"The agreement has been completed, you can leave the mine now."

After the mine god finished speaking, his body disappeared in the mine tunnel.

Gu Zheng didn't hesitate, and immediately ran deeper into the mine. He already knew from the fox that there was another exit from the mine.

At the same time, the restless Chief Crow has led people outside the mine.


Seeing Chief Crow approaching, all the overseers who had been sitting stood up.

"what's going on?"

Seeing the overseer's complexion, Chief Crow felt even more ominous.

The overseer told Chief Crow about Gu Zheng's escape.


Chief Crow cursed. As a pawn, although he didn't know some things, he also knew that the God of Mines could help the slaves get rid of the brand.

"Don't worry, the chief. I've used the Raven Shadow Bottle on him three times. He should have died in the mine," said the big supervisor.

"I don't think he will die so easily!"

The bad feeling in Chief Crow's heart escalated again. He also took out a Crow Shadow bottle, and flicked it with his finger.


The crow shadow bottle exploded in the hands of Chief Crow, although it didn't hurt Chief Crow, but it also made his face even uglier.

"Chief, what's going on!" the big overseer asked hurriedly.

"Hurry up and hunt down Gu Zheng! He's going to the Green Sea Tribe now!"

Chief Crow screamed, that is, when the crow shadow bottle exploded, he also had a kind of understanding in his heart. He knew that Gu Zheng was going to the Green Sea Tribe now, and he wanted to get the "Green Sea" from the Green Sea Tribe. Sand', and then use the 'Green Sea Sand' to exchange for the Silver Bell Scepter from the Jinshi Tribe. Thinking of the restraint of the silver bell scepter on him, Chief Crow shuddered.

"Chief, won't you come with us?" asked the Great Overseer.

"Go away, I can't go now!"

Chief Crow is going crazy, this is his tragedy as a pawn.


Most of the supervisors went to chase the ancient war. The chief crow cursed at the slaves, and then turned into a crow and flew away. He had to prepare for this matter.

"Gu Zheng, I hope you have a safe journey!"

Looking at Chief Crow flying away, the fox murmured in his heart.

After Gu Zheng's treant's body was strengthened by the mine god, his traveling speed was also faster, but even so, it would take a certain amount of time to reach the Green Sea Tribe.

Gu Zheng already knew the route of the Green Sea Tribe from the fox, so there was no need to search the souls of the spirits to know the exact location as before.

Although he was traveling faster than before, Gu Zheng also understood one thing, that is, if Chief Crow sent people to chase him down, these people would still catch up with him. Because from the fox, Gu Zheng also knows another thing, that is, once his brand is removed by the mine god, Chief Crow, as one of the pawns, will have some induction and understanding, and he will know that he is going to the green The Hai Tribe will definitely send people to hunt him down.

The road to the Green Sea Tribe was covered with forests. After two days of driving, Gu Zheng stopped in the forest.

Gu Zheng stopped not because he got lost, but because he sensed the pursuers behind him.

"The one who should come is still here. I wanted to settle accounts with you after I got the silver bell and scepter, but since you have already chased me, let me show you your skills!"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, and sent out his mind to welcome the pursuers.

Now Gu Zheng's divine sense is no longer hindered, as long as the pursuers don't have any special skills, even the big supervisor Gu Zheng will not be taken seriously.

Shen Nian quickly approached the pursuers, and Gu Zheng found that the fangs were among them, so he immediately let Shen Nian slam into the fangs.

The people of the Maosen tribe are very sensitive to spiritual thoughts, so when Gu Zheng's spiritual thoughts were close to a certain distance, they immediately discovered it.

However, the terrain here is favorable to Gu Zheng's spiritual sense. There are too many trees around. Most of the Maosen tribe's people are huge, but their spiritual sense is only the size of a light spot.

Although Fang Fang became very cautious after discovering that the divine mind was approaching, the divine mind shot from behind a big tree still hit the back of Fang Fang.


Fang Fang screamed, and after the divine sense touched his body, it immediately showed a powerful decomposition ability, and a hole appeared in Fang Fang's chest.

