned its head abruptly, and its long nose was drawn towards Gu Zheng's face, which was blocked by Gu Zheng's arm.

Seeing that Gu Zheng blocked his nose, the yellow mammoth sneered and took out a bottle from his arms. The belly of the bottle seemed to be inlaid with a piece of glass, allowing people's eyes to see a piece of space in the bottle through it. I saw a crow turned into mist in the bottle, flying back and forth.


The yellow mammoth's fingers flicked on the bottle, making a sound like a bell. The crow in the bottle flew faster, and Gu Zheng felt an unbearable pain in his head.

"Don't try to play tricks. This is the way to fix you. Playing it once will make your head hurt, playing it twice will make you miserable, and playing it three times will make you wipe out. As long as you are still in this world, you will not be able to escape its sanctions!" The yellow mammoth said triumphantly.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, but gritted his teeth secretly, and he wrote down the account.

Along the way, Gu Zheng didn't speak any more, and the two elephant spirits led him for a day, and then came to the outside of the mine.

Today's landscape has changed from a forest to a mountain forest. The entrance of the mine is under a towering mountain, and there are two wild boar spirits guarding the entrance.

"Is there a new one?"

"Still a big guy!"

The two wild boar spirits guarding the mine looked Gu Zheng up and down.

"He is an entrant. He is not responsible for mining ordinary minerals. He is only responsible for mining hidden jade. He is tasked with five catties of hidden jade every day. He will have enough food to complete the task. If he fails to complete the task, he will be punished with whipping." The white mammoth said.

"It turned out to be an intruder."

The two wild boar spirits looked up and down again and started the ancient dispute.

"Black Hoof, take him in and tell him what you need to pay attention to when mining hidden jade. We'll go back to the tribe now," the white mammoth said.


The wild boar spirit with a pair of black hooves responded.

"Fang Fang, you may not know that this guy killed your brother outside the tribe!"

The yellow mammoth looked at another wild boar spirit with relatively long tusks.


The wild boar spirit called Fang Fang stared at Gu Zheng as if he wanted to eat people. It's just that Gu Zheng is a big guy. Compared with Gu Zheng, his height is about the root of Gu Zheng's thigh.

"Okay, let's take him in! Since he is already a slave in the mine, you can't punish him privately. If there is any problem because of this, you will be out of luck if the chief blames it on you." The white mammoth said.

"You can't punish him privately, so let's wait until he can't complete the task. Now I want him to know the rules. He must eat the whip before entering the mine!"

The fangs rubbed his hands on his thighs, and a gleaming ivy whip with barbs appeared in his hand, and he raised his hand and whipped towards Gu Zheng.


A very loud sound came from Gu Zheng, and when the ivy whip was withdrawn, it brought out a lot of sawdust.

The fangs were obviously pumping with all their strength, but Gu Zheng didn't feel much pain, which may have something to do with his strong body.

He didn't stop outside the mine, and walked into the mine with the black hooves holding down Gu Zheng.

There is no dampness and darkness in the imagined mines. The air in the huge mines is dry, and the glowing stones on the walls of the caves also provide sufficient light here.

As Hei hoof walked, he taught Gu Zheng the knowledge of mining hidden jade.

After about a meal, Hei Hoo led Gu Zheng to the bottom of a mine tunnel.

"From now on, you have to dig five catties of hidden jade in one day. If you can't dig it, you will be punished. Needless to say, you will have to go hungry. If you can dig it, you will have enough to eat. But , Entering the mine on the first day, there is no food to eat, the hidden jade you dug today is exchanged for your food tomorrow."

Without saying anything to Gu Zheng, the figure of Black Hoof quickly disappeared around the corner of the mine tunnel.

Gu Zheng found that Black Hoof and the others didn't mention food, and he wasn't too hungry. Whenever they mentioned eating, the feeling of hunger was a bit unbearable.

Suppressing his hunger, Gu Zheng didn't dig the mine right away, he was thinking about what Black Hoof had told him before.

In addition to teaching Gu Zheng the knowledge of digging hidden jade before, Black Hoof also told Gu Zheng one thing, that is, the mine does not work every day, and will take a day off every three days. , overseers and slaves will gather together.

