
The fox ran to the meeting point and smiled at the supervisors.

"I thought you weren't coming!"

The eagle-beaked supervisor laughed strangely. Not only his hands were eagle claws, but his feet were also eagle claws. He raised one leg to catch the fox and threw it high.

"I just found another piece of ore, so I lost a little time."

The fox dropped a piece of ore that Gu Zheng had seen before in the air.

The eagle-beaked supervisor grabbed the ore, and then threw up the fox that was about to fall: "A small ore, you keep everyone waiting for you for so long, next time if you keep us waiting for a long time, I will piss you!" Get it out!"

The eagle-beaked supervisor grabbed the fox again and pinched it hard, but the fox didn't urinate, and stuck out a long section of its tongue.


The sound of strange screams sounded in the depths of the mine, and then there was another loud bang, as if something huge fell from the top of the mine.

"Okay, the mine god has awakened, let's leave the mine now." The big supervisor said.

The assembly point was not too far from the exit of the mine, and the overseer led the crowd towards the exit.

Lu Guzheng pretended to be inadvertent and glanced at the fox several times, but the fox didn't seem to notice.

Everyone quickly walked out of the mine, and the oncoming air became much fresher.

"Just rest here for a day, no one is allowed to run around!"

The big miner said something to the slaves, and then the overseers gathered together talking and laughing, while the slaves walked aside silently.

Among the few slaves, some were looking into the distance, while others were lying on the ground and rolling. Gu Zheng didn't want to be too conspicuous. After sitting on the ground, he lowered his head and fiddled with the vines on his arms.

Slaves were not allowed to communicate with each other, and soon there were snoring sounds, and among the sleeping slaves was the fox that Gu Zheng missed most.

"What the hell is this guy doing? Is he looking for an opportunity? Or is the light I saw last time just an illusion?" Gu Zheng thought to himself.

Time passed by little by little, and several hours had passed before I knew it.

A scent began to fill the air. It was the overseer in charge of cooking, cooking food for the slaves.

Gu Zheng glanced at the huge cauldron from a distance, although he also felt that the smell wafting from it was very fragrant, but it was a pot of food that didn't look good.

The sleeping slaves had already woken up, and they were all staring at the pot, salivating, like pigs waiting to be fed, including the fox.

Finally when it was time to serve meals, the overseer threw iron troughs, large or small, in front of Gu Zheng and the others, and food was poured from the bucket into the iron trough as if feeding pigs.

The sound of pigs eating swill continued one after another. Except for Gu Zheng, the rest of the slaves ate very well.

Seeing the rest of the slaves eating, Gu Zheng also got a little hungry, and he began to paint the roots brought out from the hole.

After completing the task ahead of schedule for two consecutive days, Gu Zheng felt that the supervisors would not say anything to him about baking food.

Sure enough, the overseers didn't stop him from grilling food, they just looked at him with contempt.


A slave made an indistinct voice to Gu Zheng, and through gestures, he was asking if he could eat the food that Gu Zheng would not eat.

Although communication among slaves is prohibited, such communication does not seem to violate the rules, and the overseers did not comment on this.

Originally, Gu Zheng didn't mind that the slave who begged him for food ate the food he didn't eat, but he didn't think it was right to do so! So, he kicked the iron trough into the air with one kick.

Sure enough, the supervisors all laughed when they saw Gu Zheng's actions, and those slaves, including the fox that Gu Zheng valued the most, all competed for the food on the ground like vicious dogs.

Seeing the way the fox stuck out its tongue to lick the food on the ground, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He thought he was being teased by a silly fox, right?

No longer paying attention to the fox, Gu Zheng began to concentrate on roasting his roots.

A sweet smell emanated from the roasted tree roots, a long section of which had been roasted by Gu Zheng.

For the sweet smell of the roasted tree roots, the supervisors showed that they were not tempted/tempted, which made Gu Zheng feel a little depressed. On the other hand, the slaves beside him looked very coveted, and the fox even stretched out its claws to beg him.

Gu Zheng was displeased with the fox in his heart, and directly opened its outstretched claws, which caused the supervisors to laugh again.

"These bastards are always observing the situation here!"

Gu Zheng scolded the overseers in his heart, picked up the roasted tree roots and ate them.

However, just when Gu Zheng was about to swallow the first mouthful of roasted roots, he almost didn't choke, because the fox's whining voice suddenly sounded in his head.

"It's so cruel!"

Gu Zheng was shocked by the fox's voice. He didn't expect the fox to dare to talk to him directly, and he didn't even expect the supervisor who had been paying attention here to behave like a normal person.

"Don't be too surprised, keep gnawing on your tree roots, the sound transmission I use is not divine sense, they can't hear it at all."

The fox's voice rang again in Gu Zheng's mind.

Gu Zheng's heartbeat quickened a bit. Could it be that things are really going to turn around for the fox?

"If you don't eat the food they give, it means that you have discovered some problems! If you don't give your food to others, it means that you are very cautious! Through observing you, I think you are a person who can communicate."