Gu Zheng didn't hold back, so he knew that Fang Fang, the guy who had whipped him a few times, was bound to die, and at the same time he felt a burst of joy, Gu Zheng's spiritual light flew towards another supervisor.

However, Gu Zheng's spiritual attack this time failed to hit the target, and it was hit by a chain shot by the overseer.

Usual methods are useless against divine thoughts, but the chains of the Great Overseer can knock Gu Zheng's divine thoughts into the air, which is something that Gu Zheng did not expect before.

"Go and deal with his body, and let me deal with the divine sense!"

The overseer, who knows the power of his divine sense, has no intention of underestimating the enemy at this moment.

There were six supervisors in total, and the fangs had been settled by Gu Zheng, and the remaining four supervisors obeyed the command of the chief supervisor, and immediately ran towards Gu Zheng's direction.

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, and the light spot of divine sense was split into two, chasing the supervisor who was going to deal with him from two different directions.


A strange cry came from the mouth of the chief supervisor, and another eye appeared on his forehead, and a golden light shot out of it.

The appearance of the supervisor's third eye actually exerted a strong pressure on Gu Zheng's divine sense. Under the influence of this pressure, the movement speed of Gu Zheng's divine sense not only slowed down, even the original one-point Two, both had to be combined into one.

The speed of divine sense has been greatly weakened, and it is impossible to catch up with the other supervisors at the current speed. The situation seems to be very unfavorable for Gu Zheng.

However, the disadvantages are only superficial.

First of all, the overseer's suppression of divine sense is not as strong as Chief Crow. Although Gu Zheng's divine sense has been limited in speed, it can still launch an attack.

Secondly, the body of Gu Zheng's treant has been strengthened by the God of Mines, and it has gone from being equivalent to the state of transforming gods to the state of returning to the void. The body that is too controllable has become able to fight separately from the divine sense! The effect is like the divine mind of a cultivator, which has no connection with the body without the 'tail'.

"Let me see how good you are!"

Gu Zheng's divine sense was provoking the big supervisor, while his body was standing still and waiting for the other supervisors.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

There were continuous explosions. It was the sound of the Great Overseer's chain breaking some surrounding trees when it attacked the light spot of Gu Zhengshen's mind.

Although the speed of Gu Zheng's spiritual light is suppressed, it is also very dexterous, so it is not easy to be hit. In other words, although the Great Overseer's chain can deal with Gu Zheng's divine sense, its damage effect on the divine mind is not good. After it hits Gu Zheng's divine sense, the damage it causes to Gu Zheng is only a head pain! It's not easy to have a serious impact on Gu Zheng through this kind of headache, and to disperse Gu Zheng's divine sense light spot, he must hit Gu Zheng's divine sense light spot at least twenty times!

There was a time when he hit the light spot of Gu Zheng's mind twenty times, and Gu Zheng was also confident that he had already solved the other supervisors by virtue of his body. When it came time to clean up the big supervisor, it would not be so difficult to kill the big supervisor.

"Gu Zheng, I'm going to kill you!"

The other four supervisors were not too far away from Gu Zheng. Among them, the fastest eagle-beaked supervisor swung his claws like a storm towards Gu Zheng from a distance.

The Eagle-beaked supervisor once warned Gu Zheng that if Gu Zheng dared to play any tricks, he would tear Gu Zheng's body apart. At that time, he did have such strength.

But now, Gu Zheng's body has been strengthened by the mine god, facing the phantom like a storm, he does not hesitate to fight back with vines.

I saw that countless vines shot out from Gu Zheng's body, almost twisting into ropes to disperse those claw shadows.

The Eagle-beaked supervisor was shocked. He didn't expect that Gu Zheng's body could still move, let alone that Gu Zheng's vines could break up his claws.

Gu Zheng's vines scattered the eagle-beaked supervisor's claws, and it was a big price, as the broken vines fell all the way.

However, Gu Zheng's physical body is a tree man, and he doesn't have many other things. He doesn't lack vines at all. Moreover, the vines that fell on the ground, under his control, shot at the other three supervisors like arrows.