There is a special day to rest in the mine. This is not because the Maosen tribe has good intentions, but it is just that that day is not suitable for mining minerals. As for why it is not suitable for mining minerals, Gu Zheng also asked about this, and Hei Hoo replied that that day the God of Mines would come out to exercise their muscles and bones, and they had to dodge for a while to avoid bumping into the God of Mines.

There are other slaves in the mine, which makes Gu Zheng a little happy. Some information cannot be obtained by asking the supervisors, but not necessarily by asking the slaves. However, there are still two days before the God of Mines comes out for activities today, Gu Zheng has to spend these two days well before talking.

Hei hoof has mining tools, and the mine line of secret gold is in front of him. Gu Zheng intends to complete today's task first.

The so-called mining tool is not a pickaxe, but a dustpan-like thing made of unknown metal.

Gu Zheng held the dustpan in his hand, and after the mana entered it, the size of the dustpan immediately became convenient.

Aim the dustpan at the mine line, and Gu Zheng used his magic power to push the dustpan, and the dustpan immediately pushed into the rock as if cutting.

Secret gold is a kind of metal that Gu Zheng has never seen before. If this thing is placed in the prehistoric world, it will definitely be the best first-class refining resource.

The ore piled up behind Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng, who was only in charge of mining, didn't care what to do with the ore.

A moment later, when the ore piled up into a huge pile behind Gu Zheng, a huge black beetle that looked like an elephant pushed the pile of ore out of the mine tunnel like a dung ball.

An hour later, Gu Zheng felt hungry again. With his current treant body, the consumption of mana had reached 70%, so he had to stop and rest.

I haven't met Yinyu yet, but Gu Zheng doesn't panic, because he knows that Yinyu is not easy to meet, but as long as he doesn't be lazy for a day and doesn't make mistakes in operation, the task of five catties of Yinyu every day can still be completed .

After resting for about two hours, Gu Zheng stood up again. The tree man's body made him look down on the recovery of mana. If he used his original body, even if the immortal power was exhausted, it would be half a half at most. Hours will be filled, and it will be like now.

Gu Zheng continued to mine, and his divine sense followed the mine line deeper.

This world already suppresses the divine sense, and the range that the divine sense can explore is very limited, and the range that can be detected along the mine line like this is even smaller.

Exploring while mining, Gu Zheng naturally wanted to find hidden jade.

After half an hour, Gu Zheng finally found the first hidden jade.

In fact, mining hidden jade is not complicated. The only thing to pay attention to is that when the hidden jade is detected by the spiritual sense, the hidden jade should be marked with the spiritual sense immediately, so that the hidden jade cannot move, or it will run away without a trace . There is no skill to mark Yinyu with a divine sense mark, the fight is whether the divine sense is strong or not, if the divine sense is strong enough, then the speed will be fast enough, and naturally it will be able to leave a mark on Yinyu.

Gu Zheng's divine sense was strong enough, and he easily marked the first piece of hidden jade. This piece of hidden jade was the size of an egg and weighed half a catty.

If the hidden jade is like this, and another nine yuan is added, Gu Zheng will be able to complete today's task, but before encountering the second hidden jade, Gu Zheng's mana will be consumed again and only 30% is left.

But this time, Gu Zheng didn't stop, because the exploration of his divine sense allowed him to find something in the mine veins, which should be the roots of a kind of tree. Sweet and juicy, it's edible.

When the mana was exhausted to only 10% left, Gu Zheng finally mined near the roots of the tree. I saw that there were many tree roots protruding from the mountain, and each one was as thick as an adult's arm, and the juice splashed everywhere after being broken.

They found food, but Gu Zheng didn't have fire. The treant's body was already afraid of fire, so he naturally couldn't cast any fire spells.

However, although the treant's body cannot cast fire spells, Gu Zheng also has a way to cook food.

Fixing the tree root in the void, Gu Zheng sat cross-legged under the tree root, the flower above his head bloomed instantly, and the stamens emitted a flame-like high temperature.

As time went by, the tree trunk was softened by the high temperature, and a sweet smell of roasted sweet potatoes permeated the mine, which also made Gu Zheng feel more hungry.

Can't wait to put the roasted tree roots into his mouth, Gu Zheng tasted the sweet taste like roasted sweet potatoes.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Zheng didn't know he was hungry. Even if he felt hungry, he would be full after eating something as big as a steamed bun. But now, his body is a tree man, and he ate a full fifty catties of things like roasted tree roots, so he didn't feel that hunger anymore.

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