The fox paused, and then said: "If you want to communicate with me, then wait until you finish eating and enter the state of cultivation, then if you want to ask, just ask me in your heart, I can read minds. "

The fox's words shocked Gu Zheng once again. Apart from sound transmission, this fellow will not be discovered, but he can even read minds. This is really beyond Gu Zheng's expectations. It's great!

After eating the roasted tree roots at a constant speed, Gu Zheng seemed to close his eyes, but he actually entered the cultivation state of a cultivator.


After entering the cultivation state, Gu Zheng shouted in his heart.

There was no response, Gu Zheng shouted again: "Fox!"

"Where are you urging? I heard it!"

The fox's voice rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Are you from the prehistoric?"

Gu Zheng was a little excited. Being able to see a guy from the prehistoric in such a predicament made him feel like his eyes were watering when he saw a fellow villager.

"I know Honghuang, but I am not from Honghuang. The plane I am in is very similar to Honghuang. There are also immortal cultivators there. The energy in the air is immortal yuan. There are also heavenly immortals, golden immortals, and Da Luo Jinxians." Fox said The voice has infinite emotion.

Although the time since entering this space is not too long, Gu Zheng knows that more than a year has passed in the prehistoric world, and he also misses what the fox said very much.

"Even if you're not a fellow, you can still be considered a fellow in this ghost place." Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

"Indeed." The fox also smiled wryly.

"How did you come in? How long have you been here? What was your cultivation level before you came in? Is the fox your original body?" Gu Zheng asked four times.

"The fox is not my original body. This is also the body reshaped by the power of the law after entering this space. I am a demon cultivator, and my strength is equivalent to that of the early stage of the Golden Immortal. , I have been here for five hundred years, five hundred years!" The fox's voice seemed to want to cry.

"Five hundred years!"

Gu Zheng was shocked. The time in this space of five hundred years is equivalent to how many years in the prehistoric world!

"Have you been a slave in this mine for five hundred years?" Gu Zheng asked.

"No, I've only been a slave in this mine for eighty years, and the rest of the time I've been in other places." The fox said.

"What the hell is this place?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Here? You said that it is the inner space of the fairy artifact in the fairy-level space. You can say that it is a fairy array space, or you can say that it is a real world."

The fox paused, and then continued: "No matter what is here, getting out from here is not an easy task!"

"Then do you know how to get out of here?"

Gu Zheng's heart beat a little faster, he was really afraid that the fox would say he didn't know.


The fox's answer made Gu Zheng uneasy. This was an answer that he didn't dare to put much hope in, but he just got it.

"Can you tell me the method?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I want to talk to you because I want to get out of here. I've already stayed in this ghostly place enough! I'll tell you the method, but you have to do it step by step," the fox said.

"Tell me, how did you do it step by step?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"This is a space inside the fairy-level space fairy. It is said that it is the real world, because unless you can be as special as me, or stay in this world for a long time, sooner or later you will be assimilated by this world and become this world. A member of the world! Just like the slaves around us, including the supervisors we saw, they are not aboriginals in this space, they all entered this space through various channels, and then were assimilated by the space !Once assimilated by this space, you will accept the identity arranged by the power of the law, and stay in this space until you die. It is said that it is the space of the fairy array, because the fairy array has a way to break it, and there is also a fixed here. An escape method, but this method is more complicated and difficult!" said the fox.

"If you want to escape from this space, you must first escape from the environment we are in now, but we have already been branded as slaves. With this brand, it is impossible to escape from this mine, unless we die. "The fox said again.

"My brand mark can be resolved through Xianli. If you have Xianli power, help me dissolve the brand mark, and I will have a way to lead you out of this mine." Gu Zhengxin said.

"Don't be naive, our bodies have been recast by the power of the law, how can we still have immortal power! Don't say that your imprinted immortal power can be undone, and mine can also be undone." The fox said.

"Then what should we do? Are we going to ask these supervisors to help us remove the brand?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"It's not us, it's you! If you want to escape from this fairy formation, you can only be the main force, and I can only assist you. In addition, I am not looking for the overseer to help you remove the brand, but the mine god!" said the fox.

"Mine God?"

Gu Zheng was somewhat surprised.

"The Mineral God is a brutal spirit beast, and it is also a way of life that wants to break out of this space. If certain conditions are met, the Mineral God will help you remove the brand!" said the fox.

"Why am I the main force and you are the support?"

It is impossible for the fox to be whatever he says, and Gu Zheng also has his doubts.

"Because I'm not strong enough, my current strength is equivalent to the early stage of transformation, and I can't take on the big task of rushing out of this space." The fox smiled wryly.

"You are in the early stage of transformation, and my body is also in the early stage of transformation!" Gu Zheng said.

"As the saying goes, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. You see, I can transmit sound to you now, which should make you envious, right? And I can transmit sound to you precisely because what I practice is not divine sense! But , The special power I have cultivated has no lethality at all! Therefore, even if I can be unsealed by the mine god, I cannot escape the pursuit of the Maosen tribe. You are different, the divine sense you cultivate, your seal Once you are relieved by the mine god, you should not be afraid of all the supervisors here just by your divine sense, right?" said the fox.

"That's true, but Chief Crow can restrain my divine sense, otherwise I wouldn't have been caught!" Gu Zheng said.