The strength of the eagle-beaked supervisor is equivalent to the realm of returning to the void, and the strength of the other supervisors is only in the realm of transforming gods. They are not as calm as the eagle-beaked supervisor when facing the arrow-like vines.

The screams rang out all at once, even though the other three overseers tried their best to resist, but after all, the gap in strength was there, and the arrow-like vines had already made them tired of coping, not to mention that Gu Zheng could control the monsters in the forest. Trees, so that in this forest, there are traps and enemies everywhere.

The big tree helped Gu Zheng hug two supervisors, so that they were nailed to the tree by vines, and the other supervisor was hanged by a branch of a big tree, and then nailed to death by vines. air.

When Gu Zheng eliminated the three supervisors, the eagle-beaked supervisor had already rushed to Gu Zheng's side, and his sharp eagle claws left shocking scars on Gu Zheng's body.

However, Gu Zheng has not been assimilated by this world, so this originally very fatal physical injury, Gu Zheng can't feel any pain at all.

"now you!"

The sound of wood rubbing came from Gu Zheng's mouth. He was finally able to deal with the eagle-beaked supervisor wholeheartedly, and his two huge palms were already dancing towards the eagle-beaked supervisor.

The eagle-beaked supervisor waved his claws to resist, but Gu Zheng didn't know the pain, so he was quickly caught by Gu Zheng.

"You want to rip my body apart, let's see who rips whose body!"

Gu Zheng roared, his huge palm grabbed the eagle's beak and tore the supervisor to both sides.


The exclamation of the Eagle-beaked supervisor soon turned into a scream. His body was out of proportion to Gu Zheng, but he couldn't resist the huge tearing force after all, and was torn in half by Gu Zhengsheng.

After getting rid of the eagle-beaked supervisor, Gu Zheng briefly treated the injuries on his body. Although he didn't know the pain, he couldn't let the body bleed too much, otherwise it would be very troublesome. Fortunately, the energy of the wood attribute itself is good at healing, and the juice that was originally flowing on the body was quickly stopped.

The body stopped bleeding, and Gu Zheng rushed towards the direction of the big supervisor.

The big supervisor has been entangled with Gu Zheng's divine sense. He has hit Gu Zheng's divine sense ten times, and Gu Zheng's divine sense has also hit his body, but his body is also very resistant to the divine sense. Sex, so that the effect of divine thoughts on the decomposition of his body is not particularly obvious.

"Go to hell!"

Gu Zheng attacked the big supervisor from a distance, not only the vines on his body shot at the big supervisor, but even the broken trees on the ground were all thrown at the big supervisor under his control.

The big supervisor is also equivalent to the state of returning to the void, and he can't ignore the attacks that Gu Zheng launched against him.

A scene of neglecting the other appeared, and when the overseer fought back against Gu Zheng's body, Gu Zheng's divine sense light spots also began to hit his body frequently.

Being hit eight times out of ten by Gu Zheng's divine sense light, the big supervisor is not afraid, but if he is hit too many times, he will also be injured, and his life will also be in danger.

Seeing that it was impossible to kill Gu Zheng in this situation, the overseer wanted to escape.

Originally, Gu Zheng wanted to kill the overseer after getting the silver bell scepter, but since he is so capable, let him die now.

Under the interference of divine thoughts, the big supervisor failed to escape, and was finally trapped by Gu Zheng's vines, and then hit by Gu Zheng's divine thoughts again and again, destroying his body's ability to resist divine thoughts. resistance.

In the end, the Great Overseer, like a fang, disappeared without a trace under the decomposition of divine sense.

"These damn overseers are finally dead!"

Gu Zheng was pleased, but he did not forget to clean the battlefield. He felt that all the useful things on the supervisors were taken away.

After cleaning the battlefield, Gu Zheng continued to move towards the Green Sea Tribe.

After ten days, Gu Zheng finally saw the Green Sea Tribe in the forest.

The Green Sea Tribe is also built on a huge forest clearing, the area is much larger than the Maosen Tribe, and it looks more prosperous. At least there are no earthen buildings in the buildings, and the worst is wooden buildings.

Gu Zheng learned from the fox that the Green Sea Tribe is relatively friendly, and the people here are more like human beings, so Gu Zheng went directly to the Green Sea Tribe.