"Mine God and Crow Chief are both the gates of life and death in this dimension. If you use the right method, you will live, and if you use the wrong method, you will die! If you can let the mine god remove the seal for you, then you have used the right method. As another chief crow from the gate of life and death, he also loses the qualification to hunt and kill you. This is the power of the law that he cannot defy. It is precisely because the god of mine is the gate of life and death that the supervisors do not allow us to contact the god of mine." said the fox.

"It doesn't make sense! If it's to prevent us from contacting the mine god, we don't need this mine. Could it be that ore is very important to Chief Crow?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"That's right, ore is indeed very important to Chief Crow!"

The fox paused, and then continued: "This space is very large, and the forces in this space are not limited to the Maosen Tribe. There is also a place called the Jinshi Tribe, and the people there are spirits that are different from the Maosen Tribe! Every six months, the Maosen Tribe will pay a tribute to the Jinshi Tribe, the tribute is the various ores we dug, if the requirements of the Jinshi Tribe are not met, then Chief Crow will die!"

"How can I get the mine god to help me lift the seal?"

After asking some doubts in my heart, Gu Zheng returned to the theme again.

"If you want the God of Mines to help you lift the seal, you need to give the God of Mines a potion, which is made from five things, they are: Watery Jade, Essence of Secret Gold, Glowing Silver, and Gold-plated Water , the fragrance of dark feathers." said the fox.

"I saw Shui Yingyu at Chief Crow, and he said that as long as I can complete the task for seven consecutive days, I will be rewarded." Gu Zheng said.

"Chief Crow actually said such a thing?" The fox looked a little surprised.

"Is it possible to become the watery jade that people think in their hearts?"

The fox was so surprised, Gu Zheng was also a little unsure whether the watery jade they were talking about was really a thing.

"That's right, that's Shuiyingyu!" said the fox.

"That's right, Chief Crow did say that!" Gu Zheng said.

"Great, it seems that it is really possible to get out from here! No matter what Chief Crow said is true or not, at least you have seen Shui Yingyu. This is a very good start." The fox said.

"Don't Chief Crow know that Shui Yingyu is the key item to open another door of life and death?" Gu Zheng was puzzled again.

"Chief Crow is the gate of life and death, and also a pawn. There are some things he cannot know. If he knows, it can only be said that the escape method I know is false, and the gate of life and death is also false. He is a pawn. It's still fake, everything is fake!" said the fox.

"Where did you learn all this?" Gu Zheng suddenly felt uncertain.

"Somewhere in this world, there is a stone tablet engraved with a heavenly scripture. The things I know are obtained from deciphering the inscription."

The fox paused, and said solemnly: "Whether it's true or not, this is our only way, unless you want to be assimilated by this world and be a slave forever!"

"That's exactly what it looks like."

Gu Zheng sighed: "Aside from the watery jade, what are the other things?"

"The essence of the secret gold is the essence of the secret gold mine. The possibility of encountering this kind of thing is extremely small. I was lucky enough to see it once. It is like a little metallic monster. If you really see it, Naturally, you will know that it is the essence of secret gold."

"Glow Silver is exactly the mineral I mined. Although this mineral is relatively rare, you don't have to worry about it. I will prepare it for you."

"The gilded water is in the wine pool and meat forest that the eagle-beaked supervisor opened for you that time. It is a kind of wine with a golden color, and you will recognize it when you see it."

"The fragrance of dark feathers, this is a very difficult thing to get! There is a dark feather on the crow spirit bead. This dark feather is like the reverse scale of a dragon, but under this dark feather, it will secrete something similar to Something like grease, this thing is called the Fragrance of Dark Feather. Before being assimilated by this world, the Fragrance of Dark Feather smells extremely foul, but if it is assimilated by this world and becomes a member of Chief Crow’s territory, Then the fragrance of dark feathers can have a great attraction to people, it is really fragrant! If you perform well in the mine, when Chief Raven feels that you have been assimilated by this world, you have a chance to get The fragrance of dark feathers."

Gu Zheng's mood became heavy with the fox's narration, just refining the special potion, not to mention some follow-up things, it can already be seen that this process is very time-consuming! He couldn't let go of his Jixiang Xiaozhu, but the reality was like this, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"After getting these things, how to refine the potion?" Gu Zheng asked.

"After you get these things, I will refine the potion for you. Then you just need to bring it to the mine god at the right time." Fox said.

"The Fragrance of the Dark Feather must be obtained only if Chief Crow feels that I have already been assimilated by this world! Taking the food they give is a process of accelerated assimilation, right? So how can I do it?" Like you, how can you eat the food they provide and not be assimilated by this world?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Indeed, eating the food they provide is a process of accelerated assimilation, but the assimilation is actually happening all the time, it's just a little slower under normal circumstances, just like you will be assimilated if you eat the tree root! If you don’t eat what they provide, don’t go to the wine pool and meat forest of the eagle-billed overseer to be happy, and keep like this, it’s only half a year since you’ve been assimilated by this world! You must be able to feel the pain now, and you will also feel that they Is the food provided to you more delicious?" asked the fox.

"It is indeed like this." Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

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