There are two guards standing at the gate of the Green Sea Tribe. These two guards have bows and arrows on their bodies, and their faces are painted with strange patterns. They look about the size of adults, except for their feathery ears and pointed ears Except for the nose, they really look like people.

Seeing Gu Zheng approaching, although the two guards were on guard, they were more curious.

"Treant, are you the legendary treant?" one of the guards asked hurriedly.

"That's right, I'm a tree man." Gu Zheng said.

"It is said that tree people are friendly existences, welcome to our Green Sea Tribe!" Another guard smiled.

"The friendliness of your Green Sea tribe is spread far and wide!"

Gu Zheng was polite to the guards. He didn't expect that the identity of this tree man would make the two guards look at him differently.

"Excuse me tree man, what are you doing in our Green Sea Tribe?" the guard who asked Gu Zheng first asked again.

"I want to see your chief on something important!"

Hearing that Gu Zheng had something important to see the chief, one of the guards immediately led Gu Zheng to the tribe.

Gu Zheng just heard from the fox that the people of the Green Sea Tribe are more friendly, but he didn't expect that his tree-like body would receive preferential treatment from the Green Sea Tribe! Because when the guard took him to the chief's residence, the guard told him that if ordinary people wanted to see the chief, it would not be so easy at all, but he, the tree man, was an exception. Gu Zheng was also very curious about this, and he asked the guard why, and the guard told him that it was because of the chief's order. The chief once said that if a tree man came to him, the guard would bring him directly.

There is an old tree in the center of the Green Sea Tribe. The old tree looks very old. There is a tree house on the tree, which is where the chief of the Green Sea Tribe lives.

The guard called the chief under the tree and told him that when a tree man came to ask for an interview, the door of the tree house opened immediately, and an older green sea man with a pair of transparent wings, who looked very similar to the guard, immediately Flying out of the tree house, he is the chief of the Green Sea Tribe.

"A tree man, really a tree man!"

The chief of the Green Sea tribe was even happier when he saw Gu Zheng than Gu Zheng saw him.

"Does the chief know that I'm coming?" Gu Zheng couldn't help being curious.

"It is said that there will be a treant who will make the Green Sea tribe see the light again. I think you should be the legendary tree man!" the chief of the Green Sea tribe said happily.

"Oh? How can I make the Green Sea people see the light again?" Gu Zheng became even more curious.

"The flower of the sacred tree of the Green Sea has not bloomed for thousands of years. If you can make the sacred tree bloom, our Green Sea tribe can see the light again!" The chief of the Green Sea tribe pointed to the old tree beside him.

"I'm going to investigate this before I talk about it!"

Gu Zheng was excited, if the Green Sea Clan asked him, then things would be easy to handle. Moreover, the matter of asking him for help was actually related to his supernatural powers of the tree human body, which made him even more unexpected.

Gu Zheng put his hand on the trunk of the holy tree, and he immediately felt the joy from the holy tree and the need of the holy tree for him.

The excitement in Gu Zheng's heart was even greater. He could already confirm that through his tree-man supernatural power, he could renew the life of this dying holy tree. Once the lifespan of the holy tree increased to a certain level, it would bloom again .

"I can help the sacred tree bloom, but I also need something from the Green Sea Clan!" Gu Zheng said.

"Treant, as long as you can make the sacred tree bloom, I will give you whatever you want!" the chief of the Green Sea Tribe said proudly.

"I want the sand of the green sea!" Gu Zheng said.

"Although the sand of the Green Sea is the treasure of the clan, its importance cannot be compared with the sacred tree. I promise you!" said the chief of the Green Sea Clan.

"Okay, then it's a deal, I will help the sacred tree bloom now, but this process will take about a month!" Gu Zheng said.

"No problem, I can't wait to tell the news to the tribe!" The chief of the Green Sea tribe said excitedly.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the trip of the Green Sea Clan will go so smoothly, which is something that Gu Zheng never expected.

Gu Zheng has already begun to renew the life of the sacred tree of the Green Sea Clan. He sincerely hopes that this success will continue, and there must be no further changes.